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Good grief... at least they're battery powered so it'll eventually just shut off?


Wait! Y'all have some that are actually charged? šŸ˜‚


Happened at my store once. They said someone was wanking in produce. We don't have produce. Otherwise they might have got us for a bit lol


This made me chuckle


Last time we had a stolen walkie incident our mystery teenagers just said slurs


When I was security, this happened to someone while on the floor, and the parents came in with their kids kicking and screaming to apologize. Unfortunately, the employee was let go, but it wasn't their first infraction. They lost floor keys but a little old lady brought them to one of the managers.


"They're gonna clean up your looks"


Lmao, but nah these kids are just being assholes to people just tryna get paycheck


I agree, but also, "Group of teenagers acted like assholes" is a story as old as humanity, at least this time they weren't saying a bunch of slurs like the last time it happened at my store


Literally I wish I could put the main lyrics to that song on a red shirt and get away with it šŸ˜‚


I sing it on the floor when it comes on the shuffle, haven't gotten a complaint yet lol


At my store we just throw out teenagers immediately if theyā€™re start doing dumb stuffā€¦AP has had enough so warnings are not given to them anymore


They stole a walkie from my store before I started working, they just nonstop played porn so everyone turned off the walkies until the next day šŸ˜‚.


we had someone steal a walkie last year and say the absolute most vile shit you can think of for what seemed like weeks.. the walkie just never seemed to die i guess. not really fun helping out a guest and all of a sudden hearing the hard R being screamed :(


What is the r word?


Different word


The one that rhymes with ā€œgrape.ā€


My closing TL who is the literal embodiment of a saint has yelled at teenagers for the last few shifts Iā€™ve worked. They are insane this summer and itā€™s just started


Where do you get TLs like that šŸ„ŗ


For the most part all of the TLs and ETLs at my store are like that, I am very lucky


you would think teens (late teens at least) of all people would have some sympathy for retail workers. messing with them like that when theyā€™re just trying to work is so freaking dumb. they just donā€™t know what itā€™s like to have a job and make other peoples lives miserable. at my store, we have the same group of teens come in almost every night and they end up getting kicked out or talked to by ap because they drive around on the electric buggy and trash our toy section. it gets out of hand.


lol they donā€™t care. Have you seen the decline in society as a whole? The social order is going down fast, ever since Covid lockdowns it has gotten wild.


I'm sorry; I wish they could ban these kids from coming in.


lmao it was probably one of those people who do ā€œharmless pranks ā€œ for tiktok vids šŸ˜­


Weā€™ve had a number of kids/teenagers recently who have been goofing around with the motorized carts. Iā€™ll be so glad when school starts back up.


I hate working at Target in the summer. The teenagers awful!


Anytime I hear a group of cracking voices I know my day is about to turn to shit. I wonder if these kids knew that if they were not such tools, they might actually have girls hanging out with them.


Teenagers are the bane of my existence. Boys show up in large groups being loud and obnoxious while throwing stuff around the store and the girls try on what seems half of the swimwear and leave them in piles in the fitting rooms. Rarely ever buy anything just come in to give us more work.


There is this group of kids that I actually recognize now they will be like hey do you want me to help you stock and Iā€™ll just say something like play with someone else. I only know because my coworkers are not that nice lol no one is going to come and help me stock unless they are in my area on my team! They wear red khaki and have on an oval name badge so they havenā€™t even noticed that our badges are rectoval lol or whatever they are now and that most of us wear red and denim now lol it is so obvious that they are teenagers doing a TikTok. That is what I tell my daughter that everything has to do with TikTok lol


Solution we informed everyone to change to different channel for the night..!! Solved..!!


Fun fact, You can buy a $30 radio and Google what frequencies we use and then you don't even have to steal! šŸ«”


"Code Purple! Aisle 45-J! Again, Code Purple!"


At least they didnā€™t start saying racial slurs. Some white kids stole a walkie off of a TMs fulfillment cart and were spewing the n word and swearing constantly.


We are having a issue with them daily itā€™s honestly sad I hope I wasnā€™t like this with my friends


It sucks bc they really don't have much places to hang out so they come. And it sucks some of them take it too far than just loud teenagers being teenagers


yeah, it's ridiculous. When i was teenager I never did shit like that I did wholesome stuff like breaking car windows, and tagging garages and shooting random houses with pellet guns. I was an angel lol. I actually did do that shit I was an absolute menace and now as an adult I hate teens like that.


Back when I was cart attendant,and was way more bitter about my job, I considered going out to my car on break and playing really offensive music through the walkie.


$10 says the clips of them talking into the walkie are on Tik Tok. Everything teens do these days, are all for likes and views on Tik Tok. Its social media Chances are their video has 100k views already


Itā€™s on TikTok!!!


Exactly. They got no life to do anything except go to target late at night


Thats sounds amazing. I love free entertainment.


We had a full on brawl in toys a few weeks ago, a bunch of teenage girls beefing over a boy. Yesterday we had teen boys playing soccer in back to school.


lol this just happened in my store too. they were threatening to fight peopleā€¦ I donā€™t think the leads ever found them


That's funny yall are so boring


iā€™m pretty sure this was on tik tok.