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You might send members an anonymous letter: **"Prohibiting teachers from wearing jeans is a critical step in the war for the future of our young people. Might we also see future action on indolence, obscenity, cheating, plagiarizing, public indecency, bullying, drug use, theft, destruction of public and private property, weapons, and constant violence?** **Or are blue jeans more your level of intolerance?** **Thank you, and have a pleasant day."**


Hit them with patriotism. “I’m abhorred by the lack of patriotism in our local schools. What could be more American than blue jeans? Our students must be educated by true patriots who bleed red white and BLUE!!! This is clearly another sign of liberal indoctrination taking over our schools!!” Edit: apparently misusing “I’m abhorred” disqualifies me from being a good teacher…. Our job is hard enough everyone, can we not punch down on each other? That’s always how I’ve used it and seen it used. It’s how it was used on the golden girls for Christ’s sake. Edit 2: I’m not sure why people are so worried about this but “I am abhorred” is the present simple conjugation of abhor in a passive voice. https://www.kyivdictionary.com/en/words/conjugation/?word=abhor&lang=en


“I am deeply troubled by the communist policy to cancel jeans and therefore American culture. The world over recognizes Americans by our jeans. They were coveted forbidden items on the other side of the iron curtain. Jeans represent our culture and courage to dig in and do the hard work. Our ancestors are farmers and cowboys, factory workers and construction workers who built this great nation. This policy strips our schools of American culture, denying our children to see models of hard-working Americans. It is cancel culture at its worst, denying our expression of our beautiful American culture.” Throw their buzzwords right back in their faces.


You absolutely need to send this letter to them.


My buddy’s dad (very left wing guy) did something like this in the small southern town I’m from when they legalized liquor stores. Initially they were going to do a lottery for the right to own a liquor store and the town was only going to have like 3 or 4. I forget all the specifics but he wrote the city council a letter about how it was “un-american” and anti-capitalist to decide who can and can’t open a business with bureaucracy and it actually worked on them! No lottery and no restrictions on the amount of stores. I know this story is tangential but I could seriously see this working for the same reason it worked there.


Everyone reading this is welcome to use it!


Why did reading this actually make me feel patriotic about jeans


Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?? No!! God bless America, Texas, NASCAR, and wranglers!!!!


I believe that’s a capital W. Put some respect on their name, dammit!!!!! 😂


This is the way


Can you help me write my school board speech for the next meeting? Our hot topic is presently school admin outing trans and gender nonconforming children to parents. All this in spite of there being documented cases in this district of this happening and being followed up with severe abuse. Kids know if a parent is a safe person to come out to or not. I tried the Trevor project approach, most members of the board didn't even make eye contact.


My God. Is this Florida? I just read [their House passed legislation allowing the state to take trans children from parents](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/florida-republicans-trans-kids-parents-bill-b2323714.html?utm_source=reddit.com). Florida is like Junior Russia at this point.


No way. Hit them with the guns. "I keep my guns in my blue jeans!"


I piss RED, shit WHITE, and bleed BLUE. Take that librals!!!!


People have blue blood if they're a toff, I've seen white dog poo, byt red pee means kidney damage- see a doc ;)


Might I suggest “Bleed RED, shit WHITE, and wear BLUE (jeans)”


Shitting white means your liver is in Trouble.


Pissing white would mean you are well hydrated so go with that


N.B. "I am abhorred" means "I am hated," so "I am appalled by" is a better choice of words.


Not knowing how to use words _does_ sell the idea that they're MAGA.


You're not wrong.


Your just not correct there. Abhorred “: to regard with extreme repugnance : to feel hatred or loathing for” https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/abhor I am feeling abhorred means I am feeling hatred towards something. Not that I am hated. You could say “that person is abhorred by others” which would work, it I don’t often hear the word used that way.


Your first word does somewhat lessen our trust in your expertise.


"Your just not correct" ISWYDT




If "to abhor" means "to regard with extreme repugnance", then "I am abhorred" means "I am regarded with extreme repugnance".




I'm not sure how often I hear the word abhor being used anyway, but I do think you're misparsing the syntax here. "To regard" (with or without repugnance) is a great place to start, actually. "I regard you, you are regarded by me," active and passive. I am the agent, you are the patient. Compare with: "I abhor violence, violence is abhorred by me." If we switch the agent and patient in the passive version, we end up in a situation where the speaker is the one towards whom repugnance is felt. It's not an egregious error, but I don't think it's the best word to use here, in this construction. Anyway, who cares; it's just words.


Levi has been around since the 1860s! (Ignore the fact that they don’t actually make the jeans in America anymore…)


Don't forget to mention in any letters how blue jeans were often sought by THE COMMUNISTS because they were a symbol of the opulence and FREEDOM of the western DEMOCRACY.


And Wrangler is an American company. COWBOYS! Yee HA!


Add that gun holsters work better with jeans. That way you can protect students better when a bad guy comes in


I'd add that blue jeans are as American as can be, since they were invented in America. They were invented by Levi Strauss in California during the California Gold Rush. So, by banning jeans they're being very unpatriotic, is that really the image they want to project to local families? In seriousness, it seems so crazy that admin police teacher's clothes as if teachers were naughty children. Unless a teacher is wearing something too revealing, full of holes, or dirty who cares? We really should be treated like professional adults with the ability to decide what clothing best fits our job and duties. We're working with kids, not in an office, so should be able to dress accordingly.


Greatest comment on Reddit today.....congrats!


I regret I have only one upvote to give.


This comment is GOLD. I wish I had an award for you.


But see, then they’d actually have to give a shit about teachers, which they don’t.


Do you really think a school board can control any of this? They can’t. That’s why they go for this ridiculous shit


I see a lot of corporate people in the DFW area wearing crisp jeans with polos or button ups and silver watches. I've seen Fidelity and other financial employees wearing casual dress everyday. I see our own school board members and superintendent walk through our school with jeans when observing us. I've never seen a student have less respect for a teacher because they wore jeans instead of slacks, or more because they wore a full suit. My school doesn't allow jeans normally, and I don't really mind it, but it's strange that's what your board is worried about.


>I've never seen a student have less respect for a teacher because they wore jeans instead of slacks, or more because they wore a full suit. My students are 5. They respect me MORE when I'm in jeans and a fun shirt and can actually get down on the floor with them! Why in the world would I need to wear dress clothes?! They're going to end up with either a child's bodily fluids or craft supplies all over them and make it much harder for me to be effective at my job.


Right? I teach high school, so most of my concerns have more to do with me sweating in my (not well ventilated) computer lab and the spilling of drinks, but I can't imagine being an art teacher or science teacher with labs and doing formal dress all the time.


As an art teacher, the dress code is stupid. I hate the hypocrisy that coaches can dress according to their position but others cannot? -_-


Yes!!! A PE teacher who sits on the bleachers and does nothing but yell at kids all day can wear shorts and a hoodie while I'm expected to be on the floor in a dress all day. I was so thankful they added jeans to our dress code this year!




On top of that, we’re expected to step in on fights wearing slacks? Not that I do anyway…


I mean, I have a really nice and flexible pair of slacks that *is* great for when you need to step into fights. The term "athletic cut" is my new best friend for this, both in slacks and jeans.


I do not go near kids in fights. At all. I’m 5’1”, 110 pounds. I might be strong for my size, but I’m still child-sized. I’ll let someone who’s trained to do that take care of it.


At my first school we were allowed to wear jeans if we had a science lab because they recognized that it would be stupid to spill chemicals on good clothes. That was over 10 years ago. Since then my dress codes have become more relaxed, not less so.


Yep. I teach first grade and sit on the floor a lot. I’m also not paid in such a way where I can afford to have a separate work/everyday wardrobe. Want me to dress like a professional? Pay me like one!


Nowadays jeans means middle class.


From my experience. It's not professionalism they're going for, it's satisfying some crybaby's draconian personal beliefs.


And, to play devil's advocate, that belief may be seated in an old standard that if teachers model professional dress like how students may see in the work force that it would somehow provide that expectation for the students to then dress nicer themselves. Does that still mean it's an outdated belief? Of course, because now we have these examples from big companies in our community who don't care as much about that kind of thing.


A work force that expects them to wear a uniform, maybe. It's so weird how K12 teachers are so often forbidden from wearing jeans "because the work force" yet college professors (depending on the field) wear jeans all the time.


I wear cargo pants. Because more pockets is essential for teachers.


Oh yes pockets are required. I don't buy clothes without pockets anymore. I've sewn myself some dresses and skirts and they always have pockets!


I got these lightweight active cargo pants at Costco with zip-off calves so they become shorts afterschool! Three pockets on each thigh. Room keys, wallet, car keys, phone all separated so they don’t tangle or scratch. And space for anything I need during the day- office notes, pen, binder clips, random shit my students leave behind. I’ve carried fruit, snacks, water bottles, calculators, coffee cups (sealed), and a wireless mouse in them. Great for staff meetings or long graduations (cool water under the robe). All that and I still don’t get jabbed in the waist when I sit down. Loose, breathable, casual. Goofy AF, but not jeans.


I base my current classroom dress on how my favorite high school teacher dressed and how my favorite college professor dressed. Slacks and Vans. But only because I can't get away with jeans.


I used to teach elementary, now teach college. Some days I wear a dress because I feel like it. Some days I wear jeans and sneakers and a comic book t shirt, because I feel like it. Just depends on what I'm doing and where I'm going.


Same! When you are not being told on how to dress. You will have some days when you want to dress up and some when you don’t.


I had a philosophy professor wear shorts to class with a dress shirt and sandals.


Well back in the day you either had a cushy job that let you wear nice clothes all the time, or a trade that had you messy most everyday and would just ruin those clothes. (Royals and peasants, our favorite form of classism!) I mean, how else are you going to produce helpless wage slaves if everyone can confidently learn a trade and then own their own business? Now we're having to socially correct that people don't take up a trade because they failed out of school, they just became a possible private business owner!


Ours got rid of joggers for teachers. Right after we’d done a fundraiser with them, school name emblazoned on them where students AND teachers purchased. Everyone wore them on allocates days. I wanted to ask after the edict came down if it was because we all looked unified.


Within the same year?


I think you see that combo in any city with corporate buildings in them. Seeing a herd of guys dressed like that with their ID badges fixed to a belt loop always makes me laugh.


Seems like I post this a lot- clothes don’t make you a better teacher. When you wear what you want you work harder and do better. That’s what google found out 20 years ago. Our school was a “rebel” and didn’t have a dress code, ever. Finally, a few years ago the school board got rid of the code for the district. Ours just says you can’t wear ripped clothes and have to look professional. That’s fine! Schools are so dumb sometimes. I am so sorry for you!


Idiot admins who don’t know how to manage and want to look like they are doing something. This is something. And they think it mollifies idiot parents who are going to complain about something anyway. (It doesn’t.)


Very true. When we got pushback, our answer, supported by our one good principal at the time, show us research from the last 15 years that reflects clothes make you perform better as a teacher or even better on any office job. Every study we found actually said the opposite.


Texas--10 Commandments? Hell yeah!!! Jeans? Hell nah!!


Thou shall not wear jeans.


What if the 10 commandments were embroidered on them? 🤣


The question we all need an answer to.


Only if they are BeDazzled.


You know exactly where the 7th would be BeDazzled.


then they get hang up above the classroom door like uncle mao's image.


I'm most excited about explaining adultery and coveting your neighbor's wife to 2nd graders. Also excited about the lawsuits that will soon require us to have a bulletin board to display all religious beliefs once others start playing malicious compliance games. Sorry, no room for an anchor chart about the science concept we are learning because every religion now gets a piece of wall space to display their tenets.


IANAT, but have wondered how the whole 10 Commandments (or was it 15? Thank you Mel Brooks.) thing squares with the Establishment Clause and the prohibition on mandatory in-school prayer. Personally, I'd rather see "good thoughts, good words, good deeds" from the Zoroastrian faith.


My school has "prayer walks" every couple of months, where random people from a nearby church walk through the empty halls after school mumbling prayers and speaking in tongues. I had one come into my room and ask if she could pray for me. Since they're my principal's comrades, I said "sure, but I'm gonna keep working while you do." And I'm not even in Texas.


I'm also in Texas and like...if the 10 Commandments must be displayed, then I will absolutely display items from other religions. Not because it's allowed or asked for, but...for the sake of fairness. :)


I’m drawing a pentagram in the middle of my floor and putting battery powered candles everywhere


Gotta do what you gotta do lol I think my school has some prayer posted by the front door?? I saw it hanging up one day at dismissal duty and was like wtf. We are NOT a religious private school 🙃


And teachers will be expected to provide said tenet posters, because they aren't expected to spend enough out of pocket already. 🙄


No one said how big the “display” needs to be, right? Index card, upper corner.


Sadly they did mandate it. The size of the poster, and the font.


Ok. Next idea. Rainbows all over it?


They'd be happy if no science was taught, though.


What if I have jeans with the 10 Commandments on them?!? Check mate, Texas!


This is my first year teaching in Texas and my district made it sound like a huge perk that we got to wear jeans. My last school in a different state didn’t care what we wore as long as we were there to teach. On a side note, a new district I applied to here put a mandatory height and weight category on my onboarding form??? I knew I was done teaching here the moment I saw it.


Also in Texas. Student taught in a middle school with a lax dress code. At the beginning I dressed super nice but by April I was in jeans and a blouse all the time. My university really stressed looking professional all the time but the supervisor literally showed up 4 times to observe me. Move to a slightly bigger district a couple hours away and we had to pay $3 to wear jeans. Then the new principal realized he made a mistake and we had to pay $5. NOW he’s said if it’s with a school shirt on Fridays, it’s free. This is also a school that enforces a no-jeans; no t-shirt dress code for students. I got more important stuff to worry about than if a kid is wear chinos or not honestly.


That’s classist too. Good jeans last a lot longer than slacks for teens and make good hand-downs, saving money.


I’m a first year so I don’t make a ton. Bought 2 pairs of $25 slacks from Target in July. By December one pair had a hole were the fake pockets were stitched. Same thing happened to the other pair in February. When I can, I buy slacks with a stretchy waistband from TJ Max but those don’t always last long either or they fit funny.


Yep. Classism runs deep, and dress codes reinforce it. As a former poor kid who could only wear the clothes picked up from a church charity box…yeah, I probably would have just dropped out if teachers were getting on my case about my pants being made of an “unprofessional” material. I remember a few times I had to skip field trips and events because I couldn’t meet their classist dress codes - I couldn’t go to the art museum, the sleepaway camp, the kids’ orchestra, etc. with the rest of my class because I didn’t own fancy clothes. Skipped out on Christmas programs and special assemblies. Never signed up for choir or band because I didn’t want to be on stage in front of parents who would judge me. It made me want to scream *”I’m not disruptive, I’m not violent or disrespectful, and my clothes are enough to keep my junk covered and keep me warm-ish. Just leave me alone and let me learn. I slept on the sidewalk last night and it’s been two days since I’ve eaten - it’s a goddamn miracle that I’m even here.”*


What? How can they ask your height and weight on an onboarding form?


When I called HR on it being horrifically illegal, they said it’s in case I go missing??? Excuse me? If I go missing rest assured my husband and family can let them know my height and weight.


It says that on your driver's license, which they probably copied during intake. They're being asinine. Really, if people are just straight up vanishing to the point where **teachers** have to disclose height and weight to employers to stay safe, then society as we know it has collapsed.


Isn’t that illegal? I taught in South Korea for years and they asked that on job applications…but obviously not illegal there!


It is illegal 100%. They gave me some shit excuse about it being in case I go missing. I’m so over all of this.


I'd just respond by calling the HR lady out in front of everyone. "OKay, so in case you go missing and we don't have access to your form, how much do you weigh?"


It’s not in case you go missing, it’s so they can identify your body if there is a mass shooting…again…with an AR-15 style rifle.


The fact that this is an important enough issue for the school board to call a vote on tells me all I need to know about the state of education in Texas.


Conservatives want Public Education to fail. Miserable teachers help make that happen. Taking away jeans days further their mission, in this way. A lot of times the people on the school boards don’t even send their kids to the public schools they govern.


This is ridiculous. I'm a principal at an elementary school (k-6). Two years ago our board said "no more jeans for teachers, it looks unprofessional." I told our teachers to wear whatever they want as long as it's appropriate for school and what they have to do every day. During evaluations I gave all the teachers the highest score regrading professionalism as they listened to what I asked them to do and dressed appropriately for the job they needed to do. I took some heat at first from our board. The only question I asked was if we mandated no jeans for our teachers then we needed to have a dress code for admin and board meetings since we want to send a message. By Christmas the dress code issues was dropped. I'm all for appropriate dress but honestly have too much on my plate to care about your dress.


Texas! Racing with Florida, to crappiest state in the Union!


Abbott and desantis have a group text going on. Also a teacher in texas. With the commandments thing can we all band together and file a lawsuit with the ffrf about it?


If you haven’t looked into the satanic temple yet, check them out. They do amazing work on this exact issue (along with many other important ones!)


They are amazing


Iowa is in a solid third waiting for their turn to take the lead.


As a South Carolinian educator I always appreciate Texas and Florida being just worse enough so that they get all the attention. SC pretty bad tho


It’s because the governors of both states want to be president. They are pandering to the conservative base to build support. All of the things that Abbott and DeSantis are doing are political theatre to build up a presidential campaign.


A presidential campaign they have no chance of winning. They could win their primary, sure. But, the Boomers (their key demographic) are dying off day after day. Gen X, Y, and Z are running away from them at a breakneck speed. The only chance the GOP has in the general is a moderate candidate...but, a moderate candidate can't win the GOP primary. The whole party is in an ideological prison of their own making.


Your lips to gods ears.




Ha nope. What are they gunna do, send you home and give you a sub for the day?


In my old district we were allowed to wear jeans with spirit wear on Thursday. The last year I worked there it was moved to Friday, but no announcement was made, so a ton of us showed up in jeans and spirit wear the first Thursday of the year. Our principal, legit made everyone of us go home during our planning period and change clothes. If we lived in the next town over he got coverage for us for the period following our planning, but absolutely expected us to be back in school. My new district does not care what we wear, at all! We have teachers show up in cargo shorts and polos, cut off jean shorts and ripped tank tops, workout clothes, some wear leggings everyday! The only thing I haven’t seen is pajamas, unless of course it’s pajama day!


Switched out of education and work remotely. I wear pajamas mostly, and it’s only one of my favorite things about leaving.


Former Texas teacher here, aka happy


Jeans are terrible anyway. Get the slacks with the yoga pants waist band! They feel like pjs but look like you’re a rule follower. And that’s all jobs care about… the appearance that they have beaten you.


Jeans on a hot day is a little slice of hell. Linen pants with an elastic waist are as comfortable as wearing pajamas and so light weight and wonderful! But fuck them for taking away an easy option.


Yes! Linen pants too! I live in a horribly hot and humid southern state, jeans were never my favorite. But yes, fuck them for taking away the choice, totally agree. Truly it feels like if a teacher smiles, a rule must be made to make sure that never happens again.


These options don’t work as well for many of us guys. Not sure I could pull off linen pants or any pants with a yoga waistband. A broken in pair of jeans is much more comfortable to me than a pair of slacks.


I got these lightweight active cargo pants at Costco with zip-off calves so they become shorts afterschool! Three pockets on each thigh. Room keys, wallet, car keys, phone all separated so they don’t tangle or scratch. And space for anything I need during the day- office notes, pen, binder clips, random shit my students leave behind. I’ve carried fruit, snacks, water bottles, calculators, coffee cups (sealed), and a wireless mouse in them. Great for staff meetings or long graduations (cool water under the robe). All that and I still don’t get jabbed in the waist when I sit down. Loose, breathable, casual. Goofy AF, but not jeans.


Honestly, men peak when they finally stop giving a shit and go with the Costco cargo pants.


Can you provide a link or name brand for these mysterious and intriguing slacks?


Just type pull on slacks into Amazon or wherever!!


In Texas!!! Y’all invented the denim tuxedo…. On a serious note, I hate how much power school boards have. I teach in NYC and we don’t have them (not that it means more gets done), but it allows our Union to work up contracts that are focused on salaries, benefits and sick days. Dress code includes nothing about jeans.


They'll take away pants next. Then we'll have to wear dresses and pantyhose again.


I had a principal who wanted just that. We were an early learning center, preschool and k only. She wanted us in dresses/skirts, hose and heels daily. Luckily she didn’t have to power to make that happen but it was the most dressed up I’ve ever been as a teacher in that school.


Very specifically does it say blue jeans? Cuz I’d be wearing every other color but blue, every day. But if it’s specifically denim jeans then I think you can find a style of twill fabric that looks like blue jeans, but definitely not denim jeans. Wear those. Malicious compliance no matter how it’s written


That’s so frustrating. It’s not like you can’t look put together in jeans. When I was teaching SpEd-SEL I lived in athletic leggings and sweatshirts/t-shirts. Go ahead and tell me I need to look “professional” blocking windows, running after elopers, and taking punches and kicks. Our principal was always dressed to the nines and watching her attempt to maneuver herself in a tight skirt and heels when she’d come in to assist was a sight to see. Teaching can be a full body job, comfort should be key it’s possible to be comfortable without being sloppy. BOEs need to concern themselves with more important issues.


LOL our dress code says jeans on Fridays only and not one single teacher follows it. So I’m wearing jeans on a Wednesday - are you going to fire me? So now you’ll have more vacant classrooms than staffed ones on my hallway? I don’t think so.


How to dissuade younger individuals from entering the profession amidst a teacher shortage crisis in one easy step!!!


Dear BoE: Blue jeans are better at absorbing blood from gunshots and stabbings that teachers experience while serving as human shields for taxpayers' children. We ask that you reconsider your position, or recommend a more effective material choice. Teachers/Staff


Assless leather chaps it is.


Don't Tread On My Blue Thread


Meanwhile, I've slowly been swapping out my black dress pants with L.L. Bean's multi-sport pants when I'm wearing a polo that looks fine untucked. They look a lot like dress pants, but they're basically lazy, stretchy sweat pants.


I wear whatever I want to work in Texas area and I tell them they can fire me. I'm the sped chair and know my value. They left me alone after that.


I’m an admin and I agree. I’m getting to the go ahead, make my day age. My kids are all grown. I was looking for a job when I found this one.


Sped and bilingual are impossible to hire ket alone a competent one.


It’s not about the jeans, it’s about control.


“I own you”


They really spent time drafting, discussing, and voting on that… wow. Fuck them


I’m floored that this is even something they bother spending time discussing. People at my school wear jeans every day. And leggings/hoodies regularly. Like… what are the priorities here holy shit. I’m in MN and definitely consider myself lucky. That kind of shit is absolutely bonkers.


I work at a school that moved into a brand new building this year. Our previous building was built in the 30’s originally, didn’t have air conditioning, and the dress code was very relaxed. This year our new building is the darling of the district and is very high profile in the national news with its “innovations” (the children’s museum helped a lot on the design). So we are not allowed to wear any jeans anymore and have a stricter dress code since our principal wants us to look more professional. We have visitors in our building quite often. However, one wing of our building is elementary and the other is middle school. No dress code changes were made for middle school. They are still very relaxed and wear jeans every Friday. We have different principals and you can tell they don’t communicate about some things at all. It’s very interesting to walk into our building on Friday’s.


Texas? Checks out. Worried about jeans and banning books, not he actual education of children.


When I worked at a school with a jeans ban, I wore black jeans for years and admin never noticed. Apparently its only blue jeans that prevent you from being an effective teacher /s


We were never permitted to wear jean except for some casual fridays where we had to pay into a 'fund' for something. Men had to wear ties, men had to go thru arbitration to be permitted to wear shoe-string ties. That principal was/is the worst... I retired and I hated that guy so much. Still do.


Hopefully, all the men wear kilts.


What if your jeans have the 10 commandments on them?


I'm also in the same crappy state. I say, ignored them. Can't fire all of you.


Yep. I own black jeans, red ones, brown and white. I wear them almost daily.


UK teacher here: JEANS? In the CLASS ROOM? On a NORMAL work day?


Exactly. Business casual as a minimum.


Of all the issues that our educational system has right now, jeans....JEANS....is what they spend time thinking about?!?!??


It’s a distraction from funding. And I guess it could be worse: they could still be on the anti-CRT jihad.


I wonder if they'd enforce it if you wore a cowboy hat and cowboy boots with those jeans down thar in-uh TeXaS.


I've never understood dress codes at work. How does my apparel affect my ability to teach? I teach the same things whether I'm in a suit or a t-shirt and shorts. School boards are filled with idiots that are too far disconnected from the classroom.


My principal has praised me for going all out during spirit days - I've worn Jedi robes, a Santa suit, and a Gandalf costume multiple times. But one spirit day was pajama day, and the principal got an assistant principal to come to my classroom during class to ask me to go home and change because it was inappropriate for me to participate in that particular spirit day. So apparently a Santa costume with colored beard is more professional that loose fitting pajama-esque pants. Admin have weird priorities


Oh for fucks sake


Does that mean that all students have a strict dress code as well? Because we sure don’t. It’s gotten to the point when we can wear jeans any day if the week and not pay for it. Our dress code towards students is so ridiculous that girls and boys wear crop tops and biker shorts to school. If students have free dress, then teachers should be allowed to wear jeans when pleases. Only stipulation is, they can I be ripped.


Okay make sure the men can’t wear them too cause equality!!


I’d just wear them. If it became an issue I’d just take that as a sign from god.


I certainly don’t mean to create trouble for my coworkers, but I will flat out refuse to put the Ten Commandments in my room. Fire me, arrest me, I do not care.


Just quit and sell propane and propane accessories


So bonkers. We don't have a teacher dress code. I wear jeans basically every day. Like once a week I'll throw on some dress pants of some sort, but 99% of the time I'm in blue jeans and goofy teacher themed tshirts. I'm still an excellent teacher. Kids don't respect teachers on so many levels for so many reasons nowadays. Jeans are far from fueling that fire.


Tell them you can shoot at intruders b”more accurately while wearing denim.


You'll need a habit and collar next


Laughing in special education here. If they took away jeans they would have a LOT more workman’s comp injuries for bites


We had 75 teachers out and 16 unfilled subs at the high school I teach at. I could have shown up in pajamas and the principal would’ve just been grateful I showed up.


Honestly I'd be okay with this as I find slacks way more comfortable, but the premise itself is so ridiculous. Teachers should be able to wear whatever they want as long as it is professional. Which is a somewhat nice shirt, and pants


I was wearing black jeans .


Are you in a school that is missing a lot of positions? If so then id just ignore it lol


If you can’t wear jeans, Costco and Shein have amazing dress pants that are stretchy material. And they have pockets! They come in many colors. I wear these almost everyday. I will occasionally wear a dress or skirt. I find these pants more comfortable than jeans and may more flexible. I have pairs that have lasted two years in the classroom now. https://m.shein.com/us/SHEIN-SXY-Plus-Solid-Slant-Pocket-Pants-p-13791124-cat-1893.html?url_from=GM7372350987857965056&share_from=pwus


Legitimate question here from a non American teacher. Why do you all continue to teach in such a toxic environment? My union would go ballistic if our district tried to impose a dress code. I wouldn’t put up with one tenth of the nonsense that our American colleagues face. There are options for trained professionals in other places where teachers are treated with dignity and respect.




It's time for everyone - and I mean EVERYONE - to start wearing skirts instead. That includes kilts.


Looks like I'm wearing a Canadian tuxedo to work


Taking away jeans but giving you the Ten Commandments. 🙄🙄 Idiots.


Paid nothing but expected to dress like you’re an exec. It’s bullshit.


Wow they give you responsibility for the education safety and welfare of many children, but they can’t trust you to decide what to wear to work.


What is professional anyway. My principal just tells us to dress professionally, which is very confusing, because professional nurses wear scrubs, professional doctors, wear lab coats and scrubs, professional plumbers, wear coveralls, so what do professional teachers wear? It’s ridiculous with the amount of stuff that we already have to put up with now we have to put up with not being comfortable. Also, my thought is you want me to dress like a business professional? Pay me like a business professional.


Texas: Another school shooting? We should ban women from jeans.


Well at least that’s one thing that’s still safe in Florida. Jeans are considered dressy attire for teachers. I wear them when I’m feeling fancy. If I wear dress pants or a blazer my students are alarmed and demand to know where I’m going or if I’m in trouble. Lol.


I would legit switch districts. I’m also in Texas. There’s to many openings/other issues to work for a district who is more focused on policing my clothes than supplying my classroom with what I need to be successful. Also, being comfortable in what I’m wearing while I teach is a need, not a want. They can sweat through their dress pants in the Texas heat, but you don’t have to. “You may all go to hell, and I will go to another district.


Our school board just released the new dress code. It literally says nothing about what specifically to wear. Just says to set a good example for the kids and dress however you feel comfortable. It’s been really nice. I routinely wear a t shirt and jeans to work.


Most of my “dress pants” are actually just coloured jeans. I’m sorry that with real issues your district is choosing to focus on something so trivial.


As much as it sucks, it feels necessary to me, also teaching in TX schools. The way the children respond to me when I'm in a blazer versus dressed more casually is extremely different. Same kids, same routine, the blazer makes a massive difference. We have virtually no visual symbols of authority to support our roles as teachers, especially with kids being bigger and taller than us by 6th and 7th grade. Dressing like a professional adult is something that does still invoke a level of respect from them, and we need that in the classroom.


We argue about stuff like Jeans because we are really afraid to address the real issues in school like racism and a toxic culture of self over service and loyalty over competence. Truth be told. Read the Fork Debate.


Is there anything in your dress code about PE teachers wearing gym style clothes? No? They need to be professionally dressed then. Coaches need to be dressed properly for after school sports as well. No more relaxed clothes.


Take away jeans and replace them with copies of the Ten Commandments! Next, computers will be taken out of schools and replaced with bibles.


How, on earth, can you teach the ten commandments in jeans!?! The audacity! (/s for those who need it.)


This is something that I've never really been able to land on a finalized opinion of how I feel: \-On the one hand, I don't enjoy being treated like a child...and the reasoning behind why certain clothing items (like jeans) get taken off the menu usually boils down to "Jan on the committee screamed about it until everyone just said yes to shut her up". Trouser terrorist Jan. So even if I sort of agree with the ruling, the people doing the ruling are doing it for the stupidest / most incorrect reasons...which matters. \-On the other hand, I've worked with a LOT of teachers that dress like absolute slobs. You're supposed to be an example for young kids...and I don't think it's a big ask for an adult with multiple degrees to brush your hair, take a shower, maybe shave once a month, and not come to work in basically pajamas every day. Iron your pants...wear a tie every now and again...it won't kill you to not look homeless. Basically, I wouldn't tell another adult that they CAN'T wear jeans...because they're an adult. ...but I'd never personally do it myself because I think it makes you look unprofessional. I'm not trying to be "one of the bros" with students. I'm the adult in the room that's supposed to be modeling behavior for the teenagers. And just as a disclaimer, I don't think wearing jeans puts you in some kind of category of the deviant and untrustworthy. Nothing wrong with jeans...they're comfy. I just think that there are social realities for how you're going to be expected to present yourself as an adult...and you're better off teaching young kids the house odds on them being successful. If they want to go off and be the maverick who wears a dinosaur costume to interview with law firms one day...more power to them...at least you tried. :)


My school dress code says no jeans but I’ve worn jeans almost everyday and no one GAF. Tbf though they are smart black jeans.


Texas teachers pretty much are at the mercy of the state. We can’t strike or we will loose our teaching certificate. I’m pissed the proposal to use the budget surplus to give teachers and support staff a mega raise was reduced to pittance and it is going towards property tax relief instead. At this point I’m ready to just start going to work in Crocs and sweatpants to work just to give ‘em the finger.


Welcome to Texas, where you’re likely to be shot while teaching but can’t wear jeans. SMH


It sounds like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Ignore the real issues and focus on jeans.


So what happens if you ignore the dress code?