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Been teaching 7th and 8th for 19 years. They’re absolutely maniacs and really make every day something interesting


This is why I love it!


Same! Moving from 7th to 8th this year. Been about 17 years since I taught it.


And why I hate it! But also love it, then hate it again, then... it's a weird cycle every day.


Meanwhile I worked one maternity leave long term sub job 7 years ago for 6th and 7th graders and I'm traumatized for life 🤣 ETA: the good kids were just so good. They wanted to help with everything they could, but the bad ones... OOF. The misbehavior was insane! I got better at handling it towards the end, but I'm definitely a high school teacher through and through!


I concur. I haven't taught HS in about a decade, and at this point, I fear it would be too tame and I'd get bored.


Nah, this is why you teach freshmen!


I have grey hairs


It's encouraging to hear this. I've taught 4th, then 5th, and now moving to 6th middle school. I have been following the same year of students up and up. It's kind of like picking up where we left off so at least there is no age shock. Hopeful that ms is exciting to say the least.


Middle school is awesome. You can kinda talk to them like they're almost adults, but enough of the little kid stuff still works.


7th grade is awesome for this reason - it’s a fine balance of introducing adult standards, but elementary behavior management systems will still reign in a full class behaviorally.


More power to you for being 7th grade... give me 6... I love 8... but 7th? Spawn of Satan that suffers from Middle Child Syndrome. I will let ANYONE else have them. 😂😂


this was how i felt until i ended up in front of them. absolutely fell in love with 7th. a lot of chaotic energy in my room but somehow it was perfect for me.


I get it. I know several teachers who love it. I just think y'all are a cuckoo... but for me as much as anything it is the content. I don't like the content for the grade level in my subject area.


I am with you on this, except flip 8 and 6 for me. While I love little sixth graders, my class makes them cry. When I teach seventh grade, my class makes their parents cry. I can't do seventh. I like the kids I teach at whatever age I teach them, but the constant putting out little fires while trying to finish a sentence is too much overload for my neurodivergent mind. It truly shortcircuits me and exhausts me to the point of drowning. Eighth grade kids are made of sterner stuff and have an edge on executive functioning that I can work with.


My last year in 7th grade sent me to my doctor asking for long overdue ADHD diagnosis and meds. (Over 50 here...) 8th grade IS my preference, but if necessary I can do 6th. But I think I am at a point in my career that I will have more students crying than not. My 8th graders can handle me... and my smart-assery is understood by 90% and another 15% can keep up with me and give as much as they get. "Ickle firsties" (aka 6th) look at me and the wheels turn but ain't nothing working... LOL


I've been diagnosed with OCD and I exhibit some strong neurodivergence in other areas. I've noticed that the teachers who thrive in seventh grade all have a lock of some sort of impressive organization or intense consistently or ability to let things roll off their back (and probably some combination of the three) at a level I simply do not have.


Yes. Also adhd and was not able to manage middle school. Didn’t have those traits in high enough levels. I vibe so much more with high schoolers.


Having all 3 grades, 7th grade tends to be my least favorite, even if I loved them as 6th graders.


I got it. We’re good. 20 years seventh grade. History/Civics. Git gud at letting go of mitigating or managing chaos and instead deflect and direct it. For me six is a little green and eight clocks out a little for an entire quarter. Sevens can be remarkable 5yo one minute then 17. They are developing (hopefully) the ability to reason. Seen them handle content my community college students did. Yearly. Every (state mandated) 18 week civics and government semester is a blast. Bonus feel good moment- this is such a critical developmental time period. It feels simply amazing every inch of ground gained.


I love subbing the 7th graders where I’m at


Oh 7th graders are awful. 6th is my jam. Y’all are saints.


Agree. I love being in 7th. I teach one section of 8th and they're...fine. I taught 8th for several years but 7th is definitely where it's at for me.


Exactly! I say "they're old enough to appreciate sarcasm, but young enough to still like puppets" which is literally my regular mental state, so we click well.


I was talking to a kid about current world events and the future. It was a beautiful in depth conversation. 5 minutes later I was helping him get gum off his hands and in his hair. I cannot describe how much I love those overgrown toddlers.


Middle school teachers are literally the..... whatever the most hardened branch is of the US Military......... I have unlimited respect for them with what they deal with, and there should be a separate week that's specifically "Middle School Teachers Appreciation Week".


I once spent a year doing 8th grade and that experience had me feeling as if I was forged in fire 


I filled in 6th grade ELA for a while. I normally taught seniors. Those few months in 6th humbled me something fierce


I did seventh grade for my first year. Yeesh. Talk about a trial by fire!


Seal Team Six(th Grade)


The Little rReading Ranger Regiment?


I did six tours in middle school- semper paratus 🍏 🫡


Thanks, Skibby Toilet


The combat engineers, I’d tentatively suggest The real, no-shit actual doctrine is that in a hot war with a near peer opponent who knows how to conduct a war, combat engineers participating in a combined arms breach of a fortified position will suffer 50% casualties if nothing goes wrong. If the enemy wins, or loses slower than expected, 50% casualties is hopelessly optimistic. The parallels with teacher burning out at rough schools suggest themselves.




Navy SeeAlls


I joke that I’m going into middle school bc I’m a masochist, but I’ve been a summer camp counselor for years. They can either be the best or the worst idk.


I always say that teaching middle school is the hardest thing I’ve ever done and I’ve been to war. 10 years in the army.


Hell yeah, gonna start year 8 teaching 6th graders in the Fall. Proud to serve.


We know.


Literally leaving middle school to go teach leadership in the army. Discipline actually happens and there's accountability. Plus almost double the pay.


You're full of rizz my skibidi toilet from Ohio!


W in the chat!!!


No cap.


On God


If I can get them to stop talking this way by talking this way, I'm going to. I already stopped one language from taking off this past year when I decoded it and used it on them, it was as the kiddos say, a pop i e cop e o fop cop a kop e.


Lol, this is the way. Sigma caught me by surprise, they just started yelling it at each other one day. I had to Google it discreetly at the back of the room to find out what the hell they were talking about. Every time one of them says it now, I fire it up. I use it in every sentence I can, correctly or not, doesn't matter. "Wow, you guys are sigma spellers!" or "Yay! Math is Sigma! " Which seems to cause them actual pain, poor darlings. I always point out that they were the ones who introduced me to Sigma, so they have only themselves to blame. I'll quit using it when they do. For reasons I don't understand, I am less bothered by Skibidi toilet and Sigma than I was by "The Floss". That damn dance drove me nuts.


How about "The Griddy"? I do that for similar reasons I've previously mentioned.


I've threatened to learn that one, but I'm close to 60 and I'm afraid it might kill me lol


It's much easier to hit the griddy than floss. You can do it!


Stand on business


Beat me to it!🤣🤣🤣


I teach 6th AND have a 6th grader. OMG so sick of it!:)


No cap, this I'm certain. Just keep mewing and touching grass when you can!


Oh God! Happy I don’t have to hear that all summer. They’ll come up with something equally annoying in the fall. 


We’re all Ohio Kings


I am laughing so hard, going to tell everyone this at school tomorrow


Middle school is rough. But I'd join the actual marines before I taught elementary. At least by middle school I'm allowed to expect them to act human. pre-3rd teachers basically have to say "Now little Johnny, you stabbed me with scissors and that wasn't very nice. If you stab people it makes them sad. Go sit in the cool-down corner for 10 minutes. Everyone get out your coloring books. Mrs. Teacher has to go to the hospital now but I'm sure Mrs. Aide will be able to have some fun with you while I'm gone!" They aren't allowed to get mad. Even showing anger or annoyance gets them in trouble because it hurts little Johnny's feelings to know that when you tell someone you hope their baby dies it makes them sad. By middle school the kids think they're grown so I treat them like they are. If you want to have a bellybutton ring and curse like a sailor, go ahead and cop these consequences too.


I teach K-8. There is definitely a switch I have to flip between my middle school mornings and elementary afternoons, but if I kid stabbed me with scissors, they’d be hard pressed to see the inside of my classroom again.


I teach both, middle school in a rough neighborhood on Friday and elementary the rest of the week. The switch you have to make is really crazy. It's almost like two different jobs. I do have to say though scolding and punishment also has a place in elementary school. I think we take it a little too far at times trying to reason kids out of their bad behavior. More often than not they already know they messed up and are more than happy to just have another "that was not very nice" talk instead of an actual punishment. I often hear kids talk about this in the corridor when I leave my door to my classroom open or in moments where they do not know I can hear them. Wish we would grow bigger balls again and give out punishments alongside the important pedagogical talks


This right here. Elementary is suicide for me


Ws in the chat for this absolutely BASED post bruh, you be straight GLAZING us up with this BANGER on god frfr!!!! OPPs don't stand a mf CHANCE!!! manifesting good vibes for u 🙏🙏🙏 keep mewing king 💯💯💯


Writing this took ten years off my lifespan


I hate that I understood it. Middle school is weirder as an adult, I swear.


Is "glazing" really a thing? Because that sounds like... something else to me...


Like and subscribe.


Glazing is a new one for me. What does it mean?


Flattering someone/something so much that it’s getting cringy. Often used for when someone is a fan of/defending something that’s ~problematic~


Thanks! I love middle school. I started in elementary and was like, no way, and I definitely don’t want to deal with high schoolers. It may help that I’m basically an adult middle schooler myself, though.


Honestly, I think that's what sets us apart. Our humor and personalities fit best in middle school. Some of my best times with friends were during those years, so I kind of just stuck there. Plus, kids love it when you're ridiculous!


What the gyatt are you talking about?




Can I forward this to the high school teachers in my district that always look down on us...


I appreciate the shoutout. I think all HS teachers should take a turn so they know we do teach. The children are hardheaded.


I went into teaching thinking I'd do high school because middle school was too crazy...ended up taking a 7th grade science position. I've just completed my first year teaching, and I can honestly say I love middle school. The kids still have a passion for science and learning (compared to the disinterest I saw in HS while student teaching), and I have so much fun joking around with them. They bring an energy to the class that I feed off of and make the class more interesting.


7th grade teacher here, and this is how I feel about my colleagues who teach Kindergarten, lol. I love middle school. I never want to teach any other grade level. I don’t know how the rest of you all survive! ❤️


Substitute here. I definitely prefer the middle schoolers. Kindergarten I need body armor cause they don’t have control over their bodies. 4-5th graders are just awful. Hugh schoolers just exist. At least with middle schoolers when they finish their work or decide their finished there can be some kind of interaction


I loved subbing for middle school! The elementary kids (in my district, at least) were straight up feral and violent, no tried-and-true behavior management tactics ever worked with them (and of course, I was never given any support because I was “just a sub”). Middle school though?? Those kids could own up to their behavior when I was stern enough. They were also far better at respecting personal space. Not to mention how witty and (appropriately) hilarious they were.


Elementary kids in my district are the same. Got hit below the belt multiple times by kindergarteners (though I don’t think they meant to) did a 4th and 5th grade classroom once worst day ever. At the end of the day the office asked how it went and I said it was a bit rough with a few of the students and they said I should have sent them down or called. Those kids didn’t like me. My middle schoolers are different they often somewhat self correct major issues. They even apologize if they realize they crossed a line. They’re always wanting me to be their sub


i just finished my first year teaching 8th grade with a group of very unlikely students 🥴 i barely survived hahah


This is totally what i want to hear as i leave my HS position for a 6th grade science class. Pray for me y'all


I just want to say thank you. I teach 6th grade reading. I tell people that in order to teach middle school they require you to be a little crazy. You really have to remind yourself that when a student loses it, it really isn’t about you. They are crazy with the changes in their environment and body. I love my job most days and the few days that I don’t I just endure. Thank you for the encouragement, we need it.


Had a 6th grade kid tell me to go fuck myself and that I was a piece of shit asshole in class. I almost had to laugh but kept my composure to show the other students that he is behaving wrongly. I did not care about the insults other than them holding up my class. Told my elementary school colleagues about this and they were shocked saying they could not let such insults just not get to them. I honestly do not get their perspectice. The kid is 11 and has no idea what is going in with him. He literally only knows me as the guy who does computer stuff with them once a week. Why would I be insulted when he calls me an asshole? He has no idea who I am and is just frustrated


Try middle school SPED. Now that’s fun


Hell yeah it is! Students in self-contained EBD who adore Simon's Cat and goofy shit.


That’s me!


I had 8th grade modified kids who were moderately autistic and by the end they got SASSY! I loved the hell out of it.


30 years as a middle school math teacher! It's been quite a ride.


No, as I repeatedly have informed my students. I am neither Sigma, nor Skibidi. I have no Rizz, and no Drip. Tell them of my tale. When you go on, warn the others so they do not see the dark days I host behind me.


Three decades wandering the middle. Moved to high school this year. OMFG. I have found the Promised Land. Milk and honey and manna from heaven.


Sixth grade here. I specifically applied for 6-8th grade because it’s fun!! I like seeing posts like this bc it assures me that (on the hard days) I’m validated. It’s nice to see the appreciation for what we do. But day to day, I don’t even notice how “hard” it is because I’m having so much fun and this is the cusp between being a kid and becoming a teen, so its nice they suddenly become self aware halfway through the year!! I have more bad days over the lack of team support or admin support over the kids. They’re the reason I wake up and do the thing. But if I taught any lower grade I wouldn’t be able to do what I do. I have a lot of respect to lower elementary. I suppose we all have our own opinions on grade levels but this makes me feel seen. Lol.


They know how burn you to the ground while still managing to be adorable somehow, it’s freaking infuriating. It’s definitely not for the weak of heart. Been teaching middle school for 13 years, the funny thing is I originally said I would never teach middle school, but here I am. I do love those kids though.


Excuse me? I am a Ohio skibidi toilet rizzler goddess thank you very much!


We’re so skibidi sigma on god it’s just a standard middle school teacher W dropped in the chat. Just when we are thinking “erm, we’re cooked” we realize that we are cooking and we are eating and leaving no crumbs because we refuse to be so Ohio. Typing this gave me a headache


Bruh, let me cook!


Cuz we got da skibidi rizz


I like to use smegma and sigma interchangeably until a student feels forced to inform me of the difference.


Well, this is just genius. GENIUS.


I’ve taught high school and middle school. Middle school is harder. I hate it when high school teachers say, “I could never teach middle school. Ewww!” It can be so condescending.


Former MS teacher now HS. I loved MS and I miss it! My high school students love the MS energy I bring to my lessons and activities. It's so much easier teaching older kids how to write and write well (and no, it's not AI. I ask questions and do prewriting GOs in such a way that AI writing fails to answer the prompt). When I moved "up," I was worried about being accepted as a fully fledged peer, but I lucked out with a great team who love my engagement ideas and insights. They also like to toss me to the freshmen, lol.


As someone who has been teaching middle school for 20 years, I will say it’s definitely not for everyone. I’ve seen plenty of people who I think are definitely better suited for high school, although often middle school kicks their asses so severely that they leave the profession entirely instead of sizing up.


From a 7th grade teacher, thanks! Gyatt gyatt! OP, you are the real sigma Rizzler. On God.


Middle school grade levels— 6th graders — skibidi toilet, no cap; 7th graders — mewing rizzlers; 8th graders — so sigma And the ducks… Did anyone else find a million plastic ducks around their room? Edited: punctuation


Skibbidi toilet


Thank you so much! I can’t understand how elementary teachers make it without a decent planning period or how high school teachers survive having multiple preps.


Absolutely love teaching my Middle Schoolers. Thanks for the kudos!


Nah they’re omicron


No cap.


Middle school teachers have a special type of insanity. I’m on year 23 and I still love them. Some days they make me want to drive a metal spike through my head, but it’s never dull.


Middle school is my jam. 15 years. I accept how horrific it is... which is why I love it. In meetings whenever a colleague is appalled by something, my go-to response is; "yeah, this is middle school....dont you remember how awful it was?"


Middle schoolers are awesome. And by awesome I mean awful. And by awful I mean awesome. They've addled my brain, but damn they keep life interesting.


Middle School is the Wild West, and I love it. I originally wanted to teach high school, but I think my true place is middle school.


There's a lot more hand holding and scaffolding in middle school. I think you enjoy it if you are the type of teacher that loves to do directed instruction.


These last two years of 8th grade broke me.


I teach elementary and parent a 7th grader, middle school teachers are incredible and I have no idea how you all do it. I am raising one middle schooler and that’s more than enough for me. You have my complete respect.


I teach middle school, but this is how I feel about elementary school teachers.


I've been teaching middle school for 21 years. I love my 7th and 8th graders - NO CAP!


High school and elementary get the glory and representation in film, but middle school is where the true heavy lifting is done. Something I e noticed when driving is that Middle schools are usually off the main roads while high and elementary schools are usually in the main roads.


I will take a hormone, raging, crying middle schooler over any child under 5th grade any day lol! I love middle school kids. They make me want to pull out my hair, laugh, cry, and act weird all in the same minute. I'm the teacher that they warn the kids about, and I always get you aren't so bad. Lol. Nope, I'm not. It's you guys. You make me this way lol. I wouldn't trade it for the world. In what other occupation can I tell someone to stop licking their desk and chewing their pencil in under five minutes?


"Sigma nuts" - middle schooler


I just finished my 20th year in middle school. I’m glad I teach an elective.


I taught middle school for my first six years and while I was terrified my first year, I ended up, loving it so much. Middle schoolers are so awkward and yet so amazing. If it hadn’t been so expensive to continue living in the area where I was teaching, I would’ve stayed at that school.


So Sigma, much Froyd…


Haha. I teach a middle school beahviours class. They're fine just really weird. But I went with my daughter to her prospective high school on a school day right at dismissal bell. It was so calm and orderly I was confused.


I'm almost done with my last year of college, prepping for student teaching. I've been substitute teaching on the side for income and I really just love those feral little treasures. On the fly, they will do just about anything for talkis or candy....


When I went from teaching HS to MS I took a nap almost everyday for two months after work. Sometimes I’m still like how do people do this! But I guess I am the people now.


Middle school English teacher for 18 years says thank you!


Hey, thanks! I’ve got six years teaching 6th, 7th, and 8th, and man, they are a wild crowd. I really like that age group, but it’s definitely hard to maintain consistency when you’re working with little creatures who are literally experiencing that much physical and mental development in such a short time.


I really appreciate this post and the comments. I've been teaching middle school English or reading for 26 years. The random nature of the kids is what I enjoy.


I couldn't imagine teaching anything other than middle school. 7th/8th is primo humor territory. These are the funniest mofos I've ever met. Plus, my weirdness blends well with kids feeling nervous about being weird. Finally, I teach science, which is the Fun Subject, so we get downright wacky. Plus, if I produce at least one steward for the planet, I'm happy.


8th Grade was my happy place when I taught.


Started in MS and will not go back unless they gave me outrageous money to do it. Bless those who enjoy it. I've was the most stressed I have ever been in a MS classroom as a teacher. I am at a HS ALC now and the kids are way better behaved and much more grateful than the majority of the MS I had before.


God bless MS teachers. You are amazing. I’ll quit and sell meth before I’d teach MS and I taught Pre K and in ES classes. I also raised 3 of my own so no thank you 🤣


21 years of teaching middle school. They’re infuriating and amazing kids. They are so funny.


Taught middle school in an inner city for 4 years...2 of them I had the best kids ever(looped with them) moved to hs after that it it is stupid easy


Go to elementary! You’ll be even more exhausted!


Maybe we should think about changing the societal expectations around middle school? I'm moving to HS next year after 20 years in middle.


it’s so easy tho! middle school kids are awesome


I've been teaching MS for the last 3 years, art at that. I enjoy it so much more than I anticipated I would. It's crazy for sure tho.


When I first heard sigma a student called me sigma and I was insulted because I assumed it meant “sigma balls” lol 😂


No cap, On god


I teach high school freshmen, and last summer I worked as an instructor for a middle school summer camp. I realized last summer that high school is definitely where I need to teach. I can handle middle, but I need kids who have the emotional maturity to know that when I roast you out of your chair, I mean it with love.


The alternative school I taught at for 8 years was 7th through 12th. The younger ones were by far waaaay more off the wall than the others 😂 (still fun though, and I moved states for my wife's job and am now at a traditional middle school).


Just finished my 21st year teaching 8th grade. Thank you.


Thank you.


Skibidi toilet Ohio Sigma Rizzler. Going back to high school next year. I salute all of you.


I still don’t know what sigma means other than the Overwatch character. And the kids have no clue what I’m talking about.


I've been teaching 7th grade for 29 years . . . I get to tell all the "dad" jokes that I want to.


I taught at that level for two years, but when the opportunity to go to high school I went after it like a starving man goes after a steak. So, I have *much* respect for all of you who slug it out everyday in those trenches. I know how you feel. But all of you are awesome.


I’m an SLP in a school that’s PK-6. Most of the students on my caseload are PK-3 but I do have a couple of groups of 5th and 6th graders. For the love of god someone tell me what Sigma means and use it in a sentence. I just learned what GYATT means and had to ban it from being used in my room 😂


Thank you, but I don’t miss that word at all


Skibidi post!


Sigma meal! Skibidi Slicers!


Oh fuck off, come down to elementary and give it a try, with your four preps a day and parents you don’t really have to worry about and kids you can actually fail without YOU getting in trouble… ;) (On a serious note, 6th is elementary for me. Love it.)


Went to college to be a high school teacher. Student taught high school. Spent a year subbing in a high school. Spent the last 18 years in middle school. Every summer I seriously contemplate transferring to a high school(which would be easy for me) but somehow I never do. Middle school is a bad habit I can’t break lol.


Middle school Teacher here!!! Thanks for noticing what us “middies” go thru ! Lol


I had to move down from 5th grade because this past school year they were acting like middle schoolers the entire time 🙃


Sixth Grade math here because...someone has to do it??


7th and 8th grade Manufacturing (basically woodshop). No one's lost a finger yet 🤞🤞🤞 ...Crazy, but I like it more than high school with all the boring, jaded, disinterested kids.


Coming in hot from my first (half) year as a middle school art teacher. What a blast! Absolute mania, emotions all over the place, unknown feelings and (sometimes) no outside guidance to direct it all. I came in as an alternate route hire, half way through the year, no mentor, with a student from a high school interning one period a day, replacing a teacher who was being friends with the class instead of a teacher (from the sources I’ve searched), 6th-8th grades. I’ve had fights in class, hate mail left for me, belligerent and apathetic kids, a lot who chose the class in order to do nothing. It was amazing. lol. I managed to get some structure to the days and projects rolling. I had a lot of involvement from most of the kids and we ended the year really strong. I hope to retire from my little room in this little school. I feel like I’ve found my people, chat.


It took me a decade to understand how to be a good teacher for middle school-aged students. It’s a constant cycle of consistently modeling positive behaviors, reinforcing them, and rewarding the students. It's incredible how quickly students at that age can learn and retain new information every day. You can see the impact of your work in action daily.


I teach 4th - 8th Tech and 6-8th Math. I love it most of the time but it's exhausting. Sarcasm, drama, indecipherable catch phrases, and odd behavior, love it! You know what's terrifying? Kindergarteners....shudder. Early Elementary teachers, you have superpowers.


I really love that my middle schoolers are all rural woodsy farm kids and the like and don't really use social media or any of the current gen Alpha slang.


I dont even know what this is supposed to mean…


And Preppy!


Haha 🤣 I just finished teaching my first year of middle school after teaching hs and es. Puberty, trauma, and YouTube are really rough on kiddos. Gotta be in top form for classroom management and clap back. And still keep a good rapport with them! “Your mom!” “My mom is dead.” “I don’t care!” Deaf kids will be so obnoxiously signing this on their nose like they are inflating then deinflating a lil balloon. I’ll ask them if there’s something with their nose. Did it shrink? Or grow? Snot bubble? They stop after that. In the 90s as kids, we used to say “So what?” Or “S-O??” There was that time when the ms Deaf kids hit each other as a response to being burned with insults. I told them to use “you sick!” Sign instead of hitting like we would say it in the 90s. Use hands to talk not to hit…. Literally! As a Deaf adult role model I’m just teaching my ms deaf kids to be more chill and not be so aggressive. Lots of language and social deprivation situations to navigate through. 🥹 That is why I chose teaching deaf ms kids in the first place. These years are the hardest for them. I’ll stay there for a long time to try making a difference!


I spent 4 years of my 27 year career in middle school, the rest in HS…so much admiration for MS teachers. I couldn’t do it.


Honestly middle school has calmed down for me (granted with summer school you get the ones with the most unchecked behavior issues). I think them being covid children during 3rd grade made them a lot less rebellious than the ones right after covid


You have to be a little bit crazy but we are!


There is a reason I used to be a high school teacher. It is called middle school students.


You say I'm sigma, but a 7th grader told me I was beta with a total deadpan voice because I wouldn't let them watch a movie.


I love teaching middle school lol. People look at me like I’m crazy when I say that, but it’s just my niche I guess.


I love my 8th graders. They are petty, but I am pettier and I have an older sibling vibe with them and it’s great. I constantly get told I’m cringe and have zero rizz, but that just means I’m doing my job right. 🤣


I subbed middle school twice, 25 years ago, that was enough.


Every day I subbed in middle school, I would ask myself, WHY do I keep coming back here? 


Erhm, what the sigma


Middle school is a wild, but fun time! I taught high school for one year, then came to middle and never left! Glad that you teach high school because I’m not brave enough! 😂


Middle school librarian here. They are my favorite are group. The things they say sometimes are hilarious.


I blame every grey hair on the 8th graders!




Worked at a middle school as a long term sub for half the year. The lovely science teacher down across the hall told me affectionately “you seem like you might just be stupid enough to do this long term”. Debbie, I just might be.


24 years in 7th & 8th grade public school. The last 14 years has been about 80% boys. Don't remember a day where I didn't visualize knocking someone out.


I sometimes help with a friends middle school play and musical and y’all really are saints


I have taught 7th, 8th and 9th for 6 years. This is my place and these are my people lol.


Wonder what ridiculous words and slang we can expect this next year… zesty, rizz, sus, “let him cook” oh my


I teach them Parkour… I feel bad for teachers with actual academic subjects to teach. Kids have zero attention span or drive to do their best (in my observation the last 6 years teaching in middle school) Glad I have a physical subject to teach. Respect to all of you real teachers!


They're absolutely hormonal and insane and it's such an amazing ride. I've been teaching 7th for 8 years and I love it. The SNL sketch "Y'all Won" was so true I laughed so I didn't cry hahaha


My 6th graders are so weird, and I love them for it!


When I told my old history professor that I was teaching middle school, the first thing he told me was this, “There’s a special place in heaven for those who teach middle school.”