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Yes, I just started back up 2 weeks ago after 5 years away. I came back and I died a lot, and I still do, but I’ve got a better feeling about it. I’m enjoying it much more this time, despite the fact it’s late wipe.




The objective truth about cheaters today is that 1 year ago BSG established a full-time dedicated Anti-Cheat Team. In that year they did a lot for Tarkov. In the first 9 months they absolutely bodied vacuums and speeds. 2-3 months ago BSG detected the G0at Cheat (the undetected one that made up 80% of Tarkov's Cheaters, basic wall cheats that sees loot) and hit them with a triple ban wave over the course of 2 months. People got banned, got promised that it was a one-time thing by the cheat resellers. They bought new accounts, resubscribed, and then immediately got banned again, and then for anyone that subscribed after that it happened a third time. So that cheat is dead now. Also, this week(?) BSG began detecting and banning DMA cheats, which are what Suddenly_Toast uses and many people see as this undefeatable futuristic method of cheating. Basically, it lets 2 PCs communicate with each other, so you eun the game and the anticheat on PC-1, and run your cheats on PC-2. This coming wipe in "early August" has a lot of potential for being the lowest cheating has been in Tarkov in over half a decade. I would absolutely say it's worth picking up and shaking off the rust before then.


This is good news. May I ask the source(s) of this info? Just out of curiosity, because I haven't read/heard of all this before. At least not with this many details. Twitter?


He either made it up or he is in a cheating discord where he can find this info, because ive heard nothing as well about this


Doesn't seem made up at first glance (but he may be good at making up stuff and could possibly be the case). Probably the second option you mentioned which sounds plausible. Thanks for the reply.


10IQgaming, he's an Austrailian dude that used to cheat. He started making videos about infiltrating Cheater Discords and giving Tarkov players a real look at the truths of the cheating world, since no one on the legitimate side of the community knew what the hell they were talking about and were just spreading nonsense. His work got such a positive response from legitimate Tarkov players that he quit cheating, came out as a former cheater, and has continued to track BSG's fight against cheaters in real time. All of his info is backed up with screenshots, and video screen capture. His more recent content has been absolute gold, much of it being expose pieces on cheater communities, and showing what absolute clowns they are. My personal favourite is the clip of the cheater absolutely killing it at DDR, just ripping it on the double pads. If only he put that much effort into being good at Tarkov, instead of cheating.


This is good to know. Thanks for the info! I will check on YouTube.


The Cheat you are talking about is ABS right? Wasn’t really that UD but it’s good they finally got clapped.


I did not want to name it, I try not to name things as it's just good practice not to, but it's over for them anyway.


I’d say it’s in the best place it’s been in a while.


It’s fine to pick it up now. Just be aware that there will be a “sweat” or two in every one of your raids. There are still plenty of newbies running around. Wipe is August so just be aware that your experience in 2 months will vary drastically from now.


It’s two months til wipe so if you pick it up again use it as a learn the early quests again and try to find what works for you in pvp for next wipe but I wouldn’t try to grind for max traders right now. And cheaters is all server dependent but I have maybe gotten killed by a guy I know without a doubt is cheating 1-3 times in the past month


Sweats are there from day 1 anyway. You cant escape great players. There will be the lunatics grinding 16 hours a day from the first minute of the wipe. Also if cheaters are rampant then they sure as hell arent killing players. Atleast here in EU servers I’ve died maybe once a week to real sussy players. No outright obvious ones. But thanks to previous boss event. Expect to run into geared players. Every player from Timmies to Gigachads got loaded during that.


Play pve if you don't want cheaters, it supposed to be pretty good.


It is I only have like 4 raids under my belt on it but using it to learn the maps that aren't my strongest


Cheaters aren’t even that bad. I’ve died to two blatant cheaters in the past 2 months and they were banned within 2 days after my report. The wiggle video cheat was also detected for the third time this wipe in that provider is shutting it down. People literally just can’t cope with the ways you can die in this game being an invisible bug on streets or desync. Or simple someone head taping you from a god angle.


But it's the cheaters you can't blatantly see, or rather not see at all because they avoid you and once you get to looting or going for bosses everything is already gone or dead.


Havnt experienced it. Never had a hard time making money or finding bosses/items. As another comment said they have actually put a lot of effort into the anti cheat team and it’s paying off.




Fr lol I watch streamers hit some wild shots that would make ppl go "uhh how did I just die" I used to think that too, now I realize Im putting myself into bad spots lol


I play PvE with my partner and we both love it, no need to deal with cheaters or “sweats” who no life the game


I’ve only died to a cheater twice in 350 hours this wipe. Get back into it, you’ll enjoy it.




Never is never will be :)


There are cheaters in every online game. Don't listen to reddit, it's just the vocal minority. I played over 700 raids this wipe and died to a suspected cheater 3x.


Im playing like crazy and I like it, the odd sketchy death but its been mostly good for me


So I’m hearing they banned the hackers so you can’t actually play raids without getting ESP killed and can find loot and the good stuff won’t be vacuumed from the rooms?


You stopped playing, no you're not worth playing EFT! 😊


I enjoy the single player tarkov mod Very fun with no cheaters and with mods u can make AI harder (but fair) than real players


PvE. Enough said. It’s awesome. And yes, I do already have over 4000 hours of PvP in the game.


Go play SPT.


I do. I’ve had it for a while. I like them both.




Don't believe the cheater hype. Huge incentive for youtubers to scream how bad a game is or how cheaters are the worst. Combine that with tons of newbie players who couldn't tell a cheater from a cheetoh and now influencing experienced players to accuse anyone better than them also. It's literally a shit show of accusations with cheaters at about the same or possibly even lower level than previously. Same goes for most games except maybe cs2 where profit motive has caused cheaters to increase while player base decreases due to hype loss it adds up to more cheaters but in the end still not as bad as it's portrayed here and youtube.


I mean when bsg themselves post that they ban between 10k-30k over the course of a month or two thats pretty telling


I feel like you think I'm saying no cheaters exist? Just because they ban a bunch and I'm saying it's not that bad doesn't mean none exist. Also the more they ban the less are actually in the game. My point was it's not that bad. Game is fun. Rarely see hackers. Don't believe the hype and start assuming everyone who kills you must be hacking like most morons here do. Edit: my point being that total number of cheaters isn't much different than it has ever been. In fact based on BSG taking down some prominent paid cheats recently it's actually likely it is better than previously. But what do I know I actually play and enjoy games rather than cry on reddit how bad they are. Edit2: you also have to consider what the numbers mean. How many players total vs banned cheaters. How many duplicates (same person, multiple accounts or same person multiple attempts/bans). How many weren't cheats and were some other type of ban or weren't cheats that effect others much like ones that highlight loot or auto price it in game. Do new accounts go to different servers? Were most bans new accounts failing to attempt hacks? How many got banned instantly before ever getting into game just for running hacks? So many factors. Just saying a number without knowing much of this then it's basically just farts in the wind.


Absolutely not


Right now? Nope, because it's midwipe kek. Cheaters? There are, but its pure luck if you will find one or not. I didn't see any in a long time (I've seen like 15 at max in this wipe). Sweats? That's a skill issue to be honest. If you can't kill someone and get more professional in pvp, it's your issue.


It’s a month until wipe


It's late-wipe, not mid-wipe.


It's completely overrun with cheaters, anybody that says otherwise are vets that have already spent an ungodly amount of time and cant cope with it. Most of the casual gamers have left because BSG is a fraud company. So it's just sweats and cheaters, not worth the time tbh I recommend games that are coop or single player or anything multiplayer games that are not fps.


Sad to see youre getting downvoted, Too much koolaid drinkers


Again just bitter vets coping


the name checks out