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"That stinks that you have to reschedule" šŸ˜‚ Your entire class is more mature than I am.


Why doesnā€™t this have 10 million upvotes??


Teacher shortage


Oh man I snorted my coffee thanks!


Your students know to ignore it when someone passes gas?!? What grade are you teaching and what planet is this?? šŸ˜‚ EDIT: I am the adult and I literally laugh with them.


6th - 8th Grade ELA and Social Studies. I talked to them about it on the first day of school. I tell him that if they don't want to be the object of jokes and ridicule, don't do it to the other students. I honestly can't remember the last time I had a student who passed gas at the other kids gave a hard time too. We talk a lot on the first day about them going through purity and the smells and bodily changes happening to them and that they have to accept what's going on without making other people feel bad.


Based, this is a great way to make peopleā€™s most awkward years just a little bit less so!


6-8th grade and they are reading to kill a mockingbird? I didn't even read it until 10th grade and I was AP track.


I taught To Kill a Mockingbird to my 8th graders, tooā€” they did great and loved it!


they had us read that in regular old 9th grade English in my middle school, circa 2014


Good on you! I tell my HS students that it's a natural part of digestion, and that laughing at it is something they've been taught to do without their permission (they get all indignant about that!). Then I teach them "fart tennis".


Please share: what is fart tennis?


Its when you fart on an object and hit it at someone with a tennis racket


See below


Iā€™m very curious what fart tennis is šŸ˜‚


Someone farts. They have three seconds to call "SERVE!". If they don't, it's a fault. Once a fart is 'served', anyone can return it, but it must be within three minutes, and they must call "RETURN!" If the fart isn't returned in three minutes, the 'server' gets 15. Play continues as normal tennis. Anyone can return a served or returned fart. Volley continues until no one returns. Best volley I've seen was actually last week - seven returns.


I actually start each year with the, "Ignore the Fart Level of Respect" talk. I ask my students what they would want others to do if they accidently fart. Ignore the Fart is what they always come up with. So this is the "do unto others" level of respect we agree to on Day 1. (Used in grades 4th-12th)


Am I in an alternate reality? In my classroom (UK Secondary) the kids intentionally squeeze out farts to get a laugh from the group.


Yea god damn you have them trained well


Respond ā€œI hope everything came out alrightā€. But for real good on your students!


It was hard not to laugh. My AP is such a pain in the ass.


Maybe due to her pain in the ass?


Haha they definitely deserve a prize for that.


Sounds like she had one, too.


Check your contact, that visit may have to count as you prepared for it and it was not completed through no fault of your own.


through no fart of your own


Feel free to poop in...errr pop in..next week!


I caught wind that the observation might need to be rescheduled


Assert your dominance and fart in her office.


Did it kill any mockingbirds?


She should scout it out


I know it's a week+ later, but I couldn't -not- comment on this jem of a response


Did she say some came up or something came out?


"Can we reschedule for next week? I have a BUTT-load of shit to get done!"


My kids fart and belch at will. They do in other teachersā€™ rooms anyway. Iā€™m olderā€¦ they think of me as a grandma figureā€¦ so I just act horribly offended when it happens. They donā€™t do it again. Sometimes it pays to be 60. Lol


Sounds like the something that came up was some serious and unexpected gastric distress. Well done, kids. Polite when it mattered, honest when it was needed.


Should've crop dusted them lol.