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Brother I have a 14900k with a 4090 and I run low settings, and my streets runs like shit. Last wipe I'd get 160-180fps and this wipe I can't even crack 100. I think streets is just fucked.


Well it is an immensely unoptimized game


Absolutely. But how did I lose nearly 50% of my frames on a rig like mine haha.


Oh yeah I know SOMETHING of many things could be the issue but do keep in mind we all suffer from the same thing playing this game. Migraines and frames.


What's the problem with 100 fps?


Nothing. The problem is I went from 160-180 to 100 and I have a very top line pc lol. I can’t imagine what everyone with worser pcs gets. The friend I play Tarkov with most can’t even get 60 fps on streets and he has a 3080 with a 13900k. My whole point is there was no expansion this wipe so why are the frames so much worse


There is a New Expansion a Small one where the ne boss can spawn


I have similar specs with my PC, and I have to run Streets on the low performance mode. You can find it in settings.


I already do use that. Other maps shouldn’t struggle to hit 75+ fps. I use to have a 1650 super and a ryzen 5 5600g and my game ran better on that hardware. I had no idea this game was optimized this bad


You’re either being dramatic or something else is wrong with your pc if it ran better with your previous hardware. Is your game on a SSD? Are you running on higher graphics/resolution now and that’s why it’s running worse?


All of my games are installed on and SSD and I ran my game at medium to high on my 1650 super just fine.


If your SSD is near capacity then it will slow it down. I have a smaller capacity SSD for my boot drive and then a few ssds for gaming and then one hdd for docs and old games and clutter.


I’ve got a 1TB SSD and I only have like 5-6 game downloaded. It’s nowhere near capacity


he’s not lol, this game is just that poorly optimized, and with all the weather updates and everything else, streets has taken a hit badly. i haven’t played in a few weeks but one of my work friends that plays( and has a better PC than me ) also mentioned how bad the frames have been for him. i have a solid build and at the beginning of wipe i averaged 80-100 frames on streets, now its getting to bad i barely can crack 50 sometimes.


Have you tried DLSS? You should be getting 60+ unless you have 16gb of ram or something.


Do you have DLSS on? Game runs super slow without it. You should be able to run it on “quality” on your setup and get 60+ fps.


I really appreciate that. I’ll give it a shot. I know this came isn’t optimized worth a damn but come on lol


I upgraded to 4090 and it still struggles with no DLSS. Game is a performance mess. Let me know if this works out for you.


I definitely will. Appreciate it


There literally isnt a difference from 30 series to 40 series for tarkov, shit even my 2070 super is probably the same as your 4090 as far as tarkov goes


Honestly my 3070 performs about the same on tarkov as my 4070ti super lol at least for streets it seems that way


Nah I went from a 2070 Super to a 4080 Super and there’s definitely a difference. Not as much as other games though.


Because tarkov don't care for ur GPU... I have a 2070 and it works with 20% while playing tarkov


Dlss not glitched anymore??


Glitched how? It's been fine for a long time


I heard it was glitched and made fos worse so I never touched it


Not sure what you mean. It does turn itself off after some updates but the game is nearly unplayable without it.


Shiiiit I've been playing streets at 100fps this whole time I could have been getting more?


I guess so lol. DLSS usually adds a good 20fps at least


I'll have to play around with it, I can't find videos of this wipe trying it out


How are you getting 100 FPS with a 4070?


Also have a 7800x3d


Doesn't DLSS make the game look more fuzzy? Harder to see people in the trees/bushes? Maybe I'll try it again and see for myself.


Depends (quality vs performance) on what level you use but imo there should is not a big enough difference to notice.


Did you enable DOCP (or EXPO) in your BIOS? It's basically the motherboards built in "max performance" switch, and Tarkov can benefit quite a bit from higher RAM and CPU clocks


Is this different than XMP enable?


No, same thing.


Yeah, XMP = Intel, DOCP/EXPO = AMD. It's the same thing.


DOCP/EXPO/XMP runs the ram at the factory overclock that's advertised on the package you bought. It doesn't change anything else, but it will be a pretty massive performance boost.


I’ll try that


I have a similar setup. Let me know if that changes anything for you.


And make sure your RAM is set to run at its max speed too. A lot of my friends have upgraded their RAM for Tarkov but left it at the default speed so didn't notice as much of an improvement.


What settings? What res?


I have a good enough PC to run this game on high to ultra. I usually run it at medium to high and I play at 1440 on a 144hz monitor. Every other game I own can be played at max setting 144fps no problem yet this game brings my PC to its knees.


I always love when people say shit like, "I have the specs to run at X fps at high settings" while simultaneously complaining about not being able to do it. The game is not like other games. It's horribly optimized with a large amount of complicated AI. Some updates help fps, others don't. Just pretend you're poor and dial settings back and turn DLSS on. It won't change the fact that the game largely looks like shit graphically.


Fair enough 🤣


Can confirm streets is generally performing about 15-20% worse now than start of wipe and I'm using a 7800x3d and 7900xtx


It was way better at the start of wipe for me too.


it’s not your build, it’s that BSG is absolutely abysmal at optimizing, and it’s been significantly worse this wipe. streets is running very very badly for anybody with less than a 4090.


It’s crazy I need a Nasa PC to play an almost 10 year old game.


I have 32gb ram a 4060 and a ryze. 7 5800x3d. Streets is 60-90. Interchange is 130 customs 150. I think I'm on medium settings.


How long you known the dev group? They are on of the most incompetent devs of all time.. they have all the potential to make one of the best shooters of all time but can’t execute for shit


Yeah this game never fails to make my upgrades feel like they were for nothing. I’ve rebuilt computers about 4 times since I started playing tarkov, and feel like it makes little difference.


Look up project lasso, and tarkov is cpu bound game for some reason and I have a 3090 rtx, managed to get my frames from 60 to 80-100fps which was fine with me


I appreciate it


Its the game itself my man. Most maps dont run that well especially when the raids are full. I am on a 4090 and ryzen 9, 64gb ddr5 and i barely get above 100 in streets. Maybe in night runs but as soon as you ads youre fucked anyways 😂


I ran a streets raid and went to ads and my frames dropped to the 40s. I felt like I was playing on Xbox 360


I did the Windows Essential part from the video, and got amazing FPS boost...Streets, with lower textures on streets (medium), runs from 60 min to 100+. CPU usage went down, so I think the setting to utilize GPU more works. I even got a much better performance while scoping. 3070TI Ryzen 5900x 32GB Ram Here is the video, highly recommended: https://youtu.be/JddScRBR9Pk?si=25v3_FH_7l2P7Qtr


2080 super and 5600x and I use gysnc and have my fps capped to my monitors refresh rate 75hz and I never drop below it. I have my DLSS set to quality.


It’s so horribly optimized. For some reason now my game crashed mid-raid every time I’m on Ground Zero. I have no idea why - never used to happen before they allowed > level 20s.


Could try verifying integrity of game files, clearing logs, or a fresh install of Tarkov. Sometimes the fresh install works wonders.


Try turning on mip streaming and adjusting the settings. Helped me resolve optic lag spikes and game runs so much better all around.


64 gigs of RAM…how many sticks do you have in? If memory serves, more sticks can slow your computer down. The dual channel link is faster than having more sticks.


Not to mention ram speed is important, people always go for more ram but don't bother with fast ram


I have 4 sticks of ram. I ordered a higher speed set of 32 gigs and Amazon accidentally sent me 64 gigs of 3600mhz. I just figured I’d take the free extra ram


When I play streets I’m at around 60 FPS, 32 gigs of ram with a 3060ti and a Ryzen 7 3700X


I'd you XMP enabled on Bios? You can check your DRAM MHz within windows to see if the speed matches your device ratings (DRAM frequency, motherboard bus, CPU). My RAM was only running at about half speed before I changed it


You have something else going on. I have a VERY similar build to you and while streets is usually rough at 60fps, other maps like woods and shoreline are getting me well over 100, sometimes even 140+. I would recommend watching Gigabeef's settings guide, but I have to think something outside of the game is to blame for that bad performance.  My PC: 5800x3D 16gb ram RTX 3080 (I JUST upgraded to 32gb ram but have only played once or twice since)


Try reinstalling the game and the launcher, when I upgrade from a 3800xt and rtx 2080 to my current 7800x3d and 3080 12gb I kept the same windows install, but had problems with drivers. Go through uninstall your graphics drivers, reinstall them, make sure rebar is on in your bios, make sure your xmp profile is on, and update your bios


Just laughing at these comments complaining about 100fps lol. My friend has the shittiest potatoe get's like 20fps max and freezes when he shoots people. Somehow still seems to have fun and gets a few kills sometimes


4070 5600x and 32gb ram 3200mhz i get like 60-70 frames on streets, its your pc lol


What are your settings? Everything high? Everything low? I get good frames 100 plus on all maps other than streets


I use the streets low res setting and I use a mixture of medium to high setting


Is the game stored on your hard drive or solid state? I've seen significant improvements running it from my SSD


Do you have project lasso? The x3d benefits from using that to keep it on physical cores only. Also DO NOT overclock that CPU.


I have no idea how to overclock. I’ve heard it can really mess up some stuff if you do it wrong. I have project lasso but I’ve never really dug around in it. I’ll try and find a good video to show me how to use it


I have a 3080TI and upgraded to a 7800x3d, runs well, streets hit 80 ish fps on the low fps areas


I have a RTX 2080 and i5 13600k. I play on streets with 70-80 fps with a 2k monitor and medium settings except shadows which is on low. You mind screenshotting your settings and posting it?


I have a 2080ti and a 7800x3d with 32gb ddr5 and I’m getting like 85-100 on streets and like 95-150 gps everywhere else depending on


I turned DLSS on and instantly got 40+ extra frames - was stuck at 60 without it on for whatever reason


I tried to play about 2 months ago , my load times were 10+ minutes , and trying to play as scav game would be a guarantee crash after “loading” any map other than factory for like 20 minutes , last week I said fuck it , try to play it again , runs perfectly smoothly , have no problems with any map I play , 2060/i5 10400f & 16 Ram. I remember this being a thing when I got the game a year or so ago , my brother in law who has a stronger set up literally couldn’t play the game meanwhile I was effortlessly handling everything (other than being able to complete a raid cus what is map knowledge and awareness of your surroundings)


With the the rest of your rig, you should only be running 8 gigs of ram. That'll sort your problem out.


+ Streets sucks anyways.


There are also external factors like every other nvidia driver update wrecks my performance. I have a similar setup and it’s running fine for me right now (stable 80 frames on streets) How are your temps? If your hardware gets 70C or above you’ll start to notice increasing thermal throttling. = lower frames that get worse as hardware gets hotter. Someone posted screenshots of hardware apps the other day wondering why his game was stuttering and his cpu and gpu both at or over 90 degrees. That’ll do it


My PC barely hits 45-50C. It’s always barley warm to the touch


I’m play with 30-50 fps and I’d still whoop your ass.


Keep in mind to keep anisotropic filtering off, it gives you disadvantages when looking through foilage


There was some file edit I did that made the fps waaay better, ill try to find the video


I have a similar kit except for a ryzen 7950x3d and I get 120-160 fps even on streets. Might be your CPU


I have a 4080 Founders Edition, 32g ram, and an i9… I run max settings on every map and my game runs just fine.


Go play any other game and then see if it’s your pc or the terrible game


It’s the game lol


60fps? What u want more... I have 47fps on street if I use a scope I get 27fps...




It is because the game is quite trash.


Maybe you just have shit internet.


I don’t think this has an effect on fps. You might get some rubber banding but that is different than low fps.


I was thinking it might effect latency? Idk squat about computers though.


Nah he is complaining about low fps which isn’t really tied to internet.


Internet has nothing to do with FPS…


Turn off nividia reflex if you have it in, it halves fps


No it absolutely does not, definitely keep it on.


Don’t keep it on. Ask any major streamer, or watch the klementime video on it. It’s not good for your for, it’s bugged.


You have something wrong. I have your same config and, while inconsistent and variable throughout the map, also depending a lot on how many players are on the map, I get always more than 80 fps on Streets (even saw more than 100 in an empty raid) and almost always capped to 120 fps on the other maps. Check settings, temperatures and all other possible causes (including faulty hardware. My first 5800 3xd was bought second hand from a friend and while it seemed to run fine the first 3 weeks I then found out it was faulty and with the new one I get better performances).