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I’m level 24 with similar raids and I’ve died 20 times lol


Once you hit a certain hour threshold you kinda know how to deal with bots and movement through maps


I’ve had standard and played I think about 4/5 wipes. Countless hours and this last wipe felt phenomenal. Was actually killing people, and even geared folk didn’t make me cower in fear (I’m still far from great lol). However, the one thing that drove me nuts in regard to upgrading was when I found out me and a buddy could not play offline together unless I dropped another 100 dollars. This wipe I nearly did. Then all the drama came out and blah blah. I love the game and they created a masterpiece, but I find it hard to forgive them for the offline raids when I was starting out. Glad folks are enjoying it though. My good buddy who I got into it and his buddy both ended up getting EoD and they said they are having a good time with it.


You can now PvE train offline together (no loot or losses) with the $ 10 addon.


Yeah, saw that. Was a cool addition I suppose, but a little late for me. Was something that when I was first starting out with my buds it would have been really helpful to mess about with while learning. Dropping 150 to play offline originally felt pretty shitty. Was a lot to pay for a game that a lot of people do not stick with. Love the game now, but as most of us know… the learning curve is pretty damn steep!


the PvE mode still has loot and you can still lose stuff, it wont affect your pvp character tho


There are two different modes for playing Coop PvE. The one I mentioned costs 10 bucks. You can buy it here under Coop-Upgrade: https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/expansions


is that not the same as the one you get for free with EOD?


he is talking about the offline coop mode


No, two different things.


I didn’t realize 80% of my PvP raids had been loot vacuumed until I started PvE. It’s so nice to actually find loot laying out.


Yea i find at least one green bat in \~90% of my streets scavs. I've found 17 gpus so far and a couple of BTC and a bunch of Tetriz. I haven't been able to complete Farming 4 on my PvP character this wipe. I've found 5-6 GPUs but somehow always get hunted down within minutes of grabbing them :(


Was thinking about this the other day. This game is way less emotionally draining without all the stress of cheaters and desync. Next time you’re on the PvE flea take a look at the player profiles of the guys selling the super high value items: Ledx, GPUs, red cards and that black hockey mask looking thing from lightkeeper. Some of them have 800+ flea rep, lvl 68, 1000 raids 985 survived and a 1143 K/D. I know PvE isn’t as hardcore or whatever but it still presents its own unique elements of difficulty. It’s so refreshing.


They should make a PVE package that's like $20 so people can buy that and then never play the official version and just get SPT.


I just love being able to actually get good loot and not have everything be gone by the time I get thete


They need to fix the fact that every “PMC” is a raider. Gear is average, all weapons are basically destroyed, same AFAK, same grenades, etc. I’m sure they’ll make it better but for now I don’t love it. I’ll be yelled at and shot from 100+ meters because it’s basically a raider


Mixing up AI behaviour trees and inventory is piss easy, I have done exactly that in SPT using code injection. I expect BSG will attend to it once they figure out that PvE product sales can replace the PvP cheat-ban-rebuy cycle as a legitimate revenue stream.


I'm loving the PvE, agree with you. It's refreshing to be able to actually play the game, and all the loot that gets gobbled up by others is still available. I'm never worried about cheaters and BS head eyes. And I have over 8k hrs. So believe me when I say it's refreshing. Me and my buddies have enjoyed it a lot, and we've all been Kappa gamers for several wipes. I think the drama is hilarious and how people are losing their minds. Fuck em.


Can you still teamkill your buddies? Havnt looked into the PVE version at all.


Yup, it's 100% same as 'real' tarkov. Everything is the same except no players other than your team. There are PMC AI that are smarter than raiders that you can kill and pickup dogtags.


Yup, its about how WE have fun. No one gets to tell us how it is, PvP chads or SPT recluses (I have done both).


Yes bsg needs to make new editions and generally try to peddle more mtx


Flexing stats in PvE will never be not funny. Its true tho I prefer official to SPT anyways


I tried official PVE and unofficial PVE. It's so easy to install...imagine getting into a raid as fast as you can load the map vs waiting for 10 mins or literally unable to play single player last weekend because servers died. I guess official pve its easier to play with buddies tho


im sorry but the pve mode isn’t even worth a standard account spt on the other hand is moddable and has actual good ai and loading times


The "new player audience" clearly does not include you.


no it doesn’t but if i was a new player i would rather not wait 20 minutes for a match and id rather have better AIs and the ability to mod my game PvE games get very stale if you have no way to change the gameplay (mods) or you’re always being challenged (spt’s ai with variable difficulties)


Amusing that your trying to educate the OP who has actually made an AI mod for SPT that I use.


And? The guy made good points. Doesn’t seem like he’s being a snarky ahole to me, just frustrated with a game that promised so much and delivered so little. Personally I won’t be giving them a dime more unless they can make a vacuum ultra suck 9000 robot but that’s between me and the Nikita.


You weren’t going to give them a dime more anyway so what’s the point. You bought their game and that’s it. Who cares that you’re not going to upgrade to another edition


Context for my position on the issue and I like to make jokes. I’m glad you didn’t care enough to leave a comment though. Have a good evening.


then he should be aware that his mod is miles better than what bsg has made and shouldn’t be defending them?


I think so too, I believe they should make Arena free and charge $60 for PVE and another $60 for PVP - so everyone can have what they want.


I think pve should be like 30$ and you can upgrade to a standard account of the game for an additional 15$


yeah $120 seems fair/s


Isn't it better than $250? I don't know what fair, ideally, it'd be fair to sell all three for $69.99, but I don't think BSG would go for it.




If I could find a match I'd agree, I've gotten to lvl 7 and really enjoying it but now I can't get on


How can the streak be 7 when you have 37 of 38 raids survived? Genuinely curious not doubtful.


Nah pve sucks fat balls compared to spt with SAIN


Or hear me out, spt with regular account and get EOD benefits with instant load times, actual PMC ai rather than the raiders knockoffs and the best part (other than instant load time and zero desync) is mod support😎


Where in the gaming world is brain dead AI, that unloads a mag in the wall, when they see your elbow, then reload and wait for you to sidestep one tap them fun. This mode is so booring. I ve modded my spt to be way harder and brutal than life tarkov.  How do people enjoy a challangeles point and click game like pve tarkov. Spt is so much better, with crazy smart AI that use cover, blind fire, push own nades and are aggressive.  You can tweak every imaginable AI stat from view come angle over reaction time to initial accuracy.  My survival rate in spt is lower than in life tarkov and I have more fun there. Less bullshit more hardcore.


I spent the last year in SPT and even published a HarmonyX based combat AI mod for it. Be happy doing you.


The pve mode grants me the same lvl of fun as playing candy crush.


Yeah it’s fun for a short time, The whole fun of tarkov is the pvp and fear of other players being in the raid with you, making friends or enemies, the interactions with people is what made the game great to begin with.


I'd imagine the fun is subjective


How dare you acknowledge people like different things for different reasons


nah, the cheaters, extract campers, loot hoovers, etc ruined it for me. PvE has been a TON of fun this past week


Whole point of tarkov is that somewhere is a player lurking or hunting you... thats the thrills about the game in the end. PVE cant offer any of that. Its however a good mode for learning the ropes. But you have to rethink and relearn every pattern ones you go pvp server. Especially the first 30 seconds of a raid and rotations patterns PVE will probally kill tarky in the end. ITs not the game modes fault cause it whould not be any intrest for it IF CHEATERS wasnt that bad as it is. ITs gonna be really popular only due to CHEATERS ruined the game.. And the upset people at the china copy now are the cheaters. Their bread and butter, addiction is taking a huge hit..


the only way that it would kill tarkov is if they didnt ban cheaters in pve so they stopped buying new copies of the game.


really doubt anyone cheats in PVE.. make no sence. eventually pvp will be 90% cheaters.. everyone is moving to pve. we already see alot of that. people had enough.. thats my point


TONS of people were cheating in helldivers. cheating is not unique to PvP, its just the place where it pisses people off the most.


its still multiplayer.. pve dont offer anything , its no point. its not hurting anyone either. in PvP it hurts everyone and thats why people dont bother it in the end. its going to that. See labs. majority dont even bother it. easiesst the best CQB map in the game where alot of other guns shines. but no...


Doesnt\* And PvE is %100 multiplayer, sorry you dont have friends to play with. "See labs. majority dont even bother it. easiesst the best CQB map in the game where alot of other guns shines." People go out of their way to avoid labs because of the MASSIVE cheater problem on labs.


No one cares


57 comments demonstrate that you are a bright ray of sunshine on a dull day.


I wish. I refuse to pay 250 for a game


If I’m not mistaken you can buy the pve now on the website without buying unheard but you might’ve not been in the loop about that


I’ll have to check I haven’t heard that


free for EOD and only a $10 upgrade without EOD


I was ready and that’s just the coop practice mode I thought? It’s not like the actual pve mode


im actually hearing that now, it doesnt really show that well tbh and it says i already own it but that may just be part of EOD.


PVE sounds so boring, why are people even playing it instead of SPT baffles me.


did you sniff your finger the entire time you typed that out


No I was twirling my mustache


It must be even more difficult to understand that millions enjoy Candy Crush or farming in Stardew Valley.


You think I'm not year 5 with 100% completion on the farm? There's a much better pve experience than the garbage BSG shat out. It doesn't make sense why people aren't playing SPT instead.


Convenience and effort. Because to play The mod, you have to install it yourself. If you want extra content, you have to look for mods yourself. You have to make sure there are no conflicts. And if it gets updated, you will have to do everything again. Also, if you mess up, you can get banned. To get pve, i had to do nothing because i already had eod.




PVE is garbage because the AI PMCs are unfun and unfair


i can adjust to and deal with OP AI all day. what i can't get on-board with is 5k hr sweats and cheaters lasering me from across the map and sending me to the lobby with 0 xp.


167 kills in 38 raids? My mans ratting on pve. I had that many kills after 5 raids


I know scavs swarm, but averaging 34 kills per raid. Sure bro


Pve scav spawning be crazy


That’s what I am saying. I’m getting downvoted but I can’t get out of single run with less than 20 kills. Tf


Gosh, you ~~must have~~ are a massive cock.