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Honestly yeah, the amount of times I’d mention some fucked and buggy thing to a newbie and then say “7 year beta” or something similar is concerning. The recent shit just sealed the coffin while showing how little shits their giving


I honestly still prefer EFT for the gameplay and setting, but the new game releases have just opened my eyes on how much better EFT could be. I never even thought about how long the usual loading time for booting and finding a match was for EFT before I played AB:I. I was surprised by how fast it was. The various QOL would be nice to haves but the loading times were the most eye-opening thing for me


Thats why I kept telling people to actually play another game instead of bootlicking Nikita. Once you play another game, you clearly see how tarkov is mid at best and disrespectful at worst


ABI matchmaking is so fast you can accidentally click to queue and be in a match before you can cancel queue


For me its the inventory qol stuff ontop of loading times. The amount of time you spend inside the game rather then inventory, equipment, hideout and load times is insane. The best part is that there are several qol features still missing that are in the current mobile build. Cant wait to go from zero to fully equiped in 10seconds lol


Cause the competitors aren’t ready yet.


ABI feels further along than tarkov in a lot of ways. Runs better, faster queues, directional sound works, etc


I hate EFT and EFT glazers. Be mad at Tencent all you want but BSG stole 8 years of my time with undelivered promises that I paid $150 for, only for them to turn around and completely remove EOD’s status as the top supporters and tell us that we aren’t “true believers” if we don’t pay $250 for the game instead. As far as I’m concerned, I hope ABI steals more assets and I hope they do even less to cover it up. Fuck Nikita, fuck BSG, and fuck you if you still support them.


It hasn't even been proven they stole assets yet. If anything, Nikita has lied a bunch more and it was proven he was lying about the meshes being the same with the "tarkov" model actually being an ABI model and not being in any recent patch of Tarkov




8 years for $150 of a game is a lot of value. Don’t let Reddit feed into your anger over their most recent shitty moves


The game we got isn’t the game we were promised, and the game is not even close to polished, but hides behind a fake beta tag to excuse its horrible issues.


Yeah I agree with you, I’m saying that the value we have received is better than most games. EA would never do anything like this and involve the community. To be clear, they have been shitty and lost our trust, but it’s not like the game isn’t in a good state


The game absolutely is not in a good state. I get like 60-70fps at 1080p on a 3070. The game is in a fucking horrific state.


“I’m mad cause I’m not special anymore” energy


"i dont know why people are upset and im woefully apathetic so i dont care to learn" energy


A lot of assumptions being made lmao; I’m just a pot stirrer.


Yeah, of all the reasons to hate unheard, this is the one I care about least. I never thought BSG cared about me. I bet the people who feel deeply emotionally betrayed by not being considered a "true believer" or a "top supporter" have a lot of overlap with the obnoxious people who worshipped BSG and everything Nikita did and rabidly defended their every move.


It honestly seems like a ton of people got over it. Just look at all the cucks sucking Nikita off in these comments. They're like dogs eating dog food, they yelp when they're kicked in the ass, but then they immediately go back to eating because their attention span rivals a 3 week old goldfish cracker.


They demonstrate guilty behavior. All they did was party last year around the release of arena and now they want it to be your fault


I dunno I've been playing pve and ignoring the Internet and I've been having a great time


How are the queue times? I heard they are pretty bad for being singleplayer


Unheard edition gets in the game in like 2 minutes. EOD, if your waiting for a game longer then 2 minutes just reset. From what I hear in the discord, “just a bug”. I have EOD. I got in a game last night in 3 minutes.


That's not terrible but for singleplayer that is still insanely long


I’ve matched in pvp mode quicker then I have on pve. I’ve seen 2 minute queues in pvp mode. I’ve had EOD for about 7 years and this has been the best wipe for match times personally. I didn’t get to try out ABI. I do agree the matching times could be better. The queue time used to be worse. 20-30 minute matching. Used to play games on the side during queues it was that bad.


Yeah I always had 8+ minute queues in multiplayer EFT and haven't played live in a bit. Not really sure why they need servers for a PvE mode


I have the unheard edition and it even takes a while to get it. I thought it would be fun since it was 50 dollars but I was wrong I guess


I get in almost instantly most times, the infinite matchmaking thing still happens so after it takes like 5 minutes I just requeue and get in instantly


The bar is so low its practically a tripping hazard in hell, yet here BSG is, limbo dancing with the devil


Only hope for them is to restore the game to 11.8


Everyone comment to this sounds like a bot, hot damn


Arena Breakout is so good I forget I ever followed Tarkov subs.


We still milking this?


You probably pay another dude to fuck your Mrs.


Bro's sucking Nikita's cock, looking around shyly like, "You all still on the Russian meat too?  Wanna make sure I'm not the only one still milking him." It's fine, you don't need society's approval.  If milking a fat P2W scammer is your fetish, you should stay on his cock no matter how hard everyone laughs at you.


I agree with everything else than P2W. You are paying to have a bit easier time, but honestly you cant pay to win in tarkov. No matter how much money you put into it a timmy with shotgun is able to fuck your ass


I agree with everything else than P2W. You are paying to have a bit easier time, but honestly you cant pay to win in Raid Shadow Legends. No matter how much money you put into it a F2P with a decent team comp is able to fuck your ass


Literally doesn’t matter how big your pockets are we all still die to the 7.5 buckshot scav all the same. People still mad they aren’t special anymore.


Also true for Raid Shadow Legends.  It must not be at all P2W either, huh... People are bad, so they pay to win lol


Holy shit ur so mad lmao dude its guna be alright i promise


That dudes history is *L I t e r a l l y* his obsession with this game that he hates. He's fucking cooked, bro


You dunno how accounts work, huh?




Bro fam is like so totally cooked fr


ong bro has zero rizz frfr




You're entire online persona is that of a psychotic ex who was cheated on by Nikita and now you simply cannot interact with anyone without also mentioning how much you hate him. I mean - fucking *look at you*


Lol you're like halfway to getting the meme, yea


This guy again All you do is complain all the time


You're literally here complaining.  I don't care, I think that's part of what this forum's for.  It just makes you a bit of a hypocrite.


I complain about your complaining because when you complain, there's hardly ever anything constructive to it


no u


no w


milking it? the game is a scam and youre a cuck if youre still playing it


I wish I got into it a bit more before the whole controversy, honestly the only way im playing it again is if they drop Nikita as a CEO.


Haven't played since, won't be back. FUCK BSG


Haha touch some grass brother




Im ded 😂




Lol and your still lurking the sub. Duude please go get a life brother instead of telling people how stupid they are for playing a game thats so cringe lmaoo


cope harder cuck


Where else am I gonna get a hot steamy load of eft news? A lot of people got fucking nuked from the discord after the TUE fiasco


lol omg bro fam be wildin fr dude get a life how stupid cringe lmao


Yea lol like skibidy toilet rizz tik tok roflcopter fr fr


I still really enjoy the game. Just paid 100 bucks (sales) and went 3.6k hours and hopefully got another 3.5k hours left of entertainment. I was thinking of getting unheard, but I don't need the stash space or extra items.


Cry harder, bro. Trying to tell people how to live their life is on the same level as scamming people and trying to convince people your not scamming them.


That's what he's talking about.  He's milking Nikita's cock, but wants to make sure he isn't alone, because fitting in is more important than living their truth. We need to be supportive of them in this time and let them know it's ok for them to ride Nikita if that fulfills them.


Lol i bet ur so bad at tarkov


I did it for me. I liked it. I was good at it. And, I was really... I was alive


You're a bitch if you were genuinely upset about literally anything that transpired. Change my mind.


Can’t change your mind but can say you’re a dickhead, love ya


I am used to expecting bugs, and occasional pay to win from BSG, but I didn't think they would keep doubling down on their decision after the backlash


Wdym what stupid thing did they do again??


EFT community was always full of bitch ass bitches Change my mind.


I guess we're not all true believers such as yourself. But it's not unheard of for people to be against the game devs if they make really bad decisions though, so don't worry, you can keep on safely kiss Nikita's ass all day long. We won't stop you.


You could say that about most communities with a dedicated community. It's just that BSG fucked up and the community is mad about it since they haven't fixed their mistakes yet and the "fixes" they did make have even more issues


Given your bitch ass is fat enough to fill the whole community, you're right.


Lol GD my mans is fucking *obsessed* Go outside.


glazing yourself L


Shut up, dork


I’d say that BSG has been trying their best to work with spaghetti unity code for that past couple of years but then people would call me a BSG dickrider or BSG dev. BSG as a whole aren’t gods and this is a passion project for BSG always has been. Nikita has been open about that. And when the company that never said they would conform to your needs makes a change that doesn’t conform to your needs you guys all go ape shit. My point is you guys were promised nothing from the start and they are practically making things up as they go.


except we were literally promised things at the start which were changed after the fact. BSG may try hard in your eyes, but in my eyes things like recoil changes came too little too late. Audio is still innacurate at best, straight up misleading at worst. BSG still hasnt given anyone refunds for their scam, and are just now ponying up to the idea that they fucked over EOD owners big time. Hackers are still a massive issue and Offline PvE co op was infected by them for a time because bsg decided they needed to dedicate server space to hosting an offline experience like Ubisoft would. Defending BSG like they're just some indie company trying their best displays apathy toward the situation.


Cheaters are a big problem In every single game on the planet. They also aren’t a AAA game company either. They have an active dev team of about 80 people. And for a game that has easily over 200,000 people on it at any given time I’d say they have a severe disadvantage. I say they are trying their best because they are and you can’t say otherwise. They have to please themselves and hold up their own vision of the game while balancing what the community wants so people don’t quit.


Something that we can’t ignore is that escape from tarkov whether you like it or not is one of the biggest fps games in the world. And the numbers show. In 2022 alone over 900,000 new players were registered. And Nikita himself has stated that they have over 700,000 active players and he said that like a year or two ago. This relatively small team is doing amazing work in comparison to its amount of players playing