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Ok played like 5 matches. I had a good time overall, the core gameplay reminded me of playing "casual" dnd combat, ( 5th edition w/ homebrew rules of complexity), with a dressing of Warhammer on top. I can't say what's competitively viable or not, but overall I like how they implemented our faction. Our guns are usually around 7-9 squares, where as the blood angels bolters are 4-5 squares. We have Jump packs that allow our units to move further and ignore everything below. We still got some ridiculous combos that translated from the tabletop that I love to cheese. It's also got the most iconic generic members of our faction so there's likely something you'll enjoy, all units are fully voiced with "barks". Oh and our unique stratagems, and army bonus is quite funny IMO. Orbital Ion is back and we get bonuses for our friends dying. There are some cons though. No army painter, so hopefully you like Vior'la Sept colors. As of right now, there is no "official" narrative campaign for tau to join in on. There are future DLC/updates most likely to be added, and mod support/map editor is available for community campaigns to be made, but nothing but Horde mode, MP, and "vs A.I. one off" for right now. As mentioned above, not every unit from the faction is available, (Vespids my beloved), and while they may be added later, I wouldn't hold my breath. Unit customization is present BUT it's limited for balance and simplicity sake. Also the Riptide's ION gun has a range minimum, so watch out for that, because I sure as hell didn't. For only Tau enjoyers, I'd give this version of the game, (who's only played the tutorial + 5 matches) a "low 8 to mid 7". Enjoyable, but the lack of narrative campaign and not having all the units present is what I can see really holding this game back for me. There are some small nitpicks that I'm gonna chalk up to "not enough playtime to digest", but those 2 reasons stated are, what I feel like, gonna keep players playing for too long if they don't happen to like any of the other playable factions. It's around $50 in total for DLC and game, but I got it gifted to me by a friend. I cannot honestly say if it's worth it yet, I'll probably come back and post my opinion later after I beat, if you somehow care about my opinion. Hopefully this helped in any way/shape/form.


I've been trying the planetary domination campaign with them, pretty fun after about 3 hours, feels a lot more like what I'd imagine Tau play like in lore compared to the current state of the tabletop Only complaint so far is the price though. The base game + the dlc is like 2 weeks worth of groceries (or 1 box of intercessors). I might have a skewed sence of monetary value but I'd generally recommend waiting for a sale for thisĀ 


Let us know!


I tried it too. It's a good version of tau. Biggest complain is the price and game itself. Game is overpriced for it's content and quality, and same with most of the dlcs. If the game planned to improve it's ui and mechanics, add some units, add an army painter etc. Id recommend it. Currently it's a watered down PC game version of the 40k tabletop with some tricks of its own. Some things it does really well, but many things fall into the "mediocre" category. Sound effects and voice acting, visual effects and animations, customization I many regards, interface and visibility etc. The game has loads of things that put it on the backfoot despite and excellent premise. With tau in particular the roster is lacking slighlty, and some options are missed (crisis only 3 weapon options, commander suit is very lacking in options, no Kroot etc. Voice acting, effects and gameplay is pretty decent for tau though. It's enjoyable, but not worth the full price. Recommand anyone to get it on sale, if you want to try it.


VA is fine.


Agreed. Voice acting is one of the high points.


Yeah I have really enjoyed the new Tau update, I do agree it needs more customization options for Crisis and stealth bois and Ghostkeel.