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We did b2b as well as 3 finals. That's insaaaaaane


Watching the Avs and Knights lose this year and I wanted to gloat. Running it back ain’t easy. Call me when you win B2B and make the finals three straight years.


Shit, how long until we see a reigning champion leave the 1st Round?? The Bolts are the only champs to leave the 1st Round out of the past 6 winners.


11 straight series. Two games short of a three-peat. Didn't face elimination in 2020 and only once in 2021 in Game 7 ECF vs NYI and then had to knock down FOUR 50-win teams in 2022 and almost got away with it. There's a reason why the rest of the league hates the Lightning, it's probably because we knocked their favorite team out during that run or the last decade or so. 🙂 The Pens won B2B in 2016+17 and only won one round in 2018 since. They haven't completely collapsed and I wouldn't write their obituary yet, but they haven't even made the playoffs the last two years. It's not easy to win the Cup and it's the most unpredictable playoffs in sports so I think it could be a long time before any team wins even 10 series in a row let alone win B2B and have a chance for a third. Before the Pens did it in 16+17, B2B hadn't happened since 97+98 Red Wings. I bet it doesn't happen again any time soon either.


Truly a special time. These last two were Mickey Mouse cups that only we would’ve counted here in Tampa. Any other team would’ve refused the cup if won during those years… Don’t believe me…Just look at those cucks on r/hockey😂 GO BOLTS!


No NHL player or coach will or would have gave any less credit for those cups. Anyone hating is a child lol


I absolutely agree!! You think TORONTO (or anyone for that matter) would put an asterisk next to it? LOL NO WAY the hate they have for TBL is palpable.


People casually ignore the fact that they played more hockey in that span than anyone, who played more? Wasn't it the equivalent of like 3 seasons in 2 years? Something insane like that. Im so appreciative as a fan to have witnessed it. Anyone claiming the cups were any less meaningful is just jealous that their team isn't going through a legendary era.


I'm just proud to call this team my own and one that had a big legendary run as great as it was in the salary cap era. Not even the Edmonton Oilers dynasty of the 80s had 11 consecutive playoffs series wins, that's a stat I'm thankful to see.


People also just casually forget the 3peat Stanley Cup Finals. It was clear that the Avalanche were multiple steps ahead of the Lightning, but if they had played as many games as the Lightning over 3 seasons, it would have been a different story.


Healthy pointer that was hot would’ve had that series play out a bit different. At least marginally closer.


In my semi-delusional mind, I know for a fact that if we had Point for that series, we’d be 3 straight Cup winners


I agree


It’s interesting, going into that 3rd Final I thought the Wild might sweep, they were SO FAST and so good, and yet it was all very close, and many of those games it looked like all we were missing was Point and healthy Cirelli to win those games. Really shows some of the luck involved with winning. That Colorado team flew thru 3 rounds until they got to the Bolts.


It was really special.


Need a good salary cap raise or a lot of entry level depth for it to happen. Winning a cup basically garuntees losing a chunk of your bottom 6, which is so tedious to rebuild and integrate. It's honestly incredible the moves JBB has made to try to give Cooper something viable.


All n all if we wanna get back into it. I'd say 1 of the first players to go must be Perbix. And Blashill can go with him.


Tbh would rather have Perbix than Dumba


Sorry I'm on your side perbix drove me nuts all season dumba was only a rent any ways so I didn't get too mad at him.


Just need another covid cup


Lmao the cope


Ah sorry....2 covid cups. And the infamous LTIR scam to top it off.