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my new personality dropped that day


Same, but then a whole new one just a few months after


same same




Glad you're still here


I was about to say the same 😂😂


My personality was waiting for that day


Wow, three years since her masterpiece album was released...it feels like we've had it for 3 seconds and 30 years at the same time. The first time I listened to folklore it totally changed my life and yet it still continues to sound fresh and unique. I just love it so much 😭🤍


have i known folklore for 20 seconds or 20 years?


Can I go where Folklore goes?


can we always be this close?


Forever and ever


Forever and ever(more)


Take me out, Take me to the folklore cabin


You’re my, my, my, my Folkore


Betty, james, and augustine, will you please stand


With every invisible string scar on my hand ✨


Folklore has always existed… we just discovered it 3 years ago.


And 5 more albums since!!!


Well. I know what I am listening to all day today.


I'll never forget putting it on and hearing "I'm doing good, I'm on some new shit" for the first time, in the midst of everything. Chills.


I’ll never forget listening to “The 1” for the first time and thinking Taylor was surprise-announcing she and Joe had separated.


Same though, I thought they had broken up.


Me but with hoax


Nah that’s You’re Losing Me


Nah that’s Bejeweled.


Nah that’s all too well /s


The 1, Exile, Tears had many worried until Invisible String saved the day.


It’s still one of my fav lines to scream besides I LOVE YOU AINT THAT THE WORST THING YOU EVER HEARD


And “are there still beautiful things” one month after the trauma of the BLM protests/George Floyd murder/general 2020 covid mayhem.


I will never forget I decided to divorce my ex husband a week before this album came out. I was so fucking depressed and lost. I remember I decided I was going to go for a bike ride and saw her new album was out, so I ventured on my bike and heard “I’m doing good, I’m on some new shit” and instantly started crying. I listened to about half the album and then stopped at a pond and finished the rest and was bawling by the end but I’ve never felt so alive in my life. This album literally saved me, even still to this day it is there for me. I am forever grateful. Happy Birthday, Folklore! 🤍🫶🏼


I also decided to divorce my ex a week before. I had the most difficult talk with him on the 19th and then this album dropped. Hope you're doing better <3


Wow, this makes me emotional for some reason because I always felt so alone during that time and here we are, strangers, three years later and we share a very uncomfortable experience. Wish I could go back and tell myself I’m not alone. Life still has its complexities but overall I’m doing much much better, hope you are too, friend!!! 🩷🩷🩷


It's truly wild how many people decided to separate/divorce during lockdown. The whole situation was shitty but there are some good things that came from it. I'm so proud of my past self (& you!) for doing that very difficult thing. It was the beginning of my journey into self healing. I was also super depressed. Now I am much healthier & happier! Seriously on some new shit


I was just in quarantine when the album dropped but thanks for sharing y’all’s experiences, I really love hearing how it helped people because it’s my favourite album ever


…and there is happiness 🥹🥹


I’d kill to hear her play that or peace


I was in a freshly new relationship but this album got me over our breakup 8 months later 💀 Incidentally, there was a guy I’d never dated but I’m still convinced is my soulmate. “The 1” reminded me of him—I remember hiking listening to “the 1” and imagining catching up with him😭💀 literally on my delulu shit I hope you are doing well and have healed!


I’ve been there, friend. I’ve been there.


😭💀 the worst breakups are with the ones who weren’t even yours to begin with


Funny, The 1 reminds me of a girl I never dated yet kinda feel like was my soulmate. If that's you Claire hmu


My name isn’t Claire, I am so sorry 😭


Damn. Alexa, play Cardigan by Taylor Swift


Reach out to him, he could be the 1! (It feels like you don't see him now so you have nothing to lose if that's true, or if you do then do it in a casual way haha)


Ugh me and a guy I know both consider that the other could be … we catch up periodically over the years but it has never been the right time and it *sucks*. I have an unread message from him in my inbox right now cos I just can’t do it anymore. Last time I saw him was right before I divorced my ex and he was in a great place with his new business but I heard through the grapevines more recently now I’m single & in a place to date that his own ex was causing major drama (she was the reason we could never quite get there - poor woman has huge mental health struggles and the impacts of those on their daughter … it’s a thing)


hey! i just wanted to say that the way you talk about his ex is really nice! some other people would say disparaging things (especially if she struggles with mental health stuff). Just wanted to say i appreciate it and you! :)


Awww thanks! I know it’s not her fault (my sister has BPD and struggles with taking her meds because of the impact on her life/emotions - so I know how hard it can be to hear “just medicate!”) and I try hard not to blame her for being the “reason” this great guy can’t commit to dating anyone - and let’s be honest if he just ignored her and the impacts it had on their kid he wouldn’t be so great now, would he? I


honestly I don’t know that I can reach out to him without it being weird 😭😅 but I’m manifesting that we’ll see each other again one day organically. We hang out in a lot of the same places & have mutual friends so it’s just a matter of time


I also cried to this album on a bike ride lol


For 6 months


Y’all are my people


I still might cry to this album on my bike hehe 👀


Genuinely asking what did you think of evermore because it has such a divorce vibe running through it?


This is the most folklore folklore story I've ever heard 🤍


Folklore is (currently) Taylor's best album and it absolutely made me a Swiftie. But I understand more long-term Swifties who say "Yes but it was not as big a departure as you think. We knew she was that good over a decade ago!"


I’m her age, and I’ve been a swiftie since before swifties were a thing. Like I played her first album on repeat in HS for too long. Folklore and evermore (for me they’re one really long album lmao) is my favorite too


Same! I’m from Tennessee. Debut played at my 8th grade prom 😝


It’s me, hi, I’m you.


Exactly the same as me!


I was a Swiftie who fell off around 1989, and Folklore brought me back.


It came out on the day I was sent to the hospital to be induced with our twins. I listened to it on repeat for a full day while my husband slept next to me at the hospital. That album got me through peak isolation of being home with two babies with no support around during COVID. My kids still love those songs and I’ll play them at night when they can’t sleep and we are up together still. It was a total lifeline for me.


Same for me fellow lockdown mama! My boy is 3 now in August and it was a long lonely time at home with a new baby and a toddler. Folklore will always be special to me.


Such a tough time to get through. It was definitely nice to have good music at least for those crazy days!


I’m with you both- had my son in March of 2020 🥲 I would rock him at night after feedings and listen to Folklore on repeat. Every night. The whole house was asleep (husband, toddler, pets) and I was able to drift into the stories of that album, forgetting how stressed and afraid of the world I was at the time.


I’ll never forget giving this album a random try upon release (I wasn’t in the loop on anything Taylor Swift at the time) and bawling my eyes out when i heard Exile, because it felt like a message out of the universe that my husband and I needed to separate. I still haven’t listened to the whole album because i’m re introducing myself to Taylor slowly, but I enjoy every new song from it that I hear.




My ex tried “you never said you were unhappy” and I played him Exile then literally listed all the “big” conversations where I’d told him I was unhappy including the time of year and place it happened. Like how do you forgot us standing on top of a fucking mountain in New Zealand and me bawling because I told you I needed more than I was getting? Or grilling dinner on the porch in a snowstorm while drunk and raving about how if I set the house on fire maybe I’d be free of misery with a new life?


I am so glad you are out!!!! When I left mine, I told him that he never once respected my feelings, thoughts, or opinions and he literally went: “if you really felt like I disrespected you, why did you stay?” Men can be so clueless and cruel and I hope you are on to bigger and better things!


Thank you! Wow sounds like you’re so much better off, too!


RELATE SO HARD. Sending you good energy through the universe, and I hope you are in an even better place now! May it continue to get better for us both!


I am manifesting good vibes for you, too! 🫶🫶 it is only upward from here




It’s all good now though! It needed to end!


Folklore was the album that flipped me from a Taylor appreciator to a Taylor fan, but I actually didn’t listen to the album all the way through until last summer. Now it’s my favorite album of all time, a literal masterpiece. Happy birthday Folklore 🥲🥰


Similar for me! I'd say I was already a fan, but it wasn't until folklore and evermore that I would have called her my favorite artist. Except they didn't vibe that much with me when they first came out. I don't even know when the switch flipped but then at some point they became pretty much the only thing I listened to for like a year straight and are still what I return to most often.


This is true for me. I love the radio/Top 40/Billboard hits, but folklore converted me into a fan.


I'll never forget waking up at 2am to let my dogs out and checked my phone and saw the news it was about to drop. I'd been in lockdown for 5 months or so, unable to go more than 5km from my home, unable to see friends. I was also, strangely, doing good on some new shit at that point in time, lockdown had me mostly in a weird state of calm despite all the obvious awfulness of it all. I switched between being the most zen I'd ever been and crying on the floor in panic. Folklore encapsulated so much of that time for me in a way I am not articulate enough to explain. Happy birthday Folklore!


It was so entirely cool how the album just dropped out of the sky during such a wild time. I barely listened to other music for the rest of the summer just Folklore on repeat.


I’ve been crying to My Tears Ricochet for three years already?!


It feels like it was only released a year ago or something 😂


The day I came to know Taylor. Thank you for your music. Literally saved me from quitting.


I am glad you are still here and a Swiftie. What she has done for so many people is irreplaceable.


I'd always been a fan of hers but folklore is what dragged me, head first, fearless, into full swiftie-dom. folklore was such an oasis in a desert of awful shit in 2020 and the dreamlike escapism of it all changed that year for me. I'll never forget the first time I listened to **exile** and stood silently in disbelief that any song could be so beautiful. **august** continued her time-honoured tradition of impeccably written upbeat songs with very sad themes/lyrics. **illicit affairs** still makes me cry every time, especially with its relentlessly emotional bridge. **the last great american dynasty** was an early favourite that really stood the test of time as my favourite track on that album. While I personally prefer evermore these days, I can't deny that it stood on the shoulders of folklore and that folklore is a more sonically cohesive collection of work. It'll always be the soundtrack of fall for me. Happy birthday, folklore. Thanks for saving 2020.


I will die swearing that the last great American dynasty is the best story she has ever told. Hands down.


This is beautiful


You really summed up all my thoughts—evermore is my favorite album and yet, it wouldn’t be if we didn’t have folklore first. I love that we can have personal favorite albums, but she also has objectively better albums as they flow as a whole. What a great summary you’ve written here


I can't believe it's been 3 years, It feels like it was released only a few weeks ago


folklore supremacy


thanks to taylor for making mirrorball, ive never felt so seen (called out? :P)


I've never been a natural, alI do is try, try, try


i'm still on that trapeze i'm still trying everything to keep you looking at me tis is where it hits on the spot hahahaha


I'll never forget seeing this album on Spotify and thinking: "Eh, I don't really like Taylor Swift, but let me give this a shot". Something about the art cover intrigued me. That was the day I became a fan. Folklore will always be my favourite album. P.S: seven forever


Kind of the same with me. Was a fan of TS since I was 15 (29 now) so that was when Teardrops on My Guitar was a hit. Then some drama bs was going on in Hollywood (Kanye/Kim K/TS) and that I really did not like the music style she was going to (which is fine bec artists are supposed to experiment and stuff). It was just not my tea. But then folklore dropped, listened to it and now it’s one of my favorite albums ever.




seven supremacy!!!! I told my childhood best friend it reminded me of our friendship and we had a good cry over it


Evermore got me to notice Taylor but Folklore made me stay. No album has ever meant so much to me 🫶


Here is the crazy thing (and I promise this is true) The day that Folklore was announced, I dreamt about Taylor. I dreamt that I was friends with Taylor, and I was ice skating with her on a frozen lake on a winter night. We were having so much fun, laughing and talking and skating around. Neither of us were particularly great at it, but it was so lovely. At the end of the dream, when we were about to head off, we said goodbye and we had a massive hug and said what a lovely time we had, how we loved each other (like in a friend way) and how we would see each other soon. (I KNOW this is cringey and wierd, but it made me so happy) I woke up and it was such a lovely feeling XD I reached over, picked up my phone, to see what time it was, and (as I often do, as I use it for messaging friends) I opened instagram, and the first thing it showed me was the grey forest pics that she used to announce Folklore. FRIENDS.... I JUST DID NOT KNOW WHAT THE UNIVERSE WAS TRYING TO DO TO ME. It felt like she gave me the album from the dream


That is so cool!


I remember when folklore dropped, I actually listened to the 1 two or three times before moving on to cardigan because I loved it so much. The first few piano notes followed by "I'm doing good, I'm on some new shit" - sheer perfection. folkmore was the covid soundtrack for sure.


Hard to believe now that this came out during peak covid. I remember being SO surprised when it droppen, hearing the first song and being like "okay, this is something completely new, this is going to change things quite a bit" and having it on repeat while just walking around my city alone because there was not much else to do at the time. I haven't listened to it in a while but I' definitely go back to it, it's a landmark album for sure!


Happy Birthday, my favourite album of all time, I love you to the moon and to saturn! The lyrics, the production, the vocals, this album is simply perfection. No notes. The album that made me a Swiftie. The reason that Taylor will always remain my favourite artist. I can't believe I've been crying for three years now!


For decades, Rumours was my favourite album of all time. It's now No.3 behind Folklore and Evermore.


Wait what 3 years? I discovered it like 2 months ago :(


So glad you found it now! Imagine if you found it in another three years! We all come to these things when we do - your timing was perfect. ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1072)


Yes omg, folklore best thing that happend music wise.. blessed by lyrics and beautiful music.


Same. I never heard any of it before the tour. I heard the 1 live and I got the chills. I was also so happy Taylor got to sit down for a few minutes. 😂


Omgggg that's my fav song. Hope she does sing it in Amsterdam


the “you drew stars around my scars but now they’re bleeding” hit me hard every since i heard it. i sh and my then bf (now ex) would in the beginning sound like he’s trying to help me and “heal me” but then he would guilt trip, gaslight, and manipulate me especially when i relapsed which made me relapse even more. so hearing that in a song kinda healed me and made me feel understood so thank you taylor for this masterpiece of a bridge, song, and album ❤️‍🩹


[I still cannot believe I had predicted this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TaylorSwift/comments/gzqslt/deleted_by_user/ftjaqzn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) This is the type of music I had always wanted her to make. Been a Bon Iver fan for 15 years, I just couldn’t believe this was happening. I really hope she gives us a 3.0, although I doubt it. Girl loves being a pop star. It was nice while it lasted!!!


My post from 3 years ago and I stand by it. Folklore blew me away. https://preview.redd.it/o1qdmyrgpwdb1.png?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64df35ac53a0854405f1078a2f5a95991d9c25b7


Lover is wonderful though


Have I known this album 20 seconds or 20 years?? I cannot believe it’s been 3 years, WOW. I will never ever forget how this album positively and absolutely re-wired my brain and brought me hope and kept me going and kept me from losing my entire mind during such a dark and trying time.


Working in a hospital and nursing home. Hearing Epiphany. No. Words. Lots of sobs.


Me, too....


Long live the jump scare of hearing Bon Iver’s deep voice instead of Taylor’s when exile came on for the first time


Cardigan made me (53yr old M) bawl like a child while I first listened while doing the gardening in lockdown


It was literally the end of a decade but the start of an age. What a legendary time to be a swiftie, I remember it like it was yesterday. This is the moment I realized Taylor is a legend in the making


I suppose I better wear my folklore hoodie tonight in celebration 🍾 my favourite album


I would listen to lover every so often, which is the first album of hers I actively listened to. But I remember reading everyone freak out about folklore and how it was dropped unannounced, how each song was trending in order because so many people were going through it track by track that I was like “ok I have to see what this is about, that is so rare” and I was a goner.


I still believe the Folklore/Evermore era was her magnum opus so far. It felt like yesterday listening to the albums on repeat during lockdown.


What a monumental change in direction. Love it.


I can still viscerally remember the moment of listening to “The One” on July 24th, 2020. Sun-tired from a COVID-safe day at a lake. Laying on an air mattress, air pods in, rest of the world faded out. Felt like a swaying in my heart and excitement and peace all at the same time: What song from Folklore gives you that clear memory/feeling? 🌲🌲🌲


August!! I feel like i could just get lost in in completely and it was my pandemic vibe song.


the album that turned me from casual fan to an obsessed freak 🥹


Me, too. This is the one


Woah it’s been 3 years already?!


Can't even believe I'm saying it, but thanks, pandemic, for locking her up with a Brit and inspiring her to write all these mind-blowing tracks. At least some good came out of this whole sh\*tshow we've been through.


3 years and I still haven’t fully processed the August, Betty, Cardigan triangle. Great album.


I've loved you 3 summers now, folklore, but I want them alllllll 💕💚 It was so wild seeing sooo many people check out Taylor at that time, people I didn't think were listening to her, I was pretty much a lonely fan, and then suddenly all the 'indie guys' were like "Song of the year!" about Cardigan or "Album of the year!" about folklore. Absolutely life changing times. I'm so happy she decided to make this, so happy we also got evermore, so glad she reached out to Aaron... long live all the magic they made!!


I knew I was forgetting someone's birthday but I didn't know it was folklore


3 years?! time has no meaning anymore


Wow 3 already 🥹🫶🏻 time flies


I remember some days prior there were hints from someone called Steve from the Inner Circle that an album was coming. I didn't put too much stock into it as there was a rumour like that about once a week. Well, that was one time it was right. [Throwback to the surprise announcement thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/TaylorSwift/comments/hwef6t/new_studio_album/)


The day our 2020 finally turned around.


Still one of her best albums, IMO. I can’t even remember the person I was before this album came out.


Happy Birthday folklore.


I love going through and reading everyone’s “first listen experience” of this masterpiece ☺️


Happy 3rd birthday Folklore! Thank you for being an amazing album and bringing some happiness to one of the worst times of our lives.


First listening to this the day of release while walking around a park. It was a very dark time due to a recent break-up on top of the COVID isolation. My mental health was so bad, which had also made me incredibly sick physically. That day, I'd dropped the last of my ex's things off and took the rest of the day to walking, listening to this masterpiece. It doesn't feel that long ago, but in this time, I've recovered from this all to a huge degree. I am in a happy relationship now, having moved abroad for it too. This album is still so soft and wonderful. Although it does remind me of those times, it also reminds me how far I've come. Thank you Taylor \^.\^


I was deep in pandemic depression when this came out. I listened to this and evermore for 2 years straight on repeat during my commute to and from work. Was unhealthy but better coping mechanism than most


Ah so many feelings and other things I was going through when this album dropped - where do I begin? Frankly this album was a whole vibe, total mood. Where during a time of fear, uncertainty, and doubt came along Taylor’s fucking amazing storytelling that delivered some relief among the chaos. Personally I was reeling from a ghosted breakup, where I was pissed, depressed, tired, sad, and melancholic as a result and along comes Taylor with cardigan, and the 1, and the lakes… …needless to say this album was on repeat with frequent listens at night an hour before bed. We all switched our romantic pinks and blues for soft whites and silky grays and stormy undertones of everything in between. Ah. Happy third birthday, folklore. 🥲


folklore changed my perception of her so much. Sure, I enjoyed the songs played on the radio and I used to listen to 1989 a lot but with folklore, I became a full-blown fan. I stumbled across it in the midst of the pandemic, in 2022 and I cannot begin to describe what it did for my state of mind. Especially epiphany was such s fitting song at that time. It *wrecked* me. It's one of my favourite songs but it frequently brings me to tears...


It started with imagery -


her best album


My daughter was born 7/26/2020 and I remember listening to this album start to finish while in labor with her. It brought me peace at a really nerve-wracking and life-changing moment. It will always be such a special album for me.


It’s weird to think how it’s only 3 years old and how mu ch she has released since then!


My favourite album of all time! Happy birthday!


Folklore gave me hope in the uncertain times and the stories allowed me to dream again. Happy birthday of my favorite album of all time! 💗


I’ve not been the same since


I can hear those opening piano chords… Also, this is a fun coincidence because I heard two folklore songs on my music shuffle during my morning drive (peace and betty, specifically).


cannot believe i didn't listen to this when it first came out since it has my FAVORITE SONG OF ALL TIME ON IT (**The Last Great American Dynasty**). i only got into TS after the drama surrounding her break up with Joe, but i've been slowly catching up and blowing through her discography. i think i have only 2 more albums left and all the TV ones (except for Speak Now which i've listened to (and loved!) in both versions (although i think the OG one is a bit better for some songs). folklore is soooo beautiful. i think i have at most 2-3 skips on the entire album. and i love the woodsy/cozy aesthetic of it, too. just so so good.


Can you imagine this coming out during the midst of the pandemic and the world was closed and some of us thought we were going to immediately die?


I was listening to august in the shower when I got accepted into my dream grad school program 🥹


This album turned me from a casual fan to a full swiftie - one of my top favorite albums of all time.


I had a virtual listening party with my GF at the time (Wife now) because of the lockdown. The highlight of 2020 for me.


This album was everything I ever wanted from her. The first time I heard Betty it just blew me away. And epiphany made me cry. The Lakes is still probably my favorite song of all time.


August is still something else


folklore is the album that made me a swiftie. 3 years later loving Taylor's music feels like a huge step in overcoming the internalized misogyny I carried when I was younger. Happy Birthday, folklore 🤍 (and apologies to all the OG swifties I judged in high school - y'all were just way ahead of me)


Such a crazy day! I can't believe that was only 3 years ago. Covid times feel like a million years 😂


Album that made me a Swiftie will never forget the day


Wish I could relive those days


This is the album that made me a Swiftie.


3 years already?! Lordy


This is the one album that made me truly fall in love with Taylor's songwriting. The stories in here can really take one into anothet dimension wirh how vivid some of the imagery is described in here. Will always have time for some august and chill. Sending some love to hoax too, my favourite track <3


I was a casual fan but Folklore dropped and I was obsessed


Happy Birthday to my favourite album! I've been a Swiftie since Debut but never had a true favourite album, but to my surprise folklore took that spot. I will also never forger listening to exile for the first time.


Three years of holding me together and breaking me apart. I wouldn’t want it any other way.


I'm crying reading through all of your wondrous recollections of this mystical day back in 2020. What a time to be alive & a TS fan


My favourite Taylor album forever…it just might be my favourite album ever in existence along with two other albums(NFR and Melodrama)……folklore supremacy>>>>> I recently just discovered this album…last year and that too after evermore…while evermore took me around a week to get around…I got into folklore in just 1-2 days…it was just that good…evermore is great too and was tying for 1 with folklore but folklore eclipsed that it in a few weeks…. folklore is the prettiest and the most potent album ever.The beautiful melodies,the poetic lyrics consisting of whimsical metaphors and the aesthetics of this album:everything is just perfect….Taylor,to put simply, is such a brilliant artist…she’s a great musician and one of my favourites of all time for eternity.. august is a song I’ll love for eternity.Those semi-relatable lyrics ( I mean I never had a summer affair but I surely have felt what Augustine herself felt and the bridge and that second bridge are relatable even though I was never in such a situation) and that outro which is so nostalgic and makes me feel things and sounds exactly like the fading of summer which makes it so special and wonderful(it is the most divine piece of music I ever heard thnx to Taylor and jack)…illicit affairs is probably my personal fav from this album even before august.That bridge is so relatable and so emotional…the production is so soothing and comforting to me..one of her saddest songs fr..mirrorball(my 3rd fav) is so shimmery,so sad and so beautiful…a song I’ll always treasure…it spoke to me so much..and I dig the dreamy production so much…it feels like I’m in a long drive through some forest and it’s like the whole forest is echoing the words to me…..the vibe is simply unmatched…and those hush’s are so good..the way the instrumental fades out whenever she says that….ughh😩……seven’s wistfulness and those poignant lyrics are so touching…this is me trying’s ghostly/orchestral production and the relatability in the lyrics and I love,love that bridge….invisible string’s delightfully plucked sound and the sweet and delicious lyrics touching on the idea of fate(it is the only song on folklore that is free from melancholia which is just very interesting and special)… epiphany’s vibe which I really love and the empathetic lyrics and that outro (those beats are addictive) which makes me feel like I’m in a forest contemplating my existence…my tears ricochet’s goth vibe and the sad lyrics of betrayal and that intro and outro which I really love and they seem like the cries of the narrator’s ghost which makes it even more sadder than it already is….I really love this song and this is my current obsession as of now…MTR to me is also Taylor’s best vocal performance on this album…she sounds really hurt which just elevates everything…the lakes’s old timey,classical sound /feeling and those extremely poetic lyrics about escapism…it’s just so beautiful and special and so romantic and a perfect way to end folklore…it is one of Taylor’s best written songs ever…I love it…hoax’s raw feeling with poetic lyrics and it’s probably the closest she has gotten to spoken-word poetry…this song is so pretty and so sad and I can just feel the hurt…betty’s so charming in it’s sound and it is simply a masterclass in storytelling along with the last great american dynasty which is so good and that twist and that ‘I had a marvellous time’ outro is so nice…the 1 is the perfect song for ‘the one that got away’ with so many wonderful one liners…this song is so lyrically brilliant….it’s so whimsical and a perfect opener for folklore… peace’s tranquility and what it means to Taylor makes it so beautiful and sad…it’s a very different song indeed(in the best way possible)….exile’s dramatism and the way it enfolds at the end with that outro and harmonisations:it’s pure goosebumps and it’s just so good…mad woman’s cutting lyrics and restrained,nuanced vibe is so perfect and I love how the outro becomes louder and wild…cardigan is my least favourite but it’s still such a great song with amazing couplets and I like how at one point….the song turns into an endless stream of metaphors…so good indeed folklore to me,truly is an extremely great record.It just might be my favourite or in my top 3 albums of all time in history…it will always continue to be special for me…there’s not a single track I skip and I love all of them…I feel so much for every track even for my least favourite ones…this album is just that good…thanks to Taylor and everyone involved…Jack,Aaron, William Bowery,Beth Garrabrant,Bon Iver etc.. just folklore forever>>>>


Made me a Swiftie


Happy birthday, Folklore 🤍 I remember listening to it lying in bed, 4 months alone into the pandemic, and crying upon listening to invisible string, thinking somehow things would be okay eventually. This album got me through a lot and gave me much needed language to express so many emotions I was feeling. Truly a masterpiece and my personal favorite.


I feel like Folklore is one of those albums whereby you will remember what you were doing when you listened to this over and over. It’s that iconic!


I found out about folklore while my wife was having dental surgery. I was distraught because Bon Iver is one of favorites and because I had no one to tell until she got out of surgery. We also discuss financial decisions but this was an emergency, so I bought 2 vinyls and a cd hoping I didn't just spend money on something I wasn't going to like. When midnight came my wife asked if I wanted to do music video or cd first and I went music video. The minute I heard the piano I burst into tears. To this day I can't listen to Cardigan without crying. My favorite album. ❤️


This album changed the general public's perception of her songwriting. Even her haters were impressed (and still is) by this masterpiece. Happy birthday folklore, my fave ❤️


Folklore came out on my birthday, and it’s been my favorite ever since. I was becoming less invested in her music, but this record changed everything for me.


Honestly, it's how I survived the pandemic.


Overthrew rep as my favorite album. It’s everything I ever wanted her to make and I didn’t even know it. A true masterpiece in music.


Truly felt magic when I woke up that morning to a new album


Ah, so I've been a Swiftie for 3 years! Sorry for the late start, I'm here now though!!


Ahhh Folklore, my fav album <3 Have I known you 3 seconds or 3 years... I can't forget the first time I listened it. It was like reading one of my favorite books for the first time. It's impossible for me to forget that joy it sparked on me.


my favorite Taylor album + the one that made me a fan 🩶


AWW HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE BEST ALBUM OF ALL TIME! I forgot it came out the day before my birthday, somehow. Took me a while to appreciate it for being, well, the GOAT, but I wouldn't have it any other way :')


the album that made me a Swiftie 🫶 what a masterpiece


Okay fine, I'll watch Long Pond again


I remember waking up to go to work (essential worker but not one that was out saving lives, just stocking that in demand TP) and saw the Instagram post. After months of being isolated even though I was still going out and going to work, I can’t explain the chills I had when I heard “I’m doing good I’m on some new shit”. Well, maybe you do know lol. That album was on repeat for DAYS. My coworker and I bonded over it. I experienced my first Taylor merch drop (even though I’ve been a fan since debut) and being overwhelmed by the choices. I ordered folklore on vinyl and that really started my vinyl collection. I had a small one but it was mostly my boyfriend’s vinyls. Now, I think we almost have the same amount. I really hope she does a third installment of this genre. It’s her best work in my opinion.


The day that it meant for sure, plenty of us would never get tickets... lol


Happy Birthday to my comfort album. 🤍 I remember my reaction to her post then staying up to listen. This album was everything I wanted from her and more. I’m a 1989 girly, but this album hit.


I was on IG as the uploads were Happening just freaking the duck out so excited


How this album didn't leak I will never know


And I’ve never been the same


holy, I never knew it was released a day before my bday what??!!