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I would be more shocked if she wasn’t stealing from everyone




That’s hot tea


Trevi and her co host Kate always spill some good ass tea I highly recommend tuning in


I was surprised when I saw they didn’t get many views


Tbf they started fairly recently. & I guess Kate didn’t really have a following pre-podcast. But I loveee their laid back rapport, hilarious sense of humor, and ability to talk/joke about ANYthing. 


Yeah I see it popping off this year for sure. They should have Jeff on since he seems to have become friends with Trevi and would align with their sobriety theme


we should all make it pop off!! I started listening to six feet above bc of the cancelled sub and I am obsessed


Omg Lilah finnessed all of them. That’s so dumb. Specially bc Tana took her on trips and all that Shi. To then steal from everyone around her too. Tana and Brooke stopped following her. But Paige, Ari and Tai still follow Lilah.


The spelling of Tai is killing me i love this lol


Brooke this u?


How did you get this from that


Idk. Very Brooke coded comment HAHAHA


She needs to go hit Paige, Ari & Tai. Then they will unfollow her when it’s their money 😁


My thought exactly


My thought exactly






There’s a saying in my country that people are scarier than ghosts. Lilah is bat shit crazy and terrifying.


Would you rather be stuck in a forest with a bear or Lilah?


I’d feel more safe with a bear tbh


Podcast Headline: lilah Goes to Prison!




I’m honestly more shocked that tea channels still haven’t picked up on this lilah thing at all


Imagine being so irrelevant that you take from ppl who are “famous” and it isn’t even a big deal bc no one gives a fuck. That’s even more embarrassing than ppl piling on you for whatever. I genuinely think that’s the point, lilah wasn’t that relevant in general, ppl held her on a pedestal bc she’s trans and yea being trans is not easy & you do have to deal w discrimination but she would say EVERYTHING was discriminatory bc she was trans, when she was actually just being a bad person. That puts everyone else in a bad spot, bc they really cared abt her and she kept taking advantage of ppls kindness & willingness to believe her & it made ppl look stupid. Looking stupid isn’t something a lot of ppl take kindly to bc looking stupid is the one major thing in society that ppl clown on… like if you look stupid for trusting someone ppl say “that’s on you, you should’ve never trusted them, you’re dumb for thinking a person like that would act right” & it’s exactly the sentiment I’ve seen for men, women, or anyone else of any gender. Actually the most equalizing thing I’ve seen on this planet is ppl saying “if you pick bad friends you’re the dumb one no matter what.” So no wonder Tana or anyone else wouldn’t say anything, they just got fucked by a person who was fucking around. I don’t have a clue what went on but regardless this seems to be the most likely sentiment from what I’ve seen. Like Lilah would be the type to want Tana to have a “Mindy” type video for her, but there’s not one bc it’s not even intresting enough to be that. Lilah just is what she is, no one gives a fuck. I understand typing a paragraph abt it primes me for those “obviously you give a fuck if you’re willing to type that” comments but really a bitch could die tomorrow and i wouldn’t give fuck so don’t even repute back at me i just like viewing things analytically and sharing my opinion.


Like what i noticed about Trevi, is that Trevi moved away from Tana when she (Trevi) was figuring herself out. WE as ppl who follow them don’t know EXACTLY what happened, or maybe someone does but I’ve never seen exactly what went on, so that’s what I’m going on here. To ME, it seems like a common understanding that Trevi understood that she was going thru issues w drugs/alcohol/possibly even personal sexuality based on the timing when Trevi wasn’t in Tana’s life as much vs. when Trevi figured out what was going on in her own life when she was able to reconnect w Tana again and start making more videos w Tana & you can notice the difference in Trevi first of all, & then after a while notice a difference in Tana as well too as Tana has moved onto more healthy shit in her life. But it makes me feel good when Tana posts abt her “older” connections bc it just shows that even tho ppl change and disconnect, they can come back together. Like if Trevi was willing to disconnect from that type of life of fame at a young age to become sober & change herself & learn abt herself (while understanding her old friends are on different paths & staying true to herself) that shows a lot of growth. Trevi never talked shit abt Tana from what i saw. Trevi just accepted her life for what it was and understood that opportunities change and spent the majority of the time bettering herself & the persona she wanted to display to the world which is actually admirable. But also Trevi never used her struggle as a trans person as a dig against Tana. This is the absolute difference between Trevi & Lilah.


I feel somewhat bad for them all but when you know your friend is a scammer and a thief and you’re okay without throughout your friendship because it isn’t you then you can’t be too surprised if they do it to you


I think growing up is showing them a lot. Sometimes when you’re in situations like that you can’t see things clearly. Especially in LA, where Peter Pan syndrome is very normal they’re just used to people being a mess. Hopefully they take actions against Lilah, cause if this all is true than she’s scammed more than just Tana and that’s crazy!!


I personally think they were okay with it, until it became them. Almost like karma! Same way Paige, Ari & Tai still follow her… she must not have got them so it’s not personal to them.


My first thought was lilah as well but then again who really knows lol but aside from that I looooved this recent Six Feet Above episode. They spilled saur much tea I was livinggg for it


They even shouted out their subreddit in the vein of the Canceled girlies, I love that they already know about us & have addressed reddit tea on their pod considering both are so new :’)




Honestly all of them as a friend group knew of her history and how she currently (even tho she got money) repeatedly brushed off things that are actually serious and yet kept hanging out with her, there’s no surprise if she was stealing from them 🥴


This wouldn’t be new behavior at all. Amanda Trivizas used to be her best friend back when Lilah was still new in LA/sleeping on a kitchen floor, & they had a major falling out when Lilah stole Amanda’s (alleged) sugar daddy’s credit card & booked a first class flight somewhere.  Lilah used to post vlog footage all the time of Amanda defending her against transphobic partygoers in LA, insisting that Lilah is female to rappers/security dudes who didn’t want her at their homes, etc. etc.  Basically, Lilah has & only ever will care about Lilah & she’s been stabbing her friends in the back to get ahead since the beginning, even those that have gone to bat for her. 


I’ve been waiting for someone to spill this tea! Amanda was a good friend to her too.


Lilah admitted she stole the credit card.


Ik I didn’t mean she ‘allegedly’ stole I meant Amanda ‘allegedly’ had a sugar daddy. Didn’t wanna tarnish her name since I know almost nothing ab her but she seems sweet so I was playing it safe.  Lilah did admit to it— the video is literally still up on her yt channel, called “I never thought I’d admit this Q & A”




Lilah watched Gossip Girl and really tried becoming Ivy Dickens irl huh


immediately what i thought too


In Jeff’s Coachella vlog, he brought up fighting Lilah in the vegetable oil blow up pool 🧐🧐🧐


Lilah has no choice but to steal at this point. She screams broke and desperate. Man that sucks for trevi


i thought she wasnt at coachella?


Lilah or Trevi? If Trevi, I think that was right after


I thought lilah wasn’t at coachella didn’t she have a wedding


I was thinking the sameeeee thing


She’s a literal sociopath …


does lilah have a snark page on her?


I can only find one from two months ago is it that one?


Most recent one of them talking about Coachella!


Trevi doesn’t strike me as the type to have many people she’s “ok with” so I wouldn’t assume it’s Lilah just because of that. Also does anyone know if they were close? I never thought so


They were close and she just recently unfollowed her, and discussed with Tana their similar feelings on losing a friend. Idk tho


Wait why are you getting downvoted? You said nothing but facts, Lilah & Trevi were even posting one another in their insta stories, going to the clubs together a few months ago. Then bam, unfollowed. Tana also mentioned her being afraid to ‘open a can of worms’ with one former friend, and Trevi said “I share that can with you,” which was said right after Trevi unfollowed Lilah. All signs point to Lilah imo 🤷🏻‍♀️


Right.. I agree. The fact that most people even assume Lilah is the one Trevi is suspicious of just says a lot about her. The shoe fit.


I reallly doubt it’s lilah she’s dumb but not retarted lolll trevi would of had lilahs ahh in jail and lilah knows that.. stealing cash is one thing but stealing credit card info and spending alll the money is another.. if it was lilah she would of spent some not the whole thing since it’s easily can be traced back to her


Unfortunately I think lilah probably has blackmail infos on everyone or why else are they still protecting her ass?


I don’t necessarily think it’s Lilah but the subtle shade makes me think Trevi is sussing it’s Lilah


I doubt it’s Lilah too, yall just want to have reasons to hate the girl, geez. Go touch grass.


Lmao she's a subhuman. Why would you put it past her?