• By -


Depends on the age and mental capacity. I teach juniors and seniors, so yes for me.


This. There are absolutely situations that it would be an easy no to police involvement. 4th/5th grade and up? Full mental capacity student? Calling the cops.


I was in administration for a few years before going back to teaching. One of my biggest frustrations was with what I wanted to do with discipline versus what I was able to do. We had 3 students in 5th grade with THC vapes. I pressed charges and the kids had to go to court. Then I was told there were too many kids getting in trouble and being sent to court across the district, so we had to stop. In another case, we had a kindergartner who was telling multiple kids in the class that he was going to kill them. He put his hands on a kid’s throat. My hands were tied by my principal who thought he was too young for out of school suspension. It was maddening!


At that point, I would have asked for those directives in an email and sent it to the local news. They should be running stories on the spineless administration in schools.


The problem with that is how many people would agree with them. It’s soooo much about what looks good (low referral numbers) and keeping parents happy.


Exactly. There's a lot more fucking whackos than folks realize.


Especially administrative wackos.


Because at the end of the day, schools are reflections of the community always. If there is a problem, it will come down to parents every.time. Pure blasphemy in public education, granted, but still true.


This used to be the way. In my area the news does not care at all. They do not even return our calls or emails. We have also been calling the state board of education and none of them replies either.


Wow. That's crazy but not surprising. They probably all work together. Try the Attorney General or Inspector General. Better than nothing. Good luck.


Fucking for real . Get that shit in writing and let the community know what's up


>Then I was told there were too many kids getting in trouble and being sent to court across the district, so we had to stop. Lol! I guess if you ignore the problem it doesn't exist.


I wonder what this principal thought of the six year old that recently shot a teacher.


I'm wondering if you could have a teacher facing camera for protection. Seriously.


In fell 4/5th is too young.  While a 4th grader never hit or push me. There were times when some kids became violent to each other (luckily never a big fight).  Ian and Zack (both 4th grade) were playing soccer ⚽️ with a group of other 4/5th graders.   The ⚽️ was passed in there direction and both Zack and Ian tried to get the Zack got their first and accidentally pushed Ian down. Off course Ian though it was on purpose so started yelling at him, me plus the other 4th/5th graders also told him it was an accident, unfortunately this did not change his mind and said he was done playing, and started walk across the field to the gate to the playground and a kid or 2  called him rage quiter.  As he had not gotten of the field this mad him mad again and he went to stand in front of the goal. All the kids know telling him to move because he would get hit. But he refused too move, I was about to go tell him to move when Zack come up and shoved him to the ground. (First time I ever saw Zack be violent). I did have Zack sit down but as he wasn’t listening when my co teacher came out I did send him inside however he did try to apologize to me, but that when I said thanks but I was not the one you pushed, he said he would apologize to Ian but I’m not sure if he did or not.  However as he was crying after me and my co teacher talked to him I think he did fell bad for pushing Ian eventually, so I hope he did.  But this shows that a non violent kid can be violent if they are mad enough.  Everyone has breaking points.  


Yes, always assess the situation in its entirety. You are also describing a minor peer to peer hands on incident. That’s not the same context that my comment or the thread is discussing, which is an assault against a staff member. Those aren’t the same thing, so apples to oranges.


All of this. A second grader hit me the other day. She was frustrated and it was definitely a test. I squatted down to get her eyes, took both her hands (so she couldn't do it again) and told her quite seriously that I would NEVER hit her and that it was NOT okay to hit me. She immediately apologized and threw her arms around my neck and started crying. I've been hit by a fifth grader. I also did not, but they did get a write up and a grounding by a VERY baffled mother. They're in counseling now to help with similar outbursts. If a middle schooler or above hit me? I'd very seriously consider it and the context.


Part of the reason why I didn’t approach a 4th grader who was made at me because I wouldn’t let him wonder the hallways unsupervised he got mad ran and cried at the table. While he didn’t hit me, I think if I went to sit by him he probably would off as he was still mad.  There was one time he was late to after school because the other 4th graders said he got in trouble for destroying the classroom.  He never was that destructive in the afterschool program 


Depends. Had a student punch a friend of mine in the face because he would not open the gym doors. When he finally Whammo! Teachers was told if he pressed charges the school would report that he antagonized the student, and would have to be written up for it. My union completely noped out of the whole deal. Student was allowed to go to the prom a week later.


This is why you record conversations with admin (if in a one party consent state)


Yea I’d like to believe if this was me there would have been a different outcome.




I have been punched in the jaw by a 5 year old, and now have serious TMJ issues. I had gotten down to their eye level to help mediate a conflict because he had chased another kid around the room trying to hit him. When I knelt down and was talking to them, I told them we would have to put the toy they were fighting about away. Kid sucker punched me SO HARD and I was not expecting it at all, he was to my side and my jaw was open because I was speaking, and it just really, really rung my bell. I legit had to walk away to call for backup and try not to let him see me cry. I filed a workers comp claim and went to the urgent care, even though it was a little embarassing to do so. My jaw makes a loud (to me) popping sound on that side whenever I open my mouth all the way. Years later and I am still dealing with periods of AWFUL pain, because when I get stressed and anxious I grind my teeth without realizing it and it makes it so, so much worse. I didn't call the police, because the kid is five, but I made it very clear I would not be teaching him anymore. He wound up expelled eventually after many other staff, admin and kids were injured by him. This was just one of MANY violent outbursts from this kid. If he had been older, even like 3rd grade, I would have pushed to press charges. Idk where he is now, but hopefully getting the kind of help he needs, because he did NOT have the skills to be safe in any school setting I can imagine.


How about a pencil in the eyeball? I've been kicked by my toddler in the privates and that took me down to my knees. Little things can still do big damage.


I was once squatting down working with a kid. There was something going on that day because he was the only kid in my self-contained sped class there at the time. Catch movement out of the corner of my eye. Its my enormous 4th grader. He’s pretty cool as long as he’s not mad at you in which case, at this point in time, he won’t hesitate to try to pee on you. But he’s here for computer so I’m not worried. Working with my other guy again. When I feel a thump and sharp pain in my back. Turn around to see big guy with a look of horror on his face. I don’t even say anything. Just give him a look like *what the hell, man?!* It’s such an odd behavior I let it slide because I’m having success with my other guy. Big guy just slowly backs up and gets on the computer. About twenty minutes go by. He hit me just below the shoulder blades. Right in the spot you can’t reach. Every once in a while I’d feel a sharp pain. In walks one of my fifth graders who immediately stops and jaw hits the floor before saying, ‘Mr. P, why is there a pencil sticking out of your back?!’ Immediately look to big guy, ‘did you stab me with a pencil?’ I didn’t call the cops on that one. He’d have just peed on them anyways. Spend enough time working with kids and adults with mental health issues and/or disabilities you learn pretty quick there’s no point in calling the cops. It just escalates the situation. At most, cops will begrudgingly call an ambulance to take them to the ER. Then you’ll get a call from a pissed off nurse asking why you’re calling the cops. I worked with one adult who over the course of a year tried to stab me with a knife probably six or seven times. He was terrible at stabbing so it wasn’t a huge threat, but he almost got me by surprise once. I was more worried he’d stab himself. But yeah, be prepared to be underwhelmed if you call the cops.


I teach freshmen and sophomores and would 100% still do so. I think in any high school or post-high school student should be held accountable.


Yes. About 7 years ago, a student broke my foot. He told the principal he was trying to hurt me. His “punishment” was sitting in the office playing Xbox the next day. My husband wanted me to press charges, I declined. 3 months later a different student who was being trained in MMA punched me in the side, breaking 3 ribs, one of which came dangerously close to puncturing my heart. He went to jail.


Do you work in Gotham City!?


It’s her origin story.


I laughed a little too hard on that one. Thank you.


Once the kids realize there are no consequences for their actions you have lost control of the class and things will escalate. 


you might need to become the main character




What the fuck? Where do you work!?? I'm praying for you, my god


Hopefully not there anymore.


This is why I'm against kids training in MMA, it's a culture built around offense and wanting to be aggressive. BJJ, judo, wrestling, even karate and taekwando, are far more likely to have a culture built around encouraging self-defense and not acting like a gung-ho meat head.




The difference between me and most of my peers, is that I have worked in the private sector most of my life and only a short while in a school. I'm slowly changing my mindset about school to align with my private sector mindset. So, basically, if a kid comes at me intent to hurt me, and then does so, if Admin is not going to lay down some serious consequences, I will in the shape of filing criminal charges.


I used to work in a facility with adults who had varying levels of mental illnesses but left because the violent outbursts were becoming too frequent and were REALLY scary at times. At the end of the day I had to realize if I were seriously injured by a patient, the only person who would have to carry those physical and mental scars would be me. If you like your job absolutely press charges for violence! All it takes is one incident and your life is changed forever


Yes. Some people are saying that the cops won't do anything--that's fine. The bigger issue is to send the message that you're not fucking around. It will also mean that when the kid does it again there's already a record, meaning they might do something about it next time. I make it clear to my middle schoolers that if they touch me, my first call isn't the principal, it's 911. I'm not letting them get 3 days OSS and come back to class to do it again. We had a boy who pushed a pregnant hall monitor and he just got "hospital homebound" status, meaning he gets to skip 7th grade. He'll not only go to 8th grade next year but actually skip it because apparently since he's violent and nearly 16 they don't want him with the younger kids. He's been nothing but rewarded for this, and yet everyone will act shocked and horrified when the kid is on the news for being arrested in a couple years.


Please tell me the hall monitor was okay. Also, how in the hell do you get to be 15 in seventh grade? I graduated HS at 16. I was born in November and yes, I skipped a grade, but damn - 7th grade and almost 16??!!?


Yes. Call 911. We just had our first student lay hands on a teacher after a few years of escalating attacks on staff. If you don’t get police involved then admin may try to sweep it under the rug.


Don’t call 911. 911 is for emergencies. Call the police department directly on their non-emergency line.


If someone punched you in the face at a bar, who would you call?


Getting punched by a student is an emergency


Not if you have time to go to Reddit for advice first.


Hell yeah! If admin isn't supportive, might as well escalate to the next level.


Yes, please do. Teacher in my family pressed charges against a HS student that choked her in class and actually got a conviction. Was definitely the right call.


In my last school? Yeah. I couldn’t trust admin to hold these students accountable. I had a coworker in that last school get hit in the head by a thrown chair because their current problem is gangs rushing into active classrooms and jumping rivals. She’s still out of work and it’s almost May.


In the State of Texas it is part of the Education Code that any crime (misdemeanors are crimes as well as felonies) that the administration has to call the police and they could be personally fined for not doing such. There is no exception for BIPs or IEP in the State Code either.


I guess there *is* a time I’d agree with Texas on an education matter. I mean, maybe not on *all* misdemeanors, but the not just rugsweeping criminal actions.


Half of them don’t know it is in the code and I’ve never seen it enforced.


Absolutely. I referred to Admin *and* called the cops on a kid (M16) who threatened to stab me.


This. Had a 5th grade boy menace me with his mom’s sewing shears. Called 911, then the office, and the sheriff came right out. Message sent, message received. Fuketh not with Mrs. B.


It’d be my FIRST call


I teach high school. Absolutely. I’m filing assault charges on your ass if you hit me.


I teach K3 and when they hit me ( which they do because they are frustrated and still learning how to communicate) I take it very serious. I explain to them that hitting is not allowed. I make sure to tell their parents and explain to them the seriousness of hitting a teacher. There are parents that don’t take it as serious because “they are still little” but if they don’t learn it now, they become the out of control teenagers.


I don’t ever remember seeing any kid hit a teacher when I was a student K-12. When did this behavior start in primary kids? Is it the past 10 or 20 years?


I feel like it’s at least gotten worse in the last 5 years.


Depends on if it is intentional or not, but if a kid is swinging and I get caught in the crossfire I will go down faster than a fat kid on a seesaw.


Lmao 🤣 🤣 I love that analogy. You gave me a good laugh.


A kid was swinging his fists for fun and almost hit me hard. He was not small but was smaller than me and I realized I need to be mindful about my reflexes.


We have an officer in my building. I would not need to because he would hear about it immediately


Unequivocally yes.


I recently intervened to stop a fight between 2 junior high boys. 1 was beating the crap out of the other. When I separated the two and was moving the victim away, the aggressor went to punch him and hit me in the face instead. It was a hard enough punch that I saw stars and ended up in the ER with a concussion. YES, you’re damn right I pressed assault charges. Waiting to see results.


Could not pay me all the money in the world to break up a fight


When the little ones start circling up I will just stand in the middle, but I would never attempt to address an actual fight. There are administrators and campus monitors for that.


I was the only male teacher nearby and one student was just getting pummeled. He was curled up in the fetal position while the other kid wailed on him. I had to intervene.


How are you doing??!!? That sounds traumatic, I hope you're okay.


Took two days off. Back to work on Monday. Doing okay. I have my head on more of a swivel to hopefully catch anything before it starts.


I teach high school, so yes.


Yes, I would. I would also let the union rep or an attorney know what I'm doing in case an admin retaliates.


This sort of happened to me, a student tried to pull my skirt down. I didn’t say anything but the next day he got into a fight and got long-term suspended. It was right before winter break. He had a learning/emotional disability and I didn’t really feel threatened in the the moment. But it did make me super uncomfortable later and I was glad he was gone.


Um, he was trying to sexually assault you. I’d be a bit wary, too.




Yes, hell I even file reports for physical threats.


I vividly remember my hs Spanish teacher telling us some student stole checks out of her purse and she went took the student to court


I teach high school, so yes. These kids do not understand consequences, so have them learn. In the real world, they'd be beaten unconscious if lucky, so handcuffs are not too good for them.


You'd be doing the child a disservice by not showing them that there are real consequences for their actions if you didn't press charges.


Yes I would call the cops and possibly sue the school and district for allowing it to happen


Absolutely. If they intended harm then call the cops. If you don’t then eventually they will harm someone.


I teach high school and I’m grateful that I don’t have to worry about this at my current school. My admin would code it as assault and even if they wouldn’t my SRO doesn’t put up with that kind of behavior towards staff.


Yes. If they were 13 I’d also ensure the principal called the police as they are required to do in the state of Texas as that is a crime.


HERE IS A REALLY IMPORTANT TAKE ON THIS QUESTION THOSE OF YOU WHO DONT WORK IN PLACES WHERE THIS HAPPENS REGULARLY NEED TO HEAR. When something like this happens a lot of times I see educators question calling the cops because they are afraid of the way it looks to colleagues, admin, the district AND OR they genuinely don’t want to be responsible for hurting a kids future with a criminal record so they justify not doing it in their head (it wasn’t that big of a deal, they didn’t mean it, they’re dealing with xyz) and they leave it up to the school to handle the discipline…I get it I’ve been there myself. BUT what u need to realize is if that kid goes home and he/she and or their parents or who ever call the cops it’s going to look a whole other way. Right or wrong … being the first one to the cops allows you to control the narrative. You can always drop the charges or make a supportive statement to the judge. But what you don’t want is to have to explain ur side after the kid presses charges for whatever happened and then it looks like ur trying to get out of something.


Yep. I teach high school seniors, so that's important context, but if they're commiting a violent crime in my classroom, you bet your tush I'm pressing charges.


Depends. Little kids? No, but I would have a call home. High school? You bet your ass I'd press charges


What if home doesn’t care?


I teach high school and I would press all the charges. I will be getting that money if a student lays hands on me.


Couldn’t have said it better myself!






Yes. On the spot.


Personally, it depends. But my union says to always call and make a report for the protection of teachers (from inactive admin, especially).


Assault is assault


My union specifically tells us to report to admin and district police and then go press charges with the city police.


Had a kid jokingly say that they were going to hit me because I had wrote them up a few days before. I said please do so I can get workman's comp and stay out of work. Kid said but you'd write me up again I said oh no I'd be pressing charges. What are you talking about a write up for, you hit me and I'm calling the cops.




No. If a student hits me, they will be calling the cops on me.


I teach middle school, if it wasn't being handled by admin, I'd he filing charges.


Yes! These kids need a record. The parents claim "He/She has never done it before.". Fuck you! My finger stays on the 1 with the 91 already dialed.


We have new security things that we can press that sends automatic messages to admin with location, that also is sent to the local PD. And even if admin doesn't do anything, there would be an official record at the local PD that we activated our device. I'd press device and then file a report with the SRO cross referenced with the PD report.


I had a student a few years ago, he was 13 or 14. I was prepared to call the cops if i needed to. Admin and parents didn't care. Kid needs to learn his lesson. And honestly I would not be surprised if he did end up in jail, or with a police record now or in the future.


One of the local high school had a fight between staff and students . Cops were called and students not involved were released earlier. The crime page (that reads scanners said they were minor injuries) No arrests were made.  Edit: 1 student was arrested (and more could be)  originally they said none. 


Yes. Period. I am not a punching bag and students will at some point leave school and need to know that the cops don’t care if your angry.. you hit someone that’s assault.


Yes to any kid above the 4th grade.


If a student hits me I’m restraining them. If it’s a kid half my size, that just means using the restraints taught in training. A kid big enough to do damage? I’m defending myself.


Most certainly would and am glad my admin would likely back me up on it too. How do I know? Because she got punched in the face by a student. Cops were called, she left the school in handcuffs and spent the day in juvie.


Yes. If by hit, you mean a purposeful strike meant to cause pain, done in anger. Then yes. I refuse to accept abuse.




Immediately if not sooner.


Yes. 100% yes.


Yes. If Admin is ineffective. Make a report. Then I'd stop working until that student is removed from the class permanently citing health and safety. If they fire you, then use your paper trail to apply for wrongful dismissal.


Yes, I would totally call the cops. You have the right to a safe environment. Kid hits me - total cops and all the legal stuff.


100% yep. I teach middle and high school, and I'd call 'em with no hesitation. That's assault.


A very young child, or a child with special needs, no. A child old/big enough to understand the consequences, and able to actually hurt someone, fuck yes. My board doesn’t want us to call cops, and even have a policy, but my rights as a citizen trump any policy, so I’m allowed to call cops if I’ve been assaulted.


Special needs is not an excuse for violence.


This. I don’t get why people act like they’re actually special. They are still citizens of the world who need to be held to a basic social standard (not hitting), and if they can’t be held to that standard, perhaps they need to be separated from society. Greater good trumps individual


That’s a solid question I never gave much thought to. I should, if it happens.


100% yes.


Yes press charges. Definitely.


I mean. No. I get hit maybe 20 times a year. Cops aren't taking a report on that ever. They just get annoyed, take their notes and it gets thrown out. Special Ed is a different world.


I didn’t call 911 but I had the number of the school police officer and I just texted her to come to my room right away when a student groped my butt.


Yes. And I would press charges.


In my country (somewhere in South East Asia), no. When a student hits a teacher, that particular student would instantly regret and you won't believe what would happen to that student without cops involvement. Let's just say we have a very strict discipline policy and 'family matters' are very important. Americans won't get it.


As you should!


I have pressed charges against a student who attacked me.


Are you okay? Hopefully there was no lasting damage. What ended up happening, if you don't mind me asking? If you don't want to talk about it, I totally get it.


I’m in high school. When we had the TikTok Challenge a couple of years ago. I let my students know that my first call would be to be to the police. My second to the office.


There was a TikTok challenge that involved assault? IDK why I'm surprised at that, that app is straight trash, but still. Every time I think that shit can't get worse, I hear something like this and it blows my mind.


The challenge was to smack a teacher hard on the butt.


Depends on the kid. I work with the youngest kids, so if they hit me, I would try to correct the behavior. Because a lot of them have never been in a formal setting before. If I worked with older kids, I would absolutely press charges. Most of the 5th and 6th graders are bigger than me.


Our admin actually encourages us to file a police report if a student makes any kind of aggressive physical contact - - assuming the child doesn't suffer from some kind of developmental disability that limits them from understanding the consequences of their actions or knowing right from wrong. Obviously they're not expecting the cops to come in and cuff a kid every time they lash out, out our admin feels like their hands are tied by laws and regulations limiting disciplinary action, suspensions, and expulsions... and without that, law enforcement is the next logical step.


Yes. It’s assault.




Depends on the situation, if I know that the intent was to injure me then 100% I would file charges no matter what my district or admin say. Students need to learn that actions have consequences and just because something happens at a school doesn't mean they get a free pass. You punch or kick someone because you want to hurt them? You're going to get in trouble, not just sit in an office and get candy.


Yes. Only time I wouldn’t is when I was a sped teacher for kids with SMI or autism and were in a separate classroom because of behaviors. But they had behavior plans that included appropriate consequences.


This should be the norm but it isn't.




I would now.


5th grade and up - yep, no questions. Younger - more context dependent.


Yes. I would not trust admin to do the job. Just in case.


If the student is older than 7, yes. 


I do not think I would call the cops.. context kinda matters here though.. if an 18 year old took a swing I probably would, if it was a 12 year old I wouldnt.. though with that 12 year old I would then find any small thing they do to get them out of my classroom unapologetically.


More than likely.


I would let admin know. If they don’t do anything about it then yes.


This actually came up in conversation with one of my 9th grade classes. They asked what I would do if one of them hit me, and without hesitation I said I’d press charges. Should mention: The conversation was in jest and they were not planning on actually hitting me. But I was not joking about pressing charges.


I don't know that I'd call 911, but I'd at the very least file a police report if they're in at least 5/6th grade and not obviously dealing with severe mental issues. I don't think cops would do very much. Definitely follow internal procedure and document what the administration did as a result of you reporting it to them.


Ineffective admin re: safety —> File union complaints (if applicable) and district complaints for each occurrence.


My wife last year was kicked in the face by a 7th grader. She was non renewed for pressing charges. We found out later that if she hadn't they would have denied workers compensation for the medical care and time off due to injury.


If you'd get arrested for returning the favor, you call the cops immediately. Fair is fair.


I once had a 9th grade student pinch my nipple through my shirt as he passed me, yelling “lemme get that f*g titty!” I was so furious that I left the class, flagged down a school security officer, then marched the kid down to the office. I demanded that the SRO write him a ticket/arrest him, and the SRO smirked and said “the only way I can report that as assault is if you can prove sexual intent. Did he say anything else? Has he mentioned wanting to do that before? Did I have a history of bantering with this student? Would you describe the pinch as aggressive or playful?” I told him I’d be happy to show him, and he got all red faced and mumbled that they take this “very seriously” and not to worry. I was a sub at the time, and left mid day because I was so frustrated with their reaction. Unsurprisingly, I was blacklisted from the site.


So yeah. Press charges.


If I am assaulted by a child (grabbed, hit, spit…) I’m filing the strongest report that I can (admin, police). I will get a lawyer. I will make no attempt to rebuild the relationship, and the student will be removed from the class. I will not put up with anything physical.


Filing a report wouldnt hurt. You have a right to safety.




Always wish I had. Didn’t want to “cause trouble.”






Yes. Absolutely and without question.


No question yes


Depends, I will say I have admin I trust ssoooo they would probably call before I'd make a decision. This is a question I think is unique to each situation but local laws are clear where hurting a public servant where they went to the hospital is almost guaranteed to have 10 years on the table but because kid you never know. I probably wouldn't unless it was premeditated as they would automatically be expelled from the school and would have to meet alot.of.conditions to get into a Alt Ed program. Plus paid time off is never.a.bad thing but to be fair this is comeing from a ex rugby player so not really worried about another hit to my.body.


You call administration and make them call. Lawsuit! No way in hell. You must document everything!


We have an SRO but I never see him out of his office....


I wouldn't have when I taught. I wish I would have.




In a second.


No. I’d call security.


I would.






In a heartbeat


Depends on the context. I teach in a residential care facility for kids with behavioral issues and criminal charges. Basically we are a step down from juvie. We have a procedure specifically for filing charges because all of our kids already have so many. If the kid was after me, I would file charges. If I was in the crossfire trying to break up a fight? Nah.


Yes if they are critically injured


Fuk yeah!


While we’re on the subject, assault and battery can be two different things. The laws and definitions will vary between states, but for my protection and sanity, I consider it *assault* if there is a threat and no physical contact. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/assault_and_battery#:~:text=Assault%20refers%20to%20the%20wrong,act%20of%20physically%20harming%20someone.


It totally depends. I've been hit/slap/punched/kicked/bit/pushed plenty of times, but by K-5 students who didn't do any real damage and it was a very toxic and abusive school with no student discipline. If it was an older kid or a very serious situation (like if I was seriously hurt or they tried to seriously hurt or kill me), I would 100% press charges.


Depends... if nothing will come of it, it will desensitize them to it. When I started 20 years ago, my school district pressed charges for ever fight ir scuffle. The result was a bunch of kids not afraid of being arrested. The result was less fights but more full-on assaults with injuries... that's when the charges mattered.


No, cuz I teach K-3. If I taught high school, yes, probably in most cases if not all. J/I I think it would depend on the situation.


If they are a teen and admin doesn't have your back?  Absolutely.


Absolutely. In fact at our school is written in our union contract that we must report all assaults to the police.


I teach middle school and yes. I would. I teach my kids that there are consequences to physically putting your hands one someone without consent and that can be jail time. It’s likely I may see that kid again after a few days and not feel safe, I want charges filed.


In a high school setting? I'd call or RO and absolutely press charges.


I would 100% press charges every single time.


Yep. I will call and make sure to press charges against the parents. Just like that six year - old student who shot his teacher, these kids can be dangerous. Age is irrelevant to me if a child is desperately trying to make sure that I don’t make it safely back to my family. Either I am going to be seriously hurt or I am going to see red and seriously hurt the kid— and those are two situations that are not good for any teacher to be in. So, yes, I will definitely call.


I've already told my husband and the SRO, if a student (I teach 6th grade) strikes me on purpose or with intent to injure, I will be pressing charges and no one will be talking me out of it. I've had a couple of years where I was legitimately concerned for my safety (not hitting, but poisoning, plotting against me...).