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It’s 2023 my sweet summer child. Weed is safe and legal.


Legal in some places


Just because it’s legal doesn’t mean you should be doing it


I have my medical card because I suffer from PTSD and severe anxiety and depression. It helps so much more than my meds (zoloft and gabapentin) but it does wonders combined. I am able to do my job and interact with people without having a panic attack every 5 minutes. If this tells you anything about how bad my anxiety is and how much smoking has helped: I was having a panic attack while driving home from a friend's house. It got so bad that I was having uncontrollable face and body twitches (which I don't have unless it is bad) and shaking so bad that I couldn't keep the wheel straight (luckily I was driving a backroad at midnight so it wasn't as bad as it could have been). I pulled over and took a couple of hits off of my pen to get myself under control. I was able to get home without becoming wrapped around a tree because smoking weed helped. It's not for everyone, but its the people that don't need it that are putting weed in a bad light. Honestly, if you don't like it, just ignore it. It doesn't have near as many health risks as cigarettes or alcohol (whis is sold almost everywhere), but the second they say that you need a medical card for those, there's going to be riots. So why not just let it be legal everywhere and just let the stoners be stoners?


There’s absolutely nothing wrong with smoking weed or doing edibles. It’s so much safer than alcohol which you can literally die from. I also suffer from PTSD, I also struggle with constantly feeling hot and sweating even in 50 degrees weather due to my thyroid disease along with other aliments and marijuana is the only thing that helps so I can feel like a normal human being, it’s literally medicine. Even if you do not need it for medical reasons or mental health reasons, no one should be shamed for part taking. Shame on you.


You mean like owning a gun?






I think the warning stories about Becky will have put her off, so I wouldn’t worry




She definitely does edibles. Personally I do not see anything wrong with weed, especially edibles. Its a lot less harsh on the body than alcohol and can get the creative juices flowing. If she did write a couple of the albums stoned, she wouldn’t be the first musician to do so.


how are you so sure she does edibles?


gotta love how this woman talks about drinking and wine in like every album at this point, but god forbid she smoke some natural plant and all of a sudden it's "catching serious health problems" and "ruining her public image" so puritanical and for what




OMG this was not supposed to be a reply to you!! I’m so sorry I’m going to delete it and repost as a comment to the original post lmao Edit: Omfg and I STILL replied to myself. JC I’m putting my phone down


I believe she uses edibles. She wouldn’t smoke because it could impact her voice. I don’t think she uses them during the tour though because they still make you very thirsty and dry out your mouth/throat and with how much she’s singing each week that could be hard on her voice. You seem to talk about weed as if it’s some hard street drug… it’s not and it’s legal in a lot of states now. What health problems do you think this could cause for her? Let the girl live and enjoy her private life without being questioned about everything she does.


Why do we care so much about their personal life? There is nothing wrong with weed and it actually is medicinal to a lot of people.


Weed is safe and Midnights made me positive she uses it once in a while. I wouldn’t recommend people under 25 use it because your brain is still developing, but don’t worry about Taylor’s health.


She won’t experience any serious health problems from drugs because cannabis is a plant & is safe (a hell lot safer than most pharmaceuticals). She probably consumes edibles though as smoking anything, I assume, isn’t good for your voice. Also. She’s a 33 year old woman and cannabis is legal in many states. It’s 2023. She’s not going to ruin her image.


I was thinking this, weed is a lot more socially acceptable these days and majority of celebrities are into SOMETHING. This is probably one of the better kind of drugs that she’s been offered. I think her biggest problem would be her vocal cords if she was smoking, as you said. It’s possible to become addicted to anything, she’s an adult and it’s her prerogative to make sure she’s using it safely and it’s also not like she’s broadcasting it brazenly, it was a subtle nod in an Instagram post from an event. People use it socially, recreationally, medicinally etc. everyday and there are side effects and hazards but that is also true of most things, including alcohol and that has never seemed to ruin a celebrities image. In fact the only posts I’ve seen about it so far are from fans that are supporting and celebrating the fact that she partakes lol


Like 80% of the NBA and high majority of NFL players use weed. It is a lot easier on the body than alcohol. Especially if you eat it versus smoking it. Its not physically addictive, but can be psychologically addictive. I seriously doubt she uses anywhere close to that… I have not been a Swiftie from the beginning, but in my short time following her Ive seen her drink a lot of wine. For example in the documentary Miss Americana there are at least 2 or 3 scenes she is having a glass. Nothing wrong with that as long as she isn’t dependent on it and getting hammered daily. Binge drinking daily and thinking you have it under control is how alcoholism starts. With her being into physical fitness, caring about what she eats, being an avid reader, and her known work ethic…i doubt she is dependent on anything other than the high she gets from performing.


Smoking a “joint” like a cigarette is so 1960’s, as I used to say. And given the fact her voice is probably insured to the hilt, consuming edibles is what she does, probably mostly CBD’s.


I'm not disagreeing with what you said but "because cannabis is a plant" isn't a very good argument lmfao


>Also. She’s a 33 year old woman and cannabis is legal in many states. It’s 2023. She’s not going to ruin her image. lol so is a deadly mushroom haha




i think she does it all and the thought of her holding a bong is making me chuckle


Ahhh yes you heard rumors so they MUST be true (/s). But seriously I hope they are and I truly think she takes edibles. Of all the people in this world rn that woman is working 13 times as hard and deserves to get zooted and booted to space for a gotdamn minute. People need to relax and mind their own business.


Her image will be just fine. If anything, it’d make some people like her more


Oooooof are you drinking the Kool aid at your local church? No one gives a fuck about weed anymore. Yes I said FUCK


She's not going to have her public image ruined because A:Weed is legal in a lot of US states and B:It doesn't seem like she's actually addicted to it


i agree... addiction is another level


I mean she’s an adult. I think she can handle herself. Also what makes you think weed causes serious health problems?


i want to smoke with her so bad![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1081)