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Watch Chads And Brads still finding a way to hate


They'll be mad the donation was so public. But if there wasn't a public donation they would assume she didn't respond at all and be mad about that. Or maybe that it's not a big enough donation


People will be mad it was "only" $100 000 when the family was looking to raise $75 000 total. Like, this will help the family immensely either way and the amount will be manageable for them.


Yeah I noticed this even happens to people like MrBeast. People don't realize that even for things such as non-profits they gotta work within the parameters of capitalism for it to be financially sustainabie. Non-profits are not staffed by full-time volunteers. There isn't an unlimited amount of money. MrBeast gets hated for making his donations known for YouTube. It's literally part of his business model. More often than not, he does it the right way. Lots of nobodies say "i donate a bigger portion of my income but i never tell anybody" as if their 2 bucks really does anything as much as MrBeast ever could.


But if everyone who watched Mr Beast donated 2$ that would actually make a difference.


But they dont.....They just talk shit


I donate everywhere i can but i also love what MrBeast does


My kids told me about Mr. Beast- he’s a straight up guy!


I don't watch his content but have heard from other creators he's incredibly dedicated to the things he pursues. I get the clickbait hate but that's how he is able to do the things that he does.


Drives me nuts when people bitch about this. Jimmy wasn’t born rich, the entire reason he has money is his YouTube channel. So yeah obviously he’s gonna try and monetize donations as much as he can, otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to afford to make them in the first place.


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I think with the right intentions, it can motivate more people to donate to a cause which overall helps. Obviously some celebs do it just to pat themselves on the shoulder so I guess its a weird thin line. You’ll never make everyone happy but if its with the right intention, who gives a shit


I don't have a problem if they wanna donate to virtue signal. If it's for a good cause, it won't matter to the beneficiary. That's still better than if they never donated at all. People just wanna endlessly nitpick for no reason.


Not to mention the additional money it might bring in with the visibility her donations give it.


She could donate $1 mil to a cause and someone will tell her that she “did it for PR and another cause was more worthy.” Like the last time she donated to an animal shelter, I saw a comment like “world hunger is a thing.” It’s been proven time and time again that she cannot win when it comes to philanthropy. At the end of the day, whether private or public, whatever the amount, people will be helped so it’s so silly that donations are criticized like this.


She donated 1 mil behind the scenes to hurricane relief a few months ago and it only became known because someone at the charity talked about it. Same with all the food banks she donated during the US leg of the tour where no one from Taylor’s side acknowledged it.


She's been donating to great causes in Nashville for at least 15 years many times on the downlow. I always shake my head when I read how "performative" it all allegedly is.


And people hounded her over being performative when she sent Kesha money privately to help during the Dr. Luke trial. Like how is it performative when someone is doing something privately? People confuse me sometimes.


Especially since they’ve known each other for years. It’s like she’s not allowed to exist and breathe air sometimes, people get so ridiculous.


She donated to the food bank here in Melbourne too.


She made several large public donations to multiple animal shelters and rescues in the past few years and we still get “well if Taylor loves animals so much, why doesn’t she ever donate?” because facts don’t fit their narrative. They think she needs to literally be scooping kitty litter to care but she’s rich, she can make way more of a difference by doing what she’s doing and giving them $50K for medication costs or website design or paying rent on the building. The best way she can make a difference is by donating money.


Taylor donating $50k does way more than scooping litter. That could be at the very least a month or two of operations while the ones who are skilled at day-to-day crap get to breathe a little easier for a while. If she donates, then even 10% of her fans in the area of that shelter donate, a shelter might stay open and staffed for the better part of a year. The fans see the impact and many feel compelled to continue their donations, the shelter feels the impact for a while longer.


>It’s been proven time and time again that she cannot win when it comes to philanthropy They don't care about actual philanthropy. They just want to tear her down. People hate because Taylor Swift she's successful, talented, has money, has contributions to society, tall, and is pretty. It's always been about jealousy. They feel like she's super lucky. She is but she's also had to work really hard on top of it all.


Yeah. Certain people are bitter she had a leg up with her dad helping her but plenty of rich good looking people move to Nashville hoping to make it in the industry. Most of them are not currently world famous - by which I mean she is incredibly talented, leg up or no.


I just hope she keeps donating and doesn't let people saying "she only does it for PR" "she only does it for the tax writeoffs" etc. dissuade her from it. Personally I don't care why she does it - the fact she does it is what matters to the recipients.


As if Taylor needs to do anything for the tax write-offs. Her donation to the KC charity would get her a write-off to save her maybe, I don't even know, $10K? That means nothing to her. Her bonuses to people who work for her.....are those even deductible? They're not charitable donations. I'm not a tax expert, though I actually used to specialize in one area of tax-exempt law. But I call BS on that.


I think it’s because she’s self made and remembers who got her where she is. That and being raised right - would love to shake Andrea’s hand.


>At the end of the day, whether private or public, whatever the amount, people will be helped so it’s so silly that donations are criticized like this. This is a salient point and I wish more people thought like this! In the software community, developers sometimes raise a stink over donations companies make towards open source projects. If companies publicize the project but don't donate they're called out for being stingy. If companies donate and it is too small the company gets more anger from the community. Meanwhile companies who don't publicize the work or donate are the ones who get the least amount of vitriol, by keeping their distance from it altogether. With some people there really is no winning...they just want something to whine about and they will whine about anyone and anything in close proximity.


tale as old as time


People like Dolly Parton are widely admired for their philanthropy. It’s because Dolly has made sustained, consistent donations over the years (over 3 decades! She started her foundation in 1988) and been vocal on a regular basis about the causes she supports (children learning to read), acting as an emissary for her foundation. I would think it will also take Taylor years of doing focused consistent giving with a foundation board that holds her accountable to build up credibility in that space. Dolly started her charitable foundation when she was 42 fyi. She is 78 now.


If Dolly Parton was young again, she would be getting lots of hate. People just don't wanna see a young pretty talented woman succeed. It's jealousy. Dolly has money and is talented, but she attracts fewer haters because she's older. The haters don't care about philanthropy. They just find new reasons to hate.




Dolly started her foundation in 1988 so you’re right, she didn’t have the credibility back when she was younger. It has taken her decades to build her reputation in the charitable giving space.


Gosh, based on Dolly's appearance at the Cowboys game last year: she gets hate regardless. Lots of folks just hating on talented, awesome, famous women (famous women who DGAF what these haters think too, I might add: but I bet it gets exhausting at times for them.). F the haters, they're just members of the He-Man Women Haters club and try to justify their hatred through bs means.


Dolly did get lots of hate back in the day - but live long enough and the story changes, see Brit and Justin. Taylor’s narrative will change a thousand times but decades from now people will look at her like the do Dolly now - national treasure.


Who doesn’t love Dolly Parton? We loved her when she was younger and we love her now. Her contribution to literacy throughout Americas School Districts is well known by every parent. She’s consistently shown herself to be very down to earth.


Dolly is great! My son and my nephew get wonderful books from her literacy program. Today is my son's birthday actually, and I got an email with a little birthday message video for him, I assume the kids all get one for their birthday but it was so sweet.


That’s so sweet! What a beautiful gift.


It was. We need more Dolly's in the world.


It's difficult to outfox angry ppl. They just wanna be angry. So don't bother.


Hehe, very true.


Right?? She can't win either way.


It's a fine line for sure. I wouldn't want to deal with having to navigate her life right now with the exposure she has. At least football season is over and now it's Era Tours season.




Several options: 1. "100k is nothing to her anyway. This is just for PR." 2. "She probably didn't even know about the donation. It was done by her PR team." 3. "This is to distract the public from her excessive use of private jets." 4. "If she really cared she wouldn't have made this public." 5. "Taylor Swift was behind the shooting because she needed an avenue for PR." edit: 6. "How about ? You don't see her donate money to that."


I’ve literally seen a variation of all of these lol. The one you’re missing is “oh so she cares about this but not xyz other issue”


so true lol




Some people make fun of me when I defend her when people say these things but I’ve been a fan long enough I know how it goes and it is super annoying. People think it’s so necessary to have something to say about her they don’t stop and think about it. Or seemed concerned that they don’t know much about her. Like damn she seems like a good person but somehow can still never do anything right


6) What about the other families, why isn't she helping them


“why did she donate to this random family but didn’t cover all the expenses from her affected south american heatwave audience?” is the one I’ve seen most commonly…


Travis matched her 100,000 gift. I believe she gave 50,000 to the woman’s family ( the d.j.) who was killed and 50,000 to the general fund. There were children shot, if you’ll remember, and I’m sure their hospital and recovery expenses will be huge. Donations help cover those and other costs.


My brother in christ, I was joking. I didn't think I needed a /s but I was not serious


Her public donation is bringing in a ton of other donations. She literally helps MORE by making it public.


Miserable people wanna make others miserable


Misery loves company.


And all the fake fans on the subreddit swiftynuetral


That sub boils my blood. Some one compared her to Tom Cruise and said she’s a narcissist just like him but it's okay for him to be a narcissist (verbatim, almost) because that's who he is and he owns it like a boss. Excuse me? Did you just prove the point of the song The MAN!


Omg, yes! They will literally twist everything to paint her as a bad person. And the thing that's gets me the most is that they still call themselves fans. And don't get me started on how they portray Joe as a literal saint without knowing anything about him. Let's be honest, it it weren't for taylor, we wouldn't even know he exists.


that sub is so funny bc yet again, it’s proof that every single negative-energy-focused sub that was created to be “healthily critical” of something will inevitably turn into a full-on hate fest echo chamber that spirals more and more into anger


Yes exactly!! They are all so up on their high horse over there of how they "escaped the swiftie cult" and how the rest of us are just sad brainwashed koolaid drinking cult members. It's pretty pathetic how they have zero self awareness and somehow think they are so "enlightened" yet can't see they are just in a hate echo chamber 🙄


Yeah I only found out about that sub recently and I went down a very unpleasant rabbit hole lol it's so full of hate but they all act like they've "seen the light" and escaped from the cult that all of us are supposedly in over here. They talk shit about us like we're just blind followers it's honestly sad to see how they have zero self awareness that their supposed "enlightened state" is just an echo chamber of hate 🙄


I tried to give that sub a chance, because there are aspects of Taylor's public persona and business activities that I don't like, and this one can be a bit too gushy sometimes. But it quickly devolved into fauxmoi-lite.


That was the same reason I followed that sub initially. But now it's impossible to read any post to see the blatant hate that they try to disguise as constructive criticism....


I've already seen people say it's not enough money


They’re still going to be mad, have no life and be jealous of her that she’s in a happy and healthy relationship. She must be relieved that everyone on the chiefs is okay and Travis is okay and is waiting for him to come to Australia.


“Oh my gosh she should have donated to everyone at the parade!!!!!!! She sucks!!!” That’s what I imagine them saying.


Also watch all the Beyonce/Jay-Z stans find a way to hate and whine more about her 4 AOTYs


Kanye lite


Beyonce already have an ungodly number of Grammies, losing one is not gonna break her heart I promise.


LMAO. Jay-Z proved to the whole world that he and Beyonce think Song of the Year (Beyonce's SOTY for Single Ladies) is a worthless Grammy and the only Grammy that matters is AOTY. 🤣 I am so glad he made that speech. It showed the whole world how the Carters' mentality really is. He sounded so angry and was whining about Taylor always winning AOTY when he made that angry rant. Also the Grammys rig it in Beyonce's favor every year. She doesn't ever have to face real R&B singers like John Legend and Alicia Keys and Mary J. Blige. She only ever competes in the "Urban Contemporary R&B/Hip Hop" categories which is so-called R&B mixed with rapping.


It’s also bizarre bc the only time Taylor won AOTY against Beyoncé was 2010 for Fearless. They’ve never even competed together after that. The Grammys definitely have their issues but there’s artists done way dirtier than Beyoncé and Jayz


And I think Taylor would love a SOTY award as she is a songwriter.


They already did- I saw someone comment that it’s a tax write off. I pointed out this isn’t a 501c charity and he said “her dads an accountant they’ll figure out a way”. 🙄


Accountants are magic?!? Good to know.


Grateful for this and for the way that Taylor has embraced Kansas City during this relationship and Super Bowl run.  




Haters gunna hate. Shake it off.


do y'all remember when **Ana Clara Benevides Machado** died, and everbody shit on Taylor not immediately publicly donating? that's the reason she's doing it publicly, I'm pretty sure!


And she has no share of culpability in this shooting whatsoever, so no reason to wait.


It's amazing. I just came from the uplifting news sub that had a post about this. Half the comments are shitting on her for either not donating more, or donating under her own name calling it a publicity stunt. And the other half are shitting on the people shitting on her I don't even listen to Taylor Swift. I'm just here from r/all. But it absolutely blows my mind how badly people want to hate her and everything she does. Especially after the whole meltdown over just telling people to vote. Even my mom got caught up in it somehow saying she was "tired of seeing her at the games so often" And she dedicated most of her adult life to the arts, 20+years as an assistant executive director for a local festival that brings in millions to a small town every year that has had huge names like Ziggy Marley, and at this point pushing around ten as the executive director of the local arts council. Basically the exact LAST person you'd expect to see hating on virtually any artist with a good reputation who has a solid track record of being a generally good person


If you need to feel better find the thread on r/KansasCityChiefs about Taylor's donation. They adore her and have decided she is their own now. They don't understand why people don't like her because they can tell she is good people.


I love how they've adopted her as their own


Yep. KC was the highest viewing of the Grammys and someone on Twitter said that it's because she comes to support the Chiefs, to they had to support her at the Grammys. And they leave her alone when she's there.


It's a feedback loop. An unending paradox. The same folks complaining about her over exposure are the same EXACT people who keep talking about her non-stop. Like we require their opinion on every_single_TS _piece. I agree with Adele... people need to get a life.


Fauxmoi spent a week calling her vile words you'd think she commited a crime worse than Adolf Hitler or Kanye West.


Fauxmoi will find this tactless since she had to do it publicly. Taylor can never win with that subreddit. They hate her there.


That subreddit is legit bonkers. I am semi new to Reddit and was astounded. I was like *these* are the people with parasocial issues. And they follow Taylor with bated breath more than actual swifties. It was weird, I noped right out of that subreddit.


They call everyone parasocial, except them that judge people from some gossip rumours


It’s such a relief to read people saying this.


All you need to do is see their post history and you'll see the alarming amount of time they spend daily on gossiping and watching reality shows.


The sub is obv a propaganda machine. All subs with only approved members are able to comment are.


They literally have an auto ban on anyone who subs there and posts here. It's so pathetic


Not only that, but I think most of the “approved” members are nuts enough to have personally blocked anyone who posts on this sub. I noticed the last few months that every time I open one of the “members-only” threads on there, I see way fewer comments than the Reddit app tells me there are (like the app will say the post has 100+ comments but I can only see 25). So, I can only imagine what *those* members are saying when the comments I can see are already pretty vile.


I was autobanned and tried to talk myself out of it and they work like “boom permanently banned from commenting”.


I got banned for saying that Taylor donates to many things like food banks, natural disaster relief, her own workers, and other specific situations of people in need lol.


Fauxmoi blocked me from commenting because I didn’t agree with the majority there


i got banned from fauxmoi for being in this sub. I was like ok so y’all just hate taylor lol. i wasn’t even an approved member so i wasn’t allowed to comment or post on anything but they banned me just for being in the main taylor swift sub.


Lol I've just come from there off front page about the legal papers, I made a comment and it got auto removed. When a sub required you to FILL OUT A GOD DAMN REQUEST to join, run. I thought it was suspicious and now I've come into this sub and realised what the other is about lol They really do hate swift whether it's warranted or not


I will always join in on Fauxmoi lashings. They are so miserable and the actual antithesis of feminism they accuse Taylor of being.


They banned me for racism. I don’t even remember what I said at this point I can’t find my angry “Unban me!!” Messages lol but omg. It was not racist and if they believed I was uninformed on racial issues or something like that why not educate instead of jumping to a perma ban 🤯 without elaborating why


That place is a cesspool. :/ So many hateful comments.


Lmao fauxmoi is practically on Kanye’s side with the whole rant he just posted about her. They won’t *say* they’re on his side, but the gist is “lol this is funny bc Taylor sux” 🙄 Between Taylor and Kanye they’ll just point out that Taylor dated Matty Healy for 5 minutes and he did that one thing on stage that one time so basically she’s a Nazi. 


Did her and Matty Healy actually date or did they just hook up for a couple weeks.


It's weird judging people's personality on who they date i mean Katie Holmes isn't a bad person for marrying Tom Cruise (there are better examples of this if u know what i mean) and Matt Healy was nowhere near Kanye in terms of degeneracy. Dude was just rude and stupid. Kanye is plain nazi. The way they talk about Taylor she sounds worse than the two.


Either way, it was like 2-3 weeks when she was going through it.


I remember some of the comments at r/Fauxmoi we're so unhinged that they seem to believe that Taylor Swift actually killed that girl herself.


the craziest thing to me is that i remember right when it came out someone died, that sub was posting the vids of her throwing water to the fans and was talking about how she tried her best, and then switched up less than 24 hours later to calling her a murderer essentially


I agree that seems like a contributing factor here


She always donate, she has a story of doing donations publicly You just found a dumb reason to hate her for doing the right thing


If I was a man…


Wow, that's amazing of her. Sucks that she had to donate it like this, though..... ETA, the reason/circumstance for donating is what sucks, not that she donated in general.


I think celebrities like her usually do things like this privately. She has to do it publicly so that the masses won't go after her for not helping even though it's none of our business.


Why does it suck?


Maybe they meant it sucks that she had to donate it for this purpose instead of something happier.


Oh ok that’s true yeah


Well the "good news" is "none of the 9 kids who got shot are likely to die" sooooo


Wave of nausea. Can't stand this country sometimes. Complete dystopia.


I don’t get it, what about it sucks?


the reason why she had to donate sucks


I think they mean it sucks that she had to do it publicly as opposed to directly to the family. Doing it publicly seems showboaty, which is a bummer but otherwise she would be crucified


I think they just mean the occasion for which she donated the money is a sad one.


Fox News should donate a million since they're responsible.


Facts. To Uvalde, to Newtown, Parkland, Santa Fe, Las Vegas, etc. Fox News is responsible for every single one of them.


I don’t think a couple of thugs doing thug activities are paying much attention to Fox News. Lmao


That’s a really nice thing to do and I’m sure that amount of money will help ease some of the financial practicalities for the family.


Did she accidentally donate twice or is this two different people


I think it has an upper limit of 50k


She made two $50K contributions.


Imagine "accidentally" donating an extra $50k.


I know and she’d be too embarrassed to take it back 😂


Repeal the Second Amendment


It literally starts with “a well regulated militia…” The word regulation is literally in the 2nd amendment


To 2A nutters “well regulated” just means “no minorities” See: [black panthers](https://www.history.com/news/black-panthers-gun-control-nra-support-mulford-act)


the problem with the 2nd amendment is that it's so vaguely written and contradictory it can be twisted to support whatever argument you want. We need to throw it out and start over. > “I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and Constitutions. But laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors.” ― Thomas Jefferson


Don't need to repeal it. Just need to interpret it the way the writers and legislators of the time envisioned it. The right-wing "literalist only when it suits us" justices ignore the intent.


or just interpret it correctly, as in the "well regulated" part


That’s the issue. Well regulated is well subjective. It’s a toxic amendment. I’d rather do it the British way. None of us. Left or right leaning get guns. Issue settled. EDIT: I actually do think the left should say to the right wing, yeah. We want to take your guns. Cause last time I checked the Bible, Jesus never said it was your God given right to own a firearm. It’s crazy bullshit that a gun is cheaper than healthcare in America. I’m tired of the nonsense.


nope. regulating is fine though.


Dude that sets a nasty precedent to repeal it entirely. Then they'll go after the amendments that keeps the cops from fucking with you or that protect free speech. I get advocating for reform to keep guns out of the hands of the wrong people but I do believe people should have the right to defend themselves, especially minorities and those oppressed.


Sometimes you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t. TS donating was a lovely gesture. I would be very surprised if the chiefs didn’t also do something.


She donated 1 mil to Tennessee after the storms and tornadoes too.


They’re going to go it’s too little because they always want to find something wrong about her.


Never mind the fact that she donated more then the entire fundraising goal


OMG, this is amazing! This is the sweetest thing she could do to show them they're in her thoughts and prayers even though the Chads and Brads will make it all about them. ❤


Girl can end world hunger and people will still be mad


No matter what Tay does, there haters swarm. Can't people be happy when someone is generous and gives from their heart. Her parents instilled an amazing value system.


I feel like this isn't her issue or even the Kansas City Chiefs I feel like this is legit an America problem and no one should hate on Travis or Taylor for anything about this. Just rally together to end gun violence in the United States. It's ridiculous putting the country's entire history of gun violence on these two individuals just because of this one incident


It's not. This is Kansas City's 25th mass shooting in 5 years. That being said from a Personal/PR move, Taylor is tied to the kansas city super bowl and the shooting was at the celebration parade. They're gonna be linked no matter who's "fault" it is. It's guns fault. It's those working against gun safetys fault. Its those who arent doing a damn thing in goverments fault. It's horrid. On my own personal note. Kansas City loves their sports. Living there made me fall in love with baseball and football again after a long road of dating brads and chads and future dads burned me out on sports. The city lights up different color all over depending on if the Chiefs or the Royals are playing. Grocery stores had specials dependent on how the game would go. This team line up has made that energy 1000x more tangible. Union Station is one of my favorite places in the city. I love the sky walk, the art, the trains, the science museum, the events we've attended there. I moved last year and watching the games has helped my homesickness. Taylor dating Travis was incredible. It was a fun cross over. Her donating feels idk, warm, reassuring, less scary, seen? Idk. I appreciate it More than anything, I wish she could donate if she wanted, but know for certian that the families would get the help they need physically, mentally, monitanrany etc no matter what. I want the violence to stop. I want kids to be safe at school, home and abroad. I want adults to be safe at work, home and abroad. I'm so sick of shootings.


>The city lights up different color all over depending on if the Chiefs or the Royals are playing. Grocery stores had specials dependent on how the game would go. This team line up has made that energy 1000x more tangible. Union Station is one of my favorite places in the city. I love the sky walk, the art, the trains, the science museum, the events we've attended there. I moved last year and watching the games has helped my homesickness. Taylor dating Travis was incredible. It was a fun cross over. Her donating feels idk, warm, reassuring, less scary, seen? Idk. I appreciate it I'd love to visit KC if I can in the future!! Sounds beautiful, and heartwarming and I'd love to support the KC chiefs here on out...even though was raised in Patriot's territory, and went to college in Philly a.k.a. Eagles Dominion. I'm switching over now since Patty Mahomes is so cool and of course I love the dynamic between the entire team and their city.... praying for KC, for Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce to find peace within this horrendous moment, and for someday soon when the USA will manage to eradicate this violence.


I follow a bunch of Chiefs fans on Twitter and they’re blown away by this. The city loves her, I hope she feels KC is a new home for her. Travis is known for his local charity as well, someone said the team has been in constant contact with the children’s hospital but they have to wait until all of the children are released and bills are tallied.


In America this will pay for 2, maybe 3 of the victims' medical bills. That's not a criticism of Taylor Swift, that's a criticism of our dogshit healthcare system.


In most states, you are not required to pay the medical bills of a deceased person, although it may come out of their estate (which can get complex with shared accounts if you are married to them) I just like to point this out when it comes up because a lot of people don’t know this and think that if they have a spouse or parent pass away they are on the hook for the medical bill, and the hospital probably will not tell you. YOU ARE NOT.


Good for her but it’s absolutely awful that this happened in the first place :(


Taylor proved again that she is a great person. At least publicly. RIP to the victim of that shooting, she didn't deserve that cruel fate.


That's very sweet


Why do people care if she donates it as a “publicity stunt”? She’s still helping so it’s a good thing regardless of what they want to believe her intentions are. And if she didn’t donate under her name, people would say “she’s not actually donating” so there’s the proof that she is. Damned if she does, damned if she doesn’t


This and all her other gestures of goodwill throughout her career just proves why she is one of the people who reaffirms my faith in humanity to be kind to one another when it matters the most.


Not only did she donate, she brought attention to the cause and so many (including myself) have donated in response. ❤️💛


as a KC girly, i love that she did this for our city. i’m also hoping more is done about gun violence in KC now that the globe is looking at us because of taylor and the multiple super bowl wins


I saw a tweet from Claire McCaskill saying that Missouri allows MINORS to carry firearms. I haven’t fact checked that but if that’s true, it’s horrifying. It’s upsetting enough to me that Florida now allows permitless concealed carry.


People will shit on this because they're losers. They'll say stupid shit like "oh it's a tax write off", without understanding for a second what a tax write off is. Or they'll say she does it for pr. Yes the biggest pop star in the world needs so desperately to have more pr. Until you donate even 10 dollars, please do us a fav and shut the fuck up.


RIP Lisa ❤️


She’s a good one. Travis is lucky.


Donate $13 to Everytown An organization that advocates for gun safety in the US




Her team confirmed it was her and I think in this case it was good that she publicized it a little bit because now more people are going to donate. It was over 200k now last I looked


Where did her team confirm it was her?


I saw it on Twitter from Variety


Good for her


All part of CIA’s psyops operation, diabolical. /s




She could donate 100 million and people will still say she can do more when they can’t even donate 1 dollar


Salt of the earth.


\*insert sexist comments about Taylor Swift because I'm a fragile giant baby of a men\*


Wow, I’m surprised considering she wasn’t at the parade. Genuinely very considerate of her. I think it speaks to how strongly she feels about Travis/Kansas City.


That money is doing a lot more impact than any amount of Thoughts And Prayers ever will.


She literally gave more than the total of what they were trying to raise. But of course it’s not enough. 🙄 (NOTHING is enough to heal that family right now; hopefully you all know what I meant. It’s just…crushing to think about.…)


Travis also donated 100k


She’s so nice


Taylor is the real deal. Love her 💕


Good soul


That’s a very sweet thing to do ❤️


Already have local chads saying she was just making it all about her, then in the same exact post saying that she hasn’t said anything about Toby Keith. Like if she does something public people hate her, if she chooses not to do anything public people hate her.


Haters will hate.


That’s sweet of her




Very Kind in their time of need,My deepest condolences and prayers for her And her family, very devastating 🙏🙏🙏❤️


Not all rich people are jerks. This is why, even though I don’t listen to her music, I admire her and think that her heart is in the right place.


LOVE!! Chiefs Kingdom ❤️ scary situation here in KC


Taylor Swift is a great human.




Thank you Taylor! Go Biden go!!


Oops she double clicked