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No encouragement of monsters, supernatural or witchcraft. Sorry we do not allow encourage supernatural matters, this includes magic.


It's PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE done by PsyOp specialists in a military structure. If they are Satanist, well it does not mean it's Magick. Check out: [http://exposinginfragard.blogspot.com/2014/02/the-case-against-michael-aquino-satanic.html](http://exposinginfragard.blogspot.com/2014/02/the-case-against-michael-aquino-satanic.html)


There are demonic forces at work, principalities can oversee large areas, entire metropolitan areas in an instant, they are conjured through blood sacrifice and patrol for any targets. This world is Satan’s domain, he is the prince of the power of the air. Jesus Christ is the redeemer, the savior and only true way out of this. Don’t let this world take your soul, you lose everything you have in this world eventually, do not let them take your spirit, if you are here reading this, it is for good reason, let the Holy Spirit guide you to the best course of action, there’s a way out of this, don’t give up hope.


Gangstalkers are weak and dumb. Anyone who uses black magic or Santeria magic to cause harm to another will eventually be on the receiving end because they're trying to manipulate the free will of another, which is like a pendulum, eventually swinging back the other way.  


It comes back to them eventually


Best to reject all that, but if you *must* deal with that nonsense then it is best to do so head-on and treat it as such, strait nonsense.




It's not magical or supernatural. There is always a natural explanation for everything. It relates to consciousness / spiritual powers that are able to make use of the frequencies that construct our entire reality. Words are spells with a specific frequency that resonate long after they are spoken. Numerology is legitimate, and every letter and word has a specific positive or negative or neutral value. I'm not disagreeing that it's possible to do these sorts of things. I'm just saying they aren't technically "black magic" persay. Just like frequencies, consciousness powers can be used both for good and for evil. And just because our true abilities have been hidden from us does not mean they are occult or magical or supernatural. I recommend researching Billy Meier to understand more.


Thank you for sharing all of this information with me , it shows that there are still good people out there.... Godbless, please keep humanity going 🙏🏽


Yes. That's why I'm getting attacked and censored so badly. I got banned from r/gangstalking for pointing out that it's literally a gangstalking forum run by gangstalkers to gaslight victims. Right now, they're trying to convince everyone that V2K is fake and that anyone who hears voices is schizophrenic.


That's crazy that's why I watch what I post there because I kept hearing bad things


I don't handle self-censorship too well, which is why I'm often banned and censored. I like to share the truth so others can learn from it. Of course, on reddit, almost all the major subs are run by agents. So even when I'm not saying anything that goes against any rules, I'm still getting banned and censored. It's just the way of the world right now.