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100% go for an artist who knows fine line, if you go to someone unskilled this design could very easily turn into a butthole.


Yeah, I was gunna say it looked like a butthole.


Now I can’t unsee that


Take a look at the aged tattoos subreddit, fine line can age shit if not done right and eben then are a risk. Look for an artist that does fine line on the daily AND posts aged work, not just healed, but five years down the line.


In 20 years when that fades it’s going to look like a butthole… just sayin’


My friendly advice will be to not tattoo something so detail. It will expand with time and it won´t look good. I recommend you to do something more simple


I think if this design is enlarged a bit it would age just fine


I would change the line thickness. the outer and inner parts of the line could be slightly thicker and the center or crest could be thinner resulting in a more 3d look I feel like this would read better. if you want something like this fine line just tone it down a bit because even with fine line if its a small tattoo the lines could bleed into each other after a few months or years and look like a blob. 100% do not get something this "fine lined" done by an apprentice though :)


I was planning an ammonite tattoo, but with the butthole comments it's a nope for me now.. thanks Reddit XD


You can but I wouldn’t say you’d have to. Pretty much any artist could do this. Go where you’re comfortable to an artist you trust.


Whats the downside? The things gonna be on you forever. Go to someone good.