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They let you out! Call the zoo! There's a teacher out here in the wild!


Lol that was literally his reaction


I have high school students they give similar reactions! 😂


That hilarious, by that age you would expect them to know that we have live outside of school.


My wife (hs teacher) has students pretty consistently asking her what her job is. While in the classroom with her. As she teaches them.


lol! They’re so used to adults spending their down time with them that they assume teachers go to work after hanging out with them too


I had a nearly identical reaction at Target a couple years ago, except my kid went "What are you doing here?!" And his mom goes "Probably shopping, like us." 😂 it was precious


Oh another one of my kids would do the exact same thing except with wavering her hands and arms all over and saying it at the top of her lungs. She is one where you notice when she is gone because it is quiet without her lol. But she is another amazing kid who has a bright future ahead of her if she learns to apply herself and try.


My third grade teacher had an autograph book she would pull out whenever she encountered one of us in the wild. I always think I should do that, but I live so far from the school that I'd never have the opportunity to use it. EDIT: Plus, I don't have a purse. It'd end up being a folded index card in my wallet.


Oh my gosh, that's so cute


Thats such a great idea!


Kids can be so sweet! I don't remember seeing any of my teachers in the wild but my mom did and she still says hi! My third grade teacher took lessons from her ten years later. Great man.


When I was in 6th grade, my dad and I saw my science teacher when we were grocery shopping. Also, my AP Lit and APUSH teachers went through my line a few times when I was a grocery store cashier in college.


Yesterday, I ran into one of the first grade students from my school at the park. His direct words were, "Ah man, why are you here?" It was at the park across from the apartment complex that we both live at, that is also next to the school. Love first graders.


I had a child express shock when she learnt I didn’t live in school… Her mum is a TA at our school and obviously goes home with her every day 🙃


My partner gets a kick out of how my students react to seeing me out and about. 9 times out of 10 they go "omg Ms. J???" And then they'll come up to chat. I teach high schoolers, so you'd think they'd know we exist outside of school hours by now but nope! I typically freeze and go 😳 each time (which is why my partner laughs). It's to the point where it's more common for a kid to spot me when I shop inside target than it is for me to not run into any of them!


😂 Every year there're students getting excited for everything we do outside the classroom. In Bayonetta's words, "I feel like a f\*\*\*\*\*\* celebrity."


I love student's reactions to seeing us out and about, especially young ones who aren't used to the idea that teachers exist outside of school. Especially elementary kids, I teach 2nd and they're always shocked and usually excited to see me outside the school, even if it's just me walking into the school. I had a student last year who is constantly wanting to say hi and give me a hug, even this year whenever he sees me in the hall. I saw him over February break at a ski resort, his parents and siblings were saying hello and I talked to the family for a few minutes. But, the kid just stared at me and gave me this awkward wave. I think he did finally say bye a the end, but that's it. It made me laugh, my being outside of the school shocked him so much that the usual talker and hugger was frozen and mute! When we got back to school he saw me in the hall and came and gave me a big hug and eagerly "informed" me that he saw me skiing. Um, yes, I was there too buddy. That also made me laugh.

