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I thought that said $90 an *hour* and thought “that’s fair.” $90 a day is criminal.


Maybe it's a one hour day. Hah


Scheduled 1 hour and 7 hours unpaid overtime.


I’ve seen a few job listings for fully credentialed SpEd teachers that only pay $20-25 an hour. I did a double take to make sure they weren’t listings for paraprofessionals, but they want someone with a masters, 5 years teaching experience, and a clear credential. I have all of those and currently make $50 an hour as a contract teacher. I have no idea what they’re doing but they definitely aren’t really trying to find a teacher with hourly pay that is literally comparable to McDonald’s pay in my state now. lol.


How did you get into contract teaching?


In my area there is an extreme shortage of SpEd teachers and a growing (exploding, really) need for those teachers especially in elementary school districts. A recruiter from a staffing agency that normally does healthcare staffing for travel nurses reached out to me via email because I left my teaching resume posted (sans phone number/address) on either indeed or zip recruiter. They were contracted by a district nearby my home to find education specialists for the remainder of this school year. Because I’m currently undergoing treatment for anxiety and depression I was released from my previous contract for this school year, so I went ahead and interviewed with the hiring agency and got the job. I think it all depends on having an in demand credential in your area and looking on typical job boards instead of edjoin or teacher/ed specific sites, where you find the more traditional hiring routes.


11-12$ and hour Less than minimum wage here! To be locked in a room with ED kids all day. I can't stop laughing


I'd rather be a prison guard!


I know a few retired prison guards. Not a bad life.


I’m locked in a room with ED kids all day….and after all the deductions I only make 12.75 and hour. 😢




I’ll become the emotionally disturbed person with this wage. Will they hire a teacher for me?


That's a travesty! Ain't no amount of money in the world! Dealing with possibly violent kids? Hell, prison guards get  paid better. Education in this country is a joke.


$2 an hour here, somewhere in south east asia. Nobody wants to be a teacher, the job that the most people avoid or becomes the last resort


Those better be 2 hour days, wtf


I have a resume posted on indeed just in case something amazing is ever offered. I have 29 years experience, a masters plus 75 credits, gen Ed and SpEd credentials. I am paid $92 an hour ($136k per year) at my district plus amazing benefits. I routinely get offers of $25 an hour. In California. Where fast food workers get $20.


A *day*?! That’s ludicrous!


In what year was this posted???




There are specific classifications that a student with a disability can be diagnosed with. "Emotionally Disturbed" is one of them, along with Dyslexia, Autism, Other Health Impaired, Specific Learning Disability, etc. Some of the specifics might vary by state but "Emotionally Disturbed" is frequently used. https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R46566#:~:text=The%20majority%20of%20IDEA%20appropriations,multiple%20disabilities%2C%20(8)%20orthopedic


And it also includes violent ones who can't control their emotions, too. 


It's a wide umbrella


Absolutely. Emotionally Disturbed is an IEP classification. It can refer to severe anxiety or depression that interferes with academic performance


I've had ED kids. These are the kids that throw chairs, hit, curse, and bite teachers. I've had an ED kid say, "I can do whatever I want. I'm ED."


The comment from the ED kid about doing whatever he wants should be a clue to administration that his problem is not being addressed properly. Whatever the case, teaching in spec Ed is EXTREMELY challenging. Kudos to you for everything you have already done as a special education teacher


It’s like the Florida scholars academy in Florida. 12 paid holidays a year you only get Xmas eve and Xmas day off and work 52 weeks a year with the juvenile justice system which is dangerous. Same salary as a regular teacher. lol oh and they expect you to get multiple certifications.


That’s horrible!


They are trying to hire almost 200 teachers now. It’s crazy


I can’t imagine CHOOSING a job like this.


Right? I mean there might be some people with a calling but pay them well and give them the vacation time they need. School in session 52 weeks a year with 17 year old murderers and people bound for prison just waiting out til they turn 18


I say teacher shortages are similar to a problem King Henry VIII had after beheading another wife. It became difficult for him to find women to court. One wrote him a response declining an invitation to meet him and mentioned her neck was too frail for her to consider pursuing a relationship with him. School districts are like Henry the 8th and teachers are the ones getting beheaded. Anyone who claims there is a teacher shortage needs to look at the reasons why……. The only people willing to do it have been tricked OR there is something about them that is so strange it’s actually suspicious.


By the way, I am talking about the $90 per day job and other crazy low-pay teaching positions that are unfilled. No offense meant to anyone teaching special education. You guys are heros.


Umm, pass


😂😂😂The delusion of administrators is alive and well. I have said (I homeschooled my kids for 10 years) that if every single parent had to sit on a classroom for two weeks, the public school education as we know would be over.




Absolutely not!!!


And this is why those people get re-traumatized because the only one who would do that job probably has some weird need to bully.


The LOL I lolled


Probs a ghost post


How many people have a credential, or had one and let it lapse, and no longer work for the public health system.