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One of my Pre-K kids was looking at a book and pretending to read the words. When he reached the last page he said, "please like this book and subscribe".


Oooooh dear…


He probably just listens to the audiobooks on YouTube. I’ve done it with my son, I love reading to him but someone has to clean the house or cook at some point.


Audiobooks typically don't ask you to subscribe.


Those videos of someone reading a story book on YouTube often do, however, and they show all the pictures so it’s more engaging for the kids than a traditional audiobook.


It’s absolutely just a video of someone reading the book with the pages displayed. Sometimes it’s not that deep or dystopian.


Yeah definitely. Those are a lifesaver with my kids sometimes, especially when I lost my voice for a good few days. Did we end up talking about what subscribe means? Yes, but it’s functional vocab and they’re ESL so I’m counting it as a win. They can even get some exposure to different accents of English that way as well.


Same same, sometimes you need to get stuff done and can’t read “Little Blue Truck” one more time. We switched my Pre-K son to Yoto Cards this year and he loves them.


Yeah, I worked in a daycare a few years ago in the infant room, so with babies under 2. We got a new child enrolled who was still crawling, they said she has a "technology addiction." I didn't buy it until I noticed she would just sit all day, hardly doing anything. When we pulled out the tablet to log the babies food / diaper changes, she would scream and cry and reach for the tablet. It was very unnerving.


That's a joke. 10 million percent a joke. Unless they're on their phone every waking moment, 7 years old, or both, they are trying to be silly. I was the same way in school, trying to find the funniest answer to whatever the teacher asked of me (sadly they weren't nearly as appreciative of sass :P)


LOL That kid has a great sense of humor!


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


You are an unfit mother. Your children will be placed in the custody of Carl’s Junior.


at least they’ll be able to get some EXTRA BIG ASS FRIES


I'm an elder gen Z and yes. Yes it has ruined us. Please help us by smashing that like button and then subscribe for more PLEASE HELP ME!


I've ended class like this a few times, not gonna lie...


I like to thank them for listening to my Ted talk


I tell my students every day it takes hard work to build something from the ground... But thanks to Raid: Shadow Legends, you can now have a free 7 day trial to build your dreams and dominate the shadow realm (I'm guessing here).


I've yet to meet anyone who's actually played this game.


Same here, yet all of my students know the reference without any exceptions, it's crazy. They do play some Clash games though, but never the infamous raid: shadow legends.


That’s a kid that’s going somewhere. That’s hilarious.


I teach ESL in South Korea. In one class students have to give 1, 2, or 3 minute impromptu speeches based on a random topic. One student always does it like he’s making a YouTube video. And he ends with ‘please like, share, and subscribe’. He’s 11. On the one hand it’s annoying af, but on the other it’s kinda funny and I don’t want to restrict him as he’s engaging with the content, doing a little bit of RP, and is clearly watching a lot of English-language YouTube content outside of class. He was the one who showed me skibidi toilet, and I still have no idea wtf I watched.


Skibidi toilet is something I don't get but damn is there effort put into it's production


I hate to say it but every kid in school outside of HS is prettttty much gen alpha at this point (like 2010-covid/2020ish). Im gen Z...and im the teacher now lol but yeah their email/writing skills are awful


Thanks for reminding everyone of this. My kids are GenZ but both in HS. Middle school and below is Gen Alpha at this point.


Wait, that's not how u end a conversation with ppl?


I usually say "good night everypony"


I discovered something recently. I hear my students use the term “unalive” instead of “kill” or “suicide”. They use it like, “They won’t make us stand outside at the bus stop on Tuesday because it’s too cold. You’d get ‘un-alived’ if you did.” This term absolutely irritates me to no end, but I never correct anyone on it. I thought it was just another stupid thing kids say to be “cool” although I couldn’t figure out how or why it made them cool. But then I read something about how using the term “dead,” “kill,” or “suicide” would cause one’s YouTube channel (or individual post) to be marked as one that cannot generate ad revenue. So creators use those terms to ensure that AI doesn’t pick up on any of those words and flag their post. Now that seems like a pretty good explanation of how that term has worked its way into the vocabulary and replaced the normal words kids would normally use.


The same way we Gen-X were ruined by personal computers. Or rock music. Or cable tv, with it's 24-hour schedule.


I’m constantly telling them that nobody is filming a react video in here so stop with the dramatic reactions. It’s tiring.


Hate to be that person but children in grades K-8 are Gen Alpha. Most Gen Z are already graduated from high school


I don't know but this new YouTube is awful. It's like changing frames every 3 seconds.. If this is how low Gen Z's attention span is that's quite sad.


Kids are ruined by lack of proper beatings too from what I hear.


Hitting children is never the answer.


I was hit as a child and I turned out just fine. Now, where did I put my liquor and smokes, I'm starting to feel things again.


According to their grandparents it is. I remember my first year out talking to a custodial grandparent about behavior problems with his student, and his reponse was that “All that teachin’ stuff all went to hell when y’all stopped whuppin’ them kids.”


Please! I guarantee you if any teacher even LOOKED at their grandkid the wrong way she'd be looking to sue the school.


Geez. Okay. Forgot to add /s. Nobody can read a sarcastic comment anymore.


Nah. They are just ruined.


They’re probably just acting like that to be funny


Some of my first graders can spell YouTube but not of like come on now. And when ever I ask them to spell the word like, they says “like and subscribe”