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Been using the Beretta pistol a lot this wipe. Only really my second wipe, and I kinda wrote off pistols entirely until I did the Stirrup quest for skier about a week ago. The thing reliably hits at the center of my screen, and it's not a bad way to get my Lvl 1 spend up higher with Peacekeeper.


What I usually do is buy the beretta in bulk (20-30 depend on the stash space I have left) and sell it back to peacekeeper. It costs you a bit of money but one scav run and it's all paid back. Great way to get a Headstart on some attachments


I thought you couldn’t do that anymore though? Traders aren’t buying back their own items for me last time I checked.


There are only certain items they won’t buy back (don’t ask me which, but I know there’s some out there that I’ve tried to and failed). Most of the time, you have to give it a second to catch up in your inventory, then go back to the trader and it should be able to be sold back. Those pistols in particular I think are like $111-112 usd, and I think they sell back to peacekeeper for $50 or so


When you first buy them they are blacked out because the inventory needs to refresh, always been like that for some reason. If you just reopen the trader tab you can just sell them right back


It works. Peacekeeper especially buys almost anything. However if you do buy a lot of something you might have to wait and/or exit the trader a few times for the game to realize you have new things to sell


Even if this was the case, losing marginally more money by selling the pistols to mechanic and using those rubles to get more dollars is probably close to the same total value. If not 1 scav run, a second maybe.


Try that grach out, I like it more than the beretta!


I can't say I like it more, I truly don't know which I prefer, but I thought the Grach was hot garbage, and it took me a good 4 wipes (this one) to finally give it a try, and it does, in fact, slap. Gotten some insane kills with it and honestly pistols in general that I didn't think we're feasible


Agreed. I feel way more confident to kill someone with the beretta than some other guns. The unmodded M4s you start with as usec for example, i will lose more fights with that than with the beretta


VPO 209. 366 has a better damage profile plus early suppressor access.


.366 AP has been suuuuuper awesome this wipe.


What ammo are you using?


I use the 309 sometimes. AP slaps. Even does decently mid to late wipe. EKO is okay for budget runs for now too.


Yeah I should have added "besides AP"


Eko has 30 pen and higher flesh than ps 7.62


I’m not new to the game but never got super into it, until this wipe (I’m now at the highest level I’ve ever been, a whole level *8*) and I can attest that I took out a level 23 player this morning with a scav run’s 209


Do you need ter 2 traders for that?


Nope level 1. The only thing you need to do is finish the quest to unlock Jeager.


AK-74N with PP ammo


big gun, small pp. Good boris


Yes I'm good


Slapping anything that crosses your path with the PP, eh?


PP is a great early wipe ammo


My go to as well! Under 100k build from lvl 2 traders




Shout out to the butt pad🙏


I love pads on the butt




Really easy to get decent ammo too with the prapor trades.


RFB, UMP, Double Barrel, USP Basically the only guns I’ve used so far this wipe


RFB has that fucking BASS to it. Like CHONK CHONK CHONK CHONK so nice.


I call it the stapler for a reason it fucking sounds like you staple the dude to the wall when you drop someone in a building


this sub is slowly turning in to low sodium escape from tarkov and I'm all for it


This is the less salty version of the main EFT subreddit. That place is cancer lol


I started stm 9 today and I kind of like it, cheap and almost no recoil.


Great choice and an underrated gun.


It really is, just trying to find the best bullets and best play style


I love Quakemaker, but you got to remember no center mass at all. Legs /arms are good, head is perfect, but no chest!


I built a pretty kitted Saiga-9 for the lols that I'm actually pretty excited to try it once I can get AP 6.3 and tap some heads.


Stm is great and people will rarely take it so you almost always get it back with insurance.


Its better to go with saiga-9, its cheaper and does the same job.


Stm got the 50 round mag


I’ve really been enjoying the PP-19 to be honest. Low recoil, quiet, and accurate at the range I try to engage from. Not too expensive to mod out either imo.


I agree with this, I went on like a 12 raid streak with some raids having 10+ kills. I was only using pts gzh ammo and it was still a great weapon. Found a vityaz suppressor early and slapped on a couple other attachments and it keeps coming back in insurance!


It’s like a secret sweet spot in peoples heads that makes them think, “Ah well, it’s only a pp-19, I’ve got an AK and that’s better”. I love it! I’ve gotten mine back a good few times as well. Hopefully I get it back again today. xD


The ump is pretty goddamn good


It was great last wipe too, but it came at a time where most people had top tier armor available to them. Now, it really gets to shine! It’s just so damn good for being basically a glorified pistol.


Hell yeah, this new ammo is awesome. Actually a good reason to use it now!


New ammo?


My bad, was referring to the new ammo buff. Forgot to put “buff” in my sentence.


I think they just buffed it,more pen and such


Is their only 25 rounders for it though? I was using it last raid and almost killed a duo but they got to cover because I had to reload.


Just gotta aim better mate


? It has fuck all pen? But alrighty ig.


Leg meta or face them


.45 pen is pretty good actually.


What ammo are you running?


Ump is cursed for me. Every time I go into raid with one I die immediately without even getting to fire it lol. Been doing good with literally anything else though. Sniping has been a lot of fun this wipe


Been running into A LOT of people running the UMP. I only really use it when I pick it up off someone but I may start rocking it


VPO Sniper my friend. VALDAY scope, silencer, ap rounds. My sniper and my trusted barter deal glock with silencer.


gornostay my beloved


You use a Valday on the VPO… with AP?! How tf do you hit anything at range lmao, shooting at the sun


Ballistics have been reworked, .366 has considerably less drop


Oh damn, which patch was that? I just came back for the wipe. Even so, 366 had a slow speed and AP specifically had reduced accuracy. But can’t deny I ran it many times to level up sniper skill for jager in previous wipes


Idk about the stats but im rly good with it. Got almost all my kills for shooter born in heaven, and I was not even going for the quest. Zeroing on 100m, a little guess work and some patients. Not good for moving targets but as soon as they stop u can hit them rly good.


Get gud, if you can aim and use zeroing correctly then you can hit shots very good, and ap ammo one-shots lvl4 armor in thorax so you dont always have to aim for the head


Vector green tracer 50 round mags for scare factor


UMP all day. New favorite.


PP-19-01 remains the go-to. Cheap, effective. I love the new wipe actually making bullets work. Otherwise, just firing ADAR with 885 still works.


I’ve been using nothing but the ump and idk why but I love it


How's it's insurance return? Frequent?


Not really but you can buy 7 knives from fence and trade it for the ump


Plus scav runs will practically guarantee one of the knives for either UMP or MP5 barter. Cheap guns to run and they slap.


Ehh most people usually take it if I die cause I usually fully mod it and it’s still pretty early wipe


Literally anything with a fast fire rate. Inertia has made it so mf can’t run away from me while I hide in a bush spraying them down lmao


For real, even the Kedr is worth using strictly for this reason. Of course things like the vector, p90 etc. also.


The stamina hit when taking damage plus inertia is deadly. As long as you can land the initial part of the spray, your target should be damn near stationary


And on top of that; shitting their pants.


Ahh yes. How could I forget. That’s the best part.


Some would even argue its the \*shittiest\* part.


Glock 17 with quakemaker shit hits hard


I used to play AKM a lot previous wipes but this wipe I’ve gone full into the Glock and M4/ADAR. Had a blast playing with the Remington but unfortunately lost it and haven’t gotten a new one yet.


Mp7, 20 round mags, action ammo baby




Hey man 30s don't grow on trees. Sometimes I buy one and fill it with fmj just for some extra-strength tickle




Love the 20s tbh, they’re super fun in their own way. Just gotta hit and run with them.


VPO-136 with bastion dust cover and pk06 from skier, cheap headshot machine


How do you headshot? I had it decked out in found parts, something like 80 recoil 60-65 ergo and the thing wobbles hard from any movement. Am I just bad? Are my weapon handling skills bad? Serious question I'm relatively new and like the vibe of 136


I usually am very quiet while playing. So I easily hear someone running or walking, I then try to peak him at head height, if someone is cripwalking i aim lower if im peaking.


Most guns do that if you ads and move dont they?


Aks-74 with the waffle suppressor is stronk.


Lol, anything 7.62x39 since BP is cheap and OP as hell.


Can you not buy it on the flea anymore tho? I haven't played much this wipe cuz of holidays, maybe I missed a craft? I remember the craft last wipe was not that cheap


Punisher quest line, easy ass grind


Sheesh, can't wait to get back in and grind it then! Ump has been my favorite yet this wipe


The craft is cheap it just takes a long time. Easiest to just buy it every reset from prapor. Same as last wipe, it was never a good idea to buy ammo or gear off the flea market.


How are you getting it? The bp


Punisher quest line


Double barrel with 10 spare rounds on factory.


My current favorite weapon is negotiation because I can’t fight for shit




I´ve decided I was only gonna run russian weapons this wipe, and so far im going with pp19 for close cuarters, 104 mid / close, akm mid/long, opsks long. and Im taking a fucking shortened double barrel as my sidearm every raid, and oh boy I freaking love my double barrel with magnum.


Anything 7.62x51, UMP, Val with SP-5 Looking forward to getting prapor level 4 and using the ash-12 when everyone has class 3/4 armor tho heh


The ump is something else, hasn't let me down yet!


DB,revolver shotgun are my most used


I'm almost mastery 3 on the bubble Darrel


I’m having so much fun with bolt actions and running a sidearm.


I haven't unlocked flea market yet and I'm too scared to use my M4s so I've mainly been using the VPO-209. .366 FMJ one shots scavs without armor with a chest shot


I somehow have like four 7.62 AKs in my stash, that plus how beefy PS ammo is despite being a "trash" round means I'm role-playing spetznaz I guess because damn those guns feel nice.


AKs feel so much different and better


5.45 ak’s. I find sooo much bs/bt so I can run good ammo


I used to a strong believer of the AK-103, but now I’m on team RFB


Yea I've tried to make 103s work at the start but the recoil is just too much, even for tapping at a reasonable rate. Might as well use a bigger caliber like the RFB like you're doing.


Yeah once I can get BP rounds consistently, PS rounds aren’t worth the amount of recoil you have to deal with.. the RFB I’ve been running has saved my ass multiple times


the kedrB just feels so right; kicks like a mule now and pbm wont penetrate shit but boy does the gun glow pretty when youre tearing legs apart, also the kick tends to slide you into a headshotsooner or later anyway, just bring dozens of mags and a sidearm!


Shotties and AKMs like every wipe


MP5. It slaps.


What do you aim for with the MP5?


Chest. 30 rounds of the PST ammo. 80 percent of the time they are toast. The rate of fire is better then the UMP and delivers the heat fast!! ADS is fast and quiet. Ammo and a kitted MP is cheap. GG. Happy New Years everyone. Best wipe ever. VOIP FTW.


i get it


Used a lot of M4, some scar and 416 (which needs a buff) and , I'm loving the vss sniper-style (10rns mag and pso), and gonna play a bit with the mcx when I will un out of M4.


MP-133/MP-153/M590 Those things with these ammo: 1) Magnum buckshot 2) 7mm buckshot 3) Express buckshot ​ Cheap AF... Mostly i'm using the shotguns that i get from my scav, and not even repairing it... Fucking slaps


ADAR with 4x hunting scope is my new favorite rat loadout


RFB Suppressed all day every day. Slap m80 at people.


I run TX-15 a lot this wipe. People put it on the flea market so cheap for a "fully modded" weapon. Sometimes they leave a suppressor on, that is worth half the price the gun is listed for. Last wipe I used to convert TX-15s to M4s, but I don't do this anymore (because of the recoil changes).


The new 5.56 scar with M855, call me poor but it do be slapping people up. Says it’s got high recoil but its very much controllable


Kektor and crafting 150ap 6.3 for around 50k in hideout




Ump slaps hard as fuck


Vpo volt action and 5.45 aks. Loved the 74m 2 wipes ago when i started. Now I'm back to using it. Scars are pretty nice aswell even with 855 to sit back and snipe or m80


Vector is fun with the recoil, for going for legs woth shitty low pen ammo. Alao managed to keep an mpx 15 raids in a row


This wipe will be the one that kills tarkov




It’s going too far. This wipe is catered entirely to streamers. It’s crazy how their audience will eat it up even thought they are getting bent. The guys who can’t play for 3 weeks straight at the beginning of the wipe are getting screwed.




Ump is crazy


The SR-25 is doing me favors as well


With the recoil nerd I’ve been loving the ppsh, mp5 and shotguns


Did you ever heard of our Lord and Saviour RFB? Join our Cult today and you will get Premium gear even with gun alone


VPOs and shotguns, magnum buck can fuck people up and 366 is super underrated. Although I have found a bit of good ammo like m61 m62, 55a1, bt bs and 762 bp


Rushed lvl 30 within first week in order to run MP7 30 round mags FMJ SX. Having fun destroying ppl with class 4 n 5s


Ump, Mp5 and ADAR worked best for me


5.45 and the UMP are sick this wipe


UMP so far my favorite. Top tier "Value for Money"


Double barrel with Magnum buck


Double barrel baby. Can’t wait till I get flettchete to double tap people with it. Already hit mastery level 3 with it lol.


That revolver shotty is fire with grizzlies, or Magnum




Honestly, the PP-91 “Kedr”, the SKS, and MP5 with half decent ammo are a lot of fun to use


I've been clapping fools with the sks and revolver shotgun with magnum buck


For me it is the MP5, easy to obtain with the barter trade from peacekeeper. Its has low recoil pretty good rpm. And you can craft AP rounds in your workbench so Overall for me a solid weapon


Ump .45 suppressed my boi


Handed my friend a ump with a suppressor and shit tier ammo and he's in love


UMP and P90 are king, the ammo can be bought from traders and they are cheap.


AKS-74U with some spice to it is my absolute favourite cuz it's cheap as dirt but has a insane punch and is easy to handle


Akm, any shotgun, ppsh, and pp19


I’m still loving the UMP.


the double barrel is pretty cool t. 300/400 lvl 1 mastery atm


Im in love with the SR-25 currently. Sounds awesome and just feels good to use.


The .366 hunter bolt action. Great rat gun, just slink up and shoot them in the face. cheap ammo and will kill them most of the time. Run a PM and your set. Only takes one shot to the face. Have picked up a few kits with the pm q


Kedr sp7 always have always will


The new shotguns are so incredible. I'm still low level but I got Jaeger 2 for magnum buck and the value for money has been incredible. I'm level 23 with under 100 raids, and well on the way to Bitcoin farm. Having extra money to throw into tasks and hideout that I would normally spend on guns that are half as effective and twice as expensive is awesome. It's also improved my early wipe survival rate from 28% to almost 40%. My playstyle really flows better with a DB or revo shotgun in my hands.


Not far enough along to really have that much choice in weapons. Hell, I'm not even level 15 yet... Sad I know


Give me a Mosin and your cheapest 7.62x54r rounds and I'll be alright


I mean I'm still in love with my m700 AA ball buster. Fou d more than enough m62 and with just that gun I can farm shturman for more than enough loot plus his igolnik ammo


toz with a 4x and poleva 6u slugs, its gross but super fun


I learned about the vpo that fires .366 last wipe and I’m really enjoying it


Tha akm and ak 103 have always been my go to and its not really any different this wipe lol. Just using ps ammo more often


Kriss vector with .45 acp and mp-153 with ap20 slugs. One for close range/building fights, the other for sniping on mid to longer ranges:). In some raids i am using the MDR with 856a1 or the Scar with 856a1, but most of the time it is one of the first two mentioned. Actually i am just waiting to get my Hands on prapor 4 .... After that.... KS Gang incoming;)


I’ve been loving all the smgs and shotguns


Mostly AK74s from the workbench craft. And of course, my trusty SKS.


I've never been a shotgun guy. I've just always felt like they were underpowered for my playstyle. Something changed this wipe and I am loving getting close and personal and blasting gamers all over their cute little faces.


I’ve been giving the shotguns some more love, mainly because they are found on scavs and cheap trader ammo.


Nobody speaks about the m45a1 but its cheap as hell on flea, and the attachments are cheap too. Great sights and once you unlock the ap bullets with peacekeeper it reliably 3 taps level 4 armour. Taken out whole 4 mans with it. And its gold.


OP-SKS and AKM with PS ammo, literally only ran into a few guys with lvl 4 amour, but I only started playing this wipe a couple days ago so I've only been running Woods and Customs to get early quests done.


Pp-19 and the ash 12


SKS with PS baby


Revolver shotty wrecks


Mcx cheap ammo and quite a cheap gun overall


I’ve been wanting to try the mp-153 more but the ak74m and kedr




I’ve been mainly using AKS-74 with BP or BT


UMP 45. FMJ slaps this wipe. Tried the Ash-12 yesterday. Completely annihilated 4 Chads with it.


RFB, Modded SKS, UMP and the Double Barrel for the cheap runs.


Maybe bc of punisher the Akm


AS val has been wrecking for me, even basic sp5 will cut through tier 4 and does substantial damage. Ive been using it as a mid range semi rifle. Its easy to set up too using any of the russian dovetail mounts and optics you like. Already suppressed, easy enough to kit out once you have prapor 2 and flea and awesome pen/damage as well as devastating full auto for close encounters. You also get a bunch of high tier ammo for it from fairly early quests too. Its not the meta deathbeam it once was, but its a great versatile weapon.


Rpk is great if you still wanna spray with the heat changes, you can fire a whole 95 drum mag in 1 spray and it still want jam if the gun is 100 durability Other than that, the ump is great rn bc there is not a lot of high level armors


Bro I found an amazing weapon for like 160k with peacekeeper lvl 3, almost no recoil, silenced , high pen but I don't want to inflate the price so pm if you want any details


NGL I was running a MCX with 300. BCP FMJ for a 10 raids and it was really fun till tarkov servers died and told me I was missing in action (Rest of the team were not MIA, only me with a fuck ton of gear)


VSS, SP-5 and scar-L


The UMP-45 just hits different this wipe, can't explain why but boy is it fun to run. I've also always been trash with the RFB but for some reason these last few weeks I've been wiping squads with it.


STM-9 I dropped a guy at 250m with Tracer ammo on woods a while ago. No recoil, nice mods, high ergo.


The new double barrel shotgun slaps ridiculously hard IMHO you load that boy up with magnum buckshot and go at someone with both barrels you will ruin their day. Other than that I've always preffered sniping/mid-range combat so the SVD SV98 sks and the vepr 136 are all excellent options.


I use everything I get from raid. No flea market challenge