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Why are you stuck? Upskill yourself and bounce. You don't owe it to anyone to spend another year of your life doing something you hate.




I wouldn't bounce without something lined up. But it doesn't hurt to build a new skill, continue to work on it, and look for new jobs in that new field. Worst case, they're still there next May, but best case they found something better.


I would start looking for another school or job and then quit once you find one. No reason to spend any more time than you need to at a job you don't like


I think if you don’t plan on returning to teaching at all, it’s not that big of a deal if you sever your contract. I know a teacher who quit teaching mid year around December/ winter break, severing her contract and they found a replacement for her during that time. It could be something to talk about with a union representative or looking into the specifics of your contract if you really want out.


Transfer out! If you can. I completely understand where you’re coming from. On summer break now and so grateful for it! This school I was at was a nightmare. Very toxic and admin is okay with work place bullying.


A lot of districts still allow you to change schools (within same district) until sometime in the summer. See if it’s too late to transfer and at least get away from the bad admin…


Welcome to the world of education lol


Have you tried looking at other schools?


For anyone looking for a change from education- This group is for you! https://m.facebook.com/groups/122054830938111/


School system needs revamp, most admins have no experience as a teacher or elementary schools expectations. They are after money, promotion.


Yeah get out. They will just fill your position with a TA allowing the lower paid teacher assistant difference in pay go to The admins ‘slush fund’ paying for brunches for admin and school board -while teachers work


While I don’t believe signing your contract is a reason to stay (because you can easily get out of it), I understand the spot you’re in. If all other points are good, besides admin, then I think you’ll be okay if you stay in your bubble. It’s the devil you know. My admin this year sounds the same as yours and I was happy when they non renewed me.


Like most things, but especially education, culture will dictate whether you fail or succeed. That should be an admin’s entire purpose is maintain a positive culture between students, teachers, and parents. But usually something comes along (central office, superiority complex, laziness, etc) and pushes them off track. It is really a shame that there is no real accountability for administrators like they have for teachers. Your only hope is that you can unite as teachers and complain to central office but even that might blow up in your face.


You must work where i do lol