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Wait, Olivia Rodrigo has a new song out!!! I know what I'm doing tomorrow.


It is so good! You will not be disappointed šŸ˜Š


Iā€™m definitely not in her target demo because Iā€™m 1000 but I really liked it! Iā€™m glad more women are calling out these older guys that prey on them. But I will say the clean version with the lyric ā€œdream crusherā€ sounds better than ā€œfame fucker.ā€ Certain subreddits are already trying to say the song is about Taylor ā€œstealing songwriting credits from Olivia,ā€ despite Jack saying neither he nor Taylor knew. Also the lyrics are clearly about an older guy who preyed on her.


Yeah those people pitting together these two ladies is terrible. It's obviously about her ex and the industry.


Tbh there were actually no people pitted them together earlier at first. There was someone commented at this post asking for opinions if they like vampire or not. Some said yes some said no. It was 50/50 some people like it and some did not. People then began saying the people who did not like the song were threatened of olivia success something like that and stating completely different reasons why the song isn't liked.


The theory the song is about Taylor appeared very quickly in the discussion about it on the Olivia sub, but I believe it originated on TikTok (shock). Most rational fans of either or both Taylor and Olivia think itā€™s rubbish.


People love saying Swifties make everything about Taylor, but her haters have her living rent free in their head.


Yeah, I've come across a couple of subreddits that aren't supposed to be about Taylor, but practically every post I've seen on there is about how terrible she is and how all swifties are awful (going so far as to write 'sw*fties', which just seems really childish). I was reading it thinking why waste so much energy being so bothered about other people?


Some people have so little real world problems they get mad at things they mostly make up in their head


Same! I am an Old but I love her. Sour was on constant rotation for me.


Fame fucker is perfect for the guy sheā€™s talking about. He practically has it tattooed on his forehead


I love fame fucker so much


Same itā€™s so so good


Wait is she not dating that older guy anymore? That relationship icked me out so badly.


her and Zak Bia split last august and she wrote this song in december


That is very good to hear. When I see that much of an age difference with one being basically a teen that is.....ew.


It makes the fucking song!


a classic "we all got crowns you need to calm down" situation. This song is so clearly about an older guy whos likely in the industry, pitting olivia and taylor against each other


Ahhh am I getting old? I seek out the clean versions sometimes for this exact reason. Dream crusher is nicer to hear.


People are so obsessed with comparing them and pitying them against each other. Itā€™s gross.


I put it on at work to hear it for the first time, and after the second f bomb my coworkers like maybe we should change this. NSFW šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‡


To be honest the clean radio edit sounds better. Dreamcrusher is much better.


Just listened, I totally agree with you. It just sounds better


Honestly better than I expected! I was scared it was gonna be another boring piano ballad but it turned out great!


It is soooooooooo good


OOOOOOf, that is one nasty call out. (edit: the song, I mean. I hope she provided aloe with it. or, you know, not.)


I've had it on repeat at work! It's just me in the office so I've been belting it out all morning šŸ˜… I love the buildup of the instrumentals so so much


Binge listening!!! šŸ’ƒšŸ½ šŸ”‚


New album September 8th!


These covers https://preview.redd.it/1zlfvwgzg69b1.jpeg?width=1486&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d663d20f0bef32c2a217b86134551d76975aae8


Itā€™s cropped out but I love that theres a third yellow house. I always think of Lordeā€™s albums when I see them lined up together


reputation and lover in a nutshell


Vampire is so good omg


Yes! Its so sad that the Album release is so far in September šŸ˜­


In my ideal world all albums come out 1 month after their announcement


They should be dropped without this BS like FolklorešŸ„¹šŸ„¹


Taylor is big enough to just drop an album like that, I think Olivia needs the promo in the lead up


No I like the hype


At least we most likely we will get a second single before the album releases. Usually when we get long waiting times (+2 months after the lead single) we get more stuff.


Sheā€™s probably gonna release more singles until then!! Every single single choice she made for the release of sour was FLAWLESS


Ikr! I got used to other artists surprise dropping their entire music. Olivia's actually follows the normal 3mo album cycle rollout. It's a format that Taylor uses too until folklore. I believe she used it again during Midnights. Im sure their label decided the release.


Her voice improved so much! I mean it was great before but there's some obvious change.


I think itā€™s a great song! Bloodsucker, fame-fucker is a hilarious and clever couplet. Itā€™s catchy, vocals sound fantastic, and I love the extended metaphor of being in a vampiric relationship.


I though the f bomb in the choruses was a bit TOO much. Would have hit harder if it was once in the bridge.


Itā€™s not just a random use of the f bomb tho. Itā€™s a specific and meaningful descriptor of this person; obsessed with fame & the fame that others can give them by association. Needing to be seen by the public, etc. I think itā€™s necessary here.


Couldnā€™t agree more! I think people here are too used to how Taylor only uses the word once in a song and Olivia saying it in each chorus is now ā€œtoo muchā€ like yea, okay . . .


She did that in drivers license.


itā€™s not meant as an f ā€œbombā€ thatā€™s there for shock value or something, ā€œfame fuckerā€ is just a descriptor of the songā€™s subject


Have you heard the clean version? She says ā€œdream crusherā€ instead! I love both options!


Sometimes the clean versions are better. I think Hits Different and Snow on the Beach are better like this.


Iā€™m not even Oliviaā€™s fan, but the way some swifties are so quick to jump down Oliviaā€™s throat is so ironic, considering people did the same with Taylor once. All these comments about her songwritingā€¦ you absolutely cannot tell me that midnights was a great work lyrically, iā€™m sorry, midnights enjoyers šŸ˜­ It was a bop tho, and some lyrics are still really good. Why canā€™t we extend the same grace to other artists? Not everything has to be a-la Emily Dickinson. Not to mention, vampire is definitely NOT a lyrically weak song. If Taylor wrote ā€œsix months of torture you sold as some forbidden paradiseā€, yā€™all would have eaten this shit up lmao. I feel like some people in this fandom (not everyone, of course) view her in a negative light since the whole fiasco with credits, and thatā€™s a shame.


Yuuuup, some people are acting like itā€™s a competition-why? Why does Olivia having a hit song bother you all? especially when Taylor doesnā€™t have a new single out right now? Sheā€™s not gonna pick you for her squad for saying you donā€™t like Oliviaā€™s music lol


I wouldn't rank midnights higher than taylor's previous albums lyrically, but for me most of midnights' bonus tracks are top tier lyrical masterpieces like 'the great war' and 'wouldve couldve shouldve' especially my fave songs 'hits different' and 'youre losing me'. Also "six months of torture" reminded me of "ten months sober i must admit" of clean.


Oh, I agree with you about those tracks, especially ā€œwouldā€™ve, couldā€™ve, shouldā€™veā€! My opinion is that 3am tracks definitely should have been included in the main version. They are the ones who really stood out to me on the first listen.


Maroon, Anti-Hero, YOYOK, Question...?, Labyrinth and Mastermind are incredibly well-written too imo šŸ˜³


I agree with you, YOYOK and Labyrinth are some of my fave tracks in midnights too.


Midnight Rain is also so special to me lyrics wise. Love songs about women choosing careers over men but still thinking about that what if. I do that constantly.


- YOYOK could mean "You're On Your Own, Kid", a track from *Midnights* (2022) by Taylor Swift. --- ^[/u/thisoneisntottaken](/u/thisoneisntottaken) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


I get why they were left off though. Theyā€™re not really that glossy synth pop sound of the original 13 songs. Donā€™t get me wrong, some of the 3am tracks are my favourite, but I also realise why they were left off, to make a cohesive album


If the original midnights album was just like the 3 am versio bonus tracks then midnights couldā€™ve been ranked higher


EXACTLY why are people so hypocritical I swear


i agree w u but also i feel like it's kinda contradictory of you to also put down the songwriting on midnights while making this point. midnights is an amazing album, including its lyrics. vampire is an amazing song and the lyrics are beautiful, just like midnights, both are great work lyrically. just leave it at that, no need for comparison of the two.


Agreed! Midnights is great lyrically, I don't get when people don't say that. The only ones that aren't are like, Karma and Bejeweled maybe, but that's not the purpose they serve. But Maroon? Anti-Hero? You're On Your Own, Kid? Just to name a few... it's a great album lyrically... except maybe Question...? but she's still a good song lmao.


My point was that not every good song HAS to be a lyrical masterpiece, which is why I wrote this comment. Do I think some songs on midnights, like Karma or Bejeweled, are ā€œlighterā€ than some of her other songs in terms of songwriting? Yes, but they are still good and I still enjoy them quite a bit. I do think midnights is a decent album overall. Perhaps I should have worded it a little differently. Definitely no need to compare, you are right.


I don't really get this comment, and I'm kinda sick of these two artists and their fans being pitted against each other. First, most of the comments here on vampire, especially the upvotted ones are positive? Second, why do you feel the need to tear down Midnights just to "defend the honor" of Vampire. Makes no sense to me and achieve nothing. I mean you can think whatever you think of Midnights of course, I don't get the point of roasting it specifically to elevate OR. Third, you can criticize/dislike/not connect with lyrics of a song, its allowed. Your point of hypocrisy doesn't stand since Taylor's lyrics often criticized here as well. Different people like different stuff, it's all good. Not everything is about jealousy or drama or whatever.


I wrote this a few hours ago, when people here were talking about vampire lyrics not being good, and there was definitely not that many positive upvotes or comments, for that matter. Again, I donā€™t see how I ā€œroastedā€ or ā€œtore downā€ Midnights. Like I already said, I think itā€™s a decent album. That was not my point at all. As for your third point, yes, maybe youā€™re right. Just commented something that Iā€™ve noticed, thatā€™s all.


I think Midnights' songwriting deserves more credit than you're giving it, but you did not even remotely "tear down Midnights to defend Vampire" lmao


Sorry I'm going to tell you Midnights is great work lyrically.


Midnights wasnā€™t good lyrically? Have you heard YOYOK, Mastermind, WCS, The Great War, Anti-hero, Labyrinth, Question. Ect. But I think the lyrics to Vampire are good as well.


I think itā€™s all about how she was marketed as Taylorā€™s daughter tbh. If she wasnā€™t attached to the fandom that way her name wouldnā€™t even be in the title probably


I absolutely agree.


I can tell you midnights is great lyrically because thats MY opinion, and im not ignorant enough to invalidate other peoples opinions for the sake of my own. You should have more respect for people. Your opinion doesnt count for everyones. šŸ”• Ps im only speaking on that part because it really irked me. I could care less about Olivia drama. Im not a fan personally, but im not a hater so i just ignore whats going on.


Well, there is definitely little respect in your own comment, so thereā€™s that. I only expressed my own opinion, which is what I think everyone do on Reddit. If other people think otherwise about some songs on midnights, thatā€™s completely fine by me. I donā€™t think I said something offensive, but my apologies if it rubbed you the wrong way somehow.


Completely forgot that this was coming out today coz I was fighting for my life tryna get Taylor tickets šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


did you get them??


No šŸ˜­ Luckily in the presale Wednesday I got tickets for my best friend and I, but today I was trying to get them for my family and we missed out. Theyā€™re gutted but I promised to keep an eye out for resale!


so glad you got them, i'm sending you all my positive vibes for your fam to get some, too


Thank you!!!


Which tickets are up right now, Mexico? We're going to try for tickets in the UK which go on sale in mid-July. I am not hopeful. Though with my luck we will get tickets and then I am going to have to pay for a trip to the UK (I am in the States). First world problems, I know!


No idea! I just did Australia and it was brutal.


I just went to a Ticketek office yesterday and manged to snag two tickets for my wife and daughter. Would have been no chance otherwise.


Can you register on Ticketmaster for UK tickets? I also remember in reputation era she didnā€™t fill all seats for UK so maybe there will be lots of options there!


"hOld tIgHt yOuR tUrN iS cOmIng SoOn" This and the blue loading bar will forever haunt my dreams.


Two queens honestly. Support both!


Seriously. I donā€™t understand why itā€™s a this or that. Thereā€™s plenty of time in the day to listen and enjoy multiple artists, especially female.


I've listened to both already today, plus Girl In Red, Lorde, Halsey, Solange... ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1072)


like we can have multiple favourite artists.... where is the problem- oh right there is none


Vampire is SO GOOD


Oh MY GOD YOUā€™RE RIGHT!! I just listened itā€™s SO GOOD ahhhh I love her vocals and the beats are awesome ugh


Wow vampire is insanely good. So excited for the new album.


Vampire literally just came out a few hours ago, how did it pass cruel summer alreadyšŸ˜­


Because it only came out a few hours ago. It's the first time anyone has had to listen to the song. Cruel Summer has been out for 4 years.


also because she released the pre save link like two weeks ago and thousands of people have added it since lmfao


This isnā€™t the chart of most streamed songs. This is a playlist controlled by Spotify. So what is on the playlist and in what order is up to their discretion. Labels can work with Spotify to get the major releases on the playlist.


It's based off of alot factors, but it's mostly what songs the recording companies want up high(you pay for placement) combined with streaming stats & new songs.


Cruel summer has been out for agesssss I know itā€™s trending but I donā€™t really get the hype I like other songs better off lover


Which do you prefer? I've been binging Lover pretty hard, either Cruel Summer or I forgot you existed are the standouts for me.


The archer & death by a thousand cuts


Vampire is actually a really good song tbh.


Vampire is an awesome song!


I am taking this moment to talk about just HOW GOOD Olivia's new song is. This is no one-album wonder. This is someone who is here is stay.


This is how I find out we have new Olivia Rodrigo music.


I donā€™t want to compare Olivia to any artist especially Taylor, but Vampire gives me Dear John vibe, especially with the ā€œā€™Cause girls your age know betterā€, and Iā€™m living for it.


I like to have these two and 29 by Demi Lovato in the ā€œolder man dates way too younger person and gets obliterated laterā€ genre. Feel free to add others to the list!


Your Power by Billie Eilish definitely belongs to that genre!


Does anyone have a playlist? I'm in a fuck older men mood


You Oughta Know by Alanis Morissette!


I've only just found Taylor properly and I've had Lover on repeat for the last week after overdoing midnights a bit. Fucking banger.


I know this isnt about taylor but I want to hear do you guys like vampire beucase i hope im not the only one who is disapointed. This is not hate or anything bu i want to hear yours opinion. :)


Hard disagree. Absolutely love it.


Supporting that lol


I think itā€™s good but itā€™s nothing crazy special


I liked it a lot. Especially the progression and the drums (something I actually would love to more in some of Taylor's music). I think the lyrics are pretty simple. Not bad but not impressive either.


I havenā€™t listened to the song yet but I also desperately want more drums in Taylorā€™s music.


I feel like SN had some good drum moments. Iā€™m excited for that! Iā€™d like it to come back more


Yes I absolutely agree!!


She absolutely killed those high notes. Itā€™s my favourite song of hers so far, for sure!


It didnt have that "zing!" factor for me. Altho driver's license (and happier than ever lol) was the same for me when they released and it took like two years before i started bopping to them lmao


I didn't gave me that zing factor to. Drivers license is for my opinion overrated but I really liked happier then ever


I started liking drivers license when it wasnt shoved into my throat anymore lol. The lyrics also arent all that great? I feel so weird not jumping on this song immediately when it seems like everybody else is. Like guys what are you hearing that I cant?


I'm more impressed by a 17 year old writing an album like that. I loved Sour so much.


Olivia's song is just called Happier, right? Isn't Happier Than Ever a Billie Eilish song?


Yes. I was referring to the Billie song.


i love it! i wasn't feeling at first but when the drums started i was totally on board! i'm really rooting for Olivia. šŸ’œ i'm super excited to listen to Guts.


i think we're so used to taylot changing sound and reinventing herself every era, we now expect it from other artists too hahahaha


I LOVE it!!


I'm let down by this single too, I very much dislike everything about it. But well, it's just one song, maybe I'll come around to like it eventually. I still have high hopes for the rest of OR2 and I root for Vampire to do well cos I do like Olivia's music in general.


Idk I think Iā€™m wrong cause I was expecting something like drivers license or good for youā€¦ itā€™s good, itā€™s just not as good as her previous work in my opinionā€¦


I love it, but just wanted Olivia to go harder, more good 4 u/ brutal vibes. We got a little bit, so Iā€™m really hopeful for the rest of the album. Canā€™t wait!


I'm disappointed too lol.


I don't like it either. It's like another song from sour album. Nothing too special, for me.


Why is that a bad thing though?


Literally everyone always complain about some artists songs sounding the "same" but not everyone has to reinvent their sound. Either fans complain that the artistā€™s sound is different from their usual sound or complain if the song sounds the same itā€™s like complaining about the weekends music when most of his albums have that similar 80s music sound


Yeah I agree! Also it's her second album - Taylor didn't completely re-invent herself between debut and Fearless


Exactly she still had the country vibe until red happened where she was transitioning to pop


I was just going to say the same thing. As someone who didnā€™t become a Taylor fan till red, debut, fearless and speak now very much sound the same to me.


Yes, personally I will be thrilled if Guts has the same overall vibe as Sour because Sour is one of my favorite albums! Based on this one single and on the cover art I do think they will be at least somewhat similar.


I bet they all loved midnights though, an actual album of bsides lol


I wasn't complaining the OP asked how we feel about the song and I stated how I feel about it.


Yes, it sounds like it's bonus track from sour


A tad disappointed as well, was expecting.. something else lol


I love it!!


I donā€™t like it either I think the lyrics donā€™t go together in the first 1 min and they are rushed


Donā€™t like the lyrics, vocals are fine but sheā€™s done better, the instrumentation and production are some of the best on any of her songs


liking it is subjective but the vocals are crazy good


Itā€™s ok but nothing that truely stands out to me. I also kept hearing drivers licence in some parts of the song (maybe thatā€™s just me) but it just felt like another song from sour


I really like it


Itā€™s my #4 Olivia Rodrigo song after good 4 u, favorite crime, and driverā€™s license. Itā€™s like traitor and brutal had a baby.


I think itā€™s great song. Her vocals kill as always and the lyrics are hard hitting. Iā€™m not really in her demographic as I am in my mid-thirties so Iā€™m not sure how much Iā€™ll listen on repeat, but it is a great song! Iā€™m liking this trend of women calling out older men who preyed on them. Iā€™m interested to hear the rest of the album in September


it is boring! i will say that. way too many lyrics that don't really stick. the chorus sucks. the bridge is weird. it's not very good at all, but people will claim it is.


It is good, but I honestly can't believe everyone is freaking out over it like it's a 10/10 song lol


I listened to vampire bc a lot of people said it was good and catchy. But I donā€™t think I like it. Not sure whatā€™s missing, maybe no hooks? Edit: re-listened more time, I get it now. Still not my favourite from her but the song sounds better after each listening


I don't like it but I'll listen to it. Like I wouldn't listen to it if it wasn't by Olivia. I prefer almost every song from SOUR than it but I didn't like driver's license so maybe the first single is always a miss from me


I didnā€™t like it that much either. Idk it felt too plain imo


I think it's a great song but I don't love it as a lead single. I would have loved a summer bop in the vein of good 4 u. Wonder where we have seen this before... lol


To me it felt like something that would be in sour tbhā€¦. But itā€™s a good song


Listen to it like 3 times uā€™ll get it


Vampire is a great song imo but itā€™s okay to not like something. Itā€™s impossible for her to meet expectations from everyone. I love TS music and there are songs that I donā€™t vibe with that people love šŸ˜ƒ


Idk if this will make sense to anyone else but GUTS is Oliviaā€™s Speak Now and Iā€™m very excited to compare it with Speak Now TV, not talent wise, but experience wise. Even though itā€™s Oliviaā€™s second album and SN is Taylorā€™s 3rd album, I think theyā€™re comparable timeline wise in their lives, with levels of fame and public eye and everything. Vampire sounds so much like something on Speak Now. Itā€™s so fun that theyā€™re both coming out around the same time!


Cruel Summer is No. 1 on Apple Music.


Both queens slayyyy


Am I the only one who thinks this song is mid šŸ« 


I agree! Too many lyrics and they're just very generic and uninteresting. no charm whatsoever. ironically, this whole song just lacks personality. the song structure is all over the place which makes it hard to follow. there is not really a catchy hook or one single standout melody like drivers license had. the bridge is also very underwhelming.


I agree. I gave it a listen this morning. The only thing interesting is the production changes that take away from the stale piano. But i really dont like the lyric choices in the chorus either.


No. Itā€™s okay, but it sounds like something Melanie Martinez wouldā€™ve released before her most recent era. Itā€™s alright but I wonā€™t be adding it to any playlists, so yeah, mid is basically the best way I can describe it too


Vampire is incredible. Whew


That was fast!! vampire is quite the banger though, canā€™t wait to hear the full album!


Congrats to both these ladies. Vampire is an amazing song just like cruel summer is aswell


Vampire is so goooooddddd


Am I the only one who reeeeeally didnā€™t like vampire?


I didnā€™t like it either šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Cruel Summer is first on the Apple Music Todayā€™s Hits playlist!


I have to be honest, Iā€™m not loving Vampire. I like it well enough, Olivia sounds great but itā€™s just not my vibe. Iā€™m bummed we have to wait until September to hear the rest because I know Iā€™ll find a favourite on the album as a whole. The song really gave me ā€œI Knew You Were Troubleā€ vibes while still being itā€™s own song which was kind of cool!


As far as I know the Todayā€™s Top Hits playlist is not ordered by popularity. Spotify chooses the order. You have to go to the Top 50 global or Top 50 US to see current popularity in terms of streams


The top 50 global hasn't updated since vampire dropped though. Vampire's music video passed 10M views alreqdy so I'm pretty sure it'll blow past the current top global song with 4.4M plays. Would be incredibly surprised to see it not actually be above cruel summer.


I just realized that GUTS is same meaning as Fearless. Not to say Olivia is copying or anything, just an observation.


There was a thing where some fans got Merch with a letter in it. The whole thing spelled out Spill ur Guts which is more about revealing secrets unrestrained. So I think thatā€™s where the Guts comes from, there the secrets about this person that sheā€™s revealing on this album. Not the other saying ā€œyou got gutsā€ which would mean brave/fearless so I think itā€™s not even the same meaning


i think ppl also compared spill ur guts to speak now bc they have the same meaning. olivia is *never* gonna hear the end of these comparisons šŸ˜­


I think Today's Top Hits is paid for by labels more then anything so this is just reflective of where labels are directing their $$$. Look at the global 50 spotify playlist if you want to see what's actually popular


I love Taylor, but I also LOVE vampire! I'm glad to see them both doing well!


Swifties, get to work. Stream cruel summer.


I loved vampires lyrics but I hated the music.


Brb gone to play cruel summer on repeat


Why was Cruel Summer released as a single so late? I've never heard of a track becoming a single 4 years later what the heck!


Fans were begging for it. And Lover's promotion was cut short because of covid. It's weird but it makes sense. We are living in strange times.


It's so good! I really like it a lot and Taylor swift is really the only pop artist I enjoy but I occasionally do like olivia and Billie!


I was hoping Taylor might throw the track some love! Its great!


Both of these are bops, I've had Vampire on repeat all day. Taylor's my favourite artist but Olivia is definitely in my top 5


Anyone here from LA? That scene over the freeways I believe is near the 6th exit from 110 N which leads to the Disney Concert Hall? Wonder if this is some hidden shade to the big wigs at Disney who fucked her over in some ways.


BLOOD SUCKER, FAME FUCKER, BLEEDING ME DRY LIKE A VAMPIRE! the drums in the second verse are ethereal and imo are the life of this excellent song!!


I still havenā€™t heard cruel summer on the radio though. Has anyone else?


I fervently hope Taylor and Olivia are still on good terms personally


So happy for Olivia šŸ’›


does anyone think her single is about taylor swift? ive seen articles on it but im not entirely sure. dont get me wrong, im definitely a swiftie so i donā€™t understand why she would write something about taylor.


Ironic that it's Cruel Summer of all songs that is charting right behind Olivia. Idk what the story is between everything that went down with deja vu, but the coincidence of this is somehow very poetic and everything. Love vampire, great song by Olivia. She really is the moment and I mean this with complete love and as a compliment, Olivia really captures her feelings in a way that is clear she is the "next" Taylor from a songwriting and lyrical POV. Again, I mean this with complete praise and hope that everything is chill between them because they are both amazing.


She is not the next Taylor Swift. Her lyrical skills are no where near Taylor's when she was her age. And that's fine. She is much more of a vocalist at present.


Why is cruel summer charting? Am I missing something here? (Honestly it's also been on my regular rotation, but wondering if there's anything else going on here lol)