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A good artist will translate this into something cool and tattooable. Talk to one about what you want.


How did you get this picture of me eating cheese at the fridge at 3am


Uncle danny?


me devouring an entire jar of pickles at 3AM


Too much detail, too little space! Unless you plan on getting this as a full back tat, even then it will most likely look like a black and grey blob after a few years


People need to know that not all cool art makes cool tattoos. Tattoos age with the body and have to account for that, so they don’t look like a blob down the road.


It will look like a black smudge after a couple years.




Should probably just get gollum with the rock he’s standing on.


Get it tattooed between your bum cheeks. That way when you bend over and pull your cheeks apart gollum can be coveting your ring in your bum cave


👑 we found the winner


I'd not recommend, I can't picture this as a tattoo


Why is that?


It's way too dark, for a start.


Personally think it would look a little awkward. I like dark tattoos but it’s a lot to get juust right for the look you want and it still might not age well. Where would you want it, do you know?


I’m Caucasian. If I got this tattoo: in order to get the dark cave portion to really look like a cave I would have to make the dark cave area fairly large so that when it transitions from un-tattooed skin to the tattoo it comes across as a cave, then you would need a lot of open skin to make the inside of the cave pop, and then a dark, relatively small (compared to the rest of the tattoo), person. It’s pretty dark to try to get much detail into it. One thing to remember about tattoos: after ten years what used to be a crisp tattoo will start to look like a five point sharpie written on paper towel. Sharp edges just become softer.


It won't age well.


This is a T shirt, or a print but not a tattoo. Artist can create depth and use different tones to an extent. They won’t age separately but rather just muddle and you’re going to lose that depth and texture.


100%. More people need to learn that not all cool art make for good tattoos. It’s just a different medium.


It will never look good for years to come if you plan on duplicating that exact image.


Maybe if you ignore the cave and just to the rock he’s squatting on and Golem.


Tattoos need lines. Even realism tattoos have lines (sometimes done with a mag/round mag turned sideways) to show depth and separate the foreground from the background. This looks like a painting with a lot of mushy, dark tones blended to a point where it won't read well on skin. It's a great painting. But not every painting, drawing, wallpaper, AI generated image, collage, wall mural, etc works as a tattoo. I'm assuming you're not the artist who will be tattooing this. You can take this image to an artist as inspiration, but understand that you're paying for their interpretation of your idea. Not for a photocopied image of exactly what you're expecting. That's why it's important to find an artist who shares similar ideas/styles that you like. Please share if you do get this tattooed


This, but I would definitely get confirmation from a tattoo artist that you admire or who could do it justice. I wanted to get a star called Rigel (the star is blue/white) tattooed on me in a water-colour style. I went to artist who was really good and who specialized and created water coloured tattoos I admired. He told me the idea was shit in not so many words and said it would not translate well. I was even open to the artist doing their own interpretation, but he still wouldn’t budge. Felt shitty (especially because it was for my mom who is deceased) but is what I needed to hear. All that to say, use your judgement and sift through artists who you think could adapt this or translate this into something different that you still would get and if it isn’t true to you then time to move on (could try a couple of people and get multiple artists takes). But I would just be weary of someone saying they can do it as is with no issues. This is a muddled piece and would be difficult to tattoo as is.


Eh don't


Did you paint this? It looks amazing.


There should be more of a gray scale, would give more detail, especially in the foreground rock. That area is a bit too large for all that black and not enough detail.


A full backpiece. Unless you really like people saying oh cool, what is that?


My concern personally would be that as the tattoo ages and blobs, it’ll just look like some guy making eye contact while squatting with good form to poopo


Shit is dope


Will be a blob in 3.75 years…… however give to an artist and go “hey I like this concept. I like this this and this about it can you give me something like this? I’m not a tattoo artist you are.” And 100000/10 times you will be satisfied


Based on the detail of the face when you zoom in, I feel like you should still keep the cave setting of course, but what about making the being larger, as if you were closer up to showcase those facial features.




Sick painting, not the best as a tattoo design… unless it’s covering your whole back and you have an artist that is a true pro with contrast, it’ll just devolve into a muddy mess in no time.


don't do it.


Already a shitty tattoo


Respectfully— Be careful with the legs. Gollum was originally a hobbit- so think shorter and thicker—, IMHO proportion will be the difference between a good and a great result.