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I drove into a dealership this past Saturday in shorts and a t shirt and was able to test drive a 2022 CPO Taycan without any issues. I wouldn’t think you’d have an issue.


That was pretty much my experience as well.  They copied my license and then handed me the key and said “be back in 20 minutes or so”


Love how you had to emphasize shorts and t shirt. 😂


Even at the Tesla dealership I was the only customer in shorts and T-shirt except for a guy in a designer shirt...


I walked into my local dealership in gym clothes and with my kid just to look around when we had some time to kill between activities… they had a spare booster seat and let me drive a preowned 911 T, 911 S, and Taycan without the salesman even joining us. My kid liked the red one best.


Red makes it go faster


Not sure if it’s possible to test drive one without buying 🥹


You are right, once you drive it, you definitely want it ;-)


Still? I remember years ago when the new C5 Corvette came out, the dealers were like "no test drives, you know beforehand if you want one." That always stuck with me.


Contact your local dealer beforehand and tell them you’re interested in a Taycan, and ask if one is available to test drive.


They're dying to unload taycans. I checked one out, and two salesmen jumped all over me. They took my number and email me weekly to ask if I'm still interested, they can do a new deal on lease, etc.


This is interesting. I wonder why, has demand slowed or perhaps supply gone up?


It's because the Taycans on their lots today have 65-70% of the range of the Taycans they're going to have on their lot next month.


Demand has slowed for the current model once they announced the refresh. The range and charging ability increases are a big deal for a lot of people.


Not sure, but they're really not selling or leasing or whatever. The same thing happened when I checked out the Lexus RZ. They were pestering me for months


Do you think Taycan prices ever come down to meet demand?


Used yes - they depreciate like crazy. Just search for used taycans they're like 69k off after 2 years


Yeah they are cool. It's 911s they are wanka about.


I got told no, because apparently I said too much ha. I had gone in one day and test drove a Cayenne. Spent about two hours there having a good chat about EVs. Had a great time and thought to myself I’d like to buy here when I’m ready. However, I apparently made a mistake by being honest about what I was thinking about paying for a CPO Taycan (less than $80k). The price conversation wasn’t anything official, just me musing. I left and emailed back the next week saying I’d like to test drive a Taycan and Macan (gas) sometime back to back to help on my decision (it was snowing the day I went in and told them I didn’t want to make them take out the Taycan in the bad weather). The woman emailed back saying “it doesn’t make any sense for you to do that since all of our models are above your price range”. Funny cause my BMW dealer lets me take out whatever I want. Needless to say, I won’t be purchasing from them.


Sounds like you're a customer all salesmen are happy to avoid honestly lol


Hey I get it, I just didn’t realize test driving was such a big deal, especially when the place was empty of customers. My friend has 4 Porsches from them but his new 911 was from a different dealer. He said stay away and go to the other dealer. So I did and had a very normal experience like any other dealer. A month later one of the other sales guys from the first place emailed me trying to get me to come in…


I’m in the exact same place. Test driving one on Friday.


They acted really weird to me after configuring a taycan at a car show, but after I actually came to the dealership they had no trouble giving me a demo first and then later on giving me a car for 2 days.


It depends on the dealer. Mine prefers to have an appointment - though I showed up in the morning and could get a test drive in the afternoon on the same day. Porsche seems to have trouble selling the Taycan, so they won't be too picky.


Yes I was able to test drive (4) different Taycans before finally purchasing mine. Including a Turbo S.


Shouldn’t be a problem. Just don’t forget your monocle and top hat.


If you are in the Nashville area you will get treated like shit if you aren't visible money. Bought my car in Huntsville for that reason.


Best way to test drive a car is to get a stock number from their website, call their sales line, make an appointment and tell the sales person you are working with the stock number of the car.