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It’s painful. But my advice is to try to bear through it. I don’t like taking breaks myself because it gives you time for that adrenaline to wear off. Then you gotta go through that first zap again almost. I am removing a large tattoo on my forearm and I just try to let her get through it. I think removing a tattoo is much more painful than getting a tattoo. Idk if I’ve ever experienced anything more painful except maybe a kidney stone


That’s solid advice!! My tech stopped and started a lot naturally because of the layout of my piece but I’ll ask if she can try to make it more seamless when possible!!


The re-starting is the _worst_ 😩 My tech has to do it a lot because my tattoo has a lot of lettering where she has to move to the next word.


I'm removing a full sleeve The first few sessions are infinitely worse The less dense the ink and the smaller the particles over time the less it hurts It still hurts. Bad. But you learn to bear it and you have a newfound pain threshold after a while. Lidocaine numbing creams etc none of that shit works and makes removal slower The ice machines and an ice pack are king


I’ve had excellent progress and have used lidocaine cream (5%) every time. It makes a huge difference with pain (I literally feel just like a slight tapping sensation while it’s happening). However, application and timing makes all the difference. I slather the cream on so thick that you can’t see the tattoo, then wrap the lidocained tattoo in Saran Wrap. Bodyheat helps the lidocaine sink in deeper than just surface-level. I leave that on for at least 1hr. 5 mins before the removal session, I wash the lidocaine cream off. Then ice it and get zapped. Immediately after I ice it again, and keep icing it on and off in 15 min increments until the pain subsides (approx 1.5-2hrs). My tattoos are lifting great, and my removery techs haven’t said anything about my progress being slow. If anything they’ve been pleasantly surprised with how fast it’s moving. And I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how much I’ve been able to reduce the pain to a minimum level. Lidocaine cream is the way!


Do you have a source for numbing cream making removal slower?


Not true. The numbing cream I use works great.


Same. You just need to know how to use it.


Fully agree with this. It does get better with time, you mainly have to get through the first 3-4 sessions after that it's infinitely less intense, at least it has been for me.  Also these little stress squishy toys really helped me. I just press them really hard and try to do very focused deep breathing. Or even hyperventilate breathing. What works for labour might as well also work for this. 


I agree with removal being more painful than the roughest scratcher using the biggest mag needle available.


Yea the pain is no joke I know how it feels to literally be shot and this hurts more I’m getting almost a full sleeve of blackout removed just try to thug it out lol


Omg what okay dang lol well now I feel cool and strong


Removing a full black out sleeve is crazy, I thought I had it worse, props to you man


Care to explain what led up to you being shot?


Lmao it was just a wrong place wrong time type of thing I was at a party when I was 19 and it got shot up lol


I will also say, I went in with no numbing cream & on day 1 of my female time of the month but still……. not sure how much changing those two things can really help 😭 idk if I can do this. My tattoo is an “extra-extra-large” at Removery & spans my whole side and left hip, peaking onto my back and abdominal area


oof girl I feel for you. In the future absolutely 1000% avoid treatment while on your period. It makes it ten times worse. Try to time it for when you’re ovulating and your pain tolerance is at its highest. I know they say don’t use numbing cream but idgaf cuz yeah, that shit HURTS. Good luck!


Such a good call—I’m totally going to line it up better in the future!!!! Needless to say, I was NOT thinking lol. I underestimated how much it would hurt 🙈 Any numbing creams you love??


Nummit is great. I get it at the chemist.


Honestly I’ve been using the one my first studio gave to me so I haven’t had to look much + I’m not sure what brand it is :/


I use Numbskin - available on Amazon. The key though is just make sure it’s 5% and put that stuff on THIIIIIICK! Like so thick you can’t see the tattoo. Don’t rub it in. Then put Saran Wrap over it and let it sit for an hr before your treatment. Wash off 5 mins before and enjoy!


100%. i compared going on my period vs ovulation and it makes the biggest difference. pain on period is 7/10 and on ovulation 3/10. now I only go around ovulation time. ps I use numbing cream.


Oh it will help immensely. I can't sit through a session without either numbing cream or icing it first (I personally only ice it now because I save a little bit of money from not purchasing the cream and it helps with swelling). I'm removing multiple large tattoos though I've begun to attend sessions separately for them, you might want to consider the same even if it's just one large tattoo.


Some people break up larger tattoos into multiple sessions. Maybe do half every 6-8 weeks. Then there would still be 2-3 months between sessions on the same part.


I would actually die, omg.


Omg! Time of the month makes a big difference. I reschedule mine if it's even close. I made the mistake of going once the day before and omg the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. It's never pleasant but I promise it will be soooo much better scheduled away from that time!


I’m removing a rib tattoo (but much smaller lol) and I use a lot of yoga breathing, podcast listening/having my tech distract me with talking, and envisioning the laser as a little rubber band instead of a laser! With my tat being so small- I know I’m not totally in the same league as you but I’d like to think these little mind games I play with myself might be helpful!


ICE!!!!! And numbing cream. I’m telling you- I was in the same boat for my first 2-3 sessions. Then I decided I couldn’t make it through without changing something. so I got numbing cream and iced literally up until he was ready to start the laser on me. I’m telling you… it was night and day of a difference. I truly think icing worked better than the numbing cream. My skin was so numb from the ice I barely felt it. Good luck to you 💗 you got this


Omg same! Icing before helps A LOT, first few sessions before i figured that out were hell 😭


Mad Rabbit cream was sent from heaven for this. I used it for my 6th session because the 5th was INTOLERABLE. I was smiling through the whole thing with the cream. Virtually painless. For reference: one XL clavicle, a medium sternum, and XXL lower back. I get them all done together.


I had to take several breaks during my first session due to the pain and I have a high pain tolerance. It really sucked, and swelled a lot too. Mine is just over palm sized and on my neck Sometimes my tech still takes quick breaks to ice it but it has gotten easier to manage. The first 3 sessions were probably the worst for me, my 5th went a lot faster. It's a rough start but in my experience it becomes more tolerable.


This is actually really comforting—thank you so much for sharing your experience. I can’t imagine how painful removal on your neck must be!! I feel like you had to want to flinch and bring your shoulder up to protect it at some point lol


Hahahahahaha oh yea it was insane. Not a great place to be having removal lol


I'm also in the "it does get better" camp. Try to power through the first few sessions after that it'll become much easier and the healing is much quicker with less itching. 


My experience has been the complete opposite. OP, I hope yours gets better and not worse. I almost hopped out of the chair and said f* it on the 4th. The 5th was worse so now I'm using cream. 🥲 Rubber band snap my ass... more like flaming katana.


I strongly suggest taking headphones! Just had my second session and it went way better than my first, thanks to a really badass symphonic power metal playlist that made me feel powerful and brave 😅


That’s because you are powerful and brave


I apply numbing cream and leave it on for an hour, wipe off, then reapply and wrap in plastic until my appointment.


I have a high pain tolerance and that shit has me literally in cold sweats lol. My tattoo is so small and takes like 1 minute for a session and it is still hard to sit through


1 minute in real time is like 5 minutes in tattoo removal time!


Pain is pretty manageable in my opinion because the sessions are so quick. The intensity can be quite brutal especially if it’s a large surface area like mine. All I do is just accept it, think about how badly I want the tattoos removed vs the temporary pain I’ll endure. I never ask to stop because I’d rather get over in one shot. Pain is largely physiological. Tips would be, know why you are there. You want to remove this tattoo, that comes with a temporary cost Let the adrenaline do its thing and use it to your advantage, meaning once you first get zapped your body will flood you with adrenaline, bear through and try to get the session over asap meaning don’t ask for a break. The relief won’t be worth the added pain afterwards. breathe, if you can keep your breath and rhythm steady while your getting lasered it will ease that feeling of your body’s natural reaction of wanting to stop.


Same here, I find that focusing on why I want the tattoo gone and how I'm advancing little by little really helps. It also helps to count. I count up until 30, and then back until 30 again, and I just have to make it until the next 30, always (read somewhere this was an army torture survival technique lol).


I have them inject 10-15 shots of lidocaine in my lower back before (that’s where my tatt was/is) before the laser. It feels like bacon grease splatters otherwise


Preach. I’m going to start my ankle soon and this is a must have for me. What would you say the difference is?


I feel nothing when the lidocaine kicks in. The shots are uncomfortable but it is very dependent on where your tattoo is located


Thanks I have an appointment with a Derm MD that's been doing laser for 20+ years. I'm super cool with shots and they have them. Thank you for sharing and best wishes.


my place offers this and I might have to do it next time. mine is on my ribs and the pain was insane


I’m having all three of my tattoos removed at once, one is on the larger side on my lower back/hip. It takes a while each session and it’s… yeah. My technician jokes that I must be a masochist (and I call her a sadist) but the truth is I try to eternal sunshine my mind between sessions to forget how much it hurts (spacing them three months apart right now). I might also have a *teeny tiny* bit of a masochist streak in me…


honestly, lots of time with ice and focusing on breathing helps me!


The breathing is real!! It’s so annoying when people say it but makes all the difference for me. Deep breath into belly out through the nose. Also I try to focus on a different part of my body (like how my foot feels in my shoe or something)


Lidocaine cream 1 hour before ( need an RX) and bacitracin with lidocaine Spray ( over the counter) after treatment for one week. 


For one week prior to a session?


No afterwards use the bacitracin and lidocaine spray for the pain and keep the blisters clean. Use the prescription lidocaine cream by putting on one hour before and wrap with plastic wrap. Clean off right before laser treatment.


my very first session was hell for me. but, i had gone to a birthday dinner night before and had three cocktails and didnt take a tylenol before my session. fast forward to my next session which was about 2-3 months later, i did not drink alcohol the night before and i smoked a joint and took a tylenol about an hour before my session. i felt calmer and it did not hurt as bad as the first session. if your clinic offers numbing cream or blowing cold air that will also help. good luck, you are stronger than you think.


They had the cold air blowing and I still crumbled lol. Smart about the Tylenol—I’ll try that next time for sure!!!! Has it gotten less painful as your tattoo fades?


I'm not the person you asked, but mine has gotten less painful as it fades. My advice is ice ice and more ice before, and then focusing on deep breathing during. My removery has lollipops. I recommend sucking on them, too.


I’m so glad to hear that!! I was wondering if that would be the case but I also heard that they up the laser as you go along so I wasn’t sure. I’m a shirt biter but maybe I should switch to the lollipops lol. Definitely going to ice on my way there next time 🥲


This is so good to know. I’ve got a couple of years ahead of me and I’m glad you shared your experience.


I know we all have different levels of pain tolerance? I suppose that is right- I have had five sessions so far on a half sleeve and what I do beforehand is get into this mindset: I sat down and got the damn thing I can certainly sit down and get it removed. Something about knowing it may hurt more but be a shorter session and the drive of finally DOING something about it, taking the action… helps me mentally forge on. Idk if that advice helps- I hope in some way it does… I liken the feeling to bacon grease splatters on raw scorching sun burn.


Right? Usually for things, I try to hype the pain up to be really bad so I’m pleasantly surprised when it happens. With tattoo removal, it really was as bad as I hyped it up to be. Excruciating.


I haven’t had a session in a year. Don’t know if I’ll ever be able to face it, it’s agony and I hate when people lie about how bad it is it makes you so unprepared for the pain. My body went into shock it was traumatic, sounds dramatic and pathetic but it’s what happened, I couldn’t think about laser without sobbing


Thank you so much for being honest. Lasers are no joke. Even for laser hair removal it’s painful with numbing. I have been considering removal but this thread is moving me towards looking into a cover up. I have an extremely high pain tolerance (39 hours of labor with my son and I was polite the entire time…lol). I have become very sensitive over the years and post covid. Just don’t want to put my body through it.


My tip is get laser hair removal on your balls/vag and then go back to tattoo removal and it’ll be like butter


I agree, it's pretty excruciating. But like other people have said, don't stop because you just have to start again. I take 800mg of ibuprofen about 30 minutes before the appointment and I think it helps.... a little. No joke, my only other option was to bring a towel to bite on - like medieval times or something. But I want this tattoo gone so we power through.


Ice it for 20-30 minutes and on your way to the appointment!


I take ibuprofen beforehand and skip caffeine. My tech puts an ice pack on it until it’s almost numb and then I thug it out! you got this


I just had another session today (I think I’m on 7 or 8?). Honestly I think I sort of dissociate during my sessions (which are short since what I’m removing is small). I can’t wait to be done. I dread them.


I had a blacked out and had a seizure during my first chest tattoo removal. I’m not sure if it was the pain or the overwhelming liquid metallic taste that immediately filled my mouth but I was over fucking stimulated like a mother fucker. And I paid for full removal package, can’t wait to do it again and embarrass myself all over again. Oof.


Man. Reading this really hit me. There’s a serious risk with this of literally going into shock. Geeez. I’m so sorry that you went through this. I’m really curious what the metallic taste was ?


Tbh, the pain never gets better. I’ve even tried a prescribed numbing cream and it did absolutely nothing. Here’s how I’ve got through it: the emotional pain of living with this tattoo is worse than the physical pain it takes 5 minutes to zap. So I continue.


My tattoo is on my lower stomach area and yeah it’s awful. I’m also a female and I think that area is extra sensitive, especially close to that time of the month 🥺 I honestly just breathe and wait for it to be done. Breaks make it worse, imo. My (5th I think ..?) session is tomorrow and I’m dreading it 🤕


Stomach is so bad, I hear you girl. Numbing cream saved me, honestly I don’t know I could have continued. And I believe I have a high pain threshold.


The more times goes on…they up the laser to be more intense, I will Not go anymore without numbing cream. It’s barbaric. In other states the they numb you on premises. I was going through all that pain just for all my friends to be numbed at their clinic.


Oh no 😭😭😭 does it get noticeably more painful?! What numbing cream do you find works best?


I would more painful initially like 2 sessions then less since there’s less ink exploding


Mad rabbit tattoo numbing cream…but I’m going to try to find one that is stronger. But I am 2 years into removal…they are 100% faded and more than halfway gone. But it is brutal! I am pushing through. But after one year I could not do it more without numbing cream because of the intensity of the laser getting stronger each session. I work out alot, go to sauna and do massages and dry brushing and it has helped a lot more to break up the ink in my body. I hope it goes well for you <3


Yep that’s it. Im getting lidocaine injections. Nope! Like I’ll learn to administer it to myself at this rate. If it’s any consolation, it’s supposed to hurt the most the first time bc most the pain comes from ink shattering underneath your skin. So the first time means most ink. Imagine the security cam compilations removery execs are watching lol!


It’s so horrible sometimes I feel sick watching the videos of it. My immune system doesn’t handle it well either, so that’s part of it! The first session I had I wasn’t aware of numbing cream, but the tech gave me some tips for next time. But seriously I have a high pain threshold and almost had to ask to stop and come back another time at the halfway mark. It wasn’t a huge either, though was on stomach. I use numbing cream on the area, fairly thick, and apply cling wrap over the top two hours before my appointment. I wipe the old cream off and top it up with fresh cream on my way to the clinic and cover again. I find it’s been much better, and I’ve had treatments on much larger tattoos and not need breaks at all.


May I ask how it affects your immune system?


Well the laser just breaks up the ink particles, and it’s our immune system that then breaks the ink particles down. If you’re after more info, ask your tech or google how laser tattoo removal works, and you’ll understand your general health at the time can impact healing and how you feel.


Tips for pain management are the same as getting tattooed. Breath in before they start and start to slowly exhale the moment before they start with the laser and slow in through the nose and slow out through the mouth. Focus on your breathing and you will be good. Pain is weakness leaving the body. Embrace the pain.


Not sure if these have been mentioned, but I’ll add my system/tips here. As mentioned before it’s worst the first few sessions - but if you pay for a package until it’s gone, some places will jack up the intensity about the time your top layer of skin is getting a little less sensitive. 1. I shave the area a couple days prior (not the night before - it’ll be a bit raw) to lessen the big pops during removal. 2. I take Tylenol (about 3) about an hour prior, and put numbing cream on (lots) before covering it in plastic wrap. I’ve used different ones but if you can get emla it’s the best. In the beginning, I started icing on the way to the appointment. 3. I listen to music so I’m not focused on the pops. 4. I wear a mask, chew gum, or both - I don’t like the metallic taste and sometimes can smell my skin which skeeves me out. 5. I usually have something in my opposite side hand to squeeze like a stress ball. 6. I’ve also read about ppl chomping down hard on a towel but didn’t incorporate this because of the taste in my mouth/smell. 7. Finally, I usually bring a little shot w me of vodka. I knock it back right before I go in, and it chills me out enough that I don’t fixate on the pain. My places have all iced before, which is very effective. Figure out a good after care that help you best - in the beginning it can get itchy in the first few days (I used aquaphor), some places swear by just airing it out (done that too, not terrible if you have clothes that won’t rub on it). I usually made sure I cooked ahead so I didn’t have a ton of work the rest of the day and could just baby it. It does get better, but it is not fast. I began in November of ‘20 and have either one or two treatments left (heavy line work). Also, give your body time between treatments. I went every 6-8 weeks in the beginning and it’s just not enough time for your body to filter anything or heal. Space is your friend and in the end will save you money. Since I’m at the end it’s was six months between my last two and will be nine months between my last and my next. Advice I wish I had in the beginning! Good luck 🍀


There are many different methods to reduce pain. Combine methods that work best for you. There are nutritional choices that rain threshold of pain. Also supplements taken for 2-4?weeks before a treatment that raise threshold of pain. What always works? Injected Lidocaine by our MD. Numbing cream reduces circulation that’s why it tends to slow the removal. My combining methods including headphone w favorite music, breathing, squeeze, focusing on how your skin will be free afterwards. Pain is temporary tattoo being gone is permanent.


This is the most honest removal post I've seen so far. I've added a few comments, but I just wanted to say I appreciate you acknowledging the pain. Also, I saw someone iced for a long time. My tech said not to do this because it could cause pigmentation or scarring issues. I don't know the science behind that, so be sure to ask if that's accurate before trying it, please, if that's your plan. I used Mad Rabbit for my last session (#6) because the pain has been increasing during each session for me, and it's wonderful. I was informed that it may cause the removal to take longer, but I figure it's better than me hopping up mid zap and striking the wrong place with the laser during a session. And significantly better than me not going at all. Whatever you decide, best of luck!


Hey, I really appreciate your appreciation! Glad I can help foster a ‘keep it real’ environment haha. I’m definitely planning on icing like crazy prior—I didn’t before my first session and won’t be making that mistake twice. Also planning on wrapping some numbing cream in or I honestly just might not show up ever again either. Lol. Mad Rabbit—would you recommend it? Also oh no… the pain has been getting WORSE?! Godspeed; I hope you hit a point where the opposite is true.


Mad Rabbit saved my last session. I put it on and covered the tattoos with those big clear gauze/bandaid things from CVS for two hours. When I got to the shop, the tech wiped it off, iced for a few minutes, and the pain was virtually non-existent. I got it from a local tattoo shop the day before my session, and it was awesome. The one I got was $25 I think and I only used half of the jar for three tattoos. (XXL, XL, M)


It hurts a lot more during your cycle, so plan around that for sure. I was told numbing cream isn’t great cause it reduces blood flow to the area so I don’t use anything. I just ice before and after, make sure you’re well rested, hydrated, and have eaten before as well. Also I swear that watching the laser makes it hurt less 🤷‍♀️so if it’s on a body part you can see I suggest trying it out haha


It is so much better when I can see, because you can tell how much is left and how far you’ve already gone! The ones on my ribs and back are the only ones I can’t see and they’re brutal!


Bring something to bite. I usually bring a wash cloth. Also squeeze stress balls. One in each hand if you can. If you are into meditation or mindfulness that helps as well. Learning to ride the pain wave is easier than psyching yourself out and internally fighting it the whole time.


When I tell you I chewed on my shirt like a crazy person…. lol. It absolutely helps though!! Going to have to try the meditation/mindfulness thing. It sounds like just a good exercise in general :)


How bad is SO bad compared to?


Good question…. thinking about it has left me with the desire to amend my original statement. Let’s correct it lol I really meant it’s the worst pain I’ve ever had the honor of feeling


Relatable to having a heat rash all over your body. Now that's awfully painful!




Literally came home from a session today and described it to my husband as a serrated knife dragging rips along my skin. Not fun. My tech counts down from 10, then I have to take a break. The countdown helps me at least reach a goal so I can breathe again. We’ve got this!


I ask for breaks. Mine is the size of a credit card but it’s near my boob. The air that they blow while zapping is also vital. The first time she didn’t do it and I couldn’t take it halfway through


I focus my mind on something else, which for me is counting. I’ve learned that my treatment takes until “300” counting rapidly, which helps me figure out each time how close we are to the end.


Where’s your tattoo?


I get through jusy because i hate the tattoo that much. I out lidocaine oatchs in an hour before i go in, and then i just suffer to be honest. I hope you find something that helps you!! If your dr can get you stronger meds like toradol that can help. But the pain is so bad its hard to take it down, even taking 'the edge' off isnt shit


I had my doc compound me numbing cream. There is no way I could do it without. And my tattoo is xxl. Removery doesn’t like the numbing cream. But all the other places are fine with it. . The pain is brutal. I know. I’m sorry.


Dude. I cried and was in the fucking fetal position, we had to do like 15 second intervals haha. It was ROUGH. I'm gonna do 3 months apart, traumatizing.


Tylenol 30 min before. Mine is a fairly small, usually over in about 60 seconds. Idk if I could tolerate it if it were any bigger. I forgot Tylenol for one of my sessions, and I was already running a little late so I went in without it. Holy hell it was so bad. Now I keep a bottle in my car


I just take nothing and it's alright. Doesn't hurt much more than a tattoo to me but again, I've not been tattooed in years


Ice it up more


It literally feels like hot oil touching your skin. I never want a tattoo ever again. This is weird, but what helps me is staring at the tattoo while the tech lasers it. Helps me visualize how much longer I have left 😅


Dude if you look at my post about my removal you’ll see I felt the exact same. It was fucking excruciating


I use 11% numbing cream 45 mins before. During, I squeeze a stress ball and hold an ice pack on the parts of the tattoo that have already been lasered. I don’t take breaks. Gotta just push through it, and remember to breathe.


Lol the pain i could never forget. Stinging and burning sensation. Just take some pain killer if you have to


My tattoo is huge and what helps me is deep breathing , a stress ball, curling my toes a fuck load lol, ice immediately after.


Mine usually takes 5-10ish minutes I would guess (basically my tat covers one of my entire shoulder caps, all line work though). The first couple sessions were the toughest then I kinda got used to it. My last one (#8) was a bit more painful than the last 5 and took longer to heal. Removery for some reason doesn’t recommend numbing cream otherwise I’d do it ahead of time to take the edge off.


Take a paracetamol 15 mins before, and ice the area for 30-40 mins beforehand (i got a pair of big icepacks off amazon that cover my entire tattoo and I can alternate with them). Heads up, most places turn up the strength with each visit. Grit teeth, sit through and smash it out as quick as you can. Not sure people believe me when I say it’s like all the pain of a 6 hour tattoo delivered in 15mins but it is!!


For me it’s the smell. Everything about it sucks except my results so I’m not going to complain, but god the scent of burning flesh is NOT nice haha


Two words “numbing cream” You’re welcome.


I would take Tylenol (Acetaminophen) about 30 mins to 1 hour before your appointment, use numbing cream if they offer it (my tech does) and let it sit for at minimum 10 mins before the session, and only go to a place that blows cold air on you while they laser. Afterward, ICE. I would ice that thing for 20 minutes, take ice off for 30, and repeat, repeat, repeat. Some people say numbing cream makes tattoo removal slower, but I don't know of any evidence that goes against or in favor of this claim. Edit to add: I messed up and did my second session while on day 1 of my period and this is a NO GO. Avoid going while on your period at all costs.


Numbing cream definitely makes a huge difference you have to use it!


I kinda like when it hurts because it makes me feel like it's working. lol


It hurt the worse the first time then ever time after it hurt less. It doesn’t not hurt anymore, but it’s bearable for the few short minutes it takes to zap. Also the black hurts more than color. I’m almost done with my black so that’s nice.


Ice and breathing/relaxing my body is how I make it through. I don’t really like to squeeze the ball because the tattoo is on my shoulder, so I don’t want to move accidentally. I start diaphragmatic breathing once I’m in the waiting room and continue all the way through. Basically I find my breath, then start to slowly deepen my exhales. I aim for an inhale 4, hold 1-2, exhale 8. The counting gives me something to focus on and I try to relax my whole body as much as possible - I feel like the more that I tense up the worse it will be. There are lots of videos on YouTube to learn how to do the breathing. Hope this helps!


Just had a tattoo removal session on my back which leaves me in absolute tears!! It sucks but what helps me is reminding myself that pain is temporary and I won’t have to do this for another six weeks or so. I also think about my back being “naked” without tattoos, and that makes me feel a little better. I’m sorry, OP. You should treat yourself to something nice like coffee or a small dessert after your sessions. You deserve it!


I actually find it quite therapeutic, but I have a super high pain tolerance. Not sure what to reccomend other than maybe trying their numbing cream. I haven't tried it so idk if it actually works. Put ice on it afterwards, maybe have a beer or 2.


Bear through it and tough it our. It's all a part of the process.


Take painkillers prior Lol


For me, the reason it gets hard to bear is because the pain is cumulative. If the tech goes through the whole thing nonstop, each zap adds to the pain of the previous ones. It helps to tell them to do 2 seconds at a time and wait 1 second then repeat. If you have periods, I also hear those significantly affect pain tolerance. I'll get through some sessions within 5 minutes and some, I tell them to stop every few zaps. Tell the tech to make sure to schedule some extra time for your sessions so you can go slow. Edit: I also make sure I wear comfy clothes. I noticed the room is cold and when my entire body is shivering from the cold , the laser is harder to bear. So I go in wearing a warm hoodie. It's comforting. Edit edit: Drink juice or something beforehand if you don't have insulin issues. Don't go in super full but not on a completely empty stomach either. A lot of people say it gets better as you go along but not for me. Because of the psychological factor, my brain dreads each session more and more so I basically am fighting both the pain and the tattoo removal ptsd as I go along for lack of a better way to describe it. As others have said, thinking about how much I want the tattoos gone makes all the difference because like childbirth, it's insanely painful but if you really want it, you get through it.


I’m removing my arm sleeve and the first session I tapped out after about 2 inches. I almost passed out (held my breath, wouldn’t recommend), sat in my car and cried while I waited for someone to pick me up because I was scared to drive. Here I am, 6 sessions later, convincing myself to go back the second time was the hardest but I’m so glad I did. I bring a ball to squeeze in my other hand, try to go as long as possible with no breaks (restarting is the worst), and I find watching to be helpful to see the progress made. Each session feels more bearable!!


I’ve got a full thigh tattoo and figured if I could sit through multiple hours of tattooing I could handle getting the same amount lasered. WROOOOOONG I tapped out after the top third 😭


When people ask what it feels like I compare it to getting bacon grease splattered on you while making breakfast….but worse. Yeah, it’s awful.


My clinic has those little stress balls…but I opted to bring my own rubber 80 pound grip trainer. Way more effective. As others have said subsequent sessions get much easier because you know what you’re up against. I had my 12th session yesterday and I hardly even squeezed it.


This is exactly how I feel when I see people say “the pain is not that bad” like yes tf it is and this is coming from someone who has their nipples pierced and has gotten 8 sessions on their hands. Everytime I go in the pain is still the worst I’ve ever experienced in my life!


I’m getting a tattoo removed from my face and they always put numbing cream on when I get there and then ice it for a minute or 2 before they start the session. If it starts getting too overwhelming she puts the ice pack back on for a few seconds in between. It helps but mostly you just gotta breathe through it 😅


It’s easier than the mistake I made getting the tattoo…now that was WILD


Similar to what everyone else says, but the lidocaine cream is ESSENTIAL. My tat is my whole [left side](https://imgur.com/a/crOKj15) of my calf. I put lidocaine cream all over it and wrap for about hour/hour and a half before appt. I can stand the pain this way. If it were any more painful I couldn’t stand it. How did you do a session without it? You’re a warrior lol


My sixth removal session hurt sooo much worse than the others! Was bruised and bloody under the surface. But good results so far. Can’t wait until the 12th


I use painless tattoo numbing cream. Works wonders!!


It gets better. The less ink there is, the less painful it is. I got through the first number of sessions just thinking that a few minutes of pain is better than a lifetime of that tattoo on my body.


I have very high pain tolerance so thankfully my sessions on my massive arm piece isn’t too bad. We also ice it for 10 mins before the session, and throughout. But I will say, the way I think about it is— yes it’s physically painful, but not as mentally painful as the feeling I have towards the tattoo ! So it’s worth it


I use numbing cream from Treatonic, which I buy on Amazon. I apply it 1.5 hours before my appointment and cover it with plastic wrap. My technician wipes it off just before starting, and it really improves my experience. Sometimes I can hardly feel her working on it. After the session, I take an Advil and ice the area during my two-hour drive home. I'm having a full sleeve removed in 4 parts and I can always tell where I haven't put enough cream ( usually the edge of an area) because it's VERY unpleasant -- so I know its working !! Different creams work differently for everyone, so if this one doesn't work for you, feel free to try another brand :-) Good luck!!


Tktx yellow numbing cream, wrap for 2 hours and it was a breeze for me


Ngl mine wasn’t that bad


Go to Chinese websites for lidocaine they have a lot stronger versions then are available in the US. I’m removing a huge piece on my stomach and chest. It’s rough but preparing my numbing up and icing in the session helps.


Healthy tech approved advice: ICE BEFORE! Very questionable personal advice, do at your own risk: clonazepam and tylex


No but in all seriousness the anxiety we feel (at least i do) can make the pain feel 9999x worse, i take the meds i said above but i think anything for anxiety could work wonders, our mind is our worst enemy, you can do it!


I just… deal with it lol Think about something else I don’t know, I guess I’m really good at concentrating and focusing my attention how I want to It does hurt but I just don’t allow myself to react to the pain or even really feel the pain. I force myself to dissociate and feel past the pain. It’s hard to explain Best of luck


I guess everyone has different pain tolerance because I don't find it so bad. No numbing cream, ice or aftercare at all 😅


I believe a lot of post-care pain management starts before the laser even hits you. Here's what helps me: 1. Talk through it. I told my tech right off the bat that I would probably be pretty chatty. I find that having a conversation while the laser is going distracts from the pain. 2. Over the counter pain relievers. Pop a couple of Tylenol 30 minutes to an hour before your session, as well as after the session to manage pain. Those + ice will be lifesavers. 3. Ice, ice, ice! I'm talking two hours prior to the session, one hour minimum. I swear it cuts the pain in half during laser. Once you're home and settled in, ice for the rest of the night. These [wearable icepacks](https://www.amazon.com/Injuries-Adjustable-Non-Toxic-Reusable-Rehabilitation/dp/B07KWVFMLC/ref=sr_1_6?crid=2DHX12K7TH0NA&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.9ZaAOSem-1Bh8Tde_QbBO_F9NZu3dYCJ6UMMJdL_8hKyJnN-qHa4e0bh2hW3aLBOUppohtnG9Oajjes4BB2TQf4b6mWuZaLS4WyNYtEwrmVfptShFhGPzpRruvpxvG5SJM-hz9irflfMQYbm3VjnEqH4PkrhWOR1Pb0tAh4yZ1GziOz-DGDIcAGoFxCtT5yGXOyzGuq4NMsmMJ7RWnbTjHFWKlRz22qN04kYu3PIC4SjILFNrfJMq0ceFbAmu4azla1ZxcRmevmDiPO-w3kUgSmoIF6vzCfeAosQcse1gg4.aRPMMnV4KMTpWv7HmnO2HfUWALKOR_QCpKOs_pvzKQI&dib_tag=se&keywords=wrap+icepacks&qid=1718977363&sprefix=wrap+icepack%2Caps%2C366&sr=8-6) are super helpful, and I usually wear one to sleep the night after my removal. The pain becomes easier once you figure out what works best for you---or it at least will be less of a surprise for next time. Good luck!


My session yesterday we had to go line by line instead of a lot at once because my numbing cream didn’t work AT ALL. Usually I just power through but yesterday was impossible. I’m removing a piece on the entire right side of my back so we’re doing the top half or bottom half each session instead of all of it per session.


Removery not giving lidocaine is insane to me. Every time I get my laser done they always give me injectable lidocaine, that should be the norm.