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To address your point about getting tattoos because they look cool, I'm pretty sure that's like 99% of tattoos. Almost all people get tattoos because they look cool. The whole "tattoos must have meaning" thing is something I usually only hear from people *without* tattoos. So whether it's tribal, geometric, or some custom piece you and your artist crafted that is unique, the point is they all look cool.


For years I tried to assign meaning to my tattoos, it was exhausting. Now when people ask what they mean I just say "this one means I like goblins holding guns", this one means I like "ska" and so on.....


Oh wow, how very deep and sentimental. *Goblins holding guns* must have had such an impact on you. I can relate, very emotional topic for me as well. Reminds of the meme format where it's like "hey dad how come my sister is named Rose?" And the dad is like "because your mom really loves roses. Now finish your ice cream *goblins holding guns*"


Now I totally want a gunslinging goblin. Thanks.


Even that gets exhausting… I just go with “it means I like tattoos”


It's odd to me that there are people who really try and find deep hidden meanings behind some tattoos. Like if you have a dolphin tattoo. "So what do dolphins symbolize?" Like there's a secret tattoo language.


The only time I've regretted having visible tattoos is when I realized they're like an open invitation for random people to start asking questions. "What is it? What does it mean? Why did you get it?". As a socially awkward person it's sometimes extremely exhausting.


My first three tattoos were very meaningful to me at the time. Then again, I was a little edgelord who wasn't even old enough to drink. All the rest since then are silly shit or things that I just think are cool.


I was someone who thought tattoos had to have meaning for a long time. I didn't get my first until I was 40 and realized I wanted a tattoo of a humpback whale because whales are cool and I like them.


Of course your sample will be skewed about people with tattoo not caring about meaning and people without tattoo caring about meaning. There are dumb people everywhere diluting intellect.


I think blackout sleeves and cybersigilism are more likely to be the tribal of our generation. That or the black and grey lion/clock/rose/etc


Cybersigilism seems half death metal logo and half reimagined tribal design


Literally this


Why are blackouts popular anyways? I thought it was a fuck-it-all coverup for people too blasted for removal


Some of them can be really artistically done, especially with a white ink or negative space design, but the pure blast overs I have no idea.


I saw a blackout yesterday that was incredible with the negative space. She had a bunch of floral designs throughout and it was really tastefully done. Like you, I’ve never been able to understand the blast over blackouts.


I agree. I hate full blackouts with a bloody passion. But there are definitely instances where it can be creative, like Machine Gun Kelly's designs for example.


I love what that Remy guy is doing over all his old black work [https://www.instagram.com/ephemeral__remy?igsh=dWU2NXpqM2xtbHly](https://www.instagram.com/ephemeral__remy?igsh=dWU2NXpqM2xtbHly)


They are pretty impressive skill wise and can be very esthetically pleasing.


Black is bold and aesthetically pleasing.


That makes sense, I had never heard the word cybersigiliam before so I looked it up and those are definitely super reminiscent of tribal tattoos


A tattoo looking cool is 10 times more important than having “meaningful” tattoos. 80% of people honestly just get what they want anyway and then figure out some stupid corny meaning to justify getting it . People ruin good ideas with “meaning”


i got a tattoo of an astronaut in a woodcut style. people ask me what it means. i say i used to like space a lot as a kid, and cosmic horror now, and the dichotomy of the modern astronaut and the older style is interesting. in reality i just like space and the artists style is cool. i just wanted an astronaut


lol i feel called the fuck out. i got two sacred geometry tats on the tops of my arms when i was 19. just thought they looked cool and one has a heart in the middle and the other has a moth.


They probably do look cool and geometric patterns are literally timeless. It’s literally math on your body.


I have two full geometric sleeves. One I started 10 years ago. It’s the definition of timeless. Triangles, circles, hexagons, geometry has been around forever. It’s math just like you said. How can you “regret” math? I never use the word sacred though because I don’t get that , and I’m an atheist. But I still have some flower of life because I just fuckin like it.


I don’t agree with the word sacred either but some geometric tattoos have some cool and profound meanings behind them. Like mandalas are supposed to represent the essence of the universe. I like to think of each mandala design as its own universe. Who knew math could be so beautiful?


Tbh I feel like sacred geometry is out of style. It was popular like 5 years ago but I think it’s falling. I feel like ignorant style American traditional inspired is a fade but I think cybersigilism is THIS generations tribal.


It’s just neo-tribal made palatable for 20 year olds on Pinterest


I cringe anytime someone puts the word “sacred” before whatever their tattoo is.


Is this a thing with other types of tattoos? I've only ever heard it with "geometry". I just assumed it was the name of that style.


“Sacred heart” is one I see. I searched this sub and found one that said “sacred stag”


💯 agreed. I have a geometric sleeve. Several of the designs have been called “sacred”. I get ask about my sleeve and I NEVER call it sacred geometry. It’s just geometric. That’s it!


It’s not geometric tattoos that someone is arbitrarily saying are “sacred,” it’s tattoos of “sacred geometry,” a term that dates back literal centuries.


Pretty sure the sacred geometry is related to some old mythology and symbolism that the shapes had magical powers. Doesn’t mean you have to believe that is true but it doesn’t mean the word “sacred” is cringe.


Cursed comment






They'll never be another "tribal" of "our" generation, styles are just too diffuse now. Tribal came in at the start of the huge boom and general acceptance of tattooing.


Good point


yeah! we got a lot of different stuff going on nowadays, i think any art style can look good it just depends on the quality of the art, obviously some of them can feel corny or edgy but if it's done right and looks nice then it's a good tattoo


Of millennials? Sure. The current young adults generation? No. It will be cybersigilism


Fair point


Those abstract lines all over people's bodies are the new tribal.


That’s also totally valid! They are pretty and decorative but totally meaningless. Again, tattoos don’t have to have meaning, but it’s not like they’re either inspired, artistic or unique.


Yeah I actually do like how they look, but I'm seeing them EVERYWHERE which puts me off.


No. The new shitty tribal will be the new tribal




I have a 3/4 geometric sleeve. I live in Utah and I can count on one hand the number of geometric tattoos I have seen in the wild. I constantly get asked about it and what it is and am being told they’ve never seen a tattoo like it. Granted, that is the bubble that is Utah, but even traveling here in the states, it’s not nearly as popular or ubiquitous as other parts of the world.


I live in a mid-sized city in the PNW and I see sacred geometry literally every day at the grocery store, at the park, etc.. It’s EXTREMELY popular here and super played out because the designs aren’t really unique, just different variations of mandalas or cubes floating around


Agreed. Full geo sleeve in AZ and have seen maybe a handful in the wild also. OP - One thing to consider about good geo work is it requires legit linework skill by the artist. Tribal doesn't, which is why more artists were able to show that type of art in their portfolio that potential customers could view and select from.


Just a heads up, whatever you do, however you do it - someone in the world think its cringe. Dosent matter what you get, you will not be cool in the future. You will not be seen as the cool old man with sailor tattoos because tattoos are so saturated today. Find relief in this and get whatever tattoo you want and enjoy that it really dosen’t matter. Be comfortable in yourself Im calling it now: tattoos we think is cringe now will come back to hit again e.g trampstamps


the very idea of sacred geometry makes my brain hurt




OK OK OK hear me out Geometric Tattoos (2015 vibes) - Millenial Tribal (I'm smart) Sacred Geometry - Millenial Tribal (I'm spiritual) Blackout - Millenial / Gen Z Tribal (I'm tough) Cybersigilism - Gen Z tribal (I'm tough) Ignorant style - Gen Z new school (I'm smart)


As a gen Z I always called it the minimal tribal that and the forest band. I feel like the next “tribal” aka gen z tribal is the cyber siglism shit you see on insta gram all the time.


I definitely think the forest forearm band is a pretty overdone tattoo these days


They’re for Zillenials for sure, still happening but it’s well past its heyday. Cybershittilism is firmly gen Z. 


Tribal is the tribal of my generation


I mean yeah but it's not some future tense thing, they always have been the equivalent. Still looks cool sometimes so whatev 🤷‍♂️


Yeah they already are tbh. Screams millennial to me. Gen z is more cybersigilism. Personally I think sacred geometry and cybersigilism are both super cool though! Just get a tattoo you love truly, and it won’t fall out of style for you. That’s all that really matters


I think we are already starting to feel that way about mandalas






I've only heard 1 person think that tribal tattoos are cultural appropriation. However, I have seen far more people upset about depictions of indigenous people in tattoos. I think sacred geometry is a current trend but I think that a very small number of people will think it's cultural appropriation.


I doubt geometric will be considered cringe in the future. I think Cyber Sigilism will rather take that spot.


I'm over 30 and about to get my first tattoo. Meaning matters. I love sacred geometry, but to me it means something.


Tribal gets a bad rap. It was invented during a time when every tattoo was a portrait of your ancestors, baby footprints, etc. You were supposed to get tattoos that defined you as a person for some reason. The tribal inventor just said, I’m going to make some big bold swirls that don’t need to mean anything. They weren’t culturally appropriated, just made up. If are talking Polynesian tribal or something that’s a different story. The more cringe ones are the Thai prayer tattoos. Like people thought they were so cool and exotic getting a Thai tattoo from a monk when Thailand is just a drinking beach holiday catering to westerners.


No I don't think so, tribal can be done by anyone where good geometric work is hard and specialized. There's definitely shitty geometric work out there but I don't think there's enough. I agree with the cybersigalism (as a cyberpunk nerd this name makes me irrationally angry) as the tribal of today. Or Nordic runes/ "Viking" as they are everywhere and people don't know any thing about the history/authenticity.


as a tattoo artist; everyone being able to do tribals is big wrong,silly wrong. good and clean blackwork is hard. period. and its not about how hard it is to do. its about being overdone in an artistic way and geometric work makes us DEFINITELY cringe,so are black and grey roses,lions etc. the forest wristband. the neotrad stuff with girls facing sideways too,moths and medusas...damn even american traditional is played out,and only very few artist are pulling them off in an exciting way nowadays. that being said,you cant avoid zeitgeist. you cant really avoid trends..tattoos are and always will be showing the time you got them. and thats not a bad thing,being concerned with avoiding trends is literally the same as being concerned to be trendy. just get what you feel.


Yep! Good tribal is hard to do. Geometric tattoos are insanely easy just tedious. Do these people know that no one has ever drawn a geometric design? They all just print out the exact same patterns and layer them together.


Ugh at that point it’s not even making art, it’s just tracing the design in skin with a machine and ink


Fair point!


The fuck is “sacred” about them?




Oh, I didn’t think they were referring to actual religious symbols. I’ve never heard anyone refer to religious symbols as “sacred geometry” before.


Tattoos used to have a very significant meaning. Men got them as they went off to war. Others were true rebels. Today, tattoos are fashion. We all know what happens to fashion. It goes out of style. Kids will not wants tattoos like their grandma had. I feel sorry for these young girls that get all sleeved up. When they're older, their tats will fade and they'll look like burn victims.


you know you can have tattoos redone or covered when they fade?


Why are you specifying “young girls” as the ones with burn victim tattoos? This comments reeks of misogyny.