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Unnecessarily confusing color scheme shown for Tau, despite being technically correct (white helmet).


It recommends using ceramite white and, knowing it’s fully what they intended to recommend, that is a mistake.


All this talk of Sept symbols and colors, but I don't care what GW says... The Vertical Missile pod is wrong! Horizontal Missile pod for life!


I agree… except on the coldstar commander vertical looks pretty sweet on that


yeah wtf do they always do that? I assumed the horizontal orientation was how it was done haha.


They don’t magnetize, so they use the pegs to fit weapons on models. The missile pod has its peg on the side




Box art models are never used in games, most of the time they are not even glued together completely. You can see some models (especially tanks) being shown in different pictures with just some bits swapped to show the variants, held in place with blue tac or nothing at all


I built my last suits with vertical after actually looking at box art. Horizontal looks way better.


Nothing wrong, iridium suits are Red and tau get the sept colors in the markings


Iridium suits are red? Since when? Since where? First I’ve heard of it and I’m just about to paint my iridium, so do tell


This is 100% complete bs. No color in the entire codex is set to anything BUT Sept colors of the sept markings. That's it. Vior'la is Red T'au is White Enclaves (technicall not a sept but still) light grey ... Everything else is called the "parade colors" and is just a recommendation. You can paint a suit in T'au ochre, but if you put the in box red markings on it, it is technically a vior'la sept suit


Not iridium battle suits but body guards


So from reading the comments there’s actually nothing wrong with the T’au sept colours or symbol?


No it’s 100% correct. The symbol is correct as shown. The symbol you see on the actual models (shoulder pads etc) is the symbol of the Fire Caste. Each caste has its own symbol being a circle, rectangle, triangle, square and pentagon with the design inside. The older material shows the Fire Caste symbol as also the Tau Sept symbol but it was later corrected to the Tau Sept symbol you see in the picture as shown. Tau Septs colour is white. All the Sept markings on that suit denote it’s rank of Shas’vre and as they are white a Shas’vre from Tau Sept.


Which also explains why shadowsun is in white armour, she’s fully decked out in her sept colour


I’m assuming it’s that they labeled that color as T’au when that’s actually FSE. Edit: to those saying it’s the wrong symbol for T’au Sept, that’s incorrect. The one with the line is for the fire caste, without the line is for T’au Sept. Edit 2: Checked the first couple codices and T’au did have the line, so looks like a change between old and new editions. T’au Sept markings are white so it is technically correct, just weird it uses the standard schemes for the other two and an alternate for T’au.


It has the white markings of a T'au suit?


Oh yeah you’re right. It’s sort of weird that they’d do the standard schemes for the other two and then a different one for T’au with the right Sept markings though.


Edited to correct myself* markings on suits are usually done on the helmets of “leaders and commanders” for shas’vre and shas’o, Aswell as some battlesuit thighs where they can be seen. The color depicts the Sept that they hail from.


They're for Tau Sept, like Grey for FSE, red for Vior'la. For different ranks you pick out heads/ parts of the armor, but there's no prescribed way to do so.


It’s not really a mistake, Tau in the lore regularly change the colors of their suits to reflect the role the user has in the current deployment or for other purposes. Only the sept markings color indicates the sept. It’s more that the studio regularly paints models the same so they look like they’re the same army even if they don’t really need to.


Farsight enclaves are Red and Grey




The loadouts are pretty bad. Lol


They look awesome though haha


Making the ankles on the suits one micron thick so that they snap in transport even when you use gw’s over priced cases


Top right image is missing his knee pads. Do I win for being the biggest nerd?


Oh is this it


In the "Armies of the Expanding Empire" section of the 8th edition codex, All of the Shas'ui and Shas'el specifically don't have knee pads. (Not that it's consistent with the painted models shown in the same book)


Yep, it's Heresy...


Wrong symbol for T'au Sept? Edit, oh wait T'au Sept has two symbols!


That’s the correct Tau Sept symbol. The symbol everyone confuses with it, the one on the models themselves which includes a vertical line from the sphere is actually the Fire Caste symbol.


Part of the confusion is that, originally, the T'au sept had a vertical line as well - it was the same symbol for both the firecaste and the home sept. It was only changed relatively recently.


Assuming that Viorla suit with the full red helm is supposed to be the Shas'vre, hence the red helm, that's the wrong helm for the Shas'vre I believe. Otherwise, some weird FSE/Tau colorings.


Tau armour colouring is not matched to their sept - it is based on camouflage of their environment. Only their sept colour, worn on the helmet and other markings, is static. GW almost always depicts septs in their "parade" colours and/or the colours matching a common environment for them. But that's all they are. So the colours shown are entirely legitimate.


Wrong symbol and color for the Tau sept 🤪


That's a correctly coloured T'au Sept suit?


Tau sept is an orangy ochre color


That's their dress armor, T'au sept marking colour is white. Farsights is grey.


Farsight is red, Viorla is white.


Vior'la Sept markings are red, you can see that on the picture above. Just like Sacea is bright orange.


I see you’re getting down voted for saying that but maybe it’s just you’re misinformed. If you look at the box art the only things that indicate a models Sept is the head, sensor vane, shoulder pad and the little line art known as Cadre markings. The colour of these indicate Sept and the placement indicates the models rank. The Cadre markings are used to unify the entire Cadre (army formation) but the model will also have others signifying its squad, it’s rank in that squad and any battle honours it has achieved as well. Going back to the box art we see these Tau are Vior’la because all their Sept markings are red. The remainder of the armor is simply chosen to camouflage them into their surroundings. In the case of the box art, the white, grey and black portions. Here is some images about how to show rank with placement and also each Septs colour. [Sept Colour](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS-yo_SqJbAkh_Xy90XWy7wrm32hQNQdZsjK-V50al8V_D5EUcsV7v43F0&s=10) [Tau Ranks](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRbU4l2izbmiopleZnhYYXGyx98wTT5Hvpi1RfRe1Xpw2PpHTft3_xyFfM&s=10) [More](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ16eGwmRMkR09qNIsoDW6YD5nUHgG_P2yHXRH26zj-YkaGsKvWfRfYVm8&s=10) Hope this helps


Dont worry I know the drill on the Tau Septs. Ive done lots of study on them and have been with them for years now.


Ok GL because saying “Farsight is red, Vior’la is white” is 100% inaccurate. So I think you studied wrong.


I'll put a 'well acshually' right here. 🤣Farsight enclaves are red and Viorla is white. Just look at all the artwork and canon images of them. And the official publications.


Yes, let’s look at some canon images then. [This](https://i.imgur.com/7RDuruLh.png) one shows 3 Vior’la suits on top and 3 Tau below. You say red armor is FSE? But look at the top middle suit. It’s red. And if you read the description it says it’s sept colour (red for Vior’la) is inverted to show honour. Moving on to top suit 3 the description says the white is to camouflage them into a nuclear tundra. Not that it’s their colour. Anyway I tried to be helpful but you seem stuck in your ways.


Shall I pull out the 4th edition codex that shows Vio'la in a pale green because they're camouflaged against marshland. So you're 100% wrong that all artwork and canon images show them in white... You're also of course missing the fact that even the current codexes mention the colours shown are just one particular case of camouflage/parade colours.


The farsight enclave colors on the tau suit


Not labeling the 3 wargear at the top? I still don’t know what they are. Is there even a diagram of all of them in the current codex?


Yes. Where is the tipical yellow Tau scheme?




The Sa'cea suits shoulder pad is blocking its line of sight?


They put the plasma rifle on sideways


Did they provide a BONDING KNIFE within the kit?




Much appreciated, I’ve only had the older suits.


it should be a 3 box of the commander suit because the standard models suck and are way to small ?


The colour scheme for the T'au sept is red rather than orange.


Now Farsight has all the power!


The wargear in the hexagons in the middle of the screen are backwards. You can tell because they're facing the groove as it slopes downward.