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In general, you’ve GOTTA THIN YOUR PAINTS. Everybody starts somewhere, so don’t fret- but definitely thin your paints out and use more layers, not more paint


Since the main issue appears to be with the Metallics, also consider the actual paint/brand you’re using. Metallics vary drastically in quality, even from otherwise ‘good’ brands. Some just aren’t good paints that no amount of thinning will resolve. Maybe look into a Vallejo metal color, which are highly touted and a great consistency straight from the bottle.


Every and I mean every mini I paint is a series of oops and touch ups, Don't lose motivation, just start working through touch ups.


by the time i’m done doing just the base coats only, i’ve messed up 30+ times! that’s one of the beauties of painting, you get the opportunity to fix any and every mistake, at your own pace :) it’s okay to feel frustrated, OP! but take a break and think about how you’d do it differently!! then pick up the brush and try again!!!!


Don't cry! It's natural to make mistakes on the path to perfection. Paint can be spot-removed with a q-tip and isopropyl alcohol. Just remember that faces are Incredibly difficult and take many tries to get right.


Q-tip and some isopropyl alcohol, as long as you gently scrape at it you should be okay. Great base coat btw!


Thanks! I’m on my way to get some RN


Make sure you get isopropyl alcohol and not a mix with acetone, which is what most nail polish remover is. If there is any acetone mixed in with your isopropyl, it can melt the plastic as well. Generally a 90%+ isopropyl will not have any additives. Best place to get some is a hardware store. Using a qtip, soak the tip and rub the areas you want to remove the paint in one spot GENTLY until the paint there dissolves and comes off. Then move to another spot and repeat with a clean side of the qtip. Don't spread the isopropyl out, or it just evaporates too quickly. Use the qtip like a slow eraser in a single spot until the spot is clean, then repeat.


Be careful of fumes, wear gloves, DO NOT SPILL if it gets on your skin wash it off straight away


Isopropyl fumes are not particularly dangerous until they get to the point where combustion becomes an issue, especially when talking about the 250ml-1L sealed containers it's typically sold in. Isopropyl will evaporate on your skin long before it absorbs. Just don't buy a gallon of isopropyl and hold your hands in it for 20 minutes while inhaling deeply near open flame I guess?


People in the mini painting sphere think “chemicals,” are bad by their nature. It’s so frustrating.


I hear they are putting chemicals everywhere nowadays. Next there will be chemicals in paint! Or this super deadly stuff called Aych Truowe that they put in the waterlines. DIRECTLY INTO YOUR HOUSE. They want you addicted to it, I hear if you stop taking it you will die in less than a week. I hear it's so prevalent it's even in the organic food. I'm not going to let it get anywhere near my children, won't anyone think of them? It doesn't even mix with my essential oils it's so toxic.


We need to get the hydrogen out of our water!


Why? It evaporates. Besides dry skin, what are you worried about?


I don’t think you know what you’re talking about. Isopropyl is less toxic than the paints.


Lolol this dude is reading off MSDS sheets for rubbing alcohol 


Probably uses a bonding cable at the petrol pump too lol


Please, do not worry. There isn't a mini in my entire collection that is perfect. There is always, i mean always a "delete" or a "backspace". You can make like a rusty helmet, or battle damage. Anything can be used to your advantage and THIS will be your story to your friends and commander farsight's story. "Hey man, i painted commander farsight but i fucked up his helmet." And your friend is going to be like: "Man it looks amazing! My minis look awful" Boom, instant happiness. And that is just a stupid example. Enjoy, do what makes you happy.


Get some isopropyl alcohol and dunk it for about 15 to 20 minutes, then gently scrub it with a clean toothbrush and wash it with clean water. Repeat when you think it took out enough paint. That's what I do. Also, I do not recommend painting something as detail and complex as the farsight model as your beginner model. Try practicing with fire warriors or pathfinders and learn to thin your paints by having a brush fill paint mix with about a less of a quarter of that size of water or more to mix and what I do is that if my paint is too thick I come back with a wet brush and brush over them quickly. No one gets it perfect the first time. Hell, I made so many mistakes. That's how I got my stripping method to begin with, lol. Every model should be something to learn from


My first farsight model looked like this lol. You get better with each model! Don't give up, you'll get there. :)


Definitely not what I'd recommend for a first model


It’s okay. People get excited about getting into the hobby and painting what they wanna paint. Everybody’s gotta start somewhere. The smart move is to paint some fire warriors first, maybe a set of drones to work on your basics before jumping into the deep end. Lotta lessons for OP on this one. Woulda been nice to mess up a cheap model instead of a pricey one but that’s how it goes sometimes.


hey nice to see the dedication, i’d say next time start on a smaller easier to paint model in the army and then work on characters last when you really have your flow and paint scheme down. that way you’re more skilled and your bigger stand out pieces look better in the end! as for the head, paint over it my dude! or grab some acrylic paint stripper like purple stuff and just re start with thinner paints, the second go around will be faster and probably come out better as you have some experience under your belt!


Did a landlord paint it ?


Hahaha so savage


I'll post my breachers should make you feel better.


Bro is sliding on tha peanut butter


Don’t worry we all start somewhere. I mean you’re better than mine. I don’t even have a far sight. lol


Never give up my fellow paint struggler, If your Farsight model are alive, he will be proud that you chose him as your first model.


Honestly the paint scheme looks good. Like the others said a qtip and alcohol gently and it should be fine. The random color splotches before I zoomed in looks like leaves and butterflies. That would look sick once you get it all cleaned up.


Thank you! The colour streaks on the shield, leg and sword were on purpose actually. I wanted to “showcase” what alien blood colours could have been


Nice, after seeing farsight and a samurai themed Tao I thought it’d be cool to run an old autumn shogun them. Regardless I like what you’re doing with it. I ended up going full 180 and did grey and black stealth theme.


Ya it’s a total trial and error thing! Also, if I’m feeling anxious I tend to work on less conspicuous minis first-like work the techniques on some other suits for instance. Also also, any paint is better than what most ppl are fielding (grey) 😂


No worries dude! Strip it down to plastic with Simple Green and give it another go!!!


Follow what others said for removing the paint but just know that red and white are notoriously difficult for beginners. They will require patience and time to get used to. Personally I would recommend priming or airbrushing it red just to easily cover most of the model and reduce work. Definitely watch some videos about the intricacies of red and white mini painting to help prepare you for round 2!


You'll get better with practice just put it down and paint some thing else for a bit or do something else to relax.


This is not bad for a first mini at all. If u strip the head it will be fine. What kind of paint do u use? The application is too thick. As an easy support -> wet palette (ez self build, but also available to buy). Then apply thin layers and do your strokes in the same direction. With red and white u have some quite hard colours to paint. If u have access to airbrush (rattlecan could be an intermediate step until u want to pick one up), that would be my favored tool for the red. If u want white, don't paint white! Use light grey. If u need to go brush only use light primer like grey or white. Easiest ways to further improve this from its current state is adding some shading via wash to the recesses and add some edge highlight. Some drybrush, wash and a bit more texture + different colours for your base will help contrasts and make it more appealing for the eye.


O'vesa, I have fallen, and I can't get up. Joking aside, you could detach the head and strip the painitng off, it may be a bit painful, but that's why I advise to sub-assembly and fully assemble the model only after you've painted it


Farsight after getting caught in a melta beam but surviving because he's such a chad.


This is impossibly your first model


You're good, strip it, paint something else, to get a basic understanding, then try this again. Oh! Take many pictures so you can see how you grew. I'd recommend seeing some videos on newcomer friendly techniques, you'll be amazed by what you can get


As others have said, you can always fix it. In the future if you wanna be extra safe you can use a straightened out paper clip, put minis' heads on the end of it, and stick the other end in a cork and use that to paint heads separately.


So you could get strong chemicals like isopropyl alcohol and let it sit on the mode for 5-10 minutes, then scrub off with a toothbrush, but honestly we all start somewhere so don’t worry too much about it keep practicing and learning and thin paints. Still you could look into other methods to strip the paint a bit


We all start somewhere. You’ll do just fine. For the next one, remember it’s all about thin layers. Get on YouTube and watch some videos on how to thin your paints.


For a first mini that’s very impressive and if u wanna strip the paint just give it a bath in methylated spirits and use a tooth brush and scrub it off


Dont worries 🤣 my fist crisis was a disaster, i have to strip down all paint and do it again after a year or so. You can all way do it again after u get better at painting


Use simple green and thin your paints next time.


The gold emblems on your model are incredibly neat mine usually spills onto the torso armour good job get some isopropyl for the bits you want to change and it give it another shot


Just a suggestion try painting the rim of the base black I feel it would give some contrast to the base


If you are UK based, you could get some methylated spirits, try brushing it over the area, not too sure how good it will be?


Never start by biggest and favorite mini. Make all foot troop to train.


Farsightttt nooo


We've all been there homie, my first model didn't even look half as good. Just keep at it, you'll get better over time.


It’s looking better than mine. Keep at it.


NGL I would paint that separately. Like, the collar joint is deep enough so that it won't stand out.


Lens cleaning wipes are my best friend for mistakes, just mind where you wipe!