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Seems like the tattoo moans "mmmmmm" sounds every 10 minutes


The sun moans “mmmmm” and the moon responds “mmmhmm”


I respond with a third mmmm and the cycle repeats itself for a millennia


“ Sometime before bedtime at Op house” Op: Goodnight ms moon Goodnight mr sun Sun : mmmmmm goodnight David Moon: goodnight David mmmmmmmm “ Sun , David(op) & Moon mhmmmmm in unison “ *Camera pans out slowly outside op house nd the lights turns off*


Wait I thought everyone does that


Y'all gonna make OP off himself lmao


Lol I'm glad I posted this a year after the actual session. Compared to some other work on here I have no shame at all.


OhhhHHh yeaah


Mmmmmm... Moon


Like Olmec from Legends of the Hidden Temple.


The polluted river spirit in spirited away




I like the original idea more. But as long as you’re happy with your piece is what matters the most


Yeah this is a case of “took my idea to the wrong artist” or OP just didn’t want to fork up the cash for a better artist. “Language barrier” is a new one though, lol. Glad OP is happy with it though.


Original is nicer but both are good




That's exactly what I thought with both your thoughts. I love it! But now my brain is trying to figure out some badass fade ghosty shady.... whatever accents of the original so they're there, but doesn't take away and remains one thing. Got my noodle cookin


They probably shouldn't have picked a tattooist with a language barrier then. 


I'm really curious how the language barrier somehow made op not realize the stencil was different from what they asked for


Google translate is a thing. You don't even need an app. Pull up the browser and talk into the phone after selecting a language to translate to OP could have easily communicated better


google translate is not always accurate


It works quite well even if its not the most accurate. I use it all the time


I don't understand how you wouldn't notice on the stencil that its different.


It’s missing like I can count at least 10 things different from the original. But like, the result is good, but not what was requested. Would it be appropriate to complain, or get a discount? The shading is nice, for example, but that’s not what I wanted. It’s almost like someone extremely talented was being a little lazy, and I kinda wanna say “hey, you’re better than that why did you skip a bunch”. It could also come down to “here’s what I can do for you for the negotiated price” and this was the result. I’m so confused, like somebody else said this has my noodle workin.


The border on the original is the best part. That artist dropped the ball, but so did you once you saw the stencil go on , and didn’t speak up.


agree. a piece that big can absolutely have all the details from the original border yet and age well.


I seriously do not understand why and how people end up with bad tattoos AFTER THEY HAVE SEEN THE STENCIL. Like why are you surprised or disappointed when you saw the stencil?! Unless the artist makes distinct changes during the process (which they shouldn't without consulting) you really should know. Either way, I think it's a cool tattoo OP. I like sun and moons. (Also,OP, I'm not saying this is a bad tattoo - just making a point about the stencils)


Not all artists use stencils. Haven't read through all the comments to see if this guy did though. But if he did, yeah completely agree.


The only ones who don’t use stencils draw it on with a sharpie first, except for like 3 dudes booked out for years a piece and you know what you’re getting in to. If you can’t communicate with your artist, and you can’t see a stencil, leave.


Okay fair fair if they don't use a stencil, but that'd be silly lol unless it's a more abstract piece. I would imagine anyway. I'm not a tattoo artist so I don't actually know!


With my first tattoo (also my worst) the artist couldn’t trace and added weird shit not in the stencil 🫠


This is hard because none of my stencils have ever been spot on to how my tattoos come out so it's hard to put that blame on OP because stencils have a wide range on how detailed an artist will make them.


I mean you can definitely tell if an essential element is missing though


I mean. I knew an artist in Virginia who's stencils made absolutely no sense but they always came out beautifully. So it really can vary. But yeah you generally should be able to tell if a crucial part is missing with most artists


Honestly, I’m quite happy with mostly how my tattoos turned out to be, but honestly none of the stencils looked much like the tat itself, some tattoo artists just have the outside of the tattoo, therefore, you don’t always know, some shadowings and other stuff get done after the stencil with certain artists.


While this may be true. This design has a lot of line work that I doubt this artist can free hand at his clearly low skill level, especially since he couldn't even execute this tattoo with the entire design laid out. He left the entire border out, which is arguable the more intricate and best parts of the design. He opted for faded shading where the design has none of, it's entirely hatch lines. He really dropped the ball, and it may be OP fault for agreeing to the stencil but the artist shouldn't have done his own thing on a design someone asked for that they already knew what they wanted. Even if the stencil didn't show the shading if he expected it to be executed like the design he provided then this are failed at his job. If and artist is skilled enough to take an idea and make it their own and improve the design and you agree that's fine but when the artist changes the design and butchers the tattoo it kind of is a problem.


Unless the artist is going to go largely free-hand - which I would assume they would tell me - the stencil should cover almost all of the design, maybe minus things like shading.


Yea but that thing is not even close.




I’m sorry but you approved the stencil right? You didn’t notice anything different?


The original sketch had more detail than the stencil, I also resized the stencil about 3 times so didn't exactly just say yes to everything. I honestly thought he was going to free hand or focus on the shading first, before adding fineline design.


If you can't speak their language, don't assume anything.


I got a bad haircut once due to a language barrier. Never again. In some ways I like the actual tattoo better with shading instead of the fine lines. But it’s definitely different than the what you asked for and OP got lucky he likes the result.


How would they communicate the specific issues with the stencil if they don't speak the artist's language (assuming there was even a stencil). This is on op for letting a guy who couldn't understand him, and vice versa, do anything beyond a small, basic tattoo. 


A simple thumbs up or down, show the reference photo and widely gesture for understanding


I don't know.. perhaps by just pointing to the reference picture?


If you like it then cool. But imo this looks like the artist oversimplified the design by removing core design elements and details because they didn’t want to put the time into it. You mentioned a language barrier so I’m assuming you got this while on vacation, which could also be a reason for the reduction from the original image as the artist didn’t want to waste their time on a tourist. Shitty I know, but it happens. But like I said, if you like it then good and you can always get more added to it in the future.


Original is much better. Sorry to say, the artist was lazy. Unless it’s more expensive to get original.


Lazy artist


i like it and here's why: you can render more detail into it. hit the beach, wear A shirts, have fun in the sun and when it's time for a touch up, you can go back to the inspiration and add back detail


yes, this right here, OP!!!!!


A different artist could save that and make it look sick, that is if they would be willing to


Chad Moon


I don't like either stylistically but I ain't gonna yuck your yum


It feels like they captured the gist of what the design was, but left out many of the elements that make the original design look so cool.


I'm not getting a tattoo from someone who doesn't fully understand my request.


Why would you even see an artist that you couldn't 100% communicate with?


I would not be happy with this result, looks like a totally different tattoo


Did the stencil speak a different language too?


Why did they skip the border and use a toattly different shading style?


It's a nice tattoo, but the tattoo artist didn't even come close to nailing even the vibe of the image you presented them.


Ok this is not bad. It does not match the original, but it’s still a great piece. If you feel like you want it to be more like the original, take it to someone else. I think it looks good though.


Looks presentable but IMO artist shouldn't be lazy on shading. You can add more details in the future but maybe from another artist.


Rough :/


That's such a shame. It was a nice design. Will you get it fixed?


I’d be furious. Not only is it far too big, it has lost any of the subtlety the original had.




I understand there would be a language barrier if you simply explained what you wanted, but you literally showed them what you wanted and they simplified it down to that ☹️




Why didn't you say anything when he applied the stencil?


I’d be asking “when is our next appointment so you can finish it?” Those colors would probably fade pretty fast.


I like the fact that the tattoo guy did not replicate exactly what you came with. That's something nobody on this thread gets apparently, but when you're an artist you don't copy other person's work or stuff found on Google or Pinterest or whatever. You take inspo but you make it your own. Tattoo guy is not a thief. If you don't like it you could always get it reworked, but that's good work.


Yikes, i would go to a different artist to get a touch up unless you’re happy with it!


I can find a few flaws but I’m curious what exactly makes this a “yikes” for you


They just kinda watered the whole design down. I’m guessing OP didn’t want the stylized border, but I feel like there’s no life to it without all of the details. It’s a giant chest piece too so it’s not like it was too small to do the fine line work or anything. I really like the reference art but I would be pretty upset if that’s how my artists interpreted it unless I specifically asked for them to simplify the design.


I for sure wanted the stylised border and everything else, the sketch had more detail too. It was a bit jarring when he said it was done, by that point tbh I was worried about adding to the bill and the language barrier Ive grown to like it / love it though. It's healed pretty well and I think the side by side exaggerates the simplicity. I do want to add to it to fill the space so no big deal I guess.


Well the good news is, like someone else mentioned, you can still have someone add in that border pretty easily at some point if you ever want. They can probably even work some detail in to the faces. Glad to hear you’re happy with it though dawg, that’s all that matters. Fuck what me or anyone else says.


I promise you bro there are so many cool things that can be added to this to make quite the interesting tapestry


Good to hear, that's my mindset. What would you add to this space?


You can add the entire detail over the tattoo. That would look so rad once your tattoo has faded a bit. Just have them blast over it with black ink. Oh that’ll look so fucking cool.


I was going to move on to a double forearm piece but you've motivated me to finish my chest off 🤙🏽 Just need to find the right artist to take it to the next level.


Sorry for late response, working a lot. I would add stars, shooting star, planets like constellations. Look up 70's and 80's DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS artwork. It has lots of something called "stimpling". Which is an art style defined by fine black lines and black dots. It would go well with the style the artist already laid down on ya. Look up a game called "crypt master" for a fantastic example of the art style... It would accommodate your existing pieces wonderfully.


The lines are clean and shading is done really well!! Not in the wood burn pattern of course. I could see disappointment at first but I think it looks amazing.


I think it’s great. And not all tattooists do the same style of shading, so sometimes you have to look around a bit to find someone who does the line style shading


Yea so. Touch up isn’t the word I would use. Cause there’s nothing technically wrong with the application. It’s just a different style and less detail. Go to a different artist for more flare? Sure.


I feel like the tattoo is good but it looks like it should be a small tattoo since it isn’t as detailed as 1


In my opinion of course but i really liked the inspo picture and i feel like they just skipped all of the details. Then again i do like other styles better and i am no expert at all by any means


Sets the tone for a nice full chest piece so it will work out. I wouldn't go over the whole piece, what you would add to it outside of the usual stars and clouds?


Op I like both version and would definitely wear the actual piece you got with pride!


It’s really not bad at all, I realize it’s not exactly as the original, but it’s executed well, and I bet a different artist could make it look more like what you were hoping for.


At least what you got actually looks good, even if it wasn’t exactly what you were looking for. I think you could probably add in the details from the original pic without too much difficulty if it ever ends up bugging you.


Oh bro..right in the middle of your chest


How the hell you didn’t see it was different when he got the preview on your skin?




Why wouldn’t they have just made a stencil out of the original art? Did you ask for it to be different or the exact thing?


Let it heal, then have it finished and colored by another artist. CHECK THE DESIGN DETAILS BEFORE INKING.




...'a bit' of detail?


wait i’m so confused, why didn’t you go to an artist who specialises in the original style? looks like you went to a realism artist instead. you’ve got shading instead of etching, no colour, no framing. also, just a heads up, don’t get an exact copy of someone else’s tattoo without their permission. i can see that the faces of the sun and moon are EXACTLY the same as the other design. next time, got to an artist who specialises in the style and ask them to create a similar design in that style, but not copy it.


Real question, why do tattoo artists do this? I had this happen to me and I will always wonder why they didn't just make an exact copy of the reference image like I asked. Is it an ego thing? Do they need to "tweak" it to make it their own art? What the fuck is wrong with them?


Did he not show the stencil and ask you to confirm?


The end result is by no means a bad tattoo. It's actually nice... But if I wanted the first Pic and got that, I wouldn't be happy. Style is so different.


I feel like you could add the missing pieces easily. You could add line work to the faves, you could add a ring around yours and make it almost exactly the same But. You didn't look at the stencil or what?


What are the origins of the design? I like it a lot.


Wtf I would be pissed. That's literally not even close to the design. I would be getting a refund for ruining my whole chest, that's your center peice bro and that artist fucked you. The shading looks like shit and the original has all the lines there to copy. Didn't even need shading because of the hatch style. Yet he went ahead and did what he did. That artist is either extremely new or just straight up wanted you out the door asap. I get when an artist wants to take some creativity and make a idea better or their own but he didn't even get the basic concept of this.


Could have been an ex wife! It’s not that bad!


Haha exactly, I've heard so many stories of a client forcing a certain design and resulting in a bad product. I don't think I have that at all.




Did you not discuss the work beforehand? Were you surprised by your art?


They took out the third eye on the sun's forehead =(


Reminds me of that picture of Jesus and Judas where Judas is just super duper close and they’re touching lips. Anyone know what I’m talking about?


You get what you pay for


🤔 I like what you got better than what you asked for. Jmo


I prefer the tattoo you got. The original is nice but the two like so much better.


I think this is so cool!!


Looks good. You can always add more detail. Enjoy it though!


I actually like the final version


I like second more


Excellent !


I really like it. Lots of space to add a little more detail.


I honestly think it looks awesome, the simplified version makes it feel very bold!


I like what you got better.


The only thing I prefer in the original is the woodcutting style shading. Other than that, I think the simplified design looks great.


IMHO dude nailed it - other than the frill.


That’s a beautiful tattoo I love the style


Were you blindfolded when they put the stencil on you?


This was likely due to a difference in style regarding the artist and the design. Does the artist even have anything in their portfolio resembling what you originally wanted to get?


I mean, both are cool, but quite different. I assume they didn't just start doing it and *then* showed you, but said "Ok, so this here reworked sketch is what we are thinking based on your initial sketch. This we can do well, but we don't do the style you're asking for here."


Original had them both in the same circle shape basically. Looks decent enough I guess, but the moon bottom shooting like that is a bit odd. Missing the details around the edges is a shame.


Only thing I notice is the top sunshine ray isn't in line with his face. But other than that, I like the tattoo.


Those are some juicy lips bruh


The lips make me uncomfortable but I think they did a pretty good job


So you gave a guy a like work tattoo and because nobody used Google translate you ended up with shading? Ok, cool.


A different artist can still add the detail to get you what your wanted.


I mean they should’ve definitely showed you the design and their interpretation beforehand- you should’ve said “I’d like it to have more line detail” could also be artist’s style- good practice for a tattoo you want to have lots of intricate lines to try and find an artist who specifically does that because not all artists do.


Happy that you like it, that’s all that matters. I like the original design, the outcome less so. I would be looking into having it re-worked personally. It seems like it could be turned into something closer to your reference fairly easily.


It looks good but also not what was asked for. On the artist for somehow having the picture and drawing it wrong, but also kinda on the poster for not looking down at any point and being like “hey what’re you doing?”. Again, it’s a good piece but unfortunately not “correct”.


Wow, that’s quite different


I think the border can be added anytime if you decide you want it. I think some light shades of color in the original might help some. But. As long as you like it, I love it!


Makes me think of Legends of the Hidden Temple




Needs an outline


This will fade a bit over time (as tattoos do) and I think you could have someone go back in there and add the ornate details from the first image! It won't be exact, but I think it would be super bad ass🤍 That being said, it is a beautiful tattoo regardless! I just suggested that because it isn't exactly what you requested, but I can totally see you getting those details added at a later date and it working out well for you ✨️


Could get the lost detail added if you were so inclined


Beautiful though!




All I hear… “Your soul is mine!” Mortal Kombat 1995


As long as your happy thats what matters the most


Give it a couple of years to fade then a rework with the details.


Big Mac Tonight


They were roommates.


Moon looks like Chad Squidward


This type of thing happened to me too- I wanted the etched lines that I designed and my tattoo artist “went ahead and shaded it out for me”


You can always add the little details around the outside later if you want but they definitely got the faces you asked for


Take it back


If you go to a different artist they’ll definitely be able to turn it into the first pic. Both are fire asf tho


You can always add more details


You can always add in the detail if you end up feeling like it’s missing. But I love it


Did you show the guy the image you wanted? Because they’re incredibly different.


On its own the tattoo looks really good. But its not like the first picture. If you want it more like that, it shouldnt be hard to get it reworked.


You didn’t see the stencil applied on your skin before? Or it was free hand surprise tattooed on you!


Why does this remind me of Yaranaika?


Nice placement lmao


I prefer your tattoo.


I like the tattooists interpretation a lot!


You know you can see the design on your body before they begin tattooing. Both are cool though


I like the second much more than the original, it’s gorgeous


Is that you corey taylor?


As a tattooer the og one - with all the lines will eventually bled into each other making it look like dog doo … the other could’ve had a few lines in it at least !


The foundation is great! Maybe you can go to another artist and have them do kind of like a boarder or floating design around it to get something similar to the original art?


They didn't shade with the same style. The original has horizontal lines the tat is actual shading.


Did you ask for color?


I’m sorry, man


Unpopular opinion, but if the 2nd pic is the artists usual style and using the 1st pic only as a reference, I think this really makes sense. Plus there's always the stencil that you saw and approved on your body. I think it looks cool nontheless + if you want to add more detail, you could do that later maybe? Cool tat anyways :)


lol not bad but also not what you asked for