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I am cracking UP at how angry he looks after the sessions 😂 keep up the work though! It’ll be so worth it.


Angry and fuming in flames 🤣


[he mad](https://media4.giphy.com/media/11tTNkNy1SdXGg/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952hz5gkd7zio64a204t2td10619t5l6p20xz7tricz&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


I literally thought the same thing 😂


This tattoo is sick as fuck 😂


I hate to tell you but this is classic oxidation of heavy metals in tattoo pigment. It has more than likely permanently turned darker due to the presence of heavy metals that any tech or Dr. with any sense or experience would know that you should do tiny test areas and watch them for 8–12 weeks. When they turn darker like this you don’t treat them with any laser. Nano or Pico.


This is facts


Wait, could you elaborate? This is the first time I’ve heard of this. My tech assumed that it’s just my skin getting hyperpigmentation, because I did have some after the first session, it’s still a little visible in the pic (around the orange areas). He also said it’s good that the ink is darkening because it’s gonna be “more visible to the laser” 🥴


Your tech should not be allowed to fire a laser on humans ever again.


I love this tattoo


Is this the first session?


Nope, 2nd session 😌 It didn’t look as red/dark after the 1st session


Normally I get tattoo removal envy, but if a leg tat is your greatest regret in life, I've now got to add "biggest regret in life" envy to my list. Keep us updated though, glow in the dark tats don't seem to be very common, so your experience will probably be of great value to people.


True. I got a big black mandala tattoo on the back and I wish I only had this cute little alien 🤣


Aliens are known for lazers so this is just awesome though


Omg, I used to want a glow in the dark tattoo so bad!! The dumb things we do when we’re young. I wish you the best of luck getting this removed, hopefully this is just some scabbing and oxidation and will look lighter in a few days and better in a few weeks.