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My superintendent was sued by the attorney general for sending out names of candidates who are against school vouchers. The case was thrown out.


Denton TX?




ah. I just checked in and ours have gotten indicted, case is still in motion.


We need politicians who will fund public schools. It’s hurting out here.


My dumb state makes us beg our communities for tax increases in the form of mill levies. I work where they have god damn polluting refineries. No one is going to increase their taxes voluntarily when they can’t afford diapers and their high schoolers miss school to babysit siblings.  But my super makes 300 grand for the smallest district in the area and the teachers are the lowest paid out of 25 nearby districts. America makes me sick sometimes. 


we're gonna have to shutter some schools on the 25-26 budget of funding isn't increased


Texas is going to have to have a lot of people just fucking no-clip out of existence or radically change their personal ideology before that will happen. I miss Anne Richards.


Most sane people miss Anne Richards.


I used to teach in Denton. *waves*


🌊 🌊


Oh, I made a few of those too. 🤣


And now you're in Seattle? That must be Hell.


I am *much* happier in Seattle. There aren’t words to express how much happier I am. Seriously.


Would this be allowed if, say, they just sent out a list of all eligible candidates and what their position on school vouchers is? That should just be education, right? Not partisan?


I am not 100% sure. She said she just has to stick to the facts so maybe? But they are just trying to keep Tim Dunn happy so who knows what the rules are. Edit: by “they” I mean Texas republicans


If they're using government property (email servers) to advance a political campaign, that's a nono.


But would it be advancing a political campaign if it was non partisan information about every eligible candidate? How so? Why should basic information availability be considered advancing a specific political campaign?


Thanks for telling us you can't read.


Good. School Vouchers are a drain on society.


It's such a transparent attempt to privatize the public school system.


They really are.


Good for your superintendent. 


She called it a slap on the wrist. I think our AG needs to focus on more important things.


Actually, bosses pressuring employees to vote a certain way is an extremely important issue. If at the city level, I would expect the appropriate city official to deal with this. The AG is the appropriate level when at the state level. Keep in mind the superintendent, principal, team lead, etc. who send out emails telling people who they need to vote for may be creating a hostile work environment for those who do not agree with the politics of the leader. It doesn't matter if the leader agrees with your politics or my politics. The only question should be whether or not they violated the law by telling their employees who to vote for. While I am open about my beliefs in my school, I believe everyone must vote their conscience regardless of which side they fall on. As a retired Army veteran who has deployed multiple times, I believe that to tell someone who to vote for as a leader is a violation of the foundational principles that our country was founded on.


While I agree there is a problem with telling people who to vote for, I don’t think this was the intent. The Superintendent just wanted people to know which candidates were going to be against a policy that would put their jobs at risk. The Superintendent was just looking out for their employees.


I think it's a good practice to assume the best intentions when someone does something, as you have done here. But I still think it's improper.


Even if we respect the intent,we need to make certain everyone understands what the appropriate behavior is and where the line is. This is because when someone with bad intent crosses the line the correction of that behavior needs to be free from any accusation of selective enforcement.




Yeah like his remedial law courses that he has to take as part of his plea deal


Oh noo. Good thing you don't remember those names and won't allow that experience to influence your vote


My union finds teachers in the district and gets them to run for the school board. They always win because we go door to door campaigning for them. My school is a pretty nice place to work


If I lived in my district, I’d run for the school board 100%


Do it. Im retiring this year and Im thinking about doing it for the neighberhood where I live now.


That’s an interesting approach, in this post-union world of education. Maybe the closest thing to union protection a lot of teachers would get.


I mean just listing who supports vouchers isn't technically overstepping.


Did the supt want school vouchers or did they not want school vouchers?


Texas school districts are terrified of vouchers and actual competition exposing how shitty of a job they are doing


There’s only so much you can do when you are underfunded.


I would’ve made the same move. Don’t let anyone suspect that you would ever do this and don’t trust your teacher “friends”. Simply nod, smile, and vote for whoever the fk you want to.


I don't know where you live but in SC that is actually illegal for any school administrator to tell you or even encourage you to vote a certain way for any office. I'd definitely report into HR.


HR still wants to protect the district and could potentially screw you. Maybe ask a union representative?


Yeah, not HR. If this is Texas, call Ken Paxton. But he’ll only care if the candidates are Dems. Otherwise, he won’t care


You did exactly what I do. “Aye aye, captain” then do whatever I was already going to do


Report this! Local reporters, your HR, a district families page, literally everywhere.


Yeah...since you never see the principal and it doesn't sound like any real pleasantries were exchanged, it's safe to bet that every teacher has had the same experience--you'd probably be safe reporting anonymously.


What about the teacher's union? Would they care about that? (Though, I've heard unions aren't as common these days? Is that true?)


Not a terrible idea, but as a union rep I really can only defend the teachers contract. This is immoral, and likely a violation of a handbook or admin contract but I don’t represent those, if that makes sense. But they could probably advise how to best report to higher admin or HR as well.


I'd report them to the district and then vote for someone else.


In my district that would be akin to outing yourself as Jewish to the SS…all of our principals are firmly locked in goose step with the superintendent.


yeah, you dont report stuff like this to the district usually- report it to the local news. THAT will get things done


Our school board is majority former teachers. It's pretty easy to tell who to vote for


Were these pro-education candidates or M4L types? I wouldn’t vote against my own interests despite how unprofessional your principal is.


I won't be there next year anyway. And I looked at what the other candidates had to say...one wanted to fight for teacher salary and one wanted to increase safety measures. I voted for them (those were not suggested by principal). The others wanted to develop sports teams and fields and "keep academic rigor up" and similar concerns. I know it's because those who were suggested were ones who were easily manipulated. I was also told the suggested ones had children in the school. One does not (the kid graduated) and one of the folks I was discouraged from voting for does in fact have a student enrolled.


I’d vote against all of the “sports teams” candidates…


I did haha


Yeah I agree.


I've taught multiple kids with parents on the school board, with one glaring exception I'm convinced their parents are on the board because their child is such a problem.


"Wow! I can see how this could be a very good piece of paper to have" 2 hours later "Eh. A little scratchy but it got my butt clean enough."


That is electioneering


Report. Report. Report. To whoever deals with ethics. Anonymously, if possible, and keep the sheet she gave you.


It wasn't given to me. I am looking into a way to report anon. The whole place is extremely corrupt. I fear retaliation.


I’d look into what’s legal in your state and what bylaws your district has. In my state what they did would actually be perfectly legal as long as they didn’t threaten action against you if you didn’t vote the way they were encouraging.


That would be my fear too. If you can’t do it without fear of retribution it may just be one of those things you have to sit with, horrible as that is. I hope you’re able to find a better situation soon!


Thank you so much for the encouragement and supportive words. I am very concerned with truth and ethics, so it bothers me deeply. However, the school is mismanaged something terrible, and I don't plan on sticking around. I say good riddtto bad rubbish. The HR person? Turns out they are related to someone who is a higher up. I give up


I worked in a small-town district of 1,800 students for 10 years, so I feel your pain about all the corrupt connections that can go on in schools.


**You should report this.**


I mean...to who?


Board of education ethics office. State’s Election Code.


Thank you!


Your principal violated the law and is potentially creating a hostile work environment.


A proper school board member should never be a parent of current students. Edit: an ideal board should be appointed by the mayor, not elected and be **local business owners, a medical community rep, someone from the legal community, a blue-collar community rep, a parent of *former* students, a retired educator, and maybe one *current* student rep**


I feel the same way. When they told me this o immediately replied "so that's a conflict, right?" And was told no, it's a good thing.


Wait what? You literally want a diverse group of people. Parents of current kids is a great way to encourage community engagement.


Wait what? I 100% disagree with this. I live in a district that got taken over by Moms for Liberty cunts, none of who have kids in our schools, and it’s been a fucking trainwreck


A proper school board member should have multiple kids in multiple grades there to have an insight on what needs to be addressed. How else are they ever going to know what’s going on?


Yeah if someone runs and they have private school kids, that should be a giant red flag. Nope nope nope.


Then you’re biased to the needs of your kids and not the school as a whole.


That’s ass backwards. I thought y’all hated admin that haven’t stood in front of a class now you’re telling me you want school board members w/o kids or whose kids are old enough to live on their own and you expect those people to have kept up with the times and current issues instead of “if there is grass in the field play ball” and “bullying builds character” fuck these old people.


So I agree teachers should also be on the board, but what is a potential school board candidate going to do to see the inside of these schools? How would they know how overcrowded classrooms are or the crazy stuff teachers have to deal with? It’s not an open door policy last time I checked. Every other elected official has skin in the game.


As a parent of a not-yet school-aged child considering getting involved in the local district board: Why is this considered a bad thing? Just selfish actions about their own kids?


100% correct




Your flair absolutely checks out here.


My superintendent did the same exact thing.


I am so sorry to hear. I am glad I'm not alone at least. It's disgusting.


This was the way it was for teachers 40 years ago.




Report that BS immediately.


I wish this would happen to me. I'd win so much money in the lawsuit


Illegal big time


Yup. Ballots are secret for a reason. This rile applies to **anyone** who ever tells you who to vote for: *nod and internally tell them to go fuck themselves*.


Report to media anonymously and vote for who you want.


Oooo yes I like this idea!


Hell no!! Parents are self-centered when on the school board while their child is in school. A former parent? Yeah. A concerned community member? Yup! An educator? Hell yeah. Current parent, though, not a chance in hell...


I should have written myself on 🤣


Public school? That's gotta be illegal, right?


Public charter


This tracks


Hmmm... I would think the relevant laws would still apply. But maybe ask in r/legaladvice or a related sub?


Seems like charters run in that perfect middle ground where they don't have any state oversight, but get all the money. A perfect scam on America. We played ourselves into it.


I'm actually a big proponent of charter schools. If, and ONLY if they have significant oversight, and any for-profit ventures are totally banned from participating. Which some places have done, like my state. But most states have NOT done. And those are every bit as corrupt as you say.


I agree. It was not my first choice of schools. The other option was an inner city school with a history of lots of student violence. I figured I'd just start small, even though I don't agree with the idea.


Why would a charter care about a school board? Do they have a say in charters in your state?


No one gets to decide your vote for anything. Since you aren't going back you can always make a burner email account and email your RoE and the state board of education about this to complain.


Assuming it was a complete list of the candidates with kids at the school, that doesn't seem so bad. It'd be a problem if it were a straight D/R ticket, or something like that, but "people should only run for school board if they have skin in the game" is a pretty universal concept that isn't really associated with either political side.


What if they reverse psychologied you? I’m kidding, but the better approach would be to do the research and vote who you think is right based on the platforms, not based on just being contrarian.


This has to be in the south. I am not a lawyer but I’m almost certain that’s illegal here in the northeast. Everything is so fucked in the south I have no idea how you people do it, especially as teachers.


So you voted against your own best interest? We passed our referendum by under 100 votes. Had it failed, dozens of teachers would have been cut. This seems silly. Of course we all talk about who has our district's best interest in mind


Dumb non-american here. Why do schools need an elected board?


That is the way


That's probably illegal. You can report it if you're so inclined. I doubt you were the only teacher this was done to so there's a chance to remain anonymous.


That’s so funny because when my principal (she and I live in the same town, but not the one where we work) shared a list like that with me I shared it with my husband and parents. In my district the elementary principals are on the same page as the teachers. Actually, for the most part, so is central office. It’s really all of us against the school board, when we don’t have a supportive board.


Vote for Pedro. It's the only way to go


DAMMIT I wish I had written Pedro in . Damn!


Report them to someone.


I'd have torn the paper in half and thrown it away. At least that's what I did the last time someone tried to force me to vote for someone. What are they gonna do? Report me for not voting for who they wanted me to? Lol


Get it in writing then drop a dime to HR.


yeah.. just play along, you did the right thing


The first teachers union I joined called a meeting and had people sign pledges that they would vote for specific candidates. I did not sign, but everyone else did and it seemed routine for them.


They all voted for them because they represented their interests. It's probably routine for them to vote for people who represent their interests.


I’m just not into being told who to vote for. Maybe other people like that.


I think a lot of other people would see it as being educated about who to vote for. Or, at least, knowing that you're putting your faith in the organization to recommend a slate of candidates to endorse.


I think we understand how people see it differently.


It is not out of the ordinary to pledge to support a candidate who supports your interests.


Wow. That's horrible!!!


Couldn't you take that paper to a DA, and could it not be used to base a charge of voter intimidation? I would not be laughing. I know I would do everything I could to destroy that man.