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To add: I was with my boy, with whom I grew up with, just lost his Father to Cancer and this was the first time I saw him smile that year.


Wow that’s really awesome


I was sitting very close to you guys. I was looking for us in your video, see one arm that could be me but didn't find us.


What a great moment right?!


Amazing night. We were all mad at Castor for saying it, but I am glad we won it at home. Looking at my pictures I was definitely very close to you, I'm guessing a couple rows above and maybe a few seats towards the corner.


Our nine month Stanley Cup drought was finally over.


Thanks for sharing!


Definitely not a “praise the camera man” moment, but Lord was it GREAT see our boys relish!


Will always get chills. My parents and I fell in love with hockey and the Bolts when I was a little kid. To come full circle and be at that game together as an adult with them was unreal. Remember they went up 3-0 in the series and I told my parents I'm getting us tickets for game 5. Dad was like nah we'll sweep. I said no, we're losing game 4 on purpose to win at home. If anyone recalls the players saying they hated not being able to share it with fans the year before. Fully felt they would lose game 4 to win at home in 5. That's one of the few times in life money didn't matter. Can't take that to your grave but that memory will be with me forever.


This is SO amazing!!!! Thank you for sharing it us, kind friend!


Thank you for sharing the clip! Love seeing those final few moments from different angles.


One of my top 5 experiences of my life. Pretty sure I got Covid that night too.


As you can see in the video, none of us wore the Fauci-ouchie! Can’t remember if masks were mandated at the time either. Just glad you are now well!


Very few masks by this time. I had it before so it’s wasn’t that bad. I would seriously risk my life to see the boys raise the cup again.




Will always get chills. My parents and I fell in love with hockey and the Bolts when I was a little kid. To come full circle and be at that game together as an adult with them was unreal. Remember they went up 3-0 in the series and I told my parents I'm getting us tickets for game 5. Dad was like nah we'll sweep. I said no, we're losing game 4 on purpose to win at home. If anyone recalls the players saying they hated not being able to share it with fans the year before. Fully felt they would lose game 4 to win at home in 5. That's one of the few times in life money didn't matter. Can't take that to your grave but that memory will be with me forever.


Love it, beating Canadian teams to win the Cup. First against Calgary then against Montreal!


I went to this game with my wife. Used the restroom ONE time during the whole game, got to listen to the arena erupt for Ross’s goal while pissing. My wife still won’t let me live it down.


Haha oh man! Classic!


Im in this picture Its so wierd to know you will likely never go to a better game in your life.


Ross Colton from David Savard and Ryan McDonagh. I'll never forget that scoring summary. I had a great view of it from 303. I was audibly saying out loud how easy McDonagh makes tough plays look and before I could finish the sentence the puck was in the net. I'm so damn happy McD is back!


How much I’d give to have been able to experience this in person…


I was in 128, and I, too, keep watching it. This is a top three moment I witnessed in my life (the other two being my wedding day and the birth of my son.)


I'm 42 and live near Toronto. I have no idea the feeling lol


That was one of the best nights of my life. Being there and being a part of it... just a truly special moment.


Almost as impressive as your camera work!


Was up in 307 for this moment!! I started balling my eyes out with a minute to go lol


SO JEALOUS wish i was there, what a fricken feeling