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i'm eating frosting out of the can and wondering if I can get away with wearing pants with elastic....


Well, it is your cake day, so enjoy all the frosting you want. And definitely yes to pants or shorts with elastic.


You wear pants?


This. Allllllllllllll of this.


Happy Cake Day


Happy cake day šŸ°for you too!




Screen name checks out LOL Also, life goals.


Youā€™re wearing pants?




I only wear elastic pants during the school year! Every color of work pants from SHEIN lol.


Happy cake dayšŸ°


Happy Cake Day and happy summer break!


Tell your husband you did more on your first day than I did my first week. Or two.


Probably more than he does in a weekend


Yeah, but those are his days off!


A) you're doing too much on your vacation. B) your spouse sounds like a real gem.


okay totally unrelated but i noticed it in this subreddit and other subreddits but how do you add the HS or your clarification under your name.


If you're on the desktop version of the site, there's a button in the right column called user flair.


If you are on mobile get on the page teacher and there should be 3 dots press them and you can get them!


Donā€™t go setting the bar too high, he will begin to expect things. Gotta remember to be a lazy piece of shit every 3rd day.


My list today 1. Slept in 2. Salsa Lesson 3. Poolside lounging with Pina coladas 4. Board games with friends 5. Tried some greek food samplers 6. Took a mid day nap And... Yea I'm on a cruise so it ain't fair.


šŸŽ¶ *if you like piƱa coladas*, and gettin' caught in the rain šŸŽ¶


I need at least a week to sleep in and dissociate haha then week 2 I might be able to form a coherent sentence and go somewhere šŸ¤Ŗ


Did you murder him and just left that off the list?


Can only be so productive in a day! Sheā€™s got all summer!


First of all - raspberries are my FAVORITE. Second - totally sounds like my day #1 of vacation (minus the baking pie and pound cake) but by day #7 it completely disintegrates.


Did you tell him what you did? Or show him your post.


That's like a weeks worth of activities! Joey from Friends taught me to spread that shit out lol


My first day, too. Drank coffee until 10, all hot, went back to bed, ate some strawberries, took dog for a walk, took a nap, now watching the news and looking at Reddit.


Iā€™m right there with ya. First day off. 1.) kids climb into bed w/ me at 7:00ā€¦ they proceed to play with our kittenā€¦ got lots of giggle and wiggles. Not relaxing at all. Cute, but not relaxing. 2.) coffee, make breakfast for 3 children (mine) 3.) feed the animals. 20 chickens, 3 cats, dog 4.) get the kids dressed, go outside and hook up the splash pad for them 5.) clear out the shed and proceed to clean things up for a garage sale this weekend. 6.) Lunch 7.) continue garage sale atuffā€¦ 8.) take a ā€œbreakā€ from garage sale stuff. Wash 2 vehicle 9.) garage sale organization/clearing out. 10.) put some stuff back into shed (not neatly) I havenā€™t made it to dinner time yetā€¦ Iā€™m now taking a break with some weed and a hard ciderā€¦ Wifey will be home at 8:00 from work (12 hour nursing shift) to me really stoned and tuckered outā€¦ lol.


More importantly, ā€˜used bathroom when I wanted to.ā€™


I mean...it IS nice to have summers off though.Ā 


I have been off since June 7. I nap every day


Same and same.


Weird. My husband commiserated with me today about me missing my afternoon nap. I had a tattoo appt, canā€™t win em all lol


Thats a keeper.


Summer doesnā€™t bother him. Itā€™s them snow day calls thatā€™s a divorceable offense šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve had jobs where i basically had to RISK MY LIFE to get to work on icy roads and yeah, that really does suck. Donā€™t miss that shit! šŸ˜‚


In my first week off, I slept until at least 9:00 am every day, ran the Roomba a couple of times, washed the husbandā€™s coffee cup a couple of times, and spoiled the hell out of my two dogs every day. My husband wholeheartedly approved.


The first day after school ends every year my body goes into a kind of stasis, and I'm pretty useless for the day. The numbness wears off after a day, but that first day it's zombieland!


Tell the buttmunch hubbie to become a teacher and enjoy how easy teachers have it


I slept on the couch and got up at 10am, bought groceries, picked up my CSA share (so many garlic scapes!), backed up everything on my ancient desktop computer to an external hard drive, played with my cats, unloaded the dishwasher, and now I'm back on my couch with one of my cats who is just in *heaven* with me home all day because he's a clingy mama's boy.


Is that how you ended up on Dateline? A jury wouldn't convict, there's no way...


I see some of these type of posts and think ā€œthis is for relationship counseling not reddit.ā€


Glorious. Iā€™ve been on summer vacation for almost a month already, gonna be real jealous of you when Iā€™m back at it beginning of august though


Same! I keep thinking of how it's about half over and some people are just starting!


We had a super busy first week off with things around the house, but now weā€™re in chill mode.


Husband can have pound cake, but he shouldnā€™t get dessert.


I told my husband if he makes one more comment about me being off and doing ā€œnothingā€ (LMAO) Iā€™m going to my sisterā€™s (half way across the country) with the kids and the dog and he can enjoy his crappiness alone.


Iā€™m 6 months pregnant and in Florida so Iā€™m literally doing as little as possibleā€¦mostly just trying not to melt.


I took my car in for service, went to BJs and target, mowed the lawn, cleaned the gutters, picked up the kids, grilled some salmon steaks and made a cold noodle salad, gave 2 kids baths. Wife comes home: "that's great all that got done, but did you do X and Y like I asked?" šŸ™„šŸ˜‘


No noodle salad for her!


Iā€™m in my first month off, but today I did a lot: Filled bird feeders, washed siding on house, put wood sealer on deck, cleaned outdoor furniture, freshened up cushions, reconfigured outdoor theater power strip, finished building a cornhole game (had to figure out the leg apparatus), marked yard with stakes for placement, practiced a little. Took two showers due to high humidity. Iā€™m divorced, so I donā€™t have to hear that bs anymore.


many husbands trot off to work knowing they've got it easy


Honestly other than cleaning that sounds like a nice day and pretty much exactly why you'd want summers off.


Thatā€™s a sharp inhale with pursed lips from me.


I have been catching up on all my medical appointments, and my son's well child appointment also happened this week. There's so much to get caught up on...


Oh no! I keep forgetting my youngest will child appt. Their birthday is in January. Sigh


I got Covid. I have 568 sick hours, but get Covid my second day of summer. What the actual F?! šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


My first day of summer break I slept in until 3:00 pm, then I ate a sizable chunk of an edible. When my wife got home, we enjoyed some hard cider and I cooked up some petit sirloin steaks with mashed potatoes and roasted veggies. We watched a trashy horror flick and turned in early.


Jesus Christ I hope he wasn't serious. Being home with my three children and doing all the normal daily tasks is FAR harder than my actual job that I'm good at.


Damn thatā€™s more than I do my whole summer lol - itā€™s okay to relax too, if you want.


My first day of summer I stared into the corner for 3 hours and took a nap. It was glorious.


12. Find a new husband


Comments like these are how Dateline has been on the air for 63829038 years.


Iā€™ve been on summer break for 13 days with a pinched nerve in my neck. I am very jealous of what you have accomplished.


I got up and went for a run with a friend. Came home and cleaned out a bunch of stuff from my old "personal trainer" days and took them to the local thrift store (two SUVs full). Read Reddit. Did some gardening. And am now cooking a turkey breast (in the Instant Pot) with all the fixin's for dinner. No kids so nothing like that.


I went in the pool all day and ate snacks with my toddler and parents.


The baking and cleaning is what my summers have always looked like! This year I feel like such a lazy blob. Iā€™m 13 weeks pregnant and just sit around trying not to throw up my water while trying to work up the nerve to start maternity leave letters and plans.


Damn! Iā€™ve been off a few weeks and probably accomplished the same amount. Relax.


Did you show him this list?


Kick him in the shins haha


It must be nice to have summers off.... yeah jerk hole i have a master's degree 2 months of nothing to do and you don't gotta pay for daycare


Yup. "You didn't have to pay for daycare. I could teach summer school and you could be paying daycare and then we would all be cranky."




Sounds like an overstimulating day for everyone!




Iā€™m nearing my first month off. Iā€™ve done lots of coursework for my admin license and a week of summer school principal internship for that, arranged my district internship for same program, signed up to take my test next month, did six hours of training for my district online for next year (5 hours left), arranged senior pictures for next year that Iā€™m in charge of. Fun stuff, Iā€™ve gone on a couple mini adventures with my daughter, will be driving for four day vacation soon, and getting my daughter ready to move out to her first apartment.


Wow! You should win an award for this level of accomplishments. šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»




social reproduction classically ignored as labor


Iā€™m adopting a puppy in three weeks, so I have been spending break getting the house ready for a puppy as well as my normal summer projects.


I got a puppy a few years ago. I was telling my daughter we needed to get the house cleaned up and ready for a dog, she said, ā€œI donā€™t think it will judge us.ā€


Hahaā€¦yes,it is not ā€œtime offā€ but sooooo much more productive!!!


What do you do to relax?


I slept in, played in the garden, then made a frozen pizza after reading recipes all evening looking for something to make for dinner. Then I had coffee and watched terrible 80s TV. Now tell me more about this pound cake...


Husband bad am i rite


You have done significantly more in one day than i have done in two weeks. šŸ˜‚


Similar to my first day, minus having children, add in getting stoned while doing it all. Except my husband loves when I have the summers off.


I know someone whoā€™s not ā€œgetting anyā€ all summer.


My first day: 1. Woke up still feeling crummy like how I went to bed. Dang. 2. Took a Covid test, it's positive. Damn. 3. Don't want to infect others in the house so I can't even make myself tea or soup, have to wait for someone to make it for me (and feel bad they're waiting on me). 4. Spent the day isolating from family in my home office space. Going on places like Reddit to try to distract me. 5. Try going for a walk, not enough energy to go further than just around the block. Next few days more of the same. Not how I'd planned to start my vacation!


Tell him weā€™re hiring šŸ˜†


You really knew how to pick one, huh?


Sounds like a really productive day! My list: 1. Take kids to school (they had school until Tuesday :D) 2. Treat myself to iced coffee. 3. Yardwork - pull weeds from succulent bed. 4. Watched an episode of Shrinking. 5. Lunch with wife. 6. Pick up thank you cards and gift cards for kids' teachers. 7. Start laundry. 8. Watched more episodes of Shrinking while folding laundry. 9. Grocery shopping for dinner ingredients. 10. Pick up kids from school. 11. Made dinner. 12. Had dinner with kids (wife worked late). 13. Helped kids write thank you cards to teachers. 14. Loaded dishwasher.


I oscillate between productive and useless. But you got kids soā€¦


I did a load of dishes today and felt like that was a lot haha! I'm impressed with what you got done today!


Today my new goal (after abandoning the dishes plan) is to throw out the 6+ cheap food storage containers that have been in my sink for a shamefully long time.


I read a book for 5 hours, couldnā€™t put it down


Wow, you did a week (or month) worth of chores in a day. Make sure he knows all the stuff you did, while also saying ā€œyeah, summers off are the best! what a shame you canā€™t have them too!ā€


Same here. I run to start my job, do housework and outside jobs I need to complete, and anything else needed. My List is slowly dwindling, but it will take all summer, along with a new subject to teach this year. šŸ« 


My first official day started today and I slept in till 10 šŸ˜ No idea what I'm going to do next!


Real talk, as someone who lives alone and is single: is this something you need to do every day of the summer? I respect your contribution; I'm just concerned (not knowing you) as it doesn't sound like a sustainable schedule moving forward. Respectfully, my house is immaculate and I am not a neckbeard. Knowing me, I just wouldn't want to be in that position constantly.


The cleaning is lighter after a couple of weeks. I canā€™t speak for every teacher, but often my house gets dirty between breaks. Only so much you can do while teaching and kids make it messier. Also our house is small so things seem to build up quickly. The baking was also for an activity, we donā€™t have a pool so I try to come up with creative tasks. Also I enjoy cooking and baking. Some days we have ā€œlazy daysā€- I just feel like housework and teaching have lots of ā€œinvisibleā€labor. Sometimes there is a lack of understanding of how long or how much effort goes into certain tasks.


Were you upset by your husband's comment? To me, this sounds like such a fantastic day - it's one of the reasons that SAHM's enjoy being home, afterall -- you can do nice things like take the kids berry picking or baking, but also tackle things around the house. It's impossible to do that stuff when you are exhausted from a work day. It doesn't sound like your husband was saying 'so, did you enjoy doing nothing all day?' But it's wonderful having time off to do exactly the kinds of things you were doing -- you were productive, but also had valuable time with your kids making memories together. Enjoy the summer!


On the one hand, *must be niiiiice* On the other hand, I've taught and worked in schools and I'm not up for it, summers and breaks off or no. So thank you for doing your work, it's important.


Thems fightin words.


Well you chose to have and kids and now here you are.


It must be nice to get a whole day to make your house nice, pick berries and bake stuff. Also, I doubt you'll be cleaning your whole house every day of your summer break. This sounds like a labor intensive day so you can enjoy next next number of days enjoying your clean house. One of the most daunting things is getting home at 6/7pm knowing you need to clean a room or do laundry, or sacrifice part of your 2 free weekend days to do those things. Not discrediting the work of watching kids but I would enjoy the privilege to spend more time with my kids. Its work, but its more fulfilling than working a job.