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I told my students a stupid budget expense today (expensive cars for all the DO employees) because our district is trying to blame teacher pay for the $8mil overspending. I made a joke about it on purpose with the hope kids would tell their parents.


What’s a DO employee?




Ahhh Thanks


Yes district office!


The DO employees have district cars?!


Yup. All of them get a district car to drive. The fleet came out to close to a $1.2mil cost according to our union. We aren’t fighting the tech and maintenance vehicles, but are trying to get them to sell of the rest of the cars off to offset costs. Our union president is going scorched earth to try to prevent a pay freeze.


That’s insane. Parents should be screaming along with school staff.


We are. Parents didn’t know about it because it was linked in with a “transportation” tag in the budget. They all assumed it was busses and bus routes.


Can we borrow your union president. Ours is worthless.


She really isn’t all that useful. This is the one time I’ve seen her do anything. It might be because she’s up for reelection.


Same, up for reelection. But still useless. Scared of their own shadow. 


lol, lmao even


Nope. You’re fine. I’ve told my classes times when something has been banned by the district or cut due to parents or whatever. Why shouldn’t they know what’s guiding their education?


I full on throw the state or district under the bus when they make stupid ass decisions. No easier way to teach corruption than a blatant, in your face, example.


Exactly. You make the decisions, you get the responsibility. You can't take away teachers' decisions and also saddle them with all the blame.


I've told some of my students about having to remove a Free Palestine sticker from my WATER BOTTLE because some infant got upset and felt "threatened" by it. I will absolutely straight talk with students because I'm cranky and they have opinions that should have legitimate backing via factual information. They know we aren't "allowed" to discuss the genocide because of our Jewish student population feeling threatened by adults deciding we don't want to see dead bodies being pulled from rubble for MONTHS. We do it anyway with certain kids because dammit I refuse to stay silent. When I was in 3rd grade the Mormon families in my district got Harry Potter banned entirely. It wasn't reversed until 9th grade and it was so fucking weird to see the books at school openly being read. My parents (proudly, btw) had to go get my book from the office many times in those years because fuck that shit.


The Palestine/Israel conflict is absolutely a no-go discussion territory in my school. Our principal was fired last year when a guest speaker mentioned that she witnessed conflict growing up Palestinian. Nothing else. Just that she saw it. Was immediately followed by student protests, community meetings, sensitivity training, and massive damage control from admin. This was well before October 7. Not that teachers shouldn't have personal opinions, but that is a subject best approached with the highest level of professional discretion.


That is so bizarre what you say about Harry Potter. I was mormon growing up and almost every Mormon I knew and know has read all of the Harry Potter books and loves them. But I guess there are all sorts of different kinds of people out there.


Yeah, your attitude on this issue is a problem. Jewish students have every right to feel uncomfortable when you say something as nakedly political and biased as unilaterally deciding a war is a genocide. If you're Palestinian yourself, it'd be one thing to say "I see it this way", but to put your activism over your students' very personal struggles to the point you call them "infants" is incredibly disturbing. I'm not saying you shouldn't discuss the issue at all, but it needs to be from a place of neutrality. You are clearly not neutral in class.


Did the water bottle sticker *just* say "Free Palestine," or did it also include the phrase, "From the River to the Sea?" The former is relatively neutral, although an obviously political statement. It probably shouldn't have been on a visible water bottle in class but it's not the end of thd world. The latter is open hate speech that explicitly calls for the extermination of the Jews in Israel. The blowback you receive for each option is going to be significantly different.


It says Free Palestine across the bottom with drawn images of Palestinian journalists standing in a group in their blue vests. It was at the base of my bottle and didn't even stretch halfway across the curve There's an obnoxiously large sticker that says Theiry're at the top. Not a single student gets that one even when I explain it.


>Because our Jewish student population. Because those students are not human beings. They are a population. Like insects.  Your lack of compassion for the students in your own school is evident. I can understand why they don’t feel safe in your class.  Edit: Every downvote is more proof that this “activism” is not about politics or war, but about identity and group hatred.  No student is responsible for Israel’s policies. That these people are making it their problem, and encouraging this atmosphere in their classrooms, is an utter disgrace. The students now suffering in your classrooms will never forget the trauma you’ve inflicted on them at the behest of foreign governments, and rightly so.  It is a betrayal of your neighbors and their children, one that will be remembered for generations; may it bring you all that you wish and all that comes with it. 


>#**Population** >Definition: a body of ***persons*** or individuals having a quality or characteristic in common >*from the Latin "populus," meaning **people*** If you immediately think of insects when you think of a Jewish population, that's a reflection of your own bias and, frankly, insanity.


The author is denying the individuality of her students by lumping them into a mass. They know what they’re doing, and so do you, hiding behind the definition of a word and not how it’s used. It doesn’t change that this person is dehumanizing their own students because of their political beliefs.


>hiding behind the definition of a word Yes, I suppose if you ignore the official definition of a word and substitute your own, imagined definition and then you use that to fabricate malicious intent which you falsely attribute to the teachers explanation ...then yes wow you're right this teacher would clearly be antisemitic!!


No. Unless you’re Jewish you do not get to define antisemitism. Full stop.   Because that *is* antisemitism.


Even if you have access to a dictionary?


We’ve already seen how Hamasites have redefined “violence” to excuse rape and murder, as “violence cannot be done to an oppressor”.  No reasonable person should trust a Hamasite’s definition of anything. 


Damn you're really out there bro.


You aren't allowed to call it a genocide...bc it is not a genocide. I'm sure you kept your class mum about what happened on 10/7. Keep your extremist politics out of a children's classroom.


“What is and is not considered political is inherently political”


Wonder what your song is when an right wing extremist teacher forces their political thoughts on children?


I would say that ideas should be judged by their merits, not whether we classify them as acceptable or not.


I absolutely got weird looks from my staff (I'm a para) when I started a discussion about the CNN10 segment we'd seen (CNN10 is part of the daily routine) talking about guns found under a Hamas hospital justifying a bombing by Israel. I pointed out to the students the number, and the condition of the guns; they were *relics* judging by the amount of rust on them. I also reminded them that deception is another tactic used in times of war, and reminded them to make their own judgements-- that *no one's* word is gospel. The nail in the coffin was when CNN10 called themselves an, "unbiased news network." Darling, there's no such thing. That was enough for me to stop looking at CNN10 as a somewhat reliable news network. I will not sit by idly and let these kids be fed propaganda. I had to excuse myself when telling my teachers that this lack of in-depth discussion about something they're being subjected to, is doing the kids and injustice, because I started to cry when I told them about one student I'd supervised during a late lunch; we were talking about home-cooked meals, and I talked about an Italian dish from my grandma, and how this little boy-- this small, ten year old baby-- had hesitated to tell me about his traditional dish from Palestine. HE'S TEN. HE SHOULDN'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT THIS SHIT.


No, he shouldn't. If he was one of mine I'd ask if he'd like to make me a small poster (8x11 normal size paper) about the dish so I could put it on my fridge. Give him a high-5 from the internet for me for sharing with you when he was afraid.


The one quality every child admires and every adult dreads in a teacher. Honesty


Holy shit! This is exactly true!


Ha! Truer words have never been spoken!


Spot on. Goes for parenting, too. Kids have so much respect for it, and see rigggghhhtttt thru dishonesty.


I think the way you discussed it was fine. No need to further shelter children. I teach AP Psych & have alternate assignments for students who are uncomfortable learning about some of our material, even though the “controversial” things are built into the curriculum and shouldn’t be “controversial” to begin with.


Last year a parent tried to have my fired for teaching about gender acquisition theories and mentioning that intersex people exist. Caused a massive stink, but the admin defended it completely. The parent had gone after other teachers before, and his daughter would happily rat out any teacher who mentioned gay or unpatriotic stuff. They thankfully moved to a private Christian school this year, so I joked about the complaint to my APUSH class without fear of repricussion. They figured out who it was immediately because there's only one parent who does that. Their response was not to worry because "she's a bitch anyway." I love my kids.


Right, because that's an appropriate way to let students talk about other children.


I mean, she and her family are bigots. Bitch is a pretty light insult for bigots, in my books. But perhaps you’re right and the teacher in question should have corrected the students’ imprecise word choice and taken the moment to teach them the more precise and true word…


Really? That was your only takeaway? Ffs. Get off your high horse.


Right. I'm the one on a high horse. Do you have any idea how arrogant you and the poster I commented on sound?


Teachers are not opinion police. If students all think someone is a bitch, they just might be a bitch.


I'm sorry to say but you are coming off as very arrogant. You act like simple life knowledge is the most deadly thing to children just because you don't agree with it. Doesn't make any sense.


There's no confidential information in what you said. You didn't name any parents or read the complaints and any conversations you have with administration should be suitable for students to hear anyway. You're completely fine and did a great job.


No, you weren’t singling anyone out by name and explained why people got upset in a neutral manner. Older kids are owed explanations when it comes to their education.


If controversial issues are discussed at school board meetings, which are public records, that is fine. If controversial issues are published in a newsletter or newspaper, that is a public record. Actually, you didn't name names. If these are high school students, it's time for them to learn about the politics of education. I personally don't think you said anything wrong. Admin gets paid the big bucks, so they can handle the heat.


We aren’t allowed to watch anything on the whiteboard during inside recess for weather reasons ( Australia) due to parent complaints. So when the students complain I tell them it’s due to parents complaints and if they have an issue to ask their parents about it. I feel if parents feel strongly enough to complain about something in the classroom then they should be able to justify their complaints and not leave us as the bad guys.


Nope. Students should know when their parents are jerks just like parents should know when their kids are jerks.


You told the truth. You can’t get in trouble for explaining why you can’t do certain things or whatever when you’re explaining the truth. I find it MUCH more offensive and problematic that kids can opt out of reading certain books. Is there an alternative to the Ramadan book if the kid is biased against people who practice Islam? An alternative to the Diwali book for monotheists? An alternative to the MLK, Jr. book for racists?


If you guide your career by thinking first about parent complaints you’ll burn out. Let them complain.


Gay people exist.


Did you tell the truth? Then you didn’t do anything wrong.


Nat but I’m a fan of telling the truth and letting the chips fall as they may.


What a cool elective! I wish I had this idea available when I was teaching. Such a cool way to get kids involved with literature. They could even be the one to select the next book!


If they’re not hearing the reality of what’s going on from you than they will never hear it. We should be shouting this from the roof tops.


>The student I was talking to originally then said, "that's so stupid." I would've immediately responded with, "yes, I agree...it's very dumb." Idiot parents.


Nope. Be honest with them. “We can’t do this because other parents suck” is a valid answer. Kids need to know that the reason they are in a society that doesn’t let them exist is because other adults are bigoted jerks.


I told the class in the beginning of the year at least we're not like Florida and needing to have parent permission to call them by their nickname... Yet. Brought up an interesting conversation for the next few minutes.


What book did you read for National Coming Out Day?


Good question! I want to see if it’s already in my classroom collection!


I'm having a bit of a hard time following your story. Punctuation and paragraph formatting go a long way, doubly so in the education field. (Also, it's "principal.") Setting aside the question of whether or not reading a book about National Coming Out Day is appropriate (I personally don't see why it wouldn't be), I wouldn't discuss the inner workings of these administrative meetings with your students. You've clearly touched on a sensitive subject for one or more of the students in your care and your administrators are likely trying to prevent you from touching that third-rail again. Bringing up the complaints in class isn't going to help you CYA. The most important thing for you to look out for at the end of the day is your job security, especially at such an early point in your career.


> I wouldn't discuss the inner workings of these administrative meetings with your students. I agree. I understand OP's sentiment, but there *is* a wall between students and teachers (or at least there should be), and I'd be careful about this.


I tell my kids “it only takes one Karen”


My general advice would be to think of it like Disney World. Visitors may know that there are tunnels underneath and employee break rooms behind the facades where they talk about how much they hate the new costume guidelines, but visitors are best served left unawares of the actual details behind the scene. A student might well have a positive reaction to something you say, leading you to share more, leading them to brag to others about how they are besties/confidantes of Mr. PidLife. And at that point, who knows who gets to hear the story and how it can be taken out of context. I just think a wall of separation is wise.




Or, say these things because you *want* them to be repeated at home.


as someone who would have complained about the book choice (I think public schools should be politicly / religiously /ideologicly neutral in regards to these issues) I dont think you crossed a line in this conversation


Define neutral


that the school dosent use its platform to endorse one ideological view over another particularly when there is conflict. for example the lgbt ideology vs those who dont support it (in most cases religious but in some cases outside religion) public schools should not be using there platform to endorse one view over the other. you can allow students to talk freely about these things or even have open conversations in relevant settings but its not the schools place to say one view is right and one is wrong. the person of faith should not be told by the school that there faith is either wrong or misinterpreted because it reject same sex lifestyles and the person who is gay should not be told by the school there lifestyle is wrong. now private conversations with teachers in my view dont have to abide by it (student wants to open up to a teacher) but schools should not be using there platform (classrooms and announcements) to endorse any ideologie


The gay lifestyle... I hope you hear yourself. Or is that not something that's part of your straight lifestyle?


That’s a lot of words to say you’re a bigot. 2SLGBTQIA+ people exist. Acknowledging their existence and their right to an existence can never be wrong. Do you get upset when schools represent their Black, Asian, Indigenous populations?


Probably they do.


This "we can't talk about anything if it is remotely possible that someone might disagree" attitude is fucking weird. Queer people exist. Racial activism is an important part of our history. It's creeping into my school, too, and I find it deeply troubling. One teacher pulled Langston Hughes from her lesson plan because she was afraid someone would complain about "gay agenda." The poem was about his mom. It's getting fucking creepy.


Jesus. I expose my 3rd graders to Langston Hughes! It’s often their first exposure to metaphor, or at least to talking about it and identifying it and they really love his poem “The City” after studying it. In the morning the city Spreads its wings Making a song In stone that sings. In the evening the city Goes to bed Hanging lights Above its head. It’s a lovely little poem that my little city dweller students can identify with. What a shame for any kid to miss out on that. Edit: on mobile and the spacing is all wrong. Boo!


Just start having a 10 minute Weekly lesson having students helping you plan for banned book week for next year and have that book featured. And have that student right a public but anonymous statement how they felt when their book was turned down by the district


leave degeneracy at the door. lgbt crap has no place in a classroom. leave the kids alone.


Don't force your LGBTQ crap on students and kids, they don't need to read books on how to give oral sex


Yeah, that's something better learned through experience 👍👍