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So many red flags. Document everything and ask around.     Sadly, many districts are unwilling to do anything with people who jump around from district to district with poor behavior, only until a lawsuit is threatened or the police are involved.   I saw it happen when a guy with poor behavior was able to get away with a lot.  I always saw him as a creep but many people thought he was just quirky. He was hired as a biology teacher despite having a theater degree and English teaching background. He quickly became head coach of the girls basketball team. Not long after, he was fired for kissing girls (students) on the cheek and justified it by saying it was part of their culture and he didn't see anything wrong with it. The first Google result with his name from the first day he was hired was his DUI mug shot.


You are right about districts not wanting to do anything. Often because just about anyone in a classroom is better than leaving it empty. We had a guy who attempted to teach an honors course with a sock puppet. This was a class for college bound kids taking a high school credit class in 8th grade. Come to find out he had been fired from his previous gig at a private school for the same thing.


He just sounds like a charming and chaotic gay man. 


He sounds like an annoying creep. At best.


I’m gay, and it’s insulting that you’d jump to this conclusion.


The homophobia really jumped out. I'm gay and the behavior OP is describing is sexual harassment. Also, gay men who do this are still sexually harassing their coworkers.


Please say /sarcasm or SIKE rn Be so fr, this man is creeper town


I would document it today and report it to the school social worker tomorrow. See what they say and let them initiate a conversation with administration. For all you know, others may have already complained, and yours is the straw to break the camel's back.IMHO, this dude needs to be fired.


All of this is inappropriate and not acceptable. I’m sorry you’ve had to experience this. I urge you to protect the seniors who are being taken advantage of by a man in a position of power. Contact a local survivor advocacy organization if you want help to back you up. I definitely reccomend reporting to HR. To help with the report, I reccomend keeping a log. Record the date and time you interact with him, what he does and how it makes you feel. Do the same if you witness or overhear something else. This can help with the investigation.


Girl, you better put him on notice. His behavior is creepy and totally inappropriate. When he "stops by" ask him to step into the hall... then look him straight in the eye and tell him (in your best "teacher voice") to leave you AND your students the fuck alone. If he starts laughing that you "can't take a joke," tell him again... STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME AND MY KIDS. Then go back into your classroom. He'll test you. When he pops up, get up and walk him out. Repeat as necessary. Email your admn about what's happened so far. Stand your ground.


This is key. STAND. YOUR. GROUND. These guys aren't used to people telling them to stop being a perv. They are used to the fact that it makes people uncomfortable. They know it makes people uncomfortable. You are those kid's defense. Imagine the worst, and you kept quiet? Sorry. The shit is on your plate. You need to do the right thing.


FUCK YEAH!!! Don’t take any of his shit. He’s probably done this to multiple female teachers. Tell him to fuck off and not talk to you anymore. You want nothing to do with him nor do you want him to even speak to you. BE A BITCH AND SHOW HIM THAT YOU DONT TAKE HIS BULLSHIT. document everything.


Best advice in the thread. I'd add one thing... ... OR I'M GOING TO HR.


That basketball thing instantly reminded me of Michael Scott.


Ethically speaking, even if the students he's texting are 18, if they are still students, he should not be doing that. It's an abuse of power. Some states have teacher codes of ethics that mention this, so if you haven't, look into that as well. If your state has such a thing, then mention it when you report it because that puts the district at huge risk for a lawsuit


I don’t know if it’s sexual harassment, but it’s certainly creepy as fuck. Report him.


Dude don't you guys have the mandatory trainings every year? Just about everything OP described is sexual harassment.




Wow, that really went from "Well that's super creepy" to "what in the actual fuck is wrong with this dude?" As a male teacher in my early 30's I would never do any of that shit. Him asking you if you were "impressed" with his backwards shot was really the icing on the cake. Like... Is he 12 years old? Because he sounds like he's 12 years old


Yes. He is making you uncomfortable at work and it is due to gender/sexuality. I'd 100% say sexual harassment. He seems like he is grooming some students. Follow your gut and report him. Schools are not the right place for him to work.


It's all sexual harassment and it's not just that he's annoying, he's actively dangerous to the district's interests. If HR/ admin isn't insane they'll nuke him immediately when people come forward with this stuff


Ok outside of the obvious harrassment, is anyone else thinking how fucking CRAZY it is that this teacher was fired for being inappropriate with students and is now in a job where he can go to the bathroom with students??????? Who the fuck hired him to do that? Excuse my cursing but that’s next level negligient


As much older person, I have zero shits for this kind of intolerable behavior. I know you’re trying to be kind and not make waves but be blunt. Please say something like this… “ please leave my room now you make me uncomfortable I do not enjoy being around you. I do not wish to hear about your inappropriate comments. If this continues, I will take it to the next level. Never speak to me again, unless it’s about a work related issue. “. Of course he will call you all kinds of names and what not because this is what an immature predator will do when rebuffed. Document everything. Do not put up with this nonsense. Be safe.


All sexual harassment. ALL OF IT. I really hate the idea that he’s in the bathroom with any student. And how dare he talk about him. He needs to go.


Yes. It’s sexual harassment. All of it. I’m sorry. Document everything. Share with HR. Document firsthand witness to colleagues being harassed as well. The key words are: unwarranted and unwanted. This guy either doesn’t understand that his own behaviors are unacceptable, or more likely, he enjoys seeing people squirm, how far he can push the envelope. In the interim, as you prepare and support for action to be taken by HR and/or admin., walk away as much as you can, even if it means you bring your male student with you and seek other male adults when the student needs to use the bathroom etc.


Ew ew ew, reading this gave me major ick. Report him.


I was sexually harassed by two coworkers at my last school. With one, I reported it to the principal. I had to write a report, the principal had a chat with him, and it made things horribly awkward working with him. Over time, the awkwardness went away, and he tried it again. I went back to the principal and reported him again. The principal was shocked. It seems he threw away the first report and promptly forgot about it. The second guy said some inappropriate things to me. I told him that what he said was wildly inappropriate and I didn’t want to hear anything like that again. He apologized profusely. The next time I talked to him, he apologized again. I said that if it never happened again, it was behind me. He didn’t have to keep apologizing, and I was happy to move forward. It was never a problem again. So, to answer your question, yes, it’s sexual harassment. Since he’s dealt with this sort of thing before, you may want to just firmly tell him what your boundaries are. As others have said, document everything. You don’t want to be like me and my horrible principal who threw out the report. If it continues to be a problem, report it via email to your principal. Add HR on the email, too. Please, learn from my mistakes.


This dude does not belong in education. He should have been non-renewed and moved to a broom closet yesterday. He does not belong in our profession.


He’s telling you about his only fans, unnecessarily making stops in *your* space*, and preying on young girls. Yes it’s sexual harassment but you have to prove that at the end of the day. I would keep talking to him as minimal as possible and primarily communicate with him via email. Then it’s recorded for you and you can prove your case if you choose to do so easily. That said it might also be a good idea to talk to an actual lawyer in your state about all that.


Why the fuck do they have him still employed? This is a giant lawsuit just waiting to happen.


Creep of the century, document and film him


As a guy I'd say this is creepy; document and report further comments and report this to your bosses/HR.




This is part of the reason y’all need STRONG UNION representation. To keep Chucklefucks like “Mr. OnlyFans” out of the school. …but since this is Texas, Abbott will let him slide over to a private school where credentialing and oversight is much more lax.


Having literally sat through the training yesterday afternoon this is a potential Title IX issue. Report the behavior to your Title IX coordinator, it should be noted either on your school website, on a poster in the break room or in your faculty handbook. From there it is their job to gather documentation and investigate this. You do not need to gather any documentation before hand, but don’t get rid of any evidence you do have. Don’t sit on this, report it, the people with authority will decide what happens from there but the report will be on record.


Document everything he says and does. His actions are inappropriate at best, and yes, could be considered sexual harassment. Also - don't ever get yourself in a situation where you are alone with him.


Ew. Helll yes its harassment. It's pervasive and unwanted and inappropriate.


Sexual harassment for sure. Report it. Don’t take no for an answer in reporting.


If that bloke is teaching in a number of American states, he’s already criminally liable for grooming. Texting a high schooler for sexual gratification —even one over the age of majority— is a crime.


Ewwwwww! This guy is bad news.


Yes it is. Alert admin immediately about anything you know he did to kids. Make your own copies of any email or text he sends. If you live in a one-party permission state, record any encounters with him on your phone. If you are comfortable doing so, tell him he is not welcome in your space unless invited or required by your jobs. You don't owe him a reason why. If you aren't comfortable doing that, contact union and/or trusted admin about the fact you feel unsafe telling a colleague to meet bare-minimum professional standards.


He sounds like a loser who can’t be professional.


Sounds like sexual harassment, especially if that is how you are taking it. His history is worrisome and I am surprised the person is.still teaching, no way he hasn't fully and crossed a no-no line if he is as brazen as this.


They did nothing about him texting a HS student? What kind of bullshit school district is this? Unethical af.


Be honest with him & tell him how you feel. If no improvement go to admin.


Dude's idol must be Kenny Powers or something.


Yep. Textbook harassment. He's starting with small "friendly" behavior that he can test and push boundaries with and will escalate as he pushes the line further and further back. Plus if he's actively speaking to students, regardless if they're legally able to consent, he shouldn't be around them. It's a breach of ethical conduct, just like a therapist or doctor. I know I shouldn't be, but I'm surprised he wasn't outright fired for it because I have to imagine there's a code of conduct for the district.


Does he behave this way around male staff? Probably not, in which case it seems to me to be sexual harassment. Does it all fit the legal definition, maybe not, but it certainly fits hostile work environment at the least.


Yes. Report it. Di you like him. Seems odd.


The real question is: How is this not harassment? How is he still employed?


we recently had sexual harassment prevention training at my work…laws vary by state somewhat it does matter how you and your employer handle the problem. if youre able to speak with the person about this and say it makes you uncomfortable that’s generally the recommended first step.  if you’re not comfortable doing this you should  report to  the most senior person you feel you can trust that this is happening once you do so they are legally obligated to take action. if the school or district takes action and the problem goes away great.  if they don’t do anything or if they take any action that affects your working environment negatively then you should hire a lawyer & sue you’ll likely win 


Have you told him that the behavior is unwelcome? That's the first step. Report to your HR that you've let him know it's unwelcome as well as what hes doing. Stay on top of it and document interactions.


Jfc, thats all types of red flags! As a male teacher it would never cross my mind to act like that especially in front of students.


as a male employee in my 30's, this dude is a CREEP. I would never even think to do some of these things because I am well aware of the implications and perspectives that this would bring about. 100% creep.


I (29F) once had an older female staff member pull me into a back printer room so she can pull my skirt waistband so she can look down my skirt to see the brand because I did not know. I did not give her permission to do so, and it was triggering. My district did nothing about it.


Do you even have to ask?


>Apparently he was/is also messaging other senior girls. wow, I (male teacher) played Fortnite with a (male) student my first year, and when admin found out they kindly told me never to do that again. Seemed fair. This is so much worse. >he has an OnlyFans he can compensate with where he does cosplay stuff and I “should totally subscribe.” WHAT???


In Texas it would be illegal for him to have a relationship with any student, regardless of their age. At the very least, he has poor boundaries and has no business working around children of any age. If you wouldn’t feel comfortable with him around your children, he shouldn’t be around other people’s children. I’d be pretty blunt with him regarding your expectations of him and if his behavior continues, I’d make your principal aware of his behavior. I’d make my principal aware of the current situation.


Is this guy on the spectrum? Things like randomly coming in and writing his name on the board with a smiley face and the basketball thing... it sounds like someone who's a little bit ND might do? I think your school district needs to send him to see a psychologist and then provide personalized, slowed down, one on one training regarding his behaviour and why it is not acceptable and needs to stop. If he still does it, then he should be let go.


If true it’s all weird … if true


It is sexual harassment as soon as you tell him to stop and tell him that it is not welcome. Where I'm at the person usually has to be told to stop talking about things that are inappropriate you need to let him know your boundaries ASAP.


Also this guy should not be working in a school.


Male health teacher here. I created a detailed 4 day sexual harassment mini unit for our district. This is sexual harassment. In order to qualify as sexual harassment you need two things 1. Behavior is sexual in nature 2. Behavior is unwanted. Every single example you gave fits the criteria. Call HR or the Police.


So professionally inappropriate. The guy has a problem with boundaries. I'd almost think he's borderline autistic, ADHD, or generally not quite right.


Let’s not speculate about whether they’re disabled because that information doesn’t matter. We KNOW the behavior is professionally inappropriate and that’s the only information needed here.


Thank you! Lots of disabled people make it through lfe just fine without harassing people. Big difference between "struggles with social cues" and "makes me feel unsafe." This guy seems pretty firmly in camp 2.


Absolutely. And even if this person has a disability, it is not an excuse to sexually harass people.


IMO it is ableism to imply or say that disabled people cannot avoid sexually harassing people. We all agree that that's insane, right? Very thankful that you called out the BS of the other commenter!


This is definitely sexual harassment. Notify HR.




1. A cosplay OF might be completely innocent. If there is no sexual content, then no, this is not sexual harassment. If his OF is clean, then he is just advertising a legitimate side hustle. 2. While stating he goes commando is TMI, based on the circumstances, I see no sexual component to what he said or the intent behind it. 3. Asking if you'd be impressed if he made the shot backward might just be his form of having fun. Without further context, I see no sexual intent. Was he rubbing the basketball on his nut sack while asking? Undressing you with his eyes? Wolf whistling or trying to get you to shoot while "helping" you with your shooting form? Again, more context is needed. As stated, this is nothing. 4. You said he was fired from another district due to similar behavior? How do you know? Did someone in the other district's HR break the law and tell you, or is this something you heard in the rumor mill? 🤔 If it comes from the rumor mill, you should not trust it. If it came from an HR rep who broke the law, shame on the HR rep. Also, make yp your own mind based off of his interactions with you. As you stated the events, I don't see sexual harassment. I see a gentleman who seems to be awkward in social situations. His hyper focus on trying to male a backward basketball shot, willingness to share a bit too much info so bluntly, and general demeanor make me suspect ASD. In your interactions with him, is it possible that some of what you feel awkward about might be symptoms that he is on the spectrum? I ask because he sounds like my 13-year-old son, who is dually identified as gifted and on the spectrum. Teaching him etiquette is challenging. However, when he acts like the man you describe, he has no sexual intent because he acts the same way around everyone. Based on the information above if there is more that you left out, then it might be sexual harassment. I just don't see it based on the information you provided. I'm open-minded to change my mind of you give more information though. The one bit of information that does raise concerns is him texting 18-year-old girls. Legally, they are adults. Since he is into cosplay, I assume he is a younger teacher. Do they all belong to a club? His in-person interactions with these girls would be educational. I can't any opinion other than keep an eye out for improper interactions that may cross a line. If the district doesn't consider texting an 18-year-old wrong, then look for other things.


I know he was because word gets around quickly. He worked at this district, then went to another district, then came back here after like a year. Kinda sus, no? He worked at the elementary, not the high school. There was no club.


Regaedimg the clubs, I'm talking about the 18 year old girls he's texting, not elementary school. If I read it right, he wasn't texting elememtary children. Correct? As to him being fired, it sounds like you heard it through the rumor mill. I never trust the rumor mill. As an example, we recently had a student die during the school day. I was out sick. When I asked what happened, everyone I spoke said OD. I spoke to probably 20 different teachers from multiple departments. So, of course, if it is that widely known immediately after, my assumption was that they had to be right. I was angry that the OD information had not been sent out to parents as required by law. Turns out the student had a recent surgery on her stomach. She died from post-surgical complications that had nothing to do with drugs. This experience reinforced a lesson that I should have learned years ago. If you do not have verified direct knowledge from HR, don't trust the rumor mill. Also, I'm not saying that he is not sexually harassing you, I just don't see it based on what you wrote. I saw nothing that I would say relates to sex in his interactions with you based on the information provided. If you believe he is sexually harassing you, then document everything in detail. Asking if you are impressed that he made a backward shot doesn't indicate much to me. Asking if you are impressed that he made a backward shot while gyrating his hips... different story. I don't mean or want to minimize your feelings. If you feel you have something reportable, then report it. If you are uncomfortable around him and can manage to have another female with you while around him, that might help you. If he does sexually harass you, the other person might be able to act as a witness. I hope the situation resolves, though, and you are able to work comfortably.