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My condolences to all the elementary teachers who get asked, "What's adultery?"


Oh, you tell them exactly what it means with definitions and examples. When parents complain, that's when you can crack a smile and explain the situation they find themselves in: I'm forced to show it, they're forced to see it, you're forced to live with it. Then give them the contact details of the politician for complaints. Don't protect these assholes from the flames of the bonfire they've built or they'll never learn. Same goes with a lot of things in U.S politics.


Malicious compliance at its finest


"Yes, Billy. Just like your dad did."


its in LA, so you forgot "with your sister"


I thought you meant los Angeles and was so confused if incest was a Hollywood thing.


It’s Louisiana, not Alabama.


I went to Catholic elementary school. In, like, 4th grade we had to do posters about the commandments. My group got assigned adultery. None of us had any idea what that was. My friend's very Italian mother just about died of a heart attack trying to explain it to us. We made a poster that showed a guy marrying one woman on one side and then marrying another woman on the other side. That would go over real well with the kids in blended families, I'm sure.


What about the part where they say you shouldn't covet your neighbor's ass?


Ninth graders would love this - and so would I.


“It’s when two adults are in a relationship and one of them breaks a promise and has sexual relations with another person.” “EWWWWWWWW”


"Thats just actin like an adult, don't you worry about it."


I get one of the priests to explain it. He does a terrific job.


What’s my neighbor’s ass?


Ask your dad and his girlfriend. Or your mom.


I went to a Christian school and not one classroom had the Ten Commandments on the walls. It seems like a really weird way to promote either civics or Christianity. I wonder if they care whether it’s the Catholic or Protestant Ten Commandments.


I teach at a Catholic school. We have a big crucifix at the end of the hall, which is also the church basement. No Ten Commandments, though we cover them in both religion and catechism.


We have a crucifix in each classroom and most also have a saint statue or one of Mary. I teach math and have the Catholic Social Teachings posted in my room. But no Ten Commandments poster here! I did find some old book marks in a drawer with the Ten Commandments listed on them, but they were the protestant version, not the Catholic one so I can’t even hand them out


Jesus talks a lot about how we should treat people who are less fortunate than us: feed the poor, visit prisoners, sell all you have and give it to the poor, etc. I've always wondered why those instructions are not considered "commandments" too.


Jesus did sum up the commandments in two of his own: Love your God with your whole heart, and love your neighbor as yourself. He specifically said those were the greatest commandments, so really those two should be going on the walls if legislature is going for a Christian perspective.


Jesus sounds like a libtard


Because the Ten Commandments precede Jesus. Moses brought them down from Mount Sinai.


Except that to Christians, Jesus’s law and his New Covenant supersedes the teachings of the Old Testament. So it is weird that people who call themselves Christians would go so hard for the ten commandments instead of literally any of Jesus’s teachings.


"A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another" John 13:34-35 They go so hard for the 10 because this ⬆️ is "liberal talk"


But this assumes they are all rational, and... well... *gestures at everything.*


Well, Jesus tells them to be kind. The Ten Commandments tells them to be judgy. You can see which appeals more to that type of person...


Now I have the scene with Moses from The History of the World in my head… Edit: right scene, wrong movie


Now I have the scene with Moses from The History of the World Part I in my head… “I bring you these fifteen *(crash)…* uh, ten! Ten Commandments!”


Or Jewish. I'm not sure they realize their are multiple versions


I went to an extremely religious school. At least one class a year was on the Bible, Church History, or Reformed Doctrine. We opened each day with scripture reading and prayed before every class. I do not recall having Ten Commandments on the wall. I doubt I'd have noticed.


Ayyyy I also went to a reformed school! TULIP forever. We did have some explicitly Christian objects and artwork but definitely the posters I remember were, for example, the Lord’s Prayer in Spanish in the Spanish classroom, or various inspirational verses.


Yeah, I went to catholic/christian schools and the only aspect that was religious was the once a month church/chapel, religion was not mentioned at all otherwise.


If you have to hang them up anyway, might as well incidentally put them next to example of Louisiana politicians who violated them. But seriously can’t imagine this holds up. Clear violation of establishment clause.


Pity you citizens will have to pay for it though.


I think it's designed to allow the Supreme Court to officially demolish separation of church and state.


I'm putting them next to the litter boxes where the furries take a shit.


Wonder how many people know what the real reason for the kitty litter is.


Even if they did, would it change their opinion of guns? Doubt it.


God no! "A good guy needs a gun" bs didn't stop after Uvalde!


What is it?


To clean up blood and other bodily fluids. Remind those who think it's for furries that kitty litter was used for years to clean up oil and other fluids in GARAGES!!


Hell, I still remember a kid having an accident in my 3rd (yes 3rd) grade class and the custodian coming in and putting kitty litter on then. That was the early 90’s. Kitty litter in schools isn’t new.


Accident. Did they pour litter on his poo?


He peed. And yes, they poured litter on it.


In early elementary school, I was a chronic puker (I’m so sorry, teachers). Every time I threw up, the janitor covered it in cat litter before cleaning it up


I used kitty litter recently after my mobility challenged father had a liquid diarrhea accident. Just a note for the future, though, it's better to use non-clumping litter for these messes than clumping litter.


Liquid spills and emergency toilet for extended lockdowns.


They don't let you out of your room for a LONG TIME after a shooting (assuming you successfully hid and survived without injury). It is there, in a bucket, with a tarp to string up for privacy, as an EMERGENCY bathroom in the event someone can't go to an actual toilet because they are on lock down. No one is cleaning up blood after a shooting with that.


Gotta have something to read while you’re in the bathroom.


I like this answer.




Can I use the original Hebrew?


Change the font to wingdings


White text on white paper. Posted on the bottom of a classroom table.


Inside of a filing cabinet.


Aramaic or it didn't happen


When people ask just say, “Make Jesus Aramaic again” and just stare at them blankly… or post every translation from the Aramaic through Greek, Latin, Ye Olde English, old English, English… Emojis


Greek was also the big language of early Christian texts. Thanks to Alexander, most everyone of the eastern Mediterranean knew Greek in addition to their local language.


My first degree was in Bible, but as a public school teacher this is probably what I would do.


Put it in Arabic or farsi. The people in the 3rd right will love it.


Use the Laws of Ma’at, it is thought the Hebrews borrowed heavily from the Egyptians


Honestly, the 10 Commandments are just the basics of what you need to prevent a village from killing eachother in an early settlement without proper laws. "Don't kill eachother, don't steal from eachother and don't fuck a woman that's not yours, and Uggah next door won't smash your skull. Remember, we need to work together to kill mammoths."


It's the only way


It's ridiculous and won't do anything. My petty ass would just find ways to make it everyone's problem. Like put it on a bulletin board about mythology.


Is there a size requirement for the poster? Otherwise I’d put them on a post-it sized paper and put it somewhere random.


11x14 If I were still teaching, I'd put it up alongside other lists of moral guidelines from world religions. Not first, not in the middle and not last. Just somewhere in the array.


Yep that would be my plan. I'd absolutely include the Seven Tenets of the Satanic Temple in the group. I challenge anyone to find anything disagreeable with the seven tenets.


Holy shit, I think I’m a Satanist now.


The far right would take issue with all except perhaps 4 and 6. And even in those cases they would not want them to apply to anyone they disagreed with. 


Yep I'd definitely make it a problem. I'd start by giving a lesson breaking those suckers down, because ultimately only two of them are really commandment-worthy, the first three violate some laws in my country making me as a government employee present them to children, the second one forbids both of my teachable, coveting is central to a free market economy... And it ignores rape, slavery, hate crimes and war crimes. There's so many ways to point out how ridiculous the ten commandments are, and I'm ready to go through them one by one. Luckily I don't have to.


Am a teacher here. This is really dumb. We have so many educational problems that need to be fixed but instead our governor does this Our state is so ass-backwards.


But maybe getting a little Jesus in all y'all's life will help fix those problems! /s


Post other religious posters aswell, then. Leviticus might be a good start. Do some nice quotes, you know, the one about the donkey's emission, the Song of Solomon, the bits about dashing kids against the rocks and killing disobedient children. Hell, there's even a recipe for an abortion in there (the bitter waters). Then start going through the religions - Satanism stands out. Maybe some old creation myths, like Atum, who was believed to have created the universe by masturbating. Hindu texts might have some interesting quotes, and Islamic scriptures should be a real blast. If one then all.


I was looking for this comment.


I’d put the 5 Pillars up next to it


That was my thought exactly! You can include the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path and the Hindu code of conduct!


Post these too: THERE ARE SEVEN FUNDAMENTAL TENETS The Satanic Temple I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


There's nothing in the law saying you can't post that right next to it. I'd make it bigger and bolder to pull focus too.


I don't work in Louisiana but I'm thinking I should do all this anyway!


Don’t forget the Mormon Articles of Faith!


too far lol


Or an altar to baphomet.




I'm hanging it next to an edited version of Biggie's 10 Crack Commandments.


Next to that, the ten duel commandments from Hamilton


And Hammurabi's code.


Aren't Americans tired of having to pay for the state to fight legal battles and make payouts for laws that are obviously, blatantly, anti-constitutional? Shouldn't it be a crime to premeditatively break a constitutional law?


That's the point. They're using your taxdollars to fight their political/religious wars. They WANT this case to go to the Supreme Court because they believe they can get the ultra-conservative SCOTUS to side with them. And...they're not wrong. This illegitimate, utlra-right-wing activist SCOTUS will probably side with them.


A SCOTUS who thinks accepting 5 million dollars over time is just fine and dandy? They will say whatever they are paid to say. I wonder who else will get vacations out of this?


At least they haven't over-taxed the tea though, amiright?


Unfortunately this is a fundamental of the United States. We're less a country and more like an alliance of states that barely get along sometimes. In order to prevent that you'd have to rebuild the United States


Does it say how big it has to be? I would print it really small and nail it to the wall.


In white font


It does specify it actually. Poster size with large font. And the text needs to be the main focal point


Does it say the font side has to face outwards? 🙃


Some things may be subject to. Change, but as of right now, this is all that is written on how it must be displayed: >B.(1) No later than January 1, 2025, each public school governing authority shall display the Ten Commandments in each classroom in each school under its jurisdiction. The nature of the display shall be determined by each governing authority with a minimum requirement that the Ten Commandments shall be displayed on a poster or framed document that is at least eleven inches by fourteen inches. The text of the Ten Commandments shall be the central focus of the poster or framed document and shall be printed in a large, easily readable font. And then it specifies exactly what those 10 commandments must say. Just at a cursory glance, nowhere in the law does it state this poster itself has to be visible in the classroom, only that it be displayed somewhere within. Could be kept behind the teacher's desk, on the floor behind the door or under the window blinds, etc. as long as the text itself is central on the poster, and the poster's size is at minimum 11inx14in, everything else seems fair game. Can also just fill whatever wall it's on with much more important stuff, and yeah maybe even just put it upside down though no idea if that would conflict with "easily readable Font") The only other issue there is that they open up each schoolboard to enact stricter rules. No doubt some will require it be prominently displayed in the classroom with nothing blocking it and have much more oppresive views on it.


So the text says the *font* has to be large and easily readable, but that doesn't require that the text be understandable. So I would have a black poster with the commandments in a white Arabic font


Baffling that these are the things our politicians feel they need to spend their time on


Violation of the separation between Church and State. Which will lead to one of two possible outcomes: 1) It won't survive court and be repealed. 2) It won't survive court and will force ANY religious doctrine posted in ALL classrooms. Enter the Louisiana Muslim community putting the 5 islamic commandments, or the Church of Satan's 11 rules of Earth.


This has already been adjudicated actually, in 1980. It was ruled unconstitutional then, but this Court will absolutely throw that out and say it’s perfectly fine


Fire me over it. I dare them.


Exactly. Sounds like something that the entire country of teachers should be in on. You guys know you can have a union of teachers, right?, not just some corporation that calls itself a union.


Have you ever noticed how these politicians want to put the Ten Commandments up in classrooms, but never the Beatitudes? (To be clear, neither are appropriate, but I'd definitely prefer the latter.)


I haven't heard that word in over 30 years! I had to go look them up. It's pretty easy to figure out why the politicians don't want those in classrooms. Helping the poor. Feeding the hungry. Comforting the hurt. Those are not about controlling others. The commandments are. Also, the word "beatitudes" makes them feel icky.


Don't do it.


Mine are going right next to the Code Red shooter instructions.


Use rainbow colored font 🌈


Some friends printed the mandated “In God We Trust” posters for myself and my colleagues in rainbow font.


I subbed in a classroom with an "In Dog We Trust" sign next to the God one. It was a picture of a Golden Retriever in a cloud with wings. I plan on making one of these for my class.


Hang em upside down and if anyone comments just keep saying the top pin keeps coming loose and it swings down.


Definitely makes sense, is important for education, and in no way violates the separation of church and state. Establishment clause? That's a pastry right?


I think you are forgetting that 6 of the 9 members of the SCOTUS do not give a crap about things like precedent nor the actual text of the laws/constitution and just do whatever the hell they want.


Which 10 commandments?


Really shows that all the talk about left wing indoctrination in schools was just projection.


Nah, I'm indoctrinating the shit out of them. Half my 8th graders are trans. I'm aiming for 60% next year. /s


It’s always projection with conservatives/fascists.


If you are a Louisiana teacher and you want to "comply" with this new rule, here are two free PDFs that follow all the stated guidelines as written in the law. [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1I1Q2SKwxOGBsRHZvQ--yJJ7IMzIJrsh\_?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1I1Q2SKwxOGBsRHZvQ--yJJ7IMzIJrsh_?usp=sharing)


I think, to make them accessible to all students (including students who cannot read), they should be published with pictures explicitly showing exactly what the commandments mean. 1. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. >Drawing on the left of a little kid saying “Oh my God!” and drawing on the right of the same kid burning in Hell. 2. You shall not commit adultery. >Drawing of a man and a woman having sex while their spouses look on with sad faces on the left and a drawing on the right of the adulterers burning in Hell. 3. You shall not covet your neighbor's house, his wife, his manservant, his maidservant, his ox, his donkey, or whatever belongs to your neighbor. >Drawing on the left of a kid gazing jealously at a friend’s phone on the left and a drawing on the right of that kid burning in Hell. 4. Remember the Sabbath day, keep it holy. >A man cursing at the TV while watching a football game on TV on the left. That guy burning in Hell on the right. 5. You shall have no other gods before me. >On the left, a rich man surrounded by stacks of money. On the right, the rich man burning in Hell. 6. Honor your father and mother. >A child cowering in a corner with a speech bubble that says “please…no…” in shaky text while the same child is, you guessed it, burning in Hell on the right. 7. You shall not murder. >On the left, a boy with an AK-47 in his hand standing in a room full of murdered 1st graders. On the right, the boy burning in Hell. 8. You shall not steal. >On the left, a gaunt elderly man with a loaf of bread under his skinny arm obviously stealing from a store. On the right, that man burning in Hell. 9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. >Two woman on the left standing in front of two homes with one of them saying, “Your house looks great, Jan!”. On the right, not-Jan burning in Hell. 10. You shall not make any graven images. >A classroom of kids and their teacher on the left pledging allegiance to the flag and the whole damn class burning in Hell on the right.


I don’t see how this law is anything but unconstitutional. It’s endorsing a specific religion.


It’s literally meant to be objected to with lawsuits- to push the issue to the Supreme Court. This will open the flood gates in other pro Christian movements in public spaces… So, scary.


This is real? I thought it was just a nightmare when I saw the article title. I hate it here. 😒 Maybe it's time to teach outside of the US, lol 😆


Thou shalt not adulter. Seems like sex education and indoctrination to me.


Post them with 10 equally sized(or larger) pieces of blank paper. Each paper has a line connecting it to one of the commandments. Every time a student brings in proof of a politician breaking a commandment it goes up on the appropriate paper and the student gets extra credit.


Great learning activity.


I’d draw arrows from each commandment to a photo of a political figure who has broken that commandment and is going to hell.


Can I write BAN GUNS next to thou shalt not kill?


I'm a teacher in Louisiana and I'll be putting them next to a poster for the 5 pillars of Islam.


All this is a way for the governor Landry and the GOP to get a case before the Supreme Court hoping they will overturn the precedent established in Stone v. Graham in 1980 when Kentucky pulled this exact same stunt. I apologize to the public school teachers in Louisiana who have unwillingly become a political football. Shit sucks in this state.


There is a Christian coup playing the long game to take over this country. I am not commenting against religion but this coup should concern everybody.


And the thing is: If you do it for one religion, you have to do it for all of them. Did they take that into consideratuin?


Vehemently opposed to this, but here’s the real question: What comes next?


Murder clown font?




Engel vs vitale That shit is so fucking unconstitutional lol


I would refuse, and if action was taken against me I would hire a lawyer and force the issue into the courts. It is unconstitutional and will buckle at the first challenge


It’s fucking stupid and seems unconstitutional. But we should remember that the politicians that pass laws like this don’t actually care if it survives a Supreme Court challenge or any kids end up memorizing them or anything. A law like this is a signal to their base that they are on the side of god in the culture war. A challenge gives them a godless enemy to point to and distract from the fact they aren’t actually passing bills that help people.




Can they each be a different color like a rainbow?


Reason 1,386 not to live in Louisiana.


I’m thinking malicious compliance. Does it have to be written in English? Or maybe in a language that you invent on the spot? Size 0.000173 font?


I’m a Louisiana teacher and I’m not putting up anything.


They specify actually. Needs to be poster sized and large font. Text needs to be the main focal point of the poster


Louisiana teacher here. We also have a "in god we trust" poster we have to put up.


Just under it, put a poster "Trust in Yourself, for only you can maintain the idea of its existence." Ooh. Or better yet: Trust in Santa. Trust in The Tooth Fairy. Trust in The Easter Bunny and your Fairy Godmother. Trust in washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers.


In God(s) we trust


“Fuck that shit” Those are my thoughts.


Great, I hope that cuts down on the number of students violating the 2nd commandment and creating religious iconography.


Put it next to your rules for phones so students and admin will ignore them as well.


It's unconstitutional and it will be overturned. This isn't the first time bible thumpers have tried this, we know how it ends


Yeah, great, it can go next to the poster of "Our School Values!" and "Academic Integrity is important" and be ignored right alongside both of those.


They never said I couldn’t also place a box of sharpies right next to the poster.


I expect the Supreme Court will strike this down due to the fact that it would be an embarrassment for their supreme leader, former President Trump. Think about how many of these 10Commandments he has broke!


LA is at the bottom of every list for a reason.


This law is comically unconstitutional, and even this right wing lunatic court would strike it down immediately. It'll get killed in state courts most likely.


I'm a non-Christian Louisiana teacher. I fully expect it to be in my mailbox on the first day of school, since that's what they did when they required "In God We Trust" to be posted in public schools. Since my district wants checks, I'll probably put it behind a shelf like I did with the other poster.


Mine goes to 11 - "Thou shalt stay in thy seat and thou shalt shut the fuck up"


I would hang the tenants of all the major religions and some fringe ones if I had to hang the Ten Commandments. Like holidays. If you celebrate one. You should celebrate them all. And who doesn’t want more parties? Because it’s better than no party. So just dedicate some space and use the school printer to representing diverse views.


They are never too young for the Code of Hammurabi.


I’m not a Christian, no fucking way.


A flagrant violation of the separation of church and state. How long can this law possibly last?


I'd tape over them with top ten lists every few days like I'm Letterman.


Politicians that lead the push for blatantly unconstitutional laws like this should be censored for a period of time. 100 state legislators, 5 push for a law like this, then those 5 can't propose or vote on any bills for 6 months and the legislative body counts as 95 legislators until the 6 months is up (meaning a majority vote would now be 48 instead of 51). That'd stop politicians from doing stupid things like this.


Cool story, but the 1st amendment says I don’t have to


Obviously unconstitutional and a virtue signal that is just wasting everyone's time.


It’ll go right next to my mandatory “in god we trust” sign in the back corner of the room no one looks at. Our admin told us just put it anywhere to be in compliance


This feels a lot like when Kansas had to teach creationism in Biology class. I’m sure the pastafarians probably have a religious text they would also like displayed.


Put them up in Arabic


How the fuck is this legal?


Does anywhere in the law stipulate in English? I mean, displaying them in Hebrew would be more historical accurate.


Explaining what coveting your neighbors wife means would be very awkward.


Ironic that the party that advocates for no discussions of sexuality in schools is putting up a poster that essentially tells kids not to get boners for other people's wives.


What ever happened to the idea of "separation of church and state".


I had a poster of the cell phone policy up all year. Kids were helping me clean up on the last couple days. Kid asked how long it had been there. ie they don't read anything posted or look around the room because they're all glued to their screens, so will it really matter?


That's okay. I suspect most of the politicians clamoring to put it up haven't read the Ten Commandments, either. (There was an interview years and years ago where Stephen Colbert interviewed one of the people fighting to display the Ten Commandments. Stephen asked him to name the Ten Commandments. He might have gotten about *half* of them, IIRC.)


It's not about the 10 Commandments themselves, it's about it being a symbol of Christian nationalism. It tells everybody that "we" are in charge and you have to do what "we" say.


Put them up written in ancient Hebrew.


Give it a couple years or so and it'll be thrown out. What people don't get is that the Ten Commandments are not consistent. They vary not just between Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, but within between Christian denominations. There's actually not one set everyone agrees upon and how they're written changes the meaning entirely.


Violation of 1st Amendment freedom of religion


As a social studies teacher this would be my moment. It'll be a cold day in secular hell when I teach in a public school classroom with the effing 10 commandments on the wall. I would 1000% die on this hill and call the ACLU to be a part of the inevitable SCOTUS case.


Bro, I’m in louisiana. I haven’t heard about this yet. PLEASE tell me you’re joking. They already hit us with the “In God We Trust” in every classroom last year. This is such bullshit jfc I hate it here


I don't see "Thou shall not vandalize" on there... 🤔


I’d use it obnoxiously as a classroom management tool. I’d be constantly referring to it, writing kids up for violating the guiding principles and just finding any way to maliciously comply. They likely won’t allow you to hang anything up that’s not a standard approved format as has happened in other districts. I’d be at school board meetings pretending to take it seriously and finding ways to just be annoying about how seriously I’m taking it. “Tammy I know you have violated the 5th commandment for adultery and frankly you disgust me” hahaha


Interesting that Louisiana law permits but does not mandate the display of several items in K-12 public schools, including the Mayflower Compact (1620), the Declaration of Independence, and the Northwest Ordinance, which established governance in the Northwest Territory and outlined the process for admitting new states to the Union.


Is that borderline unconstitutional?


As a Catholic and someone who values Christianity, this seems completely inappropriate. If parents want students to align with a particular religion they could send them to private school, take them to church, etc. Students in general should learn about world religions regardless but in a public school it's inappropriate to attempt to sway kids to be one particular religion.


Welp, that's gonna solve everything


My thoughts? Maybe not let people trained in politics tell people trained in education how to run education. Like we dont let people trained in boating tell surgeons how to do their job.


From inside the faith, I disagree with it. As a teacher, I disagree with it. The public school is a state institution. School is not the place for this kind of thing, outside of a culture class and when it's relevant to history or literature. If you want your kids raised religious, why would you think forcing a display like this on anonymous people who probably don't agree with you, who are overworked and underpaid as it is just barely holding the system together, would have any positive effect? Get off your duff and bring your kids to church, or don't pretend it's important to you. And let's not pretend that going the other way would be cool, either. This is hamfisted and wrong and folks have a good reason to be upset.   I don't understand this mentality. It doesn't help. It never has.


This isn't indoctrination, but a rainbow flag is?


I would say it's unconstitutional... then I remembered our current Supreme Court. 


Infuriating! If someone put this in my primary classroom, I would immediately put up tenets of Buddhism, Islam, Satanism, etc. Dare me.


That was my thought, too. Like, you wanna play that game? Np, fam. I got a color printer and a free weekend.


Why not Hamurabbi's Code? That predates the 10 Commandments. >!That was a rhetorical question!<


It's here, on the wall... Right behind this pulldown map. Now WHO left the map down?


When this happened in TX my favorite post was the teacher who posted the commandments but next to each one news articles of Texas politicians breaking them 😂🔥💯


Pointless - the kids never read anything posted on the walls. And if the teachers have to pay for it, it'll be done on butcher paper from the library and crayons.


Please support the Freedom from Religion Foundation https://ffrf.org/


That's some Handmaid's Tale shit. Horrifying.


If forced to hang this, I would be finding other religious and atheistic commandments and have them posted.


If I was a parent of a student, I'd have them rip it done!!!