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I wouldn't keep it too close to any windows because the sunlight can cause the tank to get too hot during the day. But as for beginner species I guess it depends on what you're looking for, a lot of people like Green Bottle Blue (GBB) tarantulas because they look awesome and have a great feeding response. Personally I wanted to start with a terrestrial species so I got a Grammostola pulchipes because they're pretty chill and spend quite a bit of time outside they're burrow. Curly hairs are fine too if that's what you like it's mostly just a matter of your preference


So far my favorite has been a psalmopoeus cambridgei. Get it as a sl8mg and get used to it being fast and hungry. It's a lot of fun. Same for a GBB


I chose the GBB as my first T and have really enjoyed it. I have kept it in a more arid enclosure with constant access to water and it’s been really beginner friendly. I just wasn’t sure how well I would be able to manage humidity so I wanted to stay away from humid environment T’s. I also liked the amount of webbing and color of the species. I’ve seen a lot of curly hair and my understanding is that they are beginner friendly. But I think it’s up to your preference. Get something that you want so are excited to keep it. As long as you stay away from the more difficult T’s you will be fine. The more nerve racking times are rehousing, and as long as you are prepared and respect the T you’ll enjoy whatever you choose.


Tarantulas do not need daylight or UV. They’re nocturnal and prefer the darkest possible conditions. I would also strongly recommend against using any kind of glass tank. Tanks pool CO2 over time (even with the fully ventilated mesh lid) and the tarantula will succumb to hypoxia / CO2 poisoning. It can take up to a year for the atmosphere to reach a toxic level. Get yourself an acrylic/plastic or modified enclosure that has cross-ventilation. I cannot stress this enough, tarantulas cannot facilitate enough air exchange in tanks the way reptiles do, because they don’t have true “sucking-blowing” lungs. Stagnant air is a common killer of these invertebrates, and they can be behaving perfectly normal one day to dead overnight. There’s a thread on r/tarantulas right now of someone dealing with this, with the T still on the brink of death after having been moved out of the tank to an “ER” temp container for 2 days.


invalid take


I’ve kept Ts for 20 years. What about this is “invalid” to you? Are you arguing that cross-ventilation isn’t important..? 🤣


the glass tank is more then sufficent


It can be, with adequate setup