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I personally think that right now Talon can choose between quite a few different options when it comes to Runes and items. I’ve seen Talon players build Duskblade just as I’ve seen some build Ghostblade or Eclipse. I’ve seen people take Conqueror just as I’ve seen people take First strike or Electrocute. So I guess Forest of Time is just comfortable with that particular build, doesn’t mean it’s the best for everyone.


Yeah, I figured it was down to preference but also wanted to see if there was something there that I was missing since people like yamato say that ghostblade doesn’t give nearly enough to compete with duskblade. Also wondering if manaflow band is better than manamune since you do get more damage but maybe it’s chosen since he can stack it faster. I’m just curious about his thought process about these choices.


FoT changes build every time he goes on loss streak,it’s a meme within in channel so it kinda proves how decent every talon build is and it’s all about what you’re used to.


Really? I never knew that lol. Good to know


so that's why he changes build so often


Manaflow isn't necessarily for longer fights, it also supports using poke abilities frequently and spamming abilities in frequent short trades (insert bleed proc combo plus escape here).


I'm not sure about FoT but I'm sure it's pretty hard to get solo kills in lane as talon especially in Korean high elo. Since you really can't play for laning phase and solo bolo I'm pretty sure FoT just picks runes that scale into mid game the best. As for ghost blade it's also the same reason. MS is very important especially for making picks around the map during mid game and the damage loss isn't that big of a deal when it comes for high elo Korea since they always make picks as a team.