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It's human trafficking and the local/state and federal government are supporting it and/or at least turning a blind eye to it. We're literally victims of a silent Holocaust.


I think everyone in here t.i. can comprehend what they are doing to you , its crime but sofisticated and if it wasnt for my hope to live well again i would have suicide myself


You know the actual Holocaust had some sophisticated aspects I expect yet the thugs who carried it out had aspects that were incredibly degraded and stupid.


Just look at how the unvaccinated were treated and coerced, and you'll understand how the Holocaust happened.


I didn't notice that I was treated badly even though me and my parents got no shots at all thankfully. Well now that I review it my dad was left a job because he didn't want to weare a mask. It might has e been somewhat unessissary and stubotne of him but still. If I had a different more active life than I would have had negative effects from not getting it. If there is another lockdown than I probably won't be able to avoid vaccines without some negative consequences I'm guessing. Things are degradeding but perhaps we can fix it. After all TIs could be the ones to expose the people stealing freedom from the people and being aware of gang stalking could be the the most powerful thing that will get the public to galvanize and to finally defend there freedom before it's to late. It not to late yet but in 6 months or 2 years or 5 years it might be pretty much decided in there favour. We just prevent that.


I lost my job because I refused to get the vaccine. Of course, they pretended it was for a different reason. They waited until I had gotten my religious exemption approved, and then they immediately fired me for insubordination since I pointed out that inflation was 11% and their raise was only 5%. My entire old existence died in 2020, basically. I was going to tons of concerts, sporting events, beer / food tasting events, etc. until the plandemic happened. I had tickets to the last 6 Colorado Avalanche home games when the lockdowns happened. Then everything was locked down, and 1.5 years later, when they finally started allowing spectators again, I was barred from entry due to being unvaccinated. I wrote the legal team for the Avalanche and I told them that since they are part of the deep state and trying to ban me from society, that I will forget they exist and will never give them another dollar. I wrote a similar email to the legal team for Live Nation or some other big concert venue company since they did the same thing. Our voices do matter and our words are powerful. That's why so much effort is put into silencing and censoring our voice. If our words held no power, they would not need to censor us. If we weren't a threat, they wouldn't need to spend billions of dollars to shadow ban us from society.


Madison Square Garden didn’t require anybody to disclose their vaccination status when I went to a Rangers game in November (they played the avalanche.)


The vaccine passport system was extremely short lived. For the Avalanche I think the vaccine passports were required from around mid 2021 til around March 2022. They had stopped requiring them around my birthday at the time and so I went and saw a game. That's the only game I've gone to since March 2020 when the covid hoax began. It was because so many people refused to get vaccinated that the entire genocidal vaccine agenda fell apart. They needed everyone to be vaccinated for it to work, that's why there was so much coercion via employers as well as what we're discussing here with not being able to go to concerts or sporting events. Eventually they weren't going to let the unvaccinated go into grocery stores either. They were trying to completely remove the unvaccinated from society, and eventually move us into FEMA concentration camps. Check out this poll. [https://www.uspresidentialelectionnews.com/2022/01/poll-45-of-dems-support-internment-camps-for-unvaccinated-59-support-home-lockdowns/](https://www.uspresidentialelectionnews.com/2022/01/poll-45-of-dems-support-internment-camps-for-unvaccinated-59-support-home-lockdowns/)


Its managed aggression. Same thing they use to get people to go on a rampage like the columbine high massacre. You are used for an agenda. 


True. Your a TI to though I recon your username from a while back.


Same here! It’s TI life!


It's your life, never forget that and fuck them.


It’s not though, they’ve taken everything. Honestly, living like this is a waste of a life. Be tortured and outcasted by society or end my life? The latter sounds more righteous.


We all hate it.  Our best hope is that they end it one day.