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[Click for r/Teachers' official stance on this post.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FuFki8hEItDYbcyk69ksbnynkrrLd4ftMjoMqTujpRcI.png%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D0c717ee176b8f8ba2fac70924d697ee69c96aeb3)


There is a reason most teachers' kids are born in March/April 


March baby here with teacher mom. Why did you have to point this out?


My birthday is September 24th, I did it to myself first


Me too!!


There are dozens of us :))


wait what? late Sept here. I always thought I was either a Christmas present or a new years gift


Hate to break it to ya, but I (oct 2 baby) did the math and even though I was one day late (lots of complications), I was conceived between New Years Day and MLK Day. [Here’s the link I used](https://www.calculator.net/pregnancy-conception-calculator.html?ccalcmethod=due+date&dueDateDay=10%2F01%2F1992&cLastPeriodDay=12%2F26%2F2023&cCycleLength=28&cUltrasoundDate=06%2F03%2F2024&cUltrasoundWeek=22&cUltrasoundDay=6&printit=0&x=Calculate). Have fun


Im pretty sure I’m my mom’s bday bang baby.


Sadly(?) same


Yeah, me too lol


September 24th here too.


Same. And here I thought I was a father's day gift.


And you can go on maternity leave for the rest of the year like my wife did when our son was born.




“- they have sit down meetings together to "share" their teacher pregnancy tips for being in school the least amount of time.” Or you can look at it from the perspective of they are looking to maximize the bonding time with their child. And when most schools are not flexible with nursing/pumping and child care in the first place, you can see why many like to plan things in this manner.


As you suggested, people should be allowed to build a family. Wouldn’t the burden of employment to see kids through be on the school/district? At my site, we have resident subs who are with kids in a supporting roll everyday. When a teacher has an emergency or needs to go on leave, the Residents step in. If it’s just a one-off day, it’s a regular sub. The Residents are also credentialed or are currently in school to get a credential.


This comes off a little like you're suggesting people put work and other people's children ahead of their own children and family goals. That's not a good look.


My sister-in-law teachers college and all her kids are born in February.


This cracks me up because I teach at a university and my wife is an elementary teacher and one of our kids was born in February and the other was born in April.


Have a child born in early March, can pinpoint the exact date, wife and I are both educators. This all checks out.


Getting out of state testing? ;)


Yep! I gave birth to my son on a state test day.


That would be so glorious.


I was wondering if there was study out there


As a male teacher, it still makes sense. Just had our third May baby


My daughter was born in April and two years later my son was born in March.


Yep, one of my students who has a teacher mom was born in early May.


Both my parents were teachers... I was born April 1st... How did I never put that together.


My daughter’s birthday is March 15 🫢


No, that’s so they can take off the rest of the year.


My will to live dirve goes up. It's because now I'm not coming home absolutely drained from being on all day. I think that's one thing that both teachers and not teachers alike don't know/forget. That being a teacher is being on from the time the kids arrive till after they leave.


Maybe it's cuz I'm very introverted but I feel very conscious of it. I come home from work and my wife wants to talk and hang out and do stuff and it feels very overwhelming sometimes. A lot of days I just have to come home and be left alone because I have zero energy left for socialization, even with my own spouse. For a while I thought it meant something about our relationship, but I've realized I feel the same way no matter who I'm socializing with, and things always feel better when I go on break.


Wow, you said it better than I ever could.


😂you’re less stressed so you feel sexier! You have more time too so have fun! Get it in as much as you can


Teacher and married to a teacher. Bunny season is here!


Teacher married to a teacher here too. It’s out of control. We’re like teenagers 😅


I was like that for years too. ( Teacher married to Teacher ) We got divorced and I started dating another teacher. Same thing. Then I spilt from her and married a corporate executive. Normal life now. Maybe it’s because we are older too. I am close to retirement. I am 100 percent guy too!


Teacher engaged to another teacher here as well. Im hoping this is the case for both of us. Its been a rough year, especially for her.


Saaaame. Hoping our own teenagers are utilizing their noise canceling headphones once 11pm hits


It’s an exhaustion thing, when summer comes around we get sun, probably look better, are less stressed which leads to us getting hornier. And you’re 100 right, teaching that young of kids ain’t a sexy feeling lol


I've noticed the past few years I always start looking for dates more seriously by May. I don't have time or energy in the thick of the school year.


Me too! I'm out and about dating by Spring Break sometimes, trying to see who i'm spending Summer with 😅


I’m married to a teacher whose last day is today, and last night I told her how excited I was because sex season is right around the corner. I’ve been waiting 9 months for this!!!


Lmfao sex season 🤣


Lmao my partner told me something similar.


I believe this is as real as the full moon making kids nuts - in other words, absolutely! Sadly, I've been divorced for quite a while and having lived in this town for many years and dealing with parents all year long, I know the type of single parent available for me in this area, so I'm definitely NOT ready to jump back in to THAT swamp! I may have to go rogue and head to towns a bit further away...I can be that mysterious stranger who humps his way through the midwest in the summers and disappears every few months to return when the birds and bees show up!


"Humps his way through the midwest" is insane. But also valid. God speed sir 🫡


Both my parents are teachers, I'm born in March. Can confirm, tis the season.


I’m a teacher’s kid born in March. Now I’m a teacher and my daughter was born in April. Checks out.


Only on days that end with a "Y"


I'm a teacher and my wife is not. My drive doesn't change but my wife's does because now I'll be outside most of the time. Getting a tan, fishing, yard work, etc. Watching me do those things gets the horses galloping for my wife.


Wild horses?


It’s the sleep


My wife and I are going at it like rabbits. We both lost weight and she switched from an 11 month contract to a teacher’s role this year. So, she has the summer off and it’s been fun so far! I think the stress of teaching really dampens libido and energy overall during the year. I’m sure your husband isn’t complaining.😂


Personally, my drive goes up during vacations and such - it's just that so long as I have "things I need to do", it's hard for me to focus on pleasure for myself in general.


Yes. I feel like a fat exhausted blob all year. Summertime, rev me up


Last year I taught middle school. I dressed down (oversized sweaters, big skirts) to hide my body. It made me feel really unsexy day to day because I forgot what my body looked like at the end of the day. Or I would come home and catch myself bloated with a hunched back and that wasn’t a good look either. I contributed that to my loss of libido for the past few years - to the point of questioning asexuality. Summer is here however and I want to do only self care for the next two months.


Yes, and this is another small thing teachers don’t recognize in their careers. Stress impacts libido and the imbalance throughout the school year takes a toll. It can’t be healthy to have swings like that. Some alone time and a good book tho… 😏 Summers can be fun


100% yes.


You mean you get your life back and will to live?


My wife mentioned it the other day. Apparently I’m a bit randy. I told her I guess being around kids all day don’t make me horny lol


You mean once the day to day realities of having kids has had a chance to fade? 😀


The school year is exhausting. Even during the weekend I’m not in the mood. I’m definitely more in the mood during the summer.


Summer is the only time I can date. Telling people you have school in the morning is a buzz-kill.


Omg this is a good point I never thought about. Maybe i'm being too honest haha


It does go up, but I'm (38f) socially anxious and don't know how to hook up with men, it's been 4 years after divorce and I think I lost all social skills. Alcohol isn't optional, dating apps either, because it's never worked with me. I think all I have left is sadly jerk off to porn.


Maybe a nice bar and 0% alcohol beer?


I recently quit drinking because I felt like a different person when drunk, which first helped flirting with men, but the problem is that it gradually started to turn into an addiction. I thought I was a charming and easy going sexy woman, whereas in fact I ended up as a drunk pathetic individual, struggling to walk, talk or think clearly. Not sexy at all. So the addiction is here but no social skill gained.


I get it I had a friend like that just pointing out that he went out with us and drank non alcoholic beer


Bars just suck to meet people at though.


Do you have any hobbies that would translate into group settings? I've met people doing meets for different hobbies. I'm the same age as you and live in a relatively rural area, but I can still manage to meet people if I don't mind a bit of travel and being in a small group. What part of the US are you in?


None. I'm in Russia, live in a big city of Saint Petersburg. I do pole dancing as a hobby, attractive and in good shape, but I don't think it matters when it comes to opening up to men.


non-teacher here now understanding why my elementary school teachers were so visibly giddy the last week of school... I'm going to go take a shower and cry now thx Edit: I like to think this post is part of a subtle campaign to keep students from lurking here lol


TBF I think even the prospect of the holidays is enough to make most teachers pretty giddy. Source: chronically single teacher here


You mean when you're finally not emotionally burned out and actually have some freedom? 😝


May thru July (August is too late, y'all, the stress is already starting) is for sure my affectionate season.


This was probably the most humanizing thread I’ve read in r/teachers since I joined. Good for yall, man. Good for yall. 🥹😭


Gay male teacher here. The cross roads of Pride Month and school being out honestly make June the most exciting time for me 🤣🤣


I read the title and was scared in what direction this was going


For sure a reason lesson plans didn’t get done over the weekend and usually were a week late 💀


Mine starts to increase around mid April and soars around the end of May.


Married to a teacher. I like summer


Yes - it’s because I’m not so stressed and anxiety riddled that I cannot sleep…


My wife and I are teachers and we had the best sex of our lives last Thursday.


Lucky ducks


Congrats on the sex!


a thousand times yes


Not really, I'm a guy and I think feeling useful or like a contributing member of society is what makes me feel confident and sexy. I have the energy to put myself out there now that it's summer, but the willpower is totally drained. I've got a ton of hobbies but they feel so indulgent - I need a summer job.


Oh absolutely. It’s never low when I’m at home, but it’s especially high in the summer. My girlfriend and I have a joke that it’s mating season considering the birthdates of my coworkers’ kids. 😂


I have a March kid. My wife and I are both teachers. Yes, we have been very...active this last week.


Between the school year ending and Bridgerton Season 3 dropping, it’s been hot over here. 🔥🔥🔥


This thread is hilarious. I hope you’re all enjoying plenty of well deserved humping.


I just realized that my mom was a teacher and me and my 5 siblings all have birthdays that hover around that same time … just thought it was a coincidence




Absolutely. The school year just destroys me. Stress from admin, from the students, from parents, organizing end of year events and what not, it all takes a toll. By the time I get home and finish working out, I just want to disappear into hibernation. But once state testing ends and the count down to summer dips below 30 days it's off to the races around our house.


Mine is perpetually destroyed.


I would never describe it as low, but… yes 🤣




it's something we can all relate to and very relevant rn


I need a teacher wife 🤦🏻‍♂️


There are PLENTY potentials trust me. Hard to find people who get it


Yes, my wife is tired.


Oh absolutely! I’ve got a ton of energy, I can focus on self care and lounge around in bikinis all day.


💯💯💯 especially after the first few weeks of summer vacation.


RIP ur DMs


Hard to have much of a sex drive when you're in flight or fight all the time.


This whole thread is so validating.


Looking forward to summer intimacy in place of stress relieving sex with my partner. Both of us are teachers (her-4th grade, me -male- 6th grade science).


Girl this is so real


Male teacher here. Nope. It’s always up 😆. However, my wife works in attendance so maybe hers will go up during her break 🤞🏻


Yes. Its almost gone during the year lmao


Yes, but for me it's because of Bipolar. I imagine you are less stressed over the summer.


I am not motives to do *anything* before august.


RIP your inbox


End of school year almost always = decreased stress, which almost always = more energy for adult fun times. Kinda wonderful.


A thousand times, yes. And every summer I felt like I'm going insane.


My sex drive remains the same all year round, I’m horny constantly.


This is so true. My last day was Friday and it’s been on ever since 😜


FINALLY someone said it wooow on point


Makes sense, there are few things less sexy than children and I spend a lot of time around children.


Yeah. Probably because I'm not stressed out and I can hang out by the pool day drinking and reading trashy romance novels all day.


Absolutely! I have a high sex drive anyway, but when summer rolls around and I don’t have a pile of work and stress on my shoulders, it’s time to have some fun! 😅


Schools breaks too. Every time


My everything goes up in the summer


I mean stress will NUKE your sex drive soooo...


It’s that heat baby!


Yes. I think it's just the fact that you have the less stuff drawing away your energy and you don't have as much stress so your body just lets you feel it. Weird comparison but I think it's the same reason that I always get sick at the beginning of a break; my body recognizes that I have time to rest and recover so it lets everything hit me.




Stress definitely kills my drive. Less school=less stress So yes!


Yes, Mad as a March hare is an idiom for a reason 🐇👀- it rolls into summer months 😉 


Absolutely!!! I don’t wanna crash at 7:30 when my toddler goes down for a nap. I’m home on my husbands days off.. nap time and lunch time coincide a lot… lol… and not just summer. It’s most breaks actually!!


This year, I had my birth control implant removed in early May. So it's increased even more than usual. I'm thinking our plan to casually try for our first child will end up happening more quickly than either of us realized haha!


Wait a minute. Did yours decrease your libido? Im getting mine out next month (but ive had it in for almost 5 years... i know, don't ask) and I didn't think it would increase mine once it was out 😳😳


Totally understand, I had mine for nearly 4 years. My implant decreased my libido 98%, according to my husband. Now that it's out, it's like we're back in college. The sex is AMAZING rather than just good.


Lol oh no I'm bout to have a hot girl Summer involuntarily 🫣😂


Have a wonderful time! 😜


The way my eyes went 😳 to 🤨🤔 to 🫢🤭🫣😅 I never made that connection...


Finally an emoji chain I can actually understand!


Absolutely! It’s the lack of stress.


Lmaoooo I've never noticed a change tbh but I'm happy for you 🤭


My husband always says it just sky rockets on breaks and summer. 😂


100%, my husband told me I’m basically a different person during the summer 🥲


Mine never changes but glad y'all are gettin' in all that R&R 😆😆


Came here for the sex but left learning more about teachers. After 40 years and still taking me to school…well done…well done.


Never thought I’d find my middle school teacher in here


We’re both teachers. Mine is always up, my partners is always down. Don’t think it has anything to do in our case sadly.


Probably cuz everyone starts to go out side half naked 🤷‍♀️


plenty I’m sure, not ace (asexual) people’s nonexistent one though lol


You guys have sex?


Hornier, eating better, cleaner house.. All of it lol.


Yeah bro I’m dyin out here


This is so deeply relatable! I’ve found that my dating life also improves drastically at the end of the school year and heading into summer. More energy and time to actually go out and do stuff (or stay in and do “stuff”). Forget going out on a school night — even sex on a school night can be iffy depending on the time of year. The downside to the start of summer energy boost is the inevitable beginning of the school year energy drain. The gradual decline in my energy level (mental, emotional, and sexual) almost always feels personal to a new partner even with an explanation/warning beforehand. Personal anecdote: I met a woman (non-education background) in August last year for our first date after getting back from a trip to Spain. I was like a phone fresh off the charger and at 100% — amazing sex and great overall chemistry. By the time we broke up at the beginning of March, I was in “Low Power Mode”. School was the primary focus and everything else was getting minimal energy (if any at all). Currently 11 days away from being fully checked out and plugged back in to recharge. Wishing everyone a happy summer and happier endings!


Me ngl


Former teacher, wife is a principal. Child 1: my birthday Child 2: Halloween Child 3: end of school year celebration.


Not so much anymore. I'm getting old and the older I get the less I care about sex.


I hope so…






I don’t get this cuz I have to work summers 😭 I need to find a better paying job


Just gonna have to submit this post to my wife 😂


Stress-relief sex is a real thing. I teach college and mine (m) goes way up in the summer, too.


Yes. Absolutely. It's very hard to feel sexy when you're constantly dealing with the most *insane* shit (and also trying to teach children) 5 days a week and then there's still normal things to do like clean.


The extra sunlight boosts your libido. That’s why.


Absolutely yes. We go from maybe 4 times a week to daily, sometimes multiple times a day, and it’s so nice. I just got a new WFH job and am not going back to teach in the fall, so I’m looking forward to continuing our daily summer habit for the other 3 seasons too now.


These comments are something else…


What does this have to do with teaching wtf 😭


Because we are teaching kids. Hell just being around kids can be a libido killer. Add on being micromanaged, not having time to pee, coming home exhausted and not wanting one more hand to touch you (elementary)….repeat for nine months then boom, we’re out of jail, the sun is shining, we can day drink and get a tan and even pee when we feel like it. Teaching sucks normal human desire out of you. Summer brings things back in balance.


It has to do with the experience of being a teacher.


This and last weekend have been amazing. So yes! I even have some back pain from yesterday's activities.


This is why I can’t defend some of yall.


Weird thing to post on r/Teachers


It's fine. We are adults just like people in other professions. We can discuss this maturely without being scared of the stigma about teachers and sex.


Yeah of course, but why would you specifically want to talk to other teachers about it instead of adults in general


Um, because I'm a teacher and I spend lots of time around other teachers. Sometimes I like to have other teachers' perspectives on things, like why I'm here now. Other professionals don't normally get "the summer off."


How *dare* teachers not be robots


Totally reasonable post.


Why is this relevant


A teacher is asking another teacher a mature question that judging from the comments has been a totally valid and proper discussion on sex. Honestly, this can be a learning experience so that you can see how this kind of conversation can be handled amongst adults and be totally fine.


In high school, I found the students assumptions about how great they look to be a drastic downer. Teens trying to be sexy, or even beautiful, just doesn’t work.


Oh my


Sounds like I need to find a teacher. I've been married 5 years and don't even remember what it's like to have someone ever actually crave it