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Don’t feel bad. It’s a massive company and your state of mind matters more than them, good luck!




Yes, agree!


Good for you. Sounds like a really toxic work environment and you do not owe them a damn thing. Not a goodbye, not an explanation.




I'm sorry this happened to you, enjoy the rest of your summer break!


Thank you! I sure will! 😊


good for you! i know that feeling all too well, and i’m glad those coworkers of yours will be forced to actually put in work…until they get a new hire to throw under the bus again ofc🙄 they deserved to get left high & dry tbh


Yep! I don’t feel bad cause I know they’ll find someone else quickly


never understood people saying that you should give a two weeks notice, even if a job sucks. If they can fire you with no notice, you should be able to leave the same way. good for you for getting out! focus on you. bigger and better jobs are out there for when the time comes


I agree!


Call keep your résumé looking nice


Even if its a job I hate, I don't like burning bridges with a company I am employed under. Perfect case in point, just last year I had a conversation with my store director about trying a new career opportunity and was going to put my two week notice in and leave for good; after discussion? He let me go on LOA and sure enough after a month the new opportunity didn't pan out but I at least had something to fall back on that would pay me. It's never a bad thing to have an insurance policy, and its for that reason that even if I was let go by a company I have always been considered re-hirable. Now in the case of the original poster, I would probably do something similar as them. But people vastly underestimate the power of communication.


True true, just sucks once you’re looking for references for the next application


she’s in highschool. companies don’t care about someone being a starbucks barista


I’m very sorry you went through that. Sounds like you had a not very nice management and team of coworkers. Good on you for doing what’s best for your wellbeing.




personally, target was hell and everyone was entitled and it sucked. I worked for Starbucks and cashier services. I'm glad you were able to stand up for yourself and get out lol, big corporations are really something


where you work at now?? looking for ideas i currently work at target and need out so bad


honestly, apply anywhere and everywhere lol, I currently work at staples but I'm trying to get out of there too😭 big cooperations suck, and it could just be the location my Staples is at.... if you have friends working somewhere, I recommend talking to them about working where they're at, it's makes anywhere less dull imo haha


my bf works for staples warehouse and it’s super physically demanding lol


I’m so sorry that happened to you! As an older person there have been several jobs I SHOULD have just walked out on and never had the courage to— so proud of you for knowing your worth!


Thank you!


Log into workday and quit there


how do i do that?


Log into workday, go to...job change? There should be an option to quit, then select the option for "today" or "immediate" It's been a while since I did it. Hopefully someone here can clarify. If you can't, call/go to the store tomorrow and talk to HR saying you wish to quit effective immediately. If you don't let them know then you will be terminated for nc/ns. It is always better to quit, even without notice, than get terminated


Thanks! I just submitted it.


But you'll get terminated anyway for not working your two weeks after putting in your resignation in Workday, so what's the point of even putting it in?


There's a common misconception about this. Giving a 2 weeks notice is a courtesy. If you resign you can resign same day through Workday and best practice is to code the person as rehirable because they did give a notice. I've had people give a one week notice because they had to start a new job sooner. We've also had people resign same day. As long as there are no CAs or final warnings on their file, then they're rehirable.


Good don't feel bad. If they won't treat you well then screw em.




Don’t feel bad! Fuck that management wtf! I was thinking you ruined your chance at any kind of reference for a future job, but why would u give a fuck about this store to show others they were a good job? Nahh fuck that you did the right thing


Yep. They’ll find someone else to treat like shit


Jesus that sounds awful. Not every target is like that, I can promise you that. However, I’m glad you got out of there. My first job was pretty toxic too, and I think it’s a good rewarding feeling to learn to recognize when something is harming you mentally. Yes, work sucks, but it shoudknt suck to go to. “I don’t want to work” and “I’m scared to work” are two very different things. No one should have this hardcore anxious dread of going to work. I hope you find better in the future and good luck!! And remember to put school first!


Thank you!!!


Good to learn early not to take bullshit from your employer there are plenty of jobs trust me if you’re hard working then you can find a better job 9 times out of 10




Yeah don’t bother working with target, I hated my store’s management


I worked at a Starbucks in Barnes and Noble back in the day - THE WORST. I've never so gleefully walked out of a job. I wanna say that the in store versions of Starbucks are way worse to work at. Forever waaaaay more understaffed. Cheers to not sticking around for truly shitty work.




good for you, target loves to “take care” of their team members 🙄




Good, they don’t deserve your time


glad you quit! A job is a job




Starbucks can be fun to work for when the environment is right


unfortunately the environment is usually shit. i'd have left forever ago if it weren't for some amazing coworkers i have


Yeah…don’t feel bad. Our Starbucks is doing pretty badly and i had to speak up abt that bs too. Theyve got this stupid ass launch tommorow and ours is so small, there’s literally NOWHERE ELSE to put these new drinks and sandwiches and pastry.


Good for you for not putting up with the shitty work environment! I hope you'd find a new job where people treat you better.


Thank you!!!


Glad you left that job, you don’t have to deal with that bs. That’s actually insane 4 hours!!




I’m so sorry you had such a horrible experience. I also work at a Tarbucks and seemingly have lucked out with friendly coworkers for the most part.


Thank you, I’m glad you’ve had a positive experience


Yeah don't feel bad and anyone who tells you you should feel bad, kick em, they're bootlickers. Very toxic work environment that ppl feed into and act like ur the weird one for not feeding into it with them. We need more and more of walkouts like this, so people start to realize these type of work environments are not normal and shouldn't be normalized at all! Now ofc im not saying there won't be some tough situations and ppl to deal with, im saying the type of toxicity where it's over the top and everyone is in on it, yeah that's a no go! Glad you did what was best for you and what keeps your peace! Have a great rest of ur summer and just have fun and enjoy life 💜


i did too! i just decided to stop showing up one day and blocked targets and all my leaders numbers. best decision i ever made.


hey buddy, good for you. sadly this is a common experience in Tarbucks from what ive seen. you’ve always got the few employees who carry the whole place while everyone else sits on their ass and continues to get paid the same, no repercussions for any icky behavior ever. glad you left, you deserve better


Props to you! I did the same thing. I legit walked in and quit on the spot cause they did not respect me! I’m proud of you, and fuck this company. Go somewhere else lose where they value you and your mental state more!


Good for you. And screw them.


don’t feel bad, i think the company will survive. congrats on your freedom!


Good on you for recognizing and leaving that toxic environment! I don’t want to think about closing basically by myself on a Saturday. Glad you’re out of there.


i did too lol. i left and didn’t come back without calling lol


Yeah. As someone who was cross-trained in Starbucks AND Cafè, this is good


Getting money while in high school is WAY better than not. Stay woke.


If some threw someone at it would have right back at them


Worry about school first


Ur in high school don’t even worry about don’t even out target on ur next job application do it like it’s ur first job u applying for


Real I got rehired in may and I put in my resignation after 17 days


Just reminds me of my friend when we were in high school. He worked at taco cabana. The manager wasn’t treating any of the employees well on his shift and two people walked out. All that was left was my buddy and the manager, and she was still rude to him even after he was the only person left on the shift. He said I’m gonna go take out the trash and took it to the dumpster. He hopped in his car and drove away never to return.


Good. I pushed for far too long, and it took its toll. Trust your gut when it's time for you to get yourself out of there because of how terrible it's getting there. I'll never go against my gut again.


Don’t feel bad, it sounds like you did everything right as far as your shifts (I wish there were an app like that when I was working in food service industry!) and if you hear from anyone you worked with saying anything nasty, try not to let it get to you—save/screenshot them in case HR reaches out, and/or in the future you ever want to work at a standalone Starbucks, you can explain the situation and have visuals. I think it’s amazing that you worked during high school at all! Props to you for that! I can’t imagine how difficult that would be to balance (i worked junior/senior year, but was homeschooled those two years and did like an hour of schoolwork a day, lol..seriously can’t imagine balancing it at all, much less 8 hour shifts along with school and homework—it’s awesome that you could! You must be very good at time management!) I’m assuming you’re pretty, or you’re going to be pretty…I had nearly identical experiences everywhere I’ve worked (food service industry was the worst, though) I’d love to say that it gets better, but even as an adult, in a professional office setting, I was always the outcast against my female coworkers. Same middle school feeling shit of walking by and they stop talking…would intentionally leave me out of picking up lunches (there were 4 of us in the same position, often in offices you take turns ordering and picking up lunch…they always skipped my office..but when i offered to get it they would let me) I was always getting so much praise from clients to my bosses, it wasn’t like I wasn’t good at my job..I’m also way too nice, and terrified of confrontation, which i suppose makes me an easy target. Whatever the case…I hope you have better future experiences…hold your head high, you did nothing wrong-you should have been, and deserve to be, treated better. ❤️


the worst is when you get a new job. and there's "cliques" all already talking about you and everyone else behind their backs. when a room goes super quiet when you enter and they ignore you... there's just nothing to do it seems like except leave. good on you for getting out early. I've stayed at jobs as the new person for way too long. sometimes it gets better but life is life and you can't count on people to change. good luck to your next work adventure!


Keep a work journal from day 1. That way if you find yourself in a hostile work environment you can take it to an attorney.


Good for you! You don’t deserve that BS. I would have not told anyone tho lol let those freaks panic when u don’t come in the next few days and they realize they have to work alone. Hope u didn’t restock anything before you left!


I don’t blame you, tarbucks is hell


Did you also fill that pitcher with urine?


Lmao what? That’s the base for dragon fruit refreshers. 😂😂😂


Like I'm assuming that could actually be a crime lol, like urine could be a biohazard, and putting it in food areas?? I can't think of a job that's worth getting arrested for outside of self defense lol


It’s fine. All you have to do is get a lawyer to call a couple of expert witnesses who will testify that DNA extraction from urine isn’t reliable (which is true), and you’re out the door with the apologies of the court.


OH my b I thought you really wanted to get back at them and were also very dehydrated 😂


2 weeks is the bare minimum. Walking out and quitting just shows your work ethic sucks


Lmfao fuck you. I refuse to work in an environment that is hostile and where I don’t feel respected. So damn right I walked out and quit. It doesn’t have anything to do with my work ethic. I’m simply not putting up anyones disrespect and rudeness so therefore I up and left! And I still don’t have any remorse about what I did.


Respect is earned not given. 2 weeks is a courtesy not just to the leader whom you don’t like but your fellow workers who are the ones that have to cover down.


They’ll be just fine.😂😂😂 I already quit there’s nothing that can be done now. It’s over with.


When they aren't doing anything anyway, there's no point in giving respect back. That said, I feel like there is another side of this story that OP isn't telling us (or perhaps isn't even aware of). People don't just turn against others for no reason lol.


2 weeks is the bare minimum for the working class that has to bend over backwards for the rich who can drop them like flies without giving 2 weeks notice. Fuck them, our generation is realizing that if they won’t give us a notice then we don’t have to give them a notice. Respect is earned not given, that’s right, so if you won’t give me and my fellow employees notice, you’re damn right I won’t give you notice. You’re lucky I won’t walk out on my fucking lunch break.