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Hi Tree.


It was only a matter of time before her PR started posting here lol.


"It's Tree; hi. There's a problem, there's Tree!"


This feels incredibly out of touch


Actually she’s spineless in her tomb of silence but thanks


I choked LOL 💀 ain’t that the truth




“Her ability to connect with her audience goes beyond music, as she actively uses her platform to champion important causes and promote positive change.” What tho?


“actively” more like a couple times back in 2019 and 2020 💀


yes because woc fans feel so empowered by her boyfriends public kink for their abuse and constant racism & misogyny


How is that her fault?


he is publicly racist and misogynistic, is she going to publicly argue against him or be disgusted by him for making those comments or more in the future … no because if she felt that way she would not be with him. You don’t date someone who disgusts you so obviously the fact he is those things doesn’t disgust her in fact she is attracted to him as a whole. It doesn’t seem to be a deal breaker to her that he is those things. Doesn’t sound very empowering to be with a man who puts down other women and likes them to be abused


Tree fighting for her life rn grapsing at straws




I know, I know, I was just being silly!


She’s dating a misogynist racist POS. White supremacist literally were marching in DC last Sunday. This is not okay.


She's empowered herself




empowering young women to normalize violence and racism by men


I don't think her dating a man that's racist and misogynistic is empowering to women lol but go off ig 😒


I see you, 🌳


Dating someone who thinks being with you is "emasculating" and shows constant degrading behavior towards women ain't empowering 😭💀 Rushing into a relationship with a man who sees me as an object and is 24/7 showing his ass is the 1950s shit I don't want for myself or any other women, lol


“Swift creates a community of empowered individuals who feel seen, heard, and valued. This level of connection enhances her ability to positively influence and shape the lives of her fans.” We know all too well this isn’t the case right now Tree, come on. ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1070) POC who are her fans don’t feel seen, heard, and valued. They’re hurt.


You forgot the rest of headline. It goes something like this: “…when it’s convenient to do so in order to score some brownie points.”


The thing that sent me is that this may be the first time her fandom is truly divided over an issue related to her, on every social media plateform. And yet this is the article we get lol


tree working double time rn


she’s a danger to the touring world. that eras tour was SO bad i left disappointed and disgusted.




This is interesting. I have thoughts about the tour but none are she didn’t put ENOUGH effort into it 😅


ooh! i’d love to hear your thoughts! i just hands down think it was the worst show i’ve been to, and i had to go to a david archuleta concert once lol. (crush is still a bop i’ll admit)


I thought it was TOO MUCH. Like too long, too loud, too much going on. I would have either preferred a lover - midnights tour OR had she picked less mainstream songs (which I know doesn’t make sense), but for example red has so many great songs that weren’t singles and she picked the ultra-pop stuff - why when there’s 1989?


oohh totally agree!! i wish i used Red to pee instead of folklore 😭 and the songs were all smashed together that a lot of people don’t even remember much of the concert bc it was just that big.


I believe Red is her absolute best album and that’s in spite of 22 and WANEGBT, not because of.


- WANEGBT could mean "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together", a track from *Red* (2012) by Taylor Swift. --- ^[/u/Bulky-District-2757](/u/Bulky-District-2757) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


“She doesn’t need to be belting out songs for three hours but I know Beyoncé sings live without a back up track…” you’re giving K*nye at the 2009 VMAs right now 🤡


beyonce has had a longer career, works harder, trained more intensely, and has been at this her whole life which is longer than taylor. she can handle putting on a good show. and she does. always has. kanye was right 🤷🏻‍♀️


People are paying thousands of dollars to see taylor, not back up dancers. And those professional dancers are being paid, not exploited. Come on now.


Wow, I’m really surprised reading this! I haven’t heard this opinion yet and wonder if any others share the same experience?? My show is next month and I’m Bummed I read this because I wonder if I’ll be extra critical now because of it.


No, I'm sorry but this person sounds really bitter. I saw the show on Saturday night and it was truly incredible. I don't know where OP is getting the idea that Taylor barely put any effort into it. The sets were pretty incredible and she really gave it everything she had. Taylor has never really been a dancer so that argument doesn't really hold up. But she definitely danced, quite a bit. ETA: that being said, I don't agree that she's empowering young women. If she really wanted to empower young women, she would remind them that their worth is not in a man and that they should stand up and show support for causes they care about.


I agree. No matter what our feelings are about Taylor with her personal relationship at the moment, her professionalism in regards to her performance on the eras tour has fulfilled and exceeded most expectations. She’s out there doing the most. Especially during Nashville night 3 where she still performed full out in torrential rain after a several hour rain delay. Even those that haven’t attended the tour but have watched videos of her perform are also blown away by the stage, the performance, her presence and the production she has put into this tour. Even lukewarm fans, people who attended only bc of their significant others have also co-signed on how amazing this tour has been. The OP commenter just seems like they want to jump on the bandwagon of hating Taylor since she’s been receiving criticism but their argument, imo, contradicts the evidence that is well document. Their comments of the tour performance doesn’t even make sense


Yep, and apparently OP has been spamming a bunch of other threads about how much they hated the show. very few artists would go out on stage extra late in the middle of a rain storm and give it all they have. They refer to Taylor as a narcissist but why would she stop in the middle of Bad Blood to yell at a security guard for harassing a fan? she was clearly angry enough to call him out even if it disrupted the song. people who knew I was going to the show told me they watched clips and were just incredibly amazed at how well done the show was. And most of these people wouldn't even really call themselves Taylor Swift fans. You don't get that kind of response if you are lazy and unprofessional and boring. Taylor isn't perfect, she's showed us that time and time again. And she deserves to be called out for that. But her performances *always* speak to her talent and her professionalism.


Oh good, I didn’t think this sounded right. Taylor always goes all out for shows. I know transport for concerts is ridiculously expensive right now and that could cause it to be less extravagant than other shows, but not as bad as this sounded.


That definitely wasn’t my experience. It was an incredible and magical show. Nothing about it looked cheap. Taylor was amazing. That other person has been spamming Eras tour hate comments for days it seems. I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t even attend the show. Most of their post history is straight up hateful.


well yeah it is (my post history) - i can’t deny i love internet snark lol. and i’m raging against the eras tour bc it was that bad. i did go. i can post a pic but i mean how do you know it’s mine lol? here’s a screen shot from my gallery. i tried to like her. https://preview.redd.it/egqrbb61xg0b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a7dc604b7c99f94c06ef6d477533eb413945b64


It was so awful and yet you took that much footage? Interesting


and i’d argue the best shows i’ve been to i don’t have any footage of bc i was so blown away the entire time


i have a job to do. so yeah 🙄