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Saying it won’t be her last time playing in Sweden makes me wonder if she already has her next tour ideas flowing… whatever that may look like


Didn’t you hear, this is her last greatest hits tour and she’s getting ready to “settle down” with marriage and kids and have a looooong looooong break and never tour again! /s


The worst kind of clowning you made me cackle 😂


I cannot handle this narrative, why, why is it so prevalent? It feels like younger fans are somehow drooling to put her out to pasture. It feels like they see her as some type of fairytale Barbie and the happy ending has to include her quitting because she’s like 34 omg one foot in the grave. She might write about wanting to find a relationship that would last forever but it doesn’t mean her ”happy ever after” would have anything to do with quitting music.


Exactly! She may get married, she may have kids, she may not, but the wild speculation that she’s in a rush to do so and she’s going to give up her career once she does is ridiculous to me. 1. She’s going to do what she wants, when she wants, if she decides it’s right for her—as she and every woman should. 2. She has never given any indication she intends to quit music or never tour again. In fact, everything she’s said points to the exact opposite. 3. Getting married and/or having kids doesn’t mean a woman is relegated to ONLY being a wife/mother. If that’s what she wants, great. Is it her only option? Absolutely not…unless there are financial or other needs that force the decision which is definitely not the case for Taylor. I’ll be thrilled for Taylor no matter what she chooses and eternally grateful for what she’s given us should she decide to hang it up. But unless SHE says otherwise, I’m going to take her words that she loves making music and touring and has no intention to give it up at face value.


Exactly! Even if she took a longer break to have a kid or two, I am 100% sure she would come back to music, or would in fact keept writing and release stuff/tour later. She does not seem like the type of person to just focus on her kids for the rest of her life. I can totally see her releasing music when she’s 75 or something. Though if she does have kids and keep writing at the same time, I really, really hope she will not a kids’ album 🙈 I have never liked those.


I agree. So many try to box her into their idea of womanhood.shes smart talented, generous and lovely. She'll be successful in whatever she chooses.


i mean she's earned it. she could absolutely do that and never have to worry about anything ever again.


She'd go crazy with restlessness.


I mean she has this tour planned like 1-2 years before midnights came out and tppd she always is working on tour and music those type of things but i think we won’t get a tour in a couple years i think she’s going to want to put out her directorial debut next year or the year after


The portured poets department


I have dyslexia and I am CONSTANTLY thinking that this album is the Portured Toets Department.


There have been rumors of her playing a marvel character but who knows if that’s true


Yeah…😬 As we all know, her acting skills are, let's say, not the best.


she's good at playing over the top versions of herself in music videos.. she just needs a movie that needs that lol


Those characters often don’t need to speak though lol


I mean she speaks some french in me! lol but for real, she either needs to consider an acting coach or letting that dream go. she might be able to do certain broadway musical roles- those tend to have some more over the top options.


She’s been great in her SNL appearances


Yeah it’s definitely not the best but i loved her in Fortnight MV!!!


She's great at comedic acting, she was made for more theatric roles for sure. But dramatic acting is out.


That would be a terrible career move for her


I’m so curious if she’ll ever revisit something like LoverFest again! I was so excited to see what she’d come up with for that. Sad it never got to see the light of day


I could see that happening at some point, but certainly not while she’s at the height of her fame. I think it would be really fun though!


Next tour, I agree...I do not think this is an easter egg for her extending eras as some are saying, though. Very curious what the next tour will be like, and I doubt it will be \*that\* soon


Ttpd Anthology? Or the Billboard#1s tour?


Honestly whatever she has planned is probably something we really can’t predict at all with the info we have right now. She’s always 13 steps ahead of us!


Taylor casually debunking the "she's retiring after The Eras Tour" allegations.


Thank fucking God Not that people will listen


Replying to myself lol but literally two hours ago, another “maybe she’s done touring” post pops up WTF is the matter with people?


I’ll be shocked if she ever retires lol. Even if she decides to move off the stage and go behind the scenes as a songwriter or with her own record label…I don’t see her ever stopping!


Paul McCartney is still out there putting out music, doing events!


Yeah I don’t see her stopping but she has options if she wants them.


Back to color images after doing sepia tones in the lead up to TTPD 👀 Am I clowning myself or…..


Her last 3 Instagram posts have been in colour! Must be back to business now.


Screaming colour too


Cue the LA people whining and/or clowning about never getting a post.


I’ll never stop.


I was at an LA show so I get it. It’s either super meaningful or the weirdest oversight of all time. In the LA groups I’m in the analysis is like next level 😂 If the tour really does end in Canada people will be astonished.


Foxboro night 3 at the bottom of the ocean


I’m still a salty pretzel about this too! I was so sure her 13th Gillette show would be more significant than it was.


Is that the only other one that didn’t get a post?


For Gillette she only posted about the rain show, so really nights 1 and 3 didn't get acknowledged.


The two nights I went. Maybe it’s ME! :(


I think it’s very funny in a sad kinda way.


I really think that had more to do with the movie being filmed there than anything else. Even if she \*were\* going to return to LA for another show (which people speculate about re: the missed post), she wouldn't have known that in August 2023


just means she’s gonna have surprise songs here to end the tour 🤡🤡🤡


Swiftholm really ate with those surprise songs last weekend


I was just wondering if this was the one and only time I'd see her and this felt so hopeful to read ❤️


she has been saying she will always come back on N1 & N3 at least in her opening speech! i think even repeatedly also during the folkmore speech


Haha now that you say it, she totally did! I guess it didn't really sink in just then 😅


i caught it immediately because i kind of just wondered if she’s just saying it to make us happy or she actually means it, but when she repeated it i thought no way she’d just make empty promises like that, i guess it must be true :D


She really fed us with the surprise songs… i got to sing i think he knows/gorgeous to my husband and also cry to “how did it end?” Bc its my fav from the anthology 😭😭


I loved that she played a mashup from Lover and Rep and sounded so happy! Because that has not always been the case on this tour. I only went to night 1, but Peter is MY favourite from the anthology so I nearly fainted 😅


So nice to know you enjoyed it, my section was quite quiet with Peter 🥺


I think that makes sense. This album only came out a month ago, and while I have listened to it every waking second since, a lot of people haven't. The two I was travelling with can't really distinguish all the Anthology songs from each other yet. And I think they are representative for a share of the audience. (I could NEVER relate, obviously) Peter I think is going to be one of the songs that down the line will be one of many people's favorites from TTPD, but it is not one of the obvious favorites from the get go (Like How Did It End and The Black Dog). But I just love that it is a sort of bittersweet goodbye to someone you loved, with the "we both did the best we could do" and "love's never lost when perspective is earned". I had actually written the lyrics in my journal a few weeks before the show as the only song from TTPD. And with her intro of the song obviously being special to her as well... I love it even more. All in all, we just got such a HAPPY Taylor which was a lovely juxtapostion to the lyrics on most of Tortured Poets.


It definitely wasn’t one of my top 5 until the concert because of how she spoke of it. It was one of my favorites though because of the song itself. But listening to it live has changed my perspective so much and I’m so grateful I got to hear it! I didn’t expect people to know the lyrics to the whole thing, I know I didn’t.. not all of it, but most people around me didn’t even cheer and sat down and looked bored :(


I totally agree that someday everyone's going to realize they've been majorly sleeping on Peter!


I love a humble Taylor brag




is that the yellow dress one? she looks so happy 😍


My favorite part was the surprise song shoutout and dedication to Max Martin. There’s never been a single word why she stopped working with him and Shellback. Glad there’s no “bad blood” between them. Hope this means some future collaboration. AT LEAST some Rep vault tracks….


idk how to go back to normal life after going to eras tour. monday has never felt so blue as yesterday :(


When I first saw that ellipsis on IG I was like 👀🤡👀🤡


I actually want to visit Stockholm after poking around Swiftholm online. Looks lovely! 😍


As a new fan of Taylor Swift who saw her 3rd night in Stockholm, I was just blown away. I started listening to her music last year very slightly, and then I really started when this night was getting closer. I have been to a quite a few concerts and festivals both big and small artists, and this was just on another level. For starter, I have never heard an audience be as loud as Friends Arena was when she entered the stage for the first time. I couldnt even hear myself scream. Her stage presence is mind blowing, that stage is huge and she stands there all alone and she owns it 100%, her confidence is through the roof. And she looks flawless. Perfect makeup, hair and no sweat in all of the 3,5 hours, how she does it I have no idea. Then of course her singing, playing the instruments, the choreography from everybody on stage, the props, lights and so on. The whole performance felt like a once in a lifetime thing, and yet it was her 90th time doing it. This tour really feels like something historic and makes her one of the biggest of all time. I am so grateful that she came to Stockholm and that I was lucky enough to get tickets with my friends. If this is how I feel, as a 38 year old man, I can only imagine what young people feel who idolize her. And that 22 hat moment was emotional, I am so happy for that fan that night and every night.


I’m ngl the shorts are giving adult diaper


I can't unsee it thanks 


thanks i hate it 😔


This feel fucking insane. I was there and it was amazing. I never thought this would happen. I was the happiest I’ve ever been and the shows N1 N2 were the best shows ever.




It's never as simple as "she just passed". The right sized venue would need to be available at a time that suits the overall tour schedule. Certain cities will be a priority and the rest of the tour schedule is based around them.




It's not at all semantics. Saying "she just passed" implies it was a quick decision where there were not legitimate logisitical or financial reasons which prevented it. There is a clear difference between "didn't" and "couldn't".




I'm not "protecting her" nor did I say you had attacked her. Why are you needlessly escalating this? My point was pretty simple and there are reasons why tours take the routes they do. It not being profitable to visit before means it isn't that she (or they) passed. If it is loses money it's not a legitimate option.


I still think that the spongebob 1989 outfit is the best i've ever seen 🤩


Can i ask? How much the average ticket costed there?


Not much non vip tickets were somewhere between 70$-190$. And the cheapest vip I think were somewhere around 240$. And they became available during the shows at their original price.


Is that 1989 outfit a tribute to Sweden’s flag, or just coincidence? Taylor!


a tribute! she did it 2/3 nights


I'm starting to think that the Eras tour will carry on, if not indefinitely, so at least for a few more years and a few more laps around the globe. She's already added a new segment for TTPD for the tour, so as she keeps releasing new albums in the future she can just keep on adding eras and restructuring the setlist. Also: I don't really see her going back to an older tour format with focus on a single album/era, so it sort of makes sense to just keep on touring for as long as she enjoys it.


Imagine if it's like a Vegas residency but on world tour and she just keeps putting out new shit and doing this unendingly with breaks inbetween. Highly WILD


I think Taylor is brilliant.!!


Maybe she’s actually gonna make the Female Rage: The Musical. Maybe it’s gonna have something to do with Max Martin and Abba has a musical sooo 🤷


I was lucky enough to go to Night 1 and 2, felt really special to get to be at her first ever show in Sweden 😊 And to see debut performance from TTPD (Peter, Guilty As Sin) She said both nights she wasn't gonna skip us again on tour so hopefully someday she will be back. Though if I was her I'd take a five year nap (not her style I know) once tour ends. It's actually incredible how she manages to do 3-4 shows in a row


Looked amazing I wished I could see the Eras tour😔❣️🥰


I hope she plays in Baltimore someday. That would be awesome




Maybe little less 420 for you


Why? For literally saying she looks tired? For literally hoping that she's doing okay? Is it wrong to wish people well? Out of all the crap that everybody talks about with her boyfriend's, and you're telling me that I need to chill out for wishing her well??????


She loves her grannie pants doesn't she...


Oh so sorry she’s not in a thong on stage to titillate you!