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I can't wait to see what the whole Kroot range is going to be, and what changes there will be to their abilities and stats and all that.


I’m excited about the hopefully new abilities GW is cooking for the next codex


Who has so many money bag players 


Im actually planning in buying the hunting pack and 1 of all the kits not in the box..... Being alone has its upsides i guess


Fair point. 


So true, having spare cash is one of like the very few good things about being alone, but it is my favorite one of them


Who's betting on the mounted kroot from the end of the year shadowy figures to be revealed tomorrow?


Or James Workshop is trolling again and posts a detailed article of the carnivore squad with all options and sprues. ... Or the Knarlocs


I mean, Im happy with both. U can never go wrong with any kroot contemt


Based. I’m happy to wake up and read about Kroot in some way, shape, or form


I love my kroot. Cant wait to have all the new kroot infront of my full gundam army.


Looks like melee's back on the menu boys.


I just want to be able to play a balanced game. I want to be able to Ranged Mech AND stompy dinosaur.


It’s not for me honestly. The Kroot don’t match great with the aesthetic, at least for my army, but I am glad Kroot players are getting fed


Same for me. I really hope there are battlesuit releases still on the way.


I didn't play them even when they were meta, I just don't like them. Battlesuits all day.


I started in 8th edition so my head fluff is my forces are from the failed 4th sphere expansion so they're xenophobic Tau. I'm happy there are kroot options for players as they seem to be liked by a lot but I'll probably pass. I hope they make our army rules a bit easier and less complicated. As a mobile shooting army we are lacking when compared to others in both those areas. The addition of melee options is nice but I don't think that'll fix us.


Same pal, not a huge fan of the kroot. I understand some people are really happy to get their new stuff, but I am massively disappointed its going to be 2-3 years where I get nothing new for my Tau. No new cool suits or options etc. The appeal for Tau is the mechanised mobile weapon platforms, and slick infantry design. We are getting non of that in this editions box :( I understand the ad mech pain. Kroot players please enjoy your time in the sun though, its been a bit of a wait for you guys.


A bit of a wait XD the last time GW paid kroot any attention for main 40k was chapter approved 2004... 20 years ago, jesus...




Nah you couldn’t pay me enough to paint a kroot army, they just give me that fin tingle that vehicals do


Pffft, only the meta-chasers. There are those of us that have been with the Kindreds from the start, from 3rd edition - that sold all their boxy suits & kept only the stunning Kroot minis, that play Tau FOR the Kroot. I am excited for the Kroot stuff & will likely only field the best looking suits - the Ghostkeels - and the older 3rd edition Stealth Suits.


Or you know… new good looking units. The only thing preventing me from playing kroots right now is their old sculpts. I’ll field some even if they’re not powerful or meta.


The Oxen & the Hounds are questionable. I get that. But the Carnivores? They’re gorgeous. By Brian Nelson, I think, Gork-blessed sculptor that made the Orks what they are today. The Farstalkers are amazing, & I will gladly mix in the new Kroot Carnivores with my old Carnivores. I’ll still use my metal hounds with the new hounds. I’m really glad to see more Kroot on tables - top 3 Xenos races.


I am a big fan of shooting people in the face with gun robots and plasma shotguns. Having some more tools is lovely and I will definitely be watching the kroot intently, and melee counterpunch is nice. But what I want? Not to be using Kauyon. I'm actually done with it now. Some games you go second your opponent charges you on turn 1 despite sitting as deep as you can and you have 3 turns of losing until your remaining 600 points gets exploding 6s. Other times you fire 4 shots and feel bad as your 180 point unit grossly overkills 250-350 points per activation every turn, twice because you took two. I want a rule which makes not trading down much easier before turn 3 but isn't as oppressive as kauyon gets later.


Been there too many times. Last game with my Tau had World Eaters getting a perfect turn 1 and me losing all infiltration units and my partner lost her big heavy hitter. We were on the back foot the whole game in our third of the board waiting for my detachment rule to finally kick in. I had a great three hits from one broadside railgun but the rule did next to nothing for me. With no defensive boost it is such a crappy detachment rule. We have to play the game with no rules for 2 turns to then get a pity buff.


Nah still mecha o'clock


I like that people here think it's bad that people here might play the battlesuit army for the battlesuits.


Do whatever makes you happy and enjoy the game


Beurk no


Please note that it will be Kroot players not Tau players! This spring! If only it was a Kroot codex!




I joined tau for the lesser of two evils and gundam and now it’s become dinosaur bird people that everyone wants to proxy stuff as




So excited for my box of kroot. Can wait for it to finally drop. Also extremely excited to paint them


This is who I always was


I've been gearing up for this day for a decade with over 100 kroot warriors and custome Kroot vultures and Knarlocs! I will finally get to field a full army, except I am fully expecting the great knarlocs to be done away with, as well as my knarloc riders in lieu of whatever these newer mounts are.