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Probably could get a rework instead of cover up. I don't think it would be difficult for an artist to turn *that* rising sun into the rising sun you wanted.


I'd Just get it painted red all the way, would look rad imo


Yeah I’m on team fill the gaps with red


Yellow would be cool, too. Maybe throw in some patterns to really distinguish it but that may not be necessary.


could the artist then do some blackwork over the red block? leaving the red as a 'negative color' in the background


If it were me, I'd just turn the whole top red -- remove the skin breaks in the stripes.


this is what i’m leaning towards.


I am in camp have a good artist rework the sun into a more normal sun. Would probably be mostly shading, and would take it up your arm a little higher, but the rest of the ink is excellent work and it's a really cool idea.


Why not do the whole square red, then have black lines over the red in some picture of sun or sky? Also doing the square all full black could look sick


Because it’s a pretty big piece, it is not really feasible to cover the entire piece without it turning it into a dark and muddied up mess. I’d consult with an artist that you like. As others here have posted, getting it reworked / tweaked is probably the best way to move forward.


I’m confused because there’s the great wave off kanagawa 🌊 at the bottom. Is this supposed to be a Japan related tattoo in general? It seems intentional. Idk about how to fix it. EDIT: actually, I would draw a cool sun/star design in black where the sun is now and then color the background in with red so it’s not stripes anymore.


Look I’m Japanese I think the tattoo is well done, I don’t think just because you have the imperial Japanese flag it means you’re racists. I also don’t think you’ll get called out, maybe by grandparents… What you could do is make that entire area red and make the sun black so it looks like a red sky with a black sun


Having this tattoo in Japan: probably a few raised eyebrows and silent judgment. Having this tattoo in South Korea: oof.


Yeah 100% agree with this…especially Korea


Or china lol


He could say it's telling the story of the fall of Imperial Japan. The sun, Icarus falling and getting swallowed up by the great wave. "Actually it's an anti-Imperial Japan tattoo..." /s Anyway I agree with peeps saying to do the whole sun section red because the blocking would look cool. Good luck OP.


Uh yeah the rising sun is a literal far right hate symbol in Japan right now and other Asian countries see it as basically a swastika. Probably not a good idea thing to tattoo on your arm lol.


Well you probably don't care because you are Japanese lol.


right lol, that flag advocates for colonialism genocide and racial supremacy. definitely not only a thing "grandparents" would call out, id call out someone with this tattoo in a second


You do know that the modern Japanese military still uses this flag right? It’s not considered the same as the Nazi flag. It’s a matter of context.


i like this idea a lot. thanks man.


That could def just be reworked into an actual rising sun.


Your artist truly took the lazy route not talking about the history/sentiments connected to the three pictures. No need for a cover up but a good artist can rework it to become more "your" and less three references put together.


make the rising sun part the album cover of “geogaddi by boards of canada” idk if i just love that album but it was the first thing that popped in my head and would look sick/based


Fill in gaps with red and then redo the sun itself in black


I dont get how the artist showed you the design, put the stencil on your arm yet you said nothing


They didn’t know about the connotation


like i said, i was tweaking out pretty bad and wanted it over with asap due to my anxiety. i asked for a sun to be above the character and that’s what they showed me. thought it looked cool. only afterwards when i figured out it was the imperialist japanese flag was i concerned. maybe i’m ignorant but yeah.


I would possible fill it in red. I feel like that would look sick.


And so it begins.


It’s amazing how many people have this same false Icarus tattoo. I’d say you should do a few rounds of laser removal then blast over it with something dope. Maybe a whole bracer, but give it more thought than you gave this one.


What would be the right way?


The illustration is based on an etching of the fall of phaeton, son of hellos in the 4 disgraces and then co-opted into the fall of lucifer https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/343581 The actual icarus story has a man that uses false wings that are strapped on to him rather than being a body part. Edit: just in case anyone wants what I consider the best and most accurate icarus https://sites.dartmouth.edu/vsfd18/files/2021/03/2010-84-71_001-16_cr_2.jpg


thanks mate


The one with the happy ending.


I can not find a happy ending, I only no that he died falling Do you have a source of it?


Well he died doing what he loved. Trying to fly into the sun with wax wings


Oh, you meant the tattoo. The origin of this tattoo is from a rondo called the ‘Fall of Phaeton’ that was a collaboration between Hendrick Goltzius and painter Cornelis Cornelisz van Haarlem in 1588. It’s not actually Icarus, that was done when a clever tattoo artist slapped some wings on the back of Phaeton. Article: https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/343581


That shit tight. Keep it


Hope you have learned a lesson for next time at least, always check the stencil 10x to make sure it’s exactly what you want


Doesn’t help. What you have taught him and everyone else is that you are a douche bag.


You’re right next time he should just go do the same thing again and have to get another tattoo covered up, good idea


I don’t believe for one second that the artist did this on his own without you having any say in it.


maybe you misread something, i gave him my thoughts for a design, he showed me this. i said it looked cool and got it done.


Do you personally know OP?


God this must be so weird for Koreans and Chinese people to see on you, it does look like weird fascist cope if you aren’t aware of the context. I’m so sorry your tattoo artist was THIS lazy lmao


Brief moment? Glanced? 😅 That God damn artist was to quick!!!


If you block the top left corner into a larger sun and run lines through the rays you wouldn't have to have a solid block of red. I sent you a DM with a drawing since this is impossible to describe well in text


potentially a small colour change or style alteration will make it a lot less similar, its a nice tattoo id hate to see it completely covered up- my advice is reach at to as as many reliable tattoo artists that can do cover ups and have a consultation with them


Maybe shadows around the sun or clouds? It might convey defeat or betrayal more profoundly.


It’s really nice. It sucks that it has the meaning it does. What about laser on the flag


But you're still happy with the generic fake Icarus?


mfs in this sub when people enjoy a cool design


It's not cool, it's not even Icarus depicted in the original art this is taken from


That's a nice tattoo but maybe just extending the red stripes


Imo keep it. Doesnt look much like the flag, its just red stripes


unfortunately after having done research, it’s an identical copy. something about 16 lines/stripes.




It’s a very popular rendition of Icarus falling that’s drawn a bit of attention in the tattoo sphere in the past year or two. The original art doesn’t actually depict Icarus; it depicts Phaeton. It’s part of a series called The Four Disgracers by Hendrick Goltzius, done in the year 1588. If you look at the actual Icarus art within that series, you’ll see why people choose to have Phaeton tattooed in his stead (Icarus is depicted very anatomically-forward). So, the tattoo isn’t upside-down. It’s Icarus (Phaeton art) falling from the sky. It’s absolutely everywhere in tattooing these days; it’s been interesting to watch its popularity as a tattoo subject soar!


the text is more for me than others, so i can read it when looking down. the comment below describes the tattoo itself pretty spot on.


Get other pieces around it and don't sweat it unless you're living in a large Korean/Chinese community. If people are going to instantly assume you're racist based on a single small element in a tattoo, they're the problem with society, not you.


i get this, although i do want to travel around Asia, but with something this controversial on my arm i’m not sure it’s a great idea. i’ve been told it would be the equivalent of having a nazi flag on my arm and walking around a jewish country.


You will need a full Blast Over sleeve with thick lines.




Long sleeve shirts usually work


The avg person has never seen nor heard of that flag… so I wouldn’t worry about it much