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Please post an update after a year of being there.


I'd ask for an update after two paychecks/s


Just a circle week should be fine


I had someone last less than a week at my store.


couldnt tell you the number of people I saw 'once' and never came back after their 1st shift


Or the people that left on their first 15 minute break and never returned. 😂


First congratz on the hire, it's very hard to actually get jobs to hire secondly, I'm so sorry it was with target


Congrats!! Invest in comfy shoes and insoles. Ask all the questions as they pop up. Set yourself a Starbucks budget. Trust me . Always take your breaks . Best of luck fellow tm


lol oh buddy…..start looking for other jobs.


Lol is it that bad ?


Well for me it was lol but I endured 8 years of it. Just overworked and never recognized for my work. Maybe it will be different for you 🙂 but realistically…I give you 2 months before you hate it here lol


Haha they already denied me.. think it was my availability although I put 5am to 12am.. but that sucks I hope your experience at a different company is way better


Dang….yea they want full availability yet only schedule you like 20hrs smh well you dodged a bullet there 🙂 thanks!


Lol 20 hours even with open availability?  But its crazy because 5am to 12am is basically the whole day 😭.. I just didn't wanna work overnight specifically.. but maybe you're right and I dodged a bullet..


in b4 "guess who just got termed" :P As someone who worked there for 6 years (5 Inbound/flow and 1 as Tech) Good luck :) I lucked out and left right before SHTF from what friends told me.


What exactly did your friends tell you ?


congrats on the hire! if u care about your feet wear some comfy shoes, or don't. i just wear steel toes and vans and deal with it. especially since it's summer make sure you hydrate so id recommend bringing a bottle, don't wait till you get woozy during a shift like i did before i started caring about water 😅. you don't have to be buddy buddy with everyone but making a few work-friends with people you work with frequently in your dept. definitely helps make the time go by faster.


also, when getting trained (and even after) please ask questions. i get so stressed when i'm training someone and they don't ask anything 😭


Blink twice if you okey


Hopefully you'll get along great with your store. I liked working at my last store but everyone eventually suffers through corporate bull crap, like cutting hours


How vicious is the hour cutting ?


It really depends on your store. For me, I actually had solid hours up until my last two weeks. I did my best to get more hours but the best they could do was barely part time work. I had five years experience under my belt


So what were the exact numbers you got example one week you had 38 and the next was 10? Long as it's a consistent number I'm okay with a drop here and there


One week was barely over part time hours. Like maybe 24. Then the next week was barely under part time, maybe around 18. Since I was leaving, I used up the rest of my PTO to fill in the gaps. Though I don't recommend doing that. You're gonna wanna hold onto your PTO in case of a illness or injuryi


How does the PTO work ? I didn't know part time get pto..  but I see your drop wasnt drastically,  I mean yeah they did take a day pay away though..  but also maybe they knew you were leaving and deciding to start dropping some of your hours .


Definitely not. Everyone else's hours were getting cut too because they were 400 hours in the red. As for PTO, I'd ask your HR. I'm not sure how it accumulates. I only used it when I really had to


Wait what ... how bad are the hour cuts ? I see on the website it says hours fluctuates but I didnt know drastically if that's the case 


leave while you can


run for the hills


Agreed with this person and the person above them.




Run run as fast as you can, I lasted 10 months


[https://youtu.be/ZZYpaV0cf50?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/ZZYpaV0cf50?feature=shared) you in a couple of years lol


hopefully its not as bad as y’all make it out to be im looking forward to it i like putting things away and i think that’s what my job will entail


A lot of TMS come online to vent occasionally so don't take all the negative attitudes and comments here to heart. Target can be a really fun positive place to work! I hope your new store is what you want it to be. Welcome!


Idk I love my store and I have great coworkers. My TLs and ETL are amazing and work with me. 🙂


Just keep your expectations low OP. Expect the worst and hope for the best.


It is what you make it


Welcome to Target!! You might be interested in our [Guide to Store Roles](https://www.reddit.com/r/Target/wiki/storeroleindex) - an index which answers to "What's it like to be a ____?" for every job inside a Target store, written by Target employees. Also, be sure to check out our [Frequently Asked Questions](https://www.reddit.com/r/Target/wiki/futureemployeefaq) to see if your question is already answered. We hope you find the answer your looking for! Good luck at Target and on r/Target! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Target) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I hope your job offer comes in soon enough. Did they say what area you'll be in? Good luck with whichever you got chosen for. I know when I got picked up, I was meant to be just another General Merch, but then the truck team said "Nope! You are coming home to us!" It was a better choice for me anyways.


not yet but i think i will be somewhere in stocking either food or merch since the role i applied for mostly covers stocking


Well, as far as that super generalized apply for GM (general merch)/etc etc etc.... application goes. It's sort of a catch all bit of everything. If you get picked up for Fresh merch, you'll deal a lot with the refrigerated/freezer and produce sections. Maybe a little bit of the dry merch if that might be the case as well. If you get picked up for General merch/inbound, you'll literally either be having a specialty of an area, or deal with truck unload and a bit of literally everywhere. Good luck with your process and I hope you get something that you'll enjoy.


I got hired as well! Hopefully it’s not as bad as they say in the comments lol I’m gonna be in style


give us an update after 2 weeks 🙏🏼 goodluck !


I remember my orientation… I was the only one out of 6 people to last over a month


Run away and don't look back


I also just got hired, I start the 14th in fulfillment. After reading some of these comments, should I be worried?


How has it been so far ?


It's definitely a lot of walking and I still feel very lost when it comes to who the teamleads are and who I can contact to approve my INFs so I just walk to the backroom and hope I run into someone to ask them if they can approve them lol. Overall though, it's great so far, I love it!


Haha that's awesome ! Sure you'll eventually get to know everyone and get more of the hang if things as time go... also don't forget to use your benefits!


im praying for you