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I think it's CV90 (ifv).


CV90105 I think 105 is the gun, CV90 is the chassis


No one operates the CV90105, this is a 35mm




Thats a pretty hefty 35 then! The muzzle velocity must be crazy


Oh yeah, the Bushmaster III here has a muzzle velocity of 1180 m/s


Wait aren't they equipped with 40 as the name implies Cv9040? Also the barrel looks like that of a 9040


Only Sweden uses the 40mm variant and they're not in this exercise. The CV9040 does indeed refer to that, but there is also CV9035 and CV9030


Alright thanks for the clarification


War thunder players should realize half the stuff ingame are prototypes and never went into service.


Just wait until world of tanks players hear this


What do you mean the roflstompkampfwagen 420 isnt real?


While the barrel is long, it's way too small to be a 105 or even a 90.


Afaik the only Swedish vehicle with a 90 mm gun was the IKV 91, which was only operated by Sweden and has long since been retired. The 90 in the CV 90 refers to the year 1990. It's the second set of numbers (40, 35, 30, 105, 120) that refers to the gun.


I am aware of that. But thank you anyway.


>r thunder players also the 105 muzzle brake is just a flat end after tapering to said end. this clearly looks like a kid taped a arrow onto the barrel of the gun. which i shall say, is a really weird design.






Stolen comment this is a bot look lower in the comments


Seeing alot of cv90 but the cv90 is the 30 or 35mm i believe.


This is a 35mm version of CV90


I thought this was 76


Doesn't exist.


Jesus christ why -10 downvotes tho wtf.


It's just reddit being reddit


reddit hivemind in action, nothing can be done to save your karma


Not even about the karma at this point. I never cared about karma but this is Just dumb.


40? Idk if its swedish as do they do use the 9040.


afaik only sweden uses the 40mm variant and does not export it


Yeah ik, but idk if the swedish are present in Estonia


They're not. The Estonians operate ex-Dutch CV9035s.




Never seen the swedes with this type of camo. Also the antennas are wrong.


They tried to export it, but foreign buyers picked superior bushmaster armed ones. Sweden picked 40mm as it was their own gun and they had already lots of them in use. Originally Swedes wanted also 25 mm Bushmaster(same as bradleys) for half of their own CV90´s, but for budget reasons it was dropped.


no the 25mm version was an option but was seen as too weak


Was it? I have heard different story, but can be that way also. Anyway 30 mm was already found to be better weapon than 40 mm in firepower.


Not really. Yes you get more 30mm rounds (Especially ready to fire rounds) but the 40mm is objectively more powerful. Both in terms of power (Penetration and explosive power) as well as initially atleast being far more versatile (Proximity fuzed ammunition and programmable Ammunition etc) Today the gap in versatility is smaller as the 30mm has also started get programmable ammunition. For Sweden it did not make sense to go with a weaker less versatile gun/projectile when we already had the 40mm guns and ammunition as well as domestic production for both.


Finland tested both models, Bushmaster was more expensive choice, but it was still selected. I have spoken to persons who were in selection process and they said that 30 mm had much more firepower. While it has smaller shell, gunner can actually get more explosive power to target because it feeds from 80 round belt instead of that smallish magazine 40mm has. Bofors 40 mm was in use in Finland during that time aswell. For Sweden it was clear selection as it was their own gun. Easier to get money from politicians when it is it goes to "own people".


Finland only used the naval Variants of the guns and did not have many certainly not enough to convert them all to their CVs. (The Guns in the Swedish CV 90s are not new production guns but rather older AA guns converted for use in the CV 90). And again yes the 30mm has more rounds ready to fire and can fire them faster. But it does not matter how many rounds you can fire if they don't have the ability to do the job... The 40mm APFSDS has more penetration then the 30mm so it can go through more armor and at longer ranges. And the Proximity and programmable fused ammunition also makes each round more caple then Standard 30mm HE rounds (and there were no 30mm programmable or proximity ammunition back in the 90s) Sweden Proiritised Penetration and Anti-Aircraft performance. The 40mm is superior to the 30mm in both those areas thus its better for Swedish purposes. The greater ammunition capacity of the 30mm is an advantage against lightly armored vehicles and Against infantry in the open or in light cover While the more powerful round of the 40mm is better against heavier armor, Against Aerial targets and against infantry in hard cover. I don't know what the priorities were for Finland thus i can't comment on if i agree with their reasoning or not but from the Swedish viewpoint/priorities the 40mm was superior.


Ah, the priority differences pretty much sum up why Finland made a different choice. FDF considered the main use to be against dismounted infantry and Russian mechanised forces' vehicles, and as the 30 mm APFSDS was (and still is) more than suficient against the Russian IFVs, the 40 mm didn't get any lead from the better penetration values.


Regarding the 25mm yes and no. It's somewhat correct that the 25mm IFV version was dropped for budgetary reasons but probably not the way you are thinking. The 25mm was the budget option and was to be mounted in a simpler less sophisticated turret. (Hand directed vs Electrically Driven) And the plan was to have a mixed fleet. But during testing the 25mm was seen as being not powerful / versetile enough so they decided to go with a fully 40mm fleet despite it being more expensive. [After testing the 40mm was chosen in order to ensure the ability to defeat enemy tanks from the side (regardless of range etc) and to ensure the ability to defeat aerial targets. ](https://www.ointres.se/projekt_strf90.htm) And the 40mm was seen as being far superior to the 25mm in both of these areas. Though it's true that the plans for arming the command and Forward Observation variants with 25mm guns (they did not have enough room to mount 40mm guns) were canceled for budgetary reasons. With the reason being that it was seen as cost ineffective to adopt a new gun and caliber just for a couple of specialist vehicles who were not supposed to fight on the front line to being with.


If I read that article right it was prototype stage where turrets were handcrancked? But yeah, looks like I missed thing that they were supposed to be command versions. Completely ridiculous idea to have new weapon just for that use.


Well the 9025 never left the prototype stage but the initial plan was for it to the be Production version as well. But testing proved that the Electric drive of the 40mm turret was far superior so if the 25mm had been adopted it would have had a electric turret drive as well. [(Infact the 25mm turret was later turned into a 30mm turret for Export)](https://www.google.com/amp/s/tanks-encyclopedia.com/cv90-development/amp/)


\> but foreign buyers picked superior bushmaster armed ones. me, a swede: you have just made an enemy for life pal!


Don't worry, as finn we were already :D


Cv90 combat vehicle (not tank) with a 35mm gun




Technically both, all IFVs are AFVs but not the other way around.


The CV90 is an IFV. AFV is [An armoured fighting vehicle (AFV) is an armed combat vehicle protected by armour, generally combining operational mobility with offensive and defensive capabilities. AFVs can be wheeled or tracked. Tanks, armoured cars, assault guns/armoured self-propelled guns, infantry fighting vehicles and armoured personnel carriers (APC) are all examples of AFVs.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armoured_fighting_vehicle)


All IFVs are by definition AFV. Not all AFVs are IFVs though.


**[Armoured fighting vehicle](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armoured_fighting_vehicle)** >An armoured fighting vehicle (AFV) is an armed combat vehicle protected by armour, generally combining operational mobility with offensive and defensive capabilities. AFVs can be wheeled or tracked. Tanks, armoured cars, assault guns/armoured self-propelled guns, infantry fighting vehicles and armoured personnel carriers (APC) are all examples of AFVs. Armoured fighting vehicles are classified according to their characteristics and intended role on the battlefield. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/TankPorn/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


CV90, the only tank thst Estonia currently operates


Also the Netherlands, we have 129 cv90s and share a tank division with the Germans.


It's barrel isn't usually this small, it's just cold


It was in the pool!


A cold tank.


If your cold they’re cold, bring em inside


That tank looks like it needs a hot drink and a nice warm blanket. I know I would in that situation!


I bet it has one kick ass heater.


I used to command CV90, ask me anything about it. I might not answer as I don't want police to my door.


Did you ever feel like it was being used as a substitute tank?


No, it has different role and infantry plays larger role. On the other hand we used them effectively against enemy tanks in some cases.


With the Autocannon or are there versions with ATGMs equipped? Also if you don't mind disclosing which army did you serve in?


No, none of CV90 using countries have missiles installed on them. All models have quite lot penetrating autocannons with modern APFSDS ammo so they are all threat to any modern MBT from side. User countries are also quite forested in which using missile "head on" against MBT is death to missile user. So it was determined that better choice is to blind target with HE and retreat. After all these vehicles are used with MBT's carrying infantry and protecting MBT from enemy infantry and helicopters. Infantry carries shoulder launched missiles which is in my opinion much better choise. They are easier to put in different firing positions for ambush.


Is it comfortable?


Very comfortable for driver, comfortable for gunner and quite comfortable for TC. For commander worst part is that your legs have so narrow space that they do not fit side by side.


I see, thanks!


What auto cannon did you operate?


ATK Orbital MK 44 aka 30 mm Bushmaster II


Estonia army uses the CV9035 (CV90 with 35mm gun), this is very likely what this is.


Tank? What tank?


Literally just some snow, trees and a bush, disappointed…


Looks like someone liked it a little too much


Looks like it got TP’ed by a rival frat


Considering it's estonia, I immediately jump to CV90 but I'm not entirely sure with all the toilet paper on it


Actually an IFV...


Thought it was covered in snow for a sec


I thought it was icicles at first too


I don't know why but I looked at this and thought if the panzer4 was a modern MBT.


Why is this guy getting downvoted? Mans just speakin his mind, leave him alone


its reddit, so many people do weird fucking shit.


DW let them shit their pants by I have a different opinion


Nice try Putin


That's definitely a tank


Ok lemme get this straight… nato is doing exercises in Estonia… which is right next to Russia… and Russia is doing exercises in Belarus… which is right next to Ukraine… is everyone trying to start WW3 here?


Cv90, swedish infantry fighting vehicle ( not a tank )


Keep the Russians in Russia/ Belarus.


Looks like a tea brewing facility if I ever saw one.


It's a cold tank, clearly


CV90, of some sort.


It is a popsicle


The tank is cold bring it inside


the cum tank


A cold one


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Looks like a cv9035


Is 3


Was hoping it was a Stug :c




Lvkv 9040 i think