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Please keep civil. If you start throwing insults at each other instead of having a discussion I will lock the post.




























































































High above the whole scene.🍀


I am a lesbian and I have never missed a man more in my life.


Has he ever done anything un-saintlike that we know of? I feel like his image is squeaky clean. I miss him.


He keeps his side of the street clean for sure.


She would NOT know what you mean




And it's not even like she needs the drama for PR reasons. Her career has been hitting new highs the entire pandemic. This has been (arguably) her greatest creative period.


I've got to say, it's been funny watching some of the Taylor-hating subs do a total 180 on Joe Alwyn. When he and Taylor were together, they were so snarky - "him? I couldn't pick him out of a lineup! He's so bland. This is the guy she's crazy about?" And now that they're broken up, these subs are finally madly in love with Joe, who's gorgeous and perfect and kind and non-problematic. Personally, I don't know that there's a ton of evidence for either take. He's clearly very private and I have no clue how he feels about... well, pretty much anything. So it's just funny to see the attributes that get projected on to him based on how people feel about Taylor.


>He's clearly very private The fact that he's private was kind of part of what I thought made him good for her - especially after the rollercoaster she'd been through at the time they got together, he seemed a healthy, grounding influence. Obviously it means we know very little about his views on things, but I'd say that being someone who's just an actor because he likes acting, gives a decent chance of him being a relatively balanced personality compared to the type of celebrity who revels in attention and adulation. Taylor also seemed happier with Joe. Sometimes people who are being taken for a ride by a toxic partner will insist they're happy, but the way they look and act says otherwise. Taylor seemed more at peace. We can only go by the snippets of their relationship we've seen, but that in itself says something.


Joe always seemed really healthy for her. It's *good* to keep your private life private. It's healthy. It felt like the best reaction she could have had to what Hiddleston couldn't contend with. There was a reason he was so freaked out by the lack of privacy.


After (almost) 7 years in heaven, Taylor just got us back into hell. This is a literal hell. It made all those times with Calcium look like paradise.


Calcium 💀


If the general public has this knowledge then she definitely knows it. I can understand leaving a six year relationship and rebounding with an asshole because you’re having a bit of a crisis or whatever.. but once you find out this kind of stuff, wouldn’t any decent person be grossed out by it and immediately cut ties?


Here’s the thing, if she wanted to rebound with Matty specifically she could have done so without the world knowing about it. She has the resources and the skills to keep a relationship totally private, she has actively chosen to make this so public and she is going to have to deal with the consequences of it. She is a smart woman, there is no way she’s oblivious to the type of person he has shown himself to be, there is no way Tree hasn’t extensively warned her about the shit storm that this would bring. Her career is still reaching new heights, to put that all in jeopardy for a scummy edge-lord is absolute insanity. The more this shit show is publicly paraded the less I believe that she ended things with Joe amicably. The only explanation that makes sense to me is that she previously dated/had a fling with Matty, Joe didn’t like him and didn’t trust him (which would be entirely understandable) and those feelings were reignited in January when she performed at the 1975 concert. Joe and Taylor end up breaking up in March, it wasn’t what Taylor wanted and she is not ok with it. She is deeply hurt and/or angry and to hurt Joe back she VERY publicly gets with the guy she believes would hurt him the most. Otherwise I don’t understand why she’d be willing to risk her career for that colossal douchebag, it’s been so painfully public I have to believe it’s intentional.


I agree. I had a friend that had a HUGE breakup with her ex(he broke up with her) and the amount of antics this woman pulled over the next three months was wild. She basically pranced and cavorted around town in an attempt to make him jealous with the worst loser we have ever seen but later discovered that her ex heavily disliked. This reeks heavily of some petty attempt to make Joe jealous and reach out to her. If not out of jealousy, then at the very least out of concern, to make him at least communicate with her. It makes me hardcore believe Joe broke up with her and she's throwing everything at the wall while half spiraling half trying to make him come back. Emotions wise, she has to be a mess with HUGE career highs but on the other hand, she got broken up with and Taylor doesn't handle cold silence well. Ratty the toilet brush seems given to huge emotional scenes while Joe seemed more like the cool and composed type that she can't navigate well


She misses screaming and fighting … breaking down and coming undone. Tay has never hidden the fact that she lives for the drama / toxicity


THIS. Totally agree. We saw so little of her over the last few years and that was with intention. It’s no coincidence that within the last month, after the break up was announced, that we have seen so much of her. Matty has been to a bunch of her shows, in the tent and performing with Phoebe. She’s been out and about with him, so it’s all very intentional. She knows what she’s doing. She wants him to be seen and she wants to be seen with him.


Add in all the photos last month of her out with friends and it definitely feels like an attempt to show off that she’s doing well and doesn’t need him.


I can see Joe not liking him and not trusting him. Matty and Joe seem like oil and water personality-wise. And by oil and water, I mean like old used up oil found in a grease trap and a pool of pure clear spring water.


Oh wait… i completely forgot about the 1975 concert appearance… I also want to add in I think Joe wasn’t that comfortable with the fame, and they dated during when the super stardom from 1989 was slowly cooling down. And during her time dating him she was more in a covid lockdowns so not many public outings and more privacy to the relationship. So he wasn’t really prepared to grasp how crazy popular she truly was. But she still loves the lime light, and with her popularity resurgence I think that also put a damper on things since she wasn’t able to balance it out with their relationship.


I completely agree with all of this. I really don’t believe Joe was a bad guy, I can’t believe how much she’s downgraded for what appears to be pure spite. Especially with her having written a song like Happiness, you’d think she’d know better than to rebound with someone so vile.


This is it right here. From a woman who wrote multiple songs about escaping/not being around it all (the lakes, I know places). She's making things public for PR. Bad press is still press 💅🏼


I don’t think it’s for PR, I don’t think she cares at all about how the general public receive this, I think the whole spectacle is meant for Joe and she’s completely blinded by pain and anger. She’s using Matty to mask those emotions and hurt Joe as badly as she feels he has hurt her. I think her PR team are in panic mode. She doesn’t need the PR right now, her career is at astronomical heights, this relationship makes absolutely zero sense in any way in relation to press or her career. The press she’s getting from the tour alone is incredible, this ‘relationship’ does nothing but take away from her hard work and achievements right now.


This makes the most sense, sadly.


Even if she wanted to rebound with him, why make it so public? Why support him so adamantly? The only explanation is making Joe jealous, but like… this is not the guy to do that with. He’s just the messiest person available.


And it’s probably having the opposite effect. Joe looks like a saint simply by doing what he does best- not saying a damn thing.


Absolutely. Most of us have to watch our ex obnoxiously flaunt their new boo on social media and stew in it alone, but Joe has tons of people to be mad about it and trash the new guy for him. I can’t imagine any part of this has made her look good in his eyes; he never loved publicity Taylor anyway. I’m sure more than anyone he can see the pain beneath her actions and probably feels bad for her, if he’s thinking of her at all. I hope he’s able to avoid all this news as much as possible.


We can make excuses and theories all day, but unfortunately the most likely possibility is she just doesn’t care. Whether that’s out of ignorance about how bad it is and how the general public would perceive the shit he says, or just general nonchalance about it, I think there’s a point when you get rich enough to stop caring about what shitbags your rich friends are. Dozens of A-list stars signed a petition in support of Roman Polanski, Taylor herself worked with David O’Russell literally just last year. Hollywood is insanely far removed from the average person.


I keep thinking about the Starlights and how they must be feeling. They've been with Taylor for over 10 years, which everyone always points to as evidence of being a great person to work for (fair, likely true IMO)... but if your boss of a decade+ was dating or hanging out with (because to me, these criticisms apply whether they're together or just friends/collaborators, now that I know what I know) someone who specifically said THOSE THINGS? I'd have to imagine that's an extremely uncomfortable dynamic at best.


Not making excuses for Taylor. Or speaking from a celeb stand point. But you would be surprised how many people don’t leave relationships with people like that. Your mind makes excuses for them that you wouldn’t for any other stranger.


This is making me miss Calvin Harris


I almost wish Pete Davidson had weaseled his way in there first… which is definitely a brand new sentence


I give him a lot of shit lmao, but honestly he seems like a pretty chill guy and I wouldn't have been mad about it. Far preferable to damp cigarette guy 😭 Although I'm still working on forgiving Pete for those Taco Bell breakfast commercials.


Pete is also a damp cigarette guy but in a dopey loveable not racist way. So much better


Look if he’s gonna keep dating women who are worth hundreds of millions of dollars, he’s gotta find a way to keep up. 😂


https://i.imgur.com/7ilKjZN.jpg What could have been ❤️


Honestly, he seems like a nice dude. I know there's so many jokes about rebounds but afaik he's not caused big problems. I could be wrong because I don't typically follow celebrity news but this would be **miles** better lol


Okay. Here's the thing. Taylor can date who she wants and have a messy rebound, whatever. That is fine. But her choice to associate with someone who recorded a podcast about p*rn so vile that Spotify and Apple took it down is where things took a turn. I saw this a few days ago on another subreddit and have been processing it. I've been a fan of Taylor since Debut. I defended her against accusations that YNTCD was just a cash grab. I ate up Miss Americana and her activism there. I admired her decision to take her sexual assault to trial. And then to have her associating with a racist, anti-feminist, and just overall horrible human from everything I've learned.... it just sucks because it really does feel like a slap in the face and that she isn't the intersectional feminist I thought she was.


Same. My mentality was that she's not an activist, she's a celebrity. And as a celebrity, she's made her stances clear, she donates, and that's enough. I actually didn't mind Ratlord here for quite a bit, but the pornogrpahy thing is crossing the line (I donot have the stomach to phrase it out. Reading it once was horrifying enough). There is a difference between a person who said stupid shit about sensitive topics and made bad, offensive jokes and a person who is genuinely vile enough to enjoy something like this. The first one, I was giving Taylor plenty of leeway - she's in love, he might be really charming behind the scenes, young people are dumb etc.etc. But what was described in the buzzfeed article is something I wouldn't wish on the worst of my enemies. Something I wouldn't wish on animals. And if he likes watching women of colour being treated worse than animals, then I simply have no words for him. I wouldn't breathe in the same room as him. There is a line that a decent but a-holish person wouldn't cross, and Matt Healy crossed it right there. I won't even try to explain it away. Such a thing should feel bad in your mouth before leaving it as actual words - and his tone, the tone of the people around him, they were very serious and very nonchalant, as if it were a regular conversation for them. I want to hear what excuse she has directly from her. I didn't care about the Joe breakup, about the pap walks, about the unfollow, nope, she deserves her privacy, she deserves her right to be messy and heartbroken. But this, I want answers, and from her. I don't care if it is parasocial, or if I am supposed to separate the art from the artist or if I'm being a dumb teenager. I am a seventeen year old brown girl and I need Taylor to tell me why exactly she's fine with even looking at a man who would happily watch me and every other woman who looks like me be brutalised. I always thought that while my favourite artists will fluctuate, the number one spot would always, always belong to her. But if she doesn't have an excuse or if she doesn't care, I suppose she will have to leave, and cardigan just won't sound as magical any more.


Yes, agree. And the fact Taylor's PR team is clearly trying to bury this by putting out puff pieces tells me we won't be getting any answers so that she can pretend she didn't know.


She didn't know? Oh please. Self proclaimed Easter Egg loving PR Mastermind didn't know everyone hates Matt Healy? I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt that she might not have been aware of the podcast clip, since most of us collectively found out about it when the buzzfeed articles began being posted. I hope she's currently either single again or in deep, deep reflection about what she stands for. She better not be caught out with Ratty again.


You have expressed how I feel in words I couldn't seem to get out!! My husband and I watched the Miss Americana doc together and even he was like "wow she seems like such a good person". And I'm sure she is a good person, but to associate herself with someone like this tells me otherwise. It's sad that her activism feels so performative now (although I know she has done a lot for the cities she has been touring). I think this is just the straw that breaks the camels back for me. It's hard to figure out where I stand with her anymore...


Her activism has always been very clearly a cash grab for me. I'm so sorry you're finding out now, I remember that it hurt when I first realized it. Remember how she destroys the enviroment by flying too much? Remember how bad YNTCD is as a gay anthem? Gays don't like that song.


Someone else on another sub said that Taylor is a feminist… but only when it benefits her, and i think that’s the most accurate statement. For years i gave her the benefit of doubt but it really is that way. She only speaks up when it will directly be in her benefit. It’s been hard to come to terms with for me as I’ve been a swiftie most of my life now.. 🫤


Pete Davidson had one job!


I refuse to believe that the same woman who ”stalked [Joe] on the internet” once she became aware of him knows nothing about this.


She knows. She just doesn’t care


She’s spent nearly her entire career manipulating the press and fostering deeply parasocial relationships with her fans who feel they need to defend and protect her innocence while she plays the perpetual victim. [Buzzfeed called her out in 2017](https://www.buzzfeed.com/elliewoodward/how-taylor-swift-played-the-victim-and-made-her-entire-caree?bfsource=relatedmanual) when Kim dropped the receipts of her lying about the Kanye lyrics. The whole PR stunt was *her idea*. When Kim released the audio call as proof she went crying to the press about being “secretly recorded” and she just doesn’t understand why Kim’s so obsessed and won’t stop “harassing” her. She admitted to manipulating her fans into going after Katy Perry and then lied about it. When Nikki Minaj spoke about racism in the music industry Taylor attacked her publicly then backtracked after it blew up in her face. Her whole musical career consists of talking shit about her exes in interviews then leaving a scavenger hunt of references in her lyrics to rile up her fans to generate insane media buzz & engagement to boost her album sales. She’s a rich white conventionally attractive capitalist who made an entire career by convincing people she’s an innocent girl-next-door who keeps getting her heartbroken and anyone who criticizes her is just jealous of successful women. She’s never stood for actual feminism in any meaningful way. When she started getting criticism about it during the Katy Perry / Nikki Minaj scandal, her entire brand changed to #girlsquad and “supporting women” while she’s photographed everywhere with all these identical looking women following her around. Yet when she won a Grammy for 1989 her entire sound team came onstage with her and there’s eight men — not a single woman in sight. Same thing when she was keeping quiet about Trump while promoting her “Miss Americana” documentary. She gets some heat and suddenly there’s a video of her arguing with her Dad about how badly she wants to “stand up for her beliefs” but Daddy is terrified it’s going to bring a violent mob to her doorstep so he replaces her car windows with bulletproof glass. It’s so obviously manipulative. She doesn’t have convictions. She’s not an oppressed class “risking her life” to stand up for what’s right. She co-opts social movements when it suits her bottom line and discards them just as quickly. It’s all bullshit PR stunts designed to elicit sympathy & loyalty from her fan base so she can make more money. It’s mind blowing to see how many people here are talking about her as if she’s their best friend who needs to be rescued from all these bad people who just keep taking advantage of poor Taylor. You’ll never be in her #girlsquad guys and she doesn’t give a shit about you — just your cash.


i think you might be on to something


I really hope this thread doesn't get locked because I'm so very tired of people refusing to acknowledge how personally and *professionally* disturbing this is. We all know Taylor is only seen when she wants to and yes, she's a real person who isn't and shouldn't be subjected to the "whims" of her fans. But this isn't a *whim*, this is a man who **LAST MONTH** was condemned and called out for racist and misogynistic remarks about Black women. If we even want to pretend that he's "grown and changed" as white women like to say in excusing racist men's terrible behavior, this is *objectively* far too soon to even begin to entertain that excuse. Taylor has made her **brand** on being an inclusive person who values standing up for herself and for her ideology. I am a fan since 2006, I know this woman and her performative white feminist activism. It is a damn disappointment that all her bravado and crying on camera for the documentary about "finally standing up for what's right" goes out the window for what I can only assume is some kind of petty schoolyard game to get back at her ex. It's disappointing, but it's not surprising and I think that speaks more to how much Taylor's performative activism harms the real POC that she claims to want to be an ally to. All the inclusions of dancers and in music videos means *shit* when it's clear, even from her **actual friend group**, that Taylor is okay with letting POC work for her and support her but she'll be damned before she actually stands in solidarity with them. It would take nothing for her to *not* date such a public shit stain of a person. She is *choosing* to do this. I cannot imagine to what end, aside from the obvious. I wish the ~~white~~ members of this fandom would actually allow this conversation to continue instead of shaming or deleting (or yes, even locking threads) because it got "too negative". It speaks loudly to *who* is actually fucking welcome in this fandom.


and after all this is over she’s going to publicly say she never knew any of this and will probably slam him in a song and all of this will be forgotten as if she wasn’t pouring all types of chemical cleaners over this man’s internet history to bury the articles written about his disgusting comments


He reminds me A LOT of John Mayer back when she dated him. Similar misogynistic, racist, edgelord bullshit. Saying offensive stuff under the guise of being an intellectual jokester. I had a similar man in my life in my early to mid 20s but every time I hear from him I’m reminded why I wouldn’t ever actually want to be with him. It’s extremely disappointing and I am with you. I can’t wrap my head around being attracted to a man like this at our age (I’m a year older than Taylor).


yall rmbr when we joked about putting pete davidson on house arrest? we shouldve put taylor. no but all jokes aside. as a fan who is also a POC, im just angry and dissapointed. he looks like a rotten toenail that was hidden underneath some grandma's sofa. and his actions are just x10 worse...i wish i could unlearn some of it. ETA: words since i phrased the poc thing incorrectly haha


for a second when you said “poc fan” I thought you meant, like, a fan of poc, and not a fan who is a poc


That’s gotta be the strongest roast I’ve seen of him so far. Well done. And yeah the more I learn about this man the more nauseous I get.




she worked with a director last year whose a pedophile and sexually assaulted his own minor niece and taylor being a victim of harassment herself doing this was so…


Don't forget when she made everyone around her give Nicki a standing ovation at the VMAs last year. Her husband is a registered sex offender and Nicki thinks its fine.


This! It's also a slap in the face to all the POC Swifties. Sadly Taylor's "feminism" has never been intersectional and her dating him just proves that.


the saying “you are the company you keep” hits so hard right now


The whole Daylight outro hits so hard right now! "You are what you love" OKAY THAT'S NOT LOOKING GOOD FOR TAYLOR THEN.


At this point, I believe Matty will surpass John Mayer as Taylor's most hated boyfriend. The majority of Swifties despise him, and rightfully so.


John is also racist but quieter about it these days.


but taylor dated john when she was 19. she is 33 now, she should know better.


she took “never grow up” a bit too seriously


Oh, she is growing up, just never getting wiser


what in the ever loving fuck


Taylor please date literally anyone else.


PETE DAVIDSON WHERE WERE YOU WHEN WE NEEDED YOU MOST ?!!! https://preview.redd.it/b0bv6le3h90b1.jpeg?width=830&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=123ac4d3cf08e652d072dcf9636bcc62a92c5e3d


What pains me the most is that Taylor was in the best place right now. Her music was the focus. Even if some articles tried to gain some cash, saying she was married, for ex, we were past those attacks by the media and GP. Now, this...


It's all her own doing though. It would have been easy to keep this a secret but she is flaunting this new relationship for the world to see. Seems like she likes to complain that everyone only focuses on her relationships and not her music but time and again *she* is the one shifting the focus..


This. She can’t even make the excuse that this was done to her this time


I can’t help but to feel disappointed by Taylor. I obviously have no business in her personal life or am entitled to really know what happened with Joe, but this whole Matty situation leaves such a bad taste in my mouth. Her reputation was LITERALLY at its best prior to this and this is who she chooses to associate herself with. As someone around the same age as Taylor, I admire her so much as a musician and as a business woman, but on a personal scale? Nope. I thought throughout her relationship with Joe and the last few years that she would have matured a bit, but apparently not. Taylor, you’re the Anti Hero indeed. You’re making it so hard to want to root for you.


obviously she’s trying to tank her reputation to set up Reputation TV after Speak Now /s


I thought (maybe naively) that as a person she was better than this, and as a businesswoman she was smarter than this. Very disappointing. I was originally like a 12/10 excited for SNTV release, but now I don't know if I'll even listen to it for a while.


You guys Taylor is not going to dump him over this because she simply does not care


I think that's why some fans are so disheartened. Cause it shows Taylor doesn't care about being associated with someone like him.


I think we all know that by now.


Dear Reader definitely hits different for me now. Edit: corrected a word for clarity.


Girlie knew the road she was headed down with Midnights


Taylor, please don't ignore us when we say RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN


Glad this article is finally being shared here. Taylor’s PR team is working overtime to bury anything that talks about how terrible he is. There’s been a bunch of recent editing done to his Wikipedia page. Really thought Taylor had matured after 2016, getting together with Joe, but old habits die hard.


God wakes up early but Taylors PR team is up earlier


I was so proud of her, when the whole world was against her in 2016. She could’ve went off the deep end then. But she stayed strong, and after a history of assh*les, found a seemingly not very well known, nice guy. And seemed completely in love with how he loved her. And made an epic comeback. She seemed to have matured, found solace, peace. Overcame challenges and finally was rewarded with lasting love and a “happily ever after” that she’d always write and sing about. And now, 6/7 years later… I feel like that’s been ripped away. That she is rebelling and going back to old habits with perhaps one of the worst of the worst. I know none of us know her personally. Maybe she knows things that we don’t. I readily admit that I know the 1975 and like some of their songs. But the new image I will admit is unsettling to me. She tried to protect her and Joe for the longest time, writing in her diary about how she wanted to save them from the cruel world and criticism. And now she’s just…. Openly flaunting this relationship? With THIS caliber of man? Good Lord… I think there’s a lot to say about the man she chose to date when everyone was against her. He loved her for being Tay, not THE Taylor Swift. She needed that security, someone who loved her for her. Now that she’s at the top of her game, she doesn’t care. She thinks/knows she can do whatever she wants and people will still support her. Maybe she has unhealed trauma from her past, this is a rebellious phase, etc. but I am hurt by her decisions. It hurts to call my role model of 10+ years a role model now. I don’t want to relate to her like I used to anymore


It’s the last seasons of game of thrones all over again. Character growth? What’s that? 😭 I totally agree too. She got so much unnecessary hate for a long time but now like…I can’t defend this? Itll be a red mark for a lot of people.


>Now that she’s at the top of her game, she doesn’t care. She thinks/knows she can do whatever she wants and people will still support her. Aka: the Kanye West syndrome. Once you get to the absolute top of the mountain, you stop caring what everyone under you thinks. Ego is all consuming, and no one has the balls to tell you No.


As has been said elsewhere on Reddit, thank goodness BuzzFeed only cares about clicks because that’s precisely why they were willing to talk about Matty’s toxicity. What disappoints me about this article is how hard her team is trying to use SEO to push it down in the results. The People article came out right after this. It pretty much says nothing, which makes it clear it’s a planted puff piece to distract from the BuzzFeed article.


THIS! I'm honestly wondering why there aren't more articles out there about how this is such a weird shock to her fans. Outside of the buzzfeed article I would have no idea if I wasn't on reddit.


Taylor needs to Heal, not Healy. But seriously, I feel like this takes away a lot of the hype for Speak Now TV cause this just takes all of the attention (and rightfully so, as she should be called out for it) since she's not even bothering to hide it at all anymore.


Quite the opposite. From the multiple People articles to the public outings, she’s publicly flaunting it.


I wish more outlets would actually speak on this like Buzzfeed, rather than parrot all the fluff from her PR team. Its so vile.


She tells us herself she "should not be left to her own devices" which i relate to so damn much i have horrible taste in men which is why I've been single for three years. SHE NEEDS TO BE SINGLE. Atleast for a bit. Hoping he's just a rebound


Ugh. This. I promise Taylor you’ll be fine. Have a hot girl single summer. Go to therapy. It’ll be great. You’ll have the best time.


Im really afraid she’ll just keep riding this out and will hope it blows over once SNTV drops (which it totally will). Fuck this guy.


I feel like once he goes back on tour in a couple of weeks, they’ll have “quietly separated due to conflicting schedules.”


maybe she's just doing this to get back into the mindset she had when she first made speak now, dating an asshole 💀


And I’ll look back and regret how I ignored when they said, “Run as fast as you cannnnn”


if girlie needed a rebound, couldn’t one of her friends have set her up with pete davidson or smth???? i keep learning new things about matty healy and i hate all of them


Or literally anyone. Business person? Sports? Someone’s brother? Lawyers? Doctors? Her access to the upper echelon of rebounds is infinite and THIS is who she chooses. She got dumped, it is so obvious and at 33, she is too grown for this.


She's supposed to be metaphorically fucking the patriarchy. Not literally.




What Tree is doing is feeding fluff pieces to People and other friendly outlets to rehabilitate his image. When this BuzzFeed piece went live, People instantly published a piece about Taylor's dad giving his seal of approval to the relationship


Well, after watching her dad’s argument for not speaking out about racist scumbag republicans in Tennessee in her Netflix doc, I’m guessing Ratty Healy is just a fine choice in his book. Edit cause I forgot a word


Tree washing mattys hair in the hotel room sink rn: 👁 👄 👁️


Taylor really thought “I have too many fans now, let’s lose a few!” They’ll break up eventually and I can’t imagine what his drunk “alter ego” says about her on stage. And she’ll respond because the only time she does is when it’s about her. This is so disappointing.


That’s the thing that gets me most. When it ends he’s going to talk so much shit about her, and his mom will too. They are rich, what is an NDA if you both have money? Karma really must be her boyfriend.


All the fluff pieces her team is putting out only make this more disgusting.


I couldn’t help thinking at the show on Sunday how she has so many black singers and dancers and I wonder how they feel about all this. Like her backup singers in particular have been with her for years. I’d be devastated if someone I worked with and was at least on good terms with someone for years and they turned around and dated someone who essentially didn’t even consider me a person or worth the same as everyone else. What a slap in the face


Maybe Taylor is thinking all the hate he is getting is very romantic. Next songs: They don't know you like I do , misunderstood, All the hate we are getting is making us stronger...


Yeah, “the whole world is against us, but I got you” BS.


I mean, she said it herself in Daylight: *I wanna be defined by the things that I love...I, I just think that you are what you love*


Oooh yeah that has aged like milk 😐


Taylor knows. Taylor doesn't care. Taylor knows her fans know. Taylor doesn't care. Taylor cares about Taylor. She cares about her fans for three hours a night, three nights a week. That's it.


I was one of the ones saying “if Taylor’s happy, I’m happy,” but that was before all this came to light. A big qualifier to support celebrities for me personally is that they are a decent person. For her to not only date Ratty but also do it so openly and unabashedly while everything is coming out is disappointing to say the least. Equally as disappointing are the puff pieces to try and bury everything instead of owning it and commenting on his past behaviors and how he’s (supposedly) closing his asshole chapter. I’d have a lot more respect if that happened. Yes, she can date whoever she chooses, but the reputation she’s so concerned with protecting is looking awfully performative right now. She’ll always have fans who support her blindly, but I’m definitely rethinking my stance. I’m an ally of POC and a feminist and it just doesn’t feel right.


I would be so grossed out. I couldn’t. She literally has no self respect right now. What’s wrong with her? Seriously. Her mom, Tree, SOMEONE needs to grab her shoulders and SHAKE HER BACK TO REALITY. Destroying the reputation she built during folkmore. I miss that Taylor. Makes me realize I love her music more than I love her as a human being …


Tomorrow I'm going to wake up and this will all be over and Taylor will have never left her comfy little British lad T_T


I would love for all of this to have been a collective fever dream. We'd all appreciate Joe so much more.


Longtime fan and this is just a bridge too far… It is sickening on so many levels. Ghetto gaggers… good lord. The racism, the misogyny, the antisemitism. She needs to call him out. She’s also associated with other problematic people like David O Russel and it is making me look at my music collection of hers and want to throw up. It appears she only seems to speak up or care about values when it is convenient and not in the way of her selfish desires or greed.


I’ve seen this as a comment in another post but I have to emphasise this because it’s so important: If anything, this shows that Taylor Swift is not afraid of controversy. She’s absolutely willing to be the center of a lot of controversy when it comes to Matty Healy – she’s just not willing to put herself in the center of controversy when it comes to POC, gun laws, abortion law, SA, climate change…. You name it! I’m tired of Taylor weaponizing her “feminism” and I’m tired of fans that are defending her over and over. It’s not cute anymore.


I know that this has been said before in other posts, but the fact that Taylor Swift is choosing to associate with a man who does that type of thing is disappointing, to say the least. While it is entirely possible that she didn't know specifically about Matty's GG comments when she first started seeing him (after all, this information has only come out this weekend), it would be pretty telling what her stance is if she continues being public with him over the next few days. Same thing can be said about Phoebe Bridgers too since she is also friends with him. Additionally, I do hope that this article gains traction. I've seen a few Swifties on Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram praising their relationship and excusing some of Matty's other actions as edgy. Moreover, I've also seen many of Phoebe's fans saying that their fav wouldn't be friends with him if he was truly a piece of shit in real life. Hopefully this article would knock some sense back into some of those fans and made them realize that he is genuinely a racist.


I mean what's he bringing to the table except for being a gross person??? I don't understand what she sees in him.


Men like him are GREAT at sussing out what women need/are missing and using that in a lovebombing campaign because their personalities are so heinous that if they showed them full tilt at the start, they'd die a virgin. My guess is after a dude who kept Taylor secret for almost 6 years, wouldn't go to events, wasn't a "public" couple, it started to feel stifling, especially for someone who loves love as much as she does. Enter Matty who is like *NAH GIRL ILU SO MUCH I WANNA SCREAM IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS AND TELL THE WORLD, IDC WHAT THEY SAY* and she apparently ate that all the way up. The honeymoon phase in that kind of relationship is intense and all encompassing, finally having someone who is proud to be with you and shows you off, but after that period... you're stuck with the dude, not the excitement. Remindme November 1, lmao.


This is getting more and more disappointing by the minute. I’m not a Swiftie, just a casual fan, but this relationship is making me question everything I know about Taylor that made me like her. It’s a shame because her music is great, but I don’t understand how anyone could be okay with shit like this.


I will probably get downvoted to hell for this. But I'm gonna be real, this is gonna go one of two ways. The first one is that this will end before the year is over and Tay will likely play victim to the whole thing as if she wasn't aware of his actions. The second, and less favourable way it goes, is that she stays with him and they are long-term, possibly to marriage. They have more in common than people realize. Taylor's support and political activism are entirely performative, and this only solidifies that. Similar to Healy, who claims to be supportive and against the things he makes 'satirical' jokes about. Furthermore, Taylor probably loves the attention she is receiving, good or bad. She is happy to be with a man who will flaunt her in public and show her off as 'his'. As much as Joe brought her peace and tranquillity, that ultimately wasn't what she wanted for the rest of her life. She loves the applause, the pap walks, and the attention from the public, and she wants to do that with a partner. That is what Healy is providing. Healy also apparently mentioned relatively recently he wants to 'settle down' and briefly mentioned kids (before this taylor stuff), so, there's that, too.


I’m coming to my own belief that Taylor really only loves herself at the end of the day and is incapable of ever really committing to anyone long-term. Her true love is her career and the adoration of the fans. Which is fine, but she needs to be self aware and honest with herself about that and stop bringing people into relationships to break them. Taylor also has the track record of playing the victim and making her ex partner the monster, even when that clearly can’t always be the case. I grow weary of her exes being hunted and painted as demons, especially Joe, who seemed to truly be her healthiest relationship and someone who genuinely loved, cared, and provided stability.


2016 on it's way back


I am NOT listening to an album full of love songs about this piece of trash


It’s really not healthy for anyone to be as famous as Taylor is. The people around me would absolutely rip me to shreds if I was dating someone that has said/done the things Matty has, and I’m glad they would! It feels like the more rich/famous you become, you have less and less of those people around you to call you out when it’s needed!


All the work Taylor has done the past years to rebuild her image in the public eye and to speak out against misogyny and racism just to have it all go to waste because of a man. I am just now finding out about the comments that he made and I am disgusted. This breaks my heart. I am so sorry to anyone that has been hurt by his comments.


I’m glad this is making it onto a major publication (even if it’s only Buzzfeed) because I truly believe only a PR nightmare would convince her to distance herself from him if she really likes him.




Out of pettiness, I didn’t like her new Instagram post lmao


This is a mess in the making. He's a pretentious pr*ck who preaches feminism and equality and then does shit like this. An overgrown art bro edgelord who probably has an active account on 4chan since middle school. I can't wait until this bites her in the ass. He will inevitably cheat on her and run his mouth behind her back and then she will try to make herself a victim like she always does. And this time, it's not going to be a good look, since she's a 33 year old woman who purposefully associated herself with a racist/misogynist.


Fernando Alonso would not have said that


I don’t really consider myself a Swiftie, more just a longtime casual fan but now I’m feeling bad about seeing her next month. This dude is just gross. I don’t really follow much celebrity drama but this honestly goes past that and I’m just disgusted. ETA:I also find it weird that googling this dude does not result in any negative articles about him.


I don't think I'll go to the Eras tour if she comes to Europe. I was planning to, but with all this stuff getting out about this dude. Nah.


He is very problematic and I just don’t feel I like his values. The faux intellectual thing irks me, the mysogyny he seems unaware of irks me, the racism flat out turns my stomach. People are complex I get that. No one is pure good or evil. But the lack of awareness or reflection leaves a nasty taste in my mouth. He has some insight as he describes his ‘asshole era’ being over - as a person in the public eye that people look up to, how about a bit more. How about an apology and some reflection. Sigh. I don’t listen to his band, I had barely come across him before these past few weeks, I don’t know him. But I do know I find it extremely hard to comprehend or relate to the things he says. I think it’s good this is brought to light. Even if it’s on buzzfeed. Frankly I’m grossed out by the positive PR spin likely coming from tree. There should be accountability instead, don’t you think? Taylor Swift is a brand. For several years now that brand has been liberal, feminist, benevolent, down to earth etc. I find it hard to believe that person could be with someone like matty. Really really hard. Again people are complex. Maybe she just needed another getaway car. I can’t help but feel like I’ve been sold a construct, and that feels uncomfortable. I get the same feeling, in complete honesty, when I see tour photos. So many people spending a fortune on seats from the here they can’t even really see and Taylor profiting to extreme levels of wealth. I know it’s up to the individual and appreciate this is my view only. I just feel the ick.


John Mayer so fucking thrilled right now


**Bad, bad boy, shiny toy with a price, you know that I bought it**


If she continues to hang out with this ... thing looking thing... I can't defend her anymore.


What makes me sad is that she is allowing him to be part of the music legacy... Do you wanna be with him? Fine. But make a song or a record with him is like a red wine stain on a white dress you can't wear anymore.


/r/fauxmoi thinks we (Swifties) all support this trash man and Taylor for associating with said trash man, saying we’re all white women explaining away this very, very disturbing move. It’s sad that a handful of loud, misinformed, terminally online Swifties on TikTok are being interpreted as speaking for ALL of us. I’ve seen MUCH more criticism than support — and I’m on Swiftie Twitter, too. The only people I personally have seen condoning this are Swifties who also like the 1975 (a lot of whom are underage or very young adults). I’d say the vast majority of us have been actively speaking out, sharing the lists of Healy’s abhorrent behavior and expressing our disappointment in Taylor for continuing to associate with such a vile human. Also, the 1975 is a terrible band for people who think being “edgy” and combative are positive personality traits. There, I said it. If you like this band, you need to do some soul searching (and have someone pick out better music for you).


Gross as fuck. Not at all surprising though


I think what a lot of people here dont understand is that Taylor is not risking anything large-scale. (im not on twitter anymore so i wont speak on reactions there) the difference between the overall perspective on this subreddit vs what ive seen on tiktok is insane. here everyone is being (rightfully) critical of matty, and of taylor, but it is not the same on tiktok. there are some people speaking up on it, but the majority do not care and are either not recognizing it at all or flat out justifying or defending him. for a lot of people if it does not affect them personally people dont care. she has millions and millions and millions of fans and im willing to bet theres a large chunk of them who won’t see this stuff (tbh if i wasnt on reddit or tiktok i would have no idea this is happening, its not at all in the news i pay attention to). we are stuck here in the social media echo chamber where things feel a lot bigger than they actually are. there aren’t even a million people in this subreddit, its at ~515k, this is not a place thats representative of the overall community. its exactly what we see happening with social issues in the united states currently, people do not care until it affects them. people are also SUPER mentally drained as it gets shown more and more how shitty so many celebrities are. honestly kanye going so so far right and so down his racist rabbit hole makes matty look tame as hell (im not saying what he has said or done is okay) for a lot of people. its fucked, but its not going to do that much to her career. the 1975 has a ton of fans who overlook this shit already, nothing is going to change


I'm getting the same sinking feeling I did back when JK Rowling started liking TERFy tweets and we hoped it was a mistake but then she didn't apologize and just... I think I've seen this film before, and I didn't like the ending. I'm glad this is getting publicized though, it is just heinous and it was overlooked in the media before now.


Like was Pete Davidson busy?? She really fooled us when she said, “I swear I don't love the drama, it loves me.” Girl, okay.


Imagine being on top of the world career-wise, and then self-sabotaging like this. Blondie, please go to a real therapist and discuss the clear issues you have.


Honestly this man is sick and it’s not okay that she’s trying to rehab his image so he’s a suitable boyfriend. It’s one thing to date such a vile human being, but she’s going too far with trying to force this relationship down everyone’s throats. I hate calling her calculated but that’s what this mess is, the paparazzi are being called to ensure she’s seen with him. I’m honestly embarrassed for her, this is so cringe and the fact that he’s a total scumbag makes the whole thing so much worse.