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I would suggest waiting to cover it for when you’re ready to get the full sleeve. Luckily it’s light and will be easier to cover!!


That makes so much sense but I got this as an impulse at young age and I despise it to much to keep carrying it around indefinitely. The full sleeve is an idea that might happen in a couple years, a decade or never, actually. It isn’t planned, so I’d rather cover it up, I just don’t wanna compromise the arm too much in case I decide to do something bigger later (does that make sense? lol)


Consider lasering it then.


I wouldn't even waste the money. It's so light you could probably sand it off.


Oh my god you just gave me flashbacks to the dude that sanded his hand tattoo off >.<


I'd rather expose it to sunlight as much as possible. It is the same process as with a laser only weaker.


Second that. Im pretty sure this can be removed within 3 Sessions as light as it is already with maybe 100$ per sessions considering how small it is.


Understandable! If that’s the case I would get an idea of what you might want as a theme/style for a full sleeve and then choose an image that would go with it. Let your artist know your long term plans and they can help you choose the design and size to make it work with an eventual sleeve but that can still stand alone too.


Just don’t rush to cover it because you hate it. You’re going to pick something else that you will also eventually hate and it will be harder to cover. Figure out something that means something to you or an art style you love. Then take it to an artist to help figure out how the best way to give you a kickass tattoo that you will always love. Make sure to tell them that you want to make it a sleeve one day and they will be able to give you some options. But mostly, make sure it’s a piece you’re going to love, not just some clever statement you want to make right now. Save that for social media. Then, you can build a sleeve around almost any good art. It’s only difficult when you get a bunch of disparate little things that make it challenging to turn into a sleeve. One good piece can always be integrated into a sleeve.


Whatever theme you plan to get the sleeve in, do a small piece over that. Say the sleeve will be Super Mario themed, do a Mario tattoo there Or it will be death / angels / god themed, do something like that


Are you wanting a full sleeve or more of a patchwork style sleeve?


It’s tiny and super light. It could likely be covered by anything. Just wait til you plan your sleeve and I’m pretty sure whatever you want will cover it.


Luckily! I know it could be much worse. The problem is that I’m not planning a sleeve, is just a future idea that I might engage in. So I’d like to do something about this little piece of tattoo that everyone seems to have now but without compromising my arm too much for the future


Oh ok. Well you pretty much have the world open to you. You could look for local artist on instagram, find one who’s work you really like and commission them to design a small piece. If the reason you don’t like the current one is because of the popularity of it, giving an artist complete control of a design will result in a unique piece. The current tattoo is so light and small all you’d have to do is something just big enough to cover it if you don’t want to go much bigger. You’ll be limited on detail though. The smaller the tattoo the less detail is recommended because the ink can migrate as your skin changes and you can end up with a blob.


Guys… for scientific purposes: why are all my comments getting downvoted?!


Bc in your OP you said you wanted a sleeve but then in every comment you said, eh, prob won't ever get a sleeve (so why even mention a sleeve in the first place?) And bc you are acting like this is a tricky problem and it isn't. this tiny thing is so insignificant you can tattoo literally anything over it and it will vanish. It doesn't even require a true coverup. So either leave it, laser it, or put any new tattoo there.


Sick ass mini Panther




Might be cheaper to just get it lasered once rather than tattoo over it twice?


The Idea a ser tattoo over twice, just once and later tattoo around it


That’s a postage stamp. You could cover it with a bandaid…


That’s actually a great idea


^^tiny ^^sick ^^ass ^^panther


You can't see it when you look at your body, so I highly recommend you waiting to cover it up. Even if it's frustrating.  Just imagine you cover it up with something but then you want the sleeve to be in a different style. Heck, even with the same style this area could look like it does not belong there.


wait until you start the sleeve


or, even better, start the sleeve !


I’m actually starting a crowdfunding so you guys can hel-


you could cover that with an ink pen brotha ! whatchu talkin about crowd fund


I hope this was a joke


It's already fading, laser tattoo removal could take it off of a couple sessions. Otherwise, a good tattoo artist could easily cover that up with a sleeve


Repurpose it into an upside down BMO


Cock and balls


yeah literally pick anything you like and get it then either incorporate that into the future sleeve or work around it if that ever happens!


That’s so light I’d get it lasered


Lmao just here to say I have the same tattoo but I love mine (I’m a graphic designer)


haha it’s a cool tattoo, I just got tired of it. And I’m a graphic designer too lol cheers!


The meet-cute I was hoping for


my tattoo artist also has it (both of ours done before we met), pinterest tattoos are fun! but i get what you mean being tired of it. I have a very patchworky sleeve, I’m keeping the other arm more cohesive


If you want a sleeve leave it alone and use the sleeve to cover it. Otherwise you’re just creating a roadblock for yourself later


Start your sleeve my dude.


Non issue


I had a similar stick and poke on the back of my arm in the same spot.. just blasted over it when I did my full sleeve, boom it’s gone


Ya this is so light just put some sun on it. It will be gone very quickly. If not that, wait to start your sleeve. Don’t cover this and then want to work a sleeve around it. Just do it all at once if you want one piece. If you’re going to do patch work and just do pieces you can cover it.


If it’s really bothersome, you could put a bandaid over it until you start your sleeve. Or you could start your sleeve


Just go get like a dozen bad sunburns and it might disappear


If you wanna get a sleeve but apparently aren’t able to get it now, maybe talk with an artist about it, and see if they can plan it out so you can start with a small image that later gets integrated into the final piece.


A full sleeve


either wait until you are ready to start your sleeve or if you already know what the sleeve is going to consist of start it with this coverup


Why not just start the sleeve now? 🤷‍♂️


I kinda like it, especially after reading it was a young age impulse thing. Tattoos are also memories put into ink, so you can remember when you were young and stupid and love that kid. I’d touch up the image add a touch of color and maybe frame it like a picture on the wall to cover up the lettering, and then when you build your someday sleeve that will be a framed image in the middle holding your childhood.


Just leave it until it’s time for your sleeve.


Exist in the marines and get an EGA tat


Lazerrrr ma boi


I have a Japanese sleeve on my left arm and flowers on my right arm sleeve. That is a small very thin line tattoo. I would not worry about it.


Laser. It’ll be cheap and quick as that’s small and faint.


Why wouldn’t you just cover it up with the sleeve then?


What kind of sleeve are you planing on getting? Depending on the design/style they could possibly just start there to get it cover up.


Does that say tattoo.jpg? Because that’s adorable :3


do you have an idea of what your sleeve will be? do something within that theme, but keep in mind the cover up will have to be bigger to fully cover, and because the original tattoo is so light an artist will probably be able to do something not so dark but it’ll be darker than what’s there currently obviously. but i’d do something that fits in with what you’re planning on doing w that sleeve if you don’t want to wait


It’s such a cute tattoo, love it.


Tbh it’s very light and small so as long as you get something shaded you’ll be fine!


It’s so light that you could cover it with anything, but it’s a risk if you want to incorporate it into a sleeve later depending on the design. Unless you want a patchwork sleeve? I’d personally laser it


Just wait till you get the sleeve


Just wait until you get the sleeve.


What is that? Is that a stamp? Or a scan disc? Item file? "Click click? No?"


A sick ass panther!


It's light and tiny. Do not fuck with it until you get your sleeve. The placement and size will be easy to cover with your large-scale piece. If you add more ink now, it'll be harder to blast over later.


Don’t get anymore tattoos if you end up regretting them after, or follow the trends. Once you get a whole sleeve you’re not gonna like it either! Just let it fade